MORRISTOWN — The Morris County Board of Freeholders will introduce their 2018 county budget at the board’s meeting on Wednesday, February 28 starting at 7:00 p.m., in the Public Meeting Room on the fifth floor in the Morris County Administration and Records Building, 10 Court Street, Morristown

Freeholders Christine Myers, Kathy DeFillippo, and Deborah Smith, who comprise the board’s budget committee, will be joined by the county’s professional staff at the session, to unveil and outline the proposed fiscal package.
“We have worked hard to ensure that we offer a fiscally responsible 2018 budget, one that adequately finances key programs and services, deals with our responsibility to help our less-fortunate residents, but also looks to set the county us on a long-term path to fiscal stability through strategic planning,” said Deputy Freeholder Director Myers, who chairs the committee.
Key budget documents and financial information, including the 2015, 2016 and 2017 operating and capital budgets, can be found by clicking here.
The board will hold its work session at 4:30 p.m. in the Knox Room on the fifth floor in the Administration Building. Residents should be aware they must go through a first floor security screening process to enter the building.