PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany High School Band Boosters is a non-profit organization made up of active parents who volunteer their time to support the musical and creative endeavors of their children.
They believe in the importance of the arts in education, and greatly appreciate the support of others in the community who share the belief that music and the other fine arts are essential to the education and development of our young people in today’s society.
This year they are organizing a fundraising event which will be held February 21, 2016 at Boonton Lanes in Boonton. All proceeds from this event will go towards the PHS Band Boosters Scholarship and Awards Fund.
As part of our event, they will be having a Tricky Tray to help raise funds.
The group is seeking support as they ask local businesses for a tax-deductible donation. A donation can take the form of goods or services that can be offered as a tricky tray prize.
Any donations can be mailed to PHS Band Boosters, Att: Greg Dalakian, 309 Baldwin Road, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054.
Please note that every business that makes a donation will be recognized during the event. Also, throughout the event, they will make a point of acknowledging your donation and encourage our attendees to patronize the local businesses that donated towards the tricky tray. The event is expected to have approximately 100 attendees.
If you have any questions regarding a donation of goods or services, please contact Ann Berdetta, or call (973) 647-0157.
These talented and hard-working teenagers take one step closer to achieving their life’s goals and aspirations.
What community do you live in? We reside at 29 Farmstead Drive, District 38, close to Parsippany High School.
How long have you lived there? 20 years.
How old are you? 62
Provide family information: Married 38 years to Dr. Susan Elbin. We have one daughter, Rachel, 28 years old.
What is your education background? BA, German and Religion, Dickinson College; MA German, PSU; I taught high school German for 30 years.
Why do you think you are qualified for this position? I’m a skilled negotiator, having worked on four teacher-board contracts. Although emotions can run high, I’m confident I will be able to help gain consensus in the face of tough issues.
Why are you running for this elected office? Although I’m active in many volunteer organizations that support our community, I need to be able to represent Parsippany on Town Council. I have observed how our Council has spent two years virtually deadlocked on issues. We have an opportunity to end this stagnation and ensure an independent Council that can truly represent the interests of all citizens. We need to end the partisan politics that prevail in our community.
What are the three issues that most concern you?
a. Transparency: One of the Council’s major responsibilities is oversight of budgeting and spending. Under the present administration, budgets have been late, and copies have not been readily available to the public. Council members have been prevented from reviewing legal and other bills.
b. Development: Some on Council have voted “yes” on every developer’s proposal on the Waterview tract, which borders the Lake Intervale residential area. The Council needs my vote to ensure that we ask the right questions and make the right choices, not only on Waterview, but also on other open space issues, rezoning, and the Council on Affordable Housing.
c. Escalating Legal Costs: We have one million dollars in litigation and legal bills for the Town Attorney. Indeed, legal fees have increased 45% since 2010. A good portion of the litigation expense is dedicated to a politically motivated lawsuit. These fees are footed by the taxpayer.
Explain your proposed approach to managing these issues.
a. Transparency: The local “pay to play” ordinance was eviscerated and open space decisions were taken away, for example, from the Open Space Committee. I would ask the standing committees to make regular presentations at council meetings about issues under their purview, empowering members of said committees to share their expertise. Their advice should be weighed heavily. I would also ensure that Township budgets are accessible to the public in a timely manner.
b. Development: The present administration has ushered in an era of unrestrained development in the town, by virtue of the “areas in need of redevelopment” designation. Some of the “areas” are areas that have never been developed. We need to be true to the Master Plan in terms of new development projects. If changes in zoning are necessary, they need to be effected through mindful reexamination of the Master Plan, and not slipped in through the back door by means of capricious spot zoning.
c. Escalating Legal Costs: One of the major jobs of our Council is to review
invoices. As a councilman, I would insist that Council be able to review all billing. We can no longer accept the highly redacted versions of attorney bills. The rising cost of politically motivated lawsuits is a burden on our taxpayers that is intolerable.
Have you held elected office before? Vice President of Morris Hills Regional District Education Association, four years; Treasurer, Northern Chapter of AATG, six years; President-Elect of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany-Troy Hills, 2016-2017.
What organizations do you belong to? Lay Member at Parsippany United Methodist; Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany, AATG, NJEA, Lodge 700, Free & Accepted Masons.
What community do you live in? We live in Rickland Village which is East of North Beverwyck Road and South of Vail Road.
How long have you lived there? We have lived in Parsippany for over 50 years.
How old are you? I am 76 years old.
Provide family information: Dee and I recently celebrated our 55th Anniversary. Our three children and ten grandchildren all live within an hour’s drive. Our grandchildren range in ages from 28 down to 11.
What is your education background? I have an Electrical Engineering degree from Fairleigh Dickenson University. I completed many technical courses required by the Bell System, and others while on active duty in the Air Force.
Why do you think you are qualified for this position? I have served Parsippany as an elected official for over 38 years. All of my decisions have been based upon quality of life issues. When Money Magazine rated Parsippany as the “Best small city to live in New Jersey”, they considered the eight categories that I base my decision upon; property taxes, home values, population growth, land development, employment, crime rate, school performance, and proximity to services. I have been a part of the collective wisdom that shaped our Township. I am the only elected official in Parsippany to be inducted into the New Jersey State League of Municipalities “Elected Officials Hall of Fame”. My record is one of accomplishment.
Why are you running for this elected office? Our work is not done. New challenges are on the horizon that jeopardize our quality of life in Parsippany.
What are the three issues that most concern you? Actually, there are four issues that concern me. (1) New Supreme Court mandates for low and moderate income housing; (2) Office Vacancy Rates; (3) Our infrastructure (Sewer Plant; Water Plant; Roads; Parks; etc.); and continued support for our Volunteers.
Explain your proposed approach to managing these issues. Parsippany’s obligation (1) to build low and moderate income housing depends upon the available space that we have. The more space that we have, the more housing that we must allow. For example, the 26 acre Waterview Tract … either that will be developed with a Whole Foods store and five smaller stores combined with 9.5 acres of open space (with no apartments and no school children), or it will be developed with 600 apartments, 120 of which will be low and moderate income (and however many school children that will generate). (2) We must help and support Commercial property owners to make their properties more attractive to potential clients. One example could be allowing an office complex to open a Day Care Center in their complex. Imagine how many educated and trained mothers with small children that employers could attract if they could offer free childcare services at their location. We must be open minded and supportive of new proposals to fill our vacant offices. (3) Even though we have upgraded the processing of sewerage with the resultant significant savings in electrical costs, the remainder of the plant also be maintained and upgraded including the Catch Basin, the Electrical System, and the pumps and blowers. Water Towers, Wells, pumps, and water pipes must be maintained. The many miles of Roads that the Township is responsible for must be maintained, plowed and cleaned on a scheduled basis. All of our many parks must be maintained and kept safe for our children’s use. Our Volunteers constantly need to upgrade old equipment and replace supplies. We need to support them in every way that we can.
Have you held elected office before? In addition to the 32 years that I have served as a Councilman, I have also served on the Parsippany School Board for six years. While on the school board, I also served as President of the Morris County School Boards Association.
What organizations do you belong to? I am a Life Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10184; a Life member of the American Legion Post 249; a 42 year member of the Parsippany Rotary Club (and two-time Past President); a Trustee of Craftsman Farms; Planning Board member for 22 years; Sons of Italy (Chairman of the Scholarship Committee); Open Space Committee; Knoll Country Club Advisory Committee; Little League East, Little League West and Parsippany Soccer team sponsor for the past 32 years; Fairleigh Dickenson University Alumni Association; National Notary Association; the Association of Government Accountants; the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; Phi Beta Gamma (a National Executive Honor Society); and Parishioner of St. Ann Church (Door Hospitality and Golf Committee).
How long have you lived there? 15 Years; 40 in Parsippany all together
How old are you? 49
Provide family information: Single, Twin 8 year old Boys
What is your education background? BA in Sociology / Criminal Justice from East Stroudsburg University
Why do you think you are qualified for this position? Currently the Council President. I feel I have worked very hard for the quality of life for our residents. I have an understanding of budgets and I have proven that I know how to eliminate wasteful spending.
Why are you running for this elected office? I have lived in Parsippany most of my life. I grew up here. I want to continue to do what is right for the residents of Parsippany.
What are the three issues that most concern you? The quality of life for our residents, taxes, and our town being more Transparent. Our residents deserve to know where their money is being spent. This is an on going issue I have had with our current administration since I became a councilman.
Explain your proposed approach to managing these issues. I will continue to scrutinize every dollar spent and look for ways to save out tax payer’s money. I proposed over 1.2 million dollars in budget cuts this last year alone which were approved and those cuts did not affect a single service to our township residents. I will continue to look for ways to generate revenue for our town which will in turn lower our taxes. I will continue to fight to make our township government transparent to all of our residents.
Have you held elected office before? I have been a councilman since September of 2010. I am currently the Council President.
What organizations do you belong to? Parishioner at St. Christopher’s Church, Sons of Italy
How old are you? Gentleman do not ask ladies their age.
Provide family information (married, single, children and ages). Married to Adam; two sons, Andrew 49, Peter 43
What is your education background? I am a partner in a kitchen and bath establishment in Parsippany Township; Ongoing education in new technology, building codes and design concepts; Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn, NY
Why do you think you are qualified for this position? I work with people every day making decisions regarding their budget needs as to best cost, least cost for their project(s). As a member of the Finance Council of St. Ann Church we make budget decisions that affect the overall operations of our parish always keeping in mind what will best serve our parishioners.
I am currently a member of the Township Board of Adjustment serving since 2006 where decisions are made not only for the residents but our township.
Why are you running for this elected office? I want to get more involved in the decision making process that will affect this Township and its residents. I love this town and would like to help protect the quality of life that we have come to enjoy.
What are the three issues that most concern you?
Court mandated low income and affordable housing
Reduce the office vacancy level in our township to increase our ratable base
Support our volunteers
Explain your proposed approach to managing these issues.
Land that is available now (i.e. – Waterview Site). Should this parcel not be developed there is an application pending before the Parsippany Board of Adjustment with the possibility of 120 affordable units being built and placing a strain on educational and town services.
Encourage owners of commercial properties to enhance the exterior and interior of their buildings to attract new tenants.
The service that our volunteers provide are essential to our township.
I have worked with our volunteers during Hurricane Irene and witnessed the day to day relief that they provided to our residents. If we were to pay for these services our taxes would have to increase significantly.
Have you held elected office before? No
What organizations do you belong to?
Morris County Women’s Republican Club
Parsippany Republican Club Member and Secretary
Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms Development Committee
PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council will conduct a special meeting on Monday, November 2, at 6:00 in the Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss litigation over the lawsuit RD Realty vs. Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills and an application of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills for a “Determination of Mount Laurel Compliance.”
These matters will be discussed in closed session only.
Sources tell Parsippany Focus that Mayor Barberio will ask the Township Council to consider a settlement with RD Management which would permit a Whole Foods Market and several other stores to be built on the Waterview Tract.
In October 2013, the Township Council voted against creating an Overlay Zone at Waterview which would have permitted a mix use of Town Homes, and a shopping center which included a Whole Foods.
RD Management also has an application pending with the Parsippany Board of Adjustment for 120 affordable housing units which is scheduled to be heard in early December.
Regarding a possible settlement regarding Waterview, Council President Paul Carifi, Jr. told Parsippany Focus, “As always I will continue to listen to and represent the people of Parsippany in what they want and not what others want.”
Sheriff Edward Rochford being honored by New Jersey Taxpayers Association
MORRIS COUNTY — The New Jersey Taxpayers’ Association presented its 2015 NJTA Taxpayer Advocate Award recipients held on Wednesday, October 28.
Nominations were considered in four areas of focus: Shared Services / Consolidation, Open Government, School Choice and 2015 Special Achievement, all of whom contributed meaningful efforts to encourage government to find ways to reduce taxation in New Jersey.
This year’s recipient in the category of Shared Services / Consolidation was presented to Former Long Hill Township Mayor and current Executive Director or Courage to Connect New Jersey, Gina Genovese.
Open Government Award being presented to State Senator Joe Pennacchio
State Assemblyman Anthony Bucco
Sheriff Edward Rochford receiving his award
Sheriff Edward Rochford being honored by New Jersey Taxpayers Association
This year’s recipients in the category of Open Government was presented to State Senator Loretta Weinberg and State Senator Joe Pennacchio.
This year’s recipient in the category of School Choice was presented to State Assemblyman Anthony Bucco.
This year’s recipient in the category of 2015 Special Achievement was presented to Morris County Sheriff Ed Rochford.
The award recipients was recognized at the NJTA General Membership Meeting held at the Morris County Library, 30 East Hanover Avenue, Whippany.
PARSIPPANY — Congratulations Parsippany High School Marching Band for making First Place in the States Competition at the Highpoint Solutions Stadium Rutgers University and for bringing home the prestigious Marines Award!
Parsippany High School RedHawks Marching Band won the Group IV A 2015 State Championship. They took first place at the NJ State Competition for Best Music, Best Overall Effect. With a score of 92.9.
Senior Drum Major Dev Lad, Jordan Farrar and Brendan Laux holding the trophy
MORRIS COUNTY — Daylight Saving Time (DST) will end at exactly at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 1. The mornings will get lighter and the evenings darker and we will get an extra hour in bed.
Daylight Savings Time which is the act of setting clocks one hour forward during the spring, and one hour back during the fall.
The good news for the early risers is that sunrise will be about an hour earlier and there will be more light in the mornings, but it also means sunset will be at 4:53 p.m.
Don’t forget to set your clocks when going to bed this evening.
PARSIPPANY — Ms. Rosemarie McGregor, 71, Parsippany was traveling westbound on Smith Road when she struck a utility pole. She stated she was reaching for a pair of sunglasses when she struck the utility pole.
Her vehicle was towed from the scene by C & L Towing. She was transported by Parsippany Emergency Services to Morristown Medical Center.
There were no summons issued at the scene. The accident was investigated by Patrolman Pasquale Parisi.
Ms. McGregor was traveling west bound on Smith Road
Robert Peluso, Jr. receiving candy from Rafael Ortiz and Chris Savanovic
PARSIPPANY — The Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills hosted a successful Trunk-or-Treat on Friday, October 30. The event was held at Veterans Memorial Park, Route 46.
The event attracted hundreds of children and their families. Participants decorated their vehicles and children went to each vehicle to retrieve their treats.
Mayor James Barberio with Emma Warburtown and Layla Galarza
Fireman Freddie Green, Dan Olse and Fireman Corey Martin
The staff of Houlihans distributing candy
The Peluso Family
Patrolman Ernest Ebanks distributing candy to the children
Mayor James Barberio and Patrolman Ernest Ebanks with the “Incredible” family
Ethan Meade, Breanne Calabrese, Patrick Ture and Taylor Donnelly
Local resident dressed for the occasion
Councilman Michael dePierro and Council Candidate Loretta Gragnani handing out candy
Firemen Patrick Campbell, Freddie Green, Corey Martin and Patrick Campbell, Jr., and Peyton Campbell
Robert Peluso, Jr. receiving candy from Rafael Ortiz and Chris Savanovic
Junior Patrolman Gary Goodson and Patrolman Ernest Ebanks
“Trunk or treating” — in which little ghouls and goblins collect candy from the back of cars parked at Veterans Park — is giving the door-to-door tradition a run for its money in Parsippany.
Parents like the idea because events are hosted by trusted people in safe, well-lit areas. Cars can be decorated, music and food is sometimes offered, and there’s no worry about losing track of little ones.
“This is a way to share with the community while making sure their holiday is safe and happy,” Council Vice President Robert Peluso said. “Everything is free. Our volunteer organizations also participate. Parsipany-Troy Hills Police Department, Parsippany Rescue and Recovery, Rainbow Lakes Volunteer Fire District 2, Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance and Rockaway Neck First Aid Squad all participated. It’s a lot of fun.”
Marijuana candy can look like a chocolate bar, gummy candy, jelly bean or caramel
MORRIS COUNTY — The use of marijuana candy is rising in New Jersey, prompting the Morris County prosecutor and Parsippany-Troy Hills Police to issue a Halloween alert.
This poses serious health risks to users, especially children during Halloween. It is possible that children could accidentally receive marijuana candy. Adults should check for strange odors in candy received by children. Currently there is no information indicating that anyone would intentionally give out marijuana candy.
THC level in these products may be as high as 90% compared to 10 to 20% found in marijuana cigarettes. Marijuana candy is made with oil from marijuana plants. This oil is added to the candies during production. Marijuana chocolate is made by mixing marijuana oil with melted chocolate. Some marijuana products have different levels of THC, and the levels of products sold on the black market may be unknown.
There has been an increase in the variety of edible marijuana products available, including candy.The higher levels of THC in these products presents increased risk if ingested by children.
Fact Sheet:
Indications & Physical Effects
Shallow low breathing
Red eyes/dilated pupils
Dry mouth
Increased appetite
Slow reaction time
Short term memory loss
Distorted sense of time
Packaging may resemble popular brands
Emits an odor of marijuana when opened
Long Term Health Risks
Breathing problems
Cognitive impairment
Wear vinyl or non-latex gloves when handling possible marijuana candy and throw the gloves away after use
Thoroughly wash hands after removing gloves and before eating, drinking, or smoking to prevent potential ingestion of drug particles
Contact Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department when you observe possible illegal drug-related activityIt should be noted that the Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana Act (CUMMA) was signed into law in New Jersey to protect those who are authorized to use or produce marijuana for medical purposes from criminal proceedings. For more information, click here.
The Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (GCADA) has launched a statewide awareness campaign, “Addiction Does Not Discriminate” to help fight drug abuse by showing that no one is immune to the deadly drug problem. This program provides New Jersey residents with information on preventing abuse, recognizing those at risk, and finding treatment. Click here.
MORRIS COUNTY – The Morris County Chamber of Commerce today recognized New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio for his legislative efforts by awarding him the “Alex DeCroce Public Leadership Award” at the chamber’s 2015 Annual Economic Outlook Luncheon in Florham Park.
“Assemblyman DeCroce was a tireless advocate for small business and entrepreneurship not only in Morris County but throughout New Jersey. I am especially honored that this recognition carries his name,” said Pennacchio.
The Morris County Chamber of Commerce recognized the Senator’s efforts as a taxpayer champion and a strong advocate for the business community. Pennacchio was recently honored by the New Jersey Taxpayers Association for his legislative efforts for Transparency and Open Government where he received the “Advocate for Open Government Award.” He was also the recipient of the “Taxpayer Champion” award by the New Jersey Taxpayer Alliance where he received a perfect score and he received the “Guardian of Small Business Award” from the New Jersey Federation of Independent Business from 2008-2014.
Senator Pennacchio previously served in the New Jersey State Assembly, as well as on the Morris County Freeholder Board where he helped to bolster the Morris County economy by establishing a $75 million economic growth fund for Morris County and worked to secure funding for the Master Plan for the Picatinny Technology Transfer Program. Senator Pennacchio is a former member of Governor DiFrancesco’s New Jersey Economic Development Authority and the Montville Economic Development Council.
“I am humbled that I am being recognized by the Morris County Chamber, a community of people who know me and my legislative work best,” concluded Senator Pennacchio.
Ms. Tiesi's 3rd Grade Class with Parsippany Focus Publisher Frank Cahill
PARSIPPANY — The staff at Parsippany Focus has chosen three winners in our “Halloween Story Contest” for young readers.
The first winner is a student at Littleton Elementary School; 3rd Grade, 8 years old: Ishita Bandyopadhyay.
Eight year old Ishita Bandyopadhyay
Ishita’s story was titled
“Monster Ville”
Are you scared of monsters? If you’re brave enough then come with me, come on, it’ll be fun. I am going on a trip to a village where all those monsters roam around. I take the “106 Monster Express”. I have some friends who live there_, wait train, wait I have to go to the village of monsters! Wait, wait, wait!_ Oh, sorry, I was talking to you so much that I almost forgot about my train! Now where was I? Oh yes, there’s Achoo, I know that’s a funny name, but it’s true, she sneezes all the time! There’s also Smelly and Slimy, they are the stinkiest and theslimiest monsters you’ll ever see. Oh, and another thing about Stinky and Slimy. _ Here we are at our first stop, the village of monsters, also known as Monster Ville. _ Oh no, no, no, no. It’s Slimy! He likes_; he got me, didn’t he? As I was saying, he and Smelly like to hug a lot. Their mom couldn’t choose their names over Hugsome and Huggy, or Smelly and Slimy! The mayor, my friend is Sleepy. I think you know what she does all day. I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with peep. Yes, that’s right, sleep! Let me give you this warning, if you try and wake her up, she’ll use you as a teddy bear, sometimes even as a pillow! Last, but not least, Scarific, he likes to scare people out of their wits! If you act brave and don’t scream, then Scarific will keep on scaring you, so you better scream! And that my friend, all my monster friends are at Monster Ville! I hope you’ll come with me one day to the village of monsters!
Congratulations Ishita. Two other winners will be announced shortly.
Here’s how the contested worked: Our contest was open to students throughout Parsippany in kindergarten through grade 12. Young authors will provide their own original halloween story. Students are encouraged to include an illustration for their stories.
A team of Focus editors had a hard time in selecting the winners. Winning writers will receive a $25.00 gift card, have their stories printed in Parsippany Focus and have the opportunity to read their story for a video on and receive a lunch for you the winner and his/her parents at a local Parsippany restaurant.
Halloween contest official rules
1. The contest is open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
2. All entries must be the original work of the student and no longer than 300 words.
4. Students are encouraged to submit illustrations with their stories. While the artwork will not be judged, some drawings will appear in an online gallery. Illustrations should be submitted on a separate piece of paper.
5. All entries and pictures should include the student’s name, age, school and grade.
6. Deadline for entries is 5:00 p.m. Saturday, October 23.
7. All stories must be submitted typed with photos attached including Name, email address and phone number and sent to Include“Halloween Story” in the subject line. If drawing can’t be attached they can be mailed separately to Parsippany Focus, Post Office Box 6245, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054.
8. Stories or artwork cannot be returned.
9. Winners will be selected at the sole discretion of the Parsippany Focus staff.
WC Club members Betty Bertoldo, Bernadette Cicchino, Joan Garbarino, Parsippany Police Officer Brian Conover, Parsippany Child Day Care Center Director Peggy Rauscher, Club member Stephanie LiCausi, Lorraine Steinberger and Cathy Cerbo
PARSIPPANY — Members of the Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills along with Parsippany Police Officer Brian Conover recently visited the Parsippany Child Day Care Center to speak to the children about safety.
October is National Crime Prevention Month. McGruff, the “crime prevention dog” made a brief appearance.
He is a beloved and trusted crime-fighter for small children. There were several handouts and goodies for the children, including McGruff “Take a Bite out of Crime” Halloween bags, police badges and coloring books. Everyone had a great time!
The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills is a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs of GFWC (NJSFWC), which is the largest volunteer women’s service organization in the state, providing opportunities for education, leadership training, and community service. For more information call Cathy at (973) 984-0758, e-mail the club at or check us out on the web by clicking here.
PARSIPPANY — On Wednesday, October 28 Parsippany Police Department received a call reporting a burglary to their vehicle. Patrol Officer P. Parisi and P. Kolln responded to the scene and spoke to the victim.
The victim advised the Officers that an unknown actor(s) smashed her driver’s side rear passenger window on her 2015 Toyota Highlander between 6:00 a.m. and 4:20 p.m. on Wednesday.
During their investigation, officers also discovered that the unknown actor(s) attempted to steal the vehicle. The victim stated only a small amount of cash was removed from the vehicle.
While investigating the above incident Patrol Officer Parisi and P. Kolln checked the rest of the parking lot for other possible burglaries to automobiles. The Officers located a 2011 Mazda CX9 with a smashed driver’s side rear window.
The Officers also observed that the driver’s side front door was stolen.
This incident is still under investigation and anyone with information is asked to call the Investigative Division at (973) 263-4313.
PARSIPPANY — Brooklawn Middle School families and their Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) joined efforts on Thursday to honor the entire Brooklawn staff for their professional efforts during the scheduling snafu during the month of September.
At last week’s Back to School Night on October 20, the PTSA collected cash donations that nearly topped $400 to provide a special luncheon over three lunch periods for the entire staff at Brooklawn on Thursday, October 29.
“The parents’ support was overwhelming!” said Anya Sheiffele, PTSA President at Brooklawn Middle School. “We couldn’t be more proud of the BMS staff and this certainly shows how much parental support there is for our special group here at Brooklawn!”
The delicious luncheon was catered by John DiMaggio, owner of Denville Pizzeria, who provided three sets of lunch buffets. Desserts were donated by Brooklawn families and other extras were covered by the Brooklawn Middle School PTSA.
“It was wonderful to see the staff so touched by our efforts. The thanks truly go to them. Our kids are in great hands!”
The menu consisted of Penne Vodka, Eggplant Parmesan, Salad, Italian and Turkey subs, Crudités, Chips and for dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies and Brownies
Kiwanis Club President Connie Keller, Tamala Reynolds and Steve Dickens
PARSIPPANY — Ms. Tamala Reynolds, Volunteer Coordinator, Homeless Solutions, was the guest speaking at a breakfast meeting of Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany, on Thursday, October 29 at the Empire Diner.
Ms. Reynolds updated the Kiwanis members about Homeless Solutions operation, and their retail store, Finishing Solutions.
Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany members have been volunteering for over 10 years cooking meals and serving the guests temporary staying with Homeless Solutions.
Homeless Solutions provides shelter for 25 homeless men, 10 homeless women, 10 families and 20 Safe Haven guests. The guests receive services including case management, transportation to work and necessary appointments, money management and employment assistance, housing search assistance and daily living skills training. Referral services for counseling, substance abuse intervention, and prevention are also provided.
Homeless Solutions employs 49 staff, 36 full time and 13 part time. Homeless Solutions, Inc. is governed by a Board of Trustees and is incorporated as a non-profit organization in the State of New Jersey.
Current volunteer opportunities can be found by clicking here.
Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany ensures that all children have the opportunity to lead healthy, successful lives. We believe that by helping one child, you help the world.
Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany meets every Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m. at Empire Diner, 1315 Route 46. For more information, click here.
PARSIPPANY — Parsippany High School held its annual “Halloween at the High” on Wednesday, October 28.
Assistant Principal Keith Bush with Key Club member Lawrence Kim
Jyotsna Ramaswamy and Caitlin Ford distributing candy to the Trick-or-Treaters
Nehali Patel, Katherine Yang and Megan Barry distributing candy to the Trick-or-Treaters
The lockers were decorated for Halloween
Alice Limanova and Ellie Xu
Shih Yun Yen and Lilly Kim
The Weiss family: Kevin, Griffin, Landon and Ryan
Bella Rocco, Julianna Jara and Caleigh Snyder
Three-year old Daniela Cruz
Kevin and Hanna Mansur
Lily Kim, Shih Yun Yen, Luoyao Mia Lin, Lauren Marks
Brandon Batelli, Dylan Preston and Dean Catanni (and photo bomber Liam Hansberry)
Phara Patel, Sarah Ansari, Sima Patel and Mansi Parikh distributing candy to the Trick-or-Treaters
The VanWingerden Family: Lenny, Logan, Colby and Rylie ready to play some games
Students from various clubs, including, Key Club and Interact, were dressed for Halloween and supervised the games, face painting, or just handed out candy to the children.
Elementary aged children from all over the school district enjoyed a night of face painting, games, food, and a spooky haunted house in the auxiliary gym.
Visitors were asked to make a donation to Trick-or-Treat Unicef.