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Sheriff Rochford responds: ‘I have fulfilled my Constitutional requirement’

Morris County Sheriff Edward Rochford
Morris County Sheriff Edward Rochford

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Sheriff Edward Rochford, asked to respond to the  freeholders’ demand  that he re-negotiate contracts or cut jobs, issued this response today:

I have fulfilled my Constitutional requirement in signing reasonable contracts that are within the already established salary parameters set forth by the Freeholders for county law enforcement. It is up to the unions to decide a course of action, if any, they wish to take.

It is disappointing, however, that the collective bargaining process is aired in the press. Hopefully the county will exercise their authority and ability to honor the contracts so that the public safety is not jeopardized.”  Sheriff Edward Rochford stated.

Freeholders tell Sheriff he has exceeded his Budget in Negotiating Pay Raises

MORRIS COUNTY —  A letter unanimously authorized by the seven-member Morris County Board of Freeholders has been sent to Morris County Sheriff Edward V. Rochford advising him that contracts he has negotiated with four labor unions representing his employees would far exceed his budget and could only be implemented through his layoffs of more than two dozen officers and civilian employees over the next two years.

The letter, signed by Morris County Administrator John Bonanni and sent to Sheriff Rochford on Thursday, explained that pay increases of 25 percent to 31 percent over three to four years negotiated by the sheriff for 2015, 2016 and 2017 with employees in his Division of Law Enforcement would far exceed his budget.

The freeholders, in the letter, strongly suggest that the sheriff re-negotiate those contracts to bring them proposed salary increases in line with realistic budget numbers and projections. Otherwise, the sheriff was advised that he should begin the process of developing a lay-off plan that would achieve needed savings to allow for pay increases he would like to implement.

The sheriff previously had been advised by the county, in July, that he would not have enough money to fund proposed salaries if he moved ahead with contracts he had negotiated, and would be faced with having to implement lay-offs.

If the sheriff were to implement those negotiated new contracts, the budget shortfall would require the sheriff to reduce his workforce by 16 full-time staff members of various ranks and levels in 2016, an additional 11 full-time employees in 2017, and at least one more layoff in 2018, to be able to fit the new salaries into his budget, the letter cautioned.

In the letter, Administrator Bonanni explained that the county treasurer has determined that pay raises negotiated by the Sheriff with Morris County Policemen’s Benevolent Association, Local 151; Morris County Policemen’s Benevolent Association, PBA 151 Superior Officers Associations; Sheriff’s Investigators; and Sheriff’s Civilians would exceed the amount allocated to Sheriff’s Office in the current 2015 county budget by $528,506.

They would result in a projected $905,767 shortfall in 2016 and exceed the anticipated 2017 county budget by $1.3 million. The county factored in anticipated 2 percent budget increase for 2016 and 2017, per Gov. Christie’s 2% cap on annual spending increases.

Any layoff plan would require at least 90 days to implement, so it would be too late for the sheriff to reduce his workforce in 2015 to offset pay hikes that would exceed his current budget.

The PBA 151 contract negotiated by the sheriff would provide a 25 percent pay increase over three years. The contract negotiated with Sheriff’s Superior Officers would result in a 31 percent pay hike over three years. The contract with Sheriff’s Civilian Employees would result in a 29.4 percent pay hike over four years.

The freeholders, in the letter, said that a September 2015 suggestion by the sheriff that a “$60 million” county surplus fund be used to pay for his negotiated salary increases would not be considered. There is no $60 million fund, they explained and suggested the sheriff meet with the County Auditor to learn the purpose, amount, source and allowed uses of surplus, of fund balances.

The sheriff set up a meeting with the County Auditor to be fully briefed on the issue of surplus, but then cancelled that session and sent surrogates from his office. Administrator Bonanni, in the letter, wrote that the offer is still open to the sheriff to meet personally with the county auditor, so he fully understands the surplus issue.

The sheriff, who is the sole employer of employees in his Division of Law Enforcement, has been asked to consider these facts and to respond to the freeholder board with a proposal on how to deal with this situation. There are about 130 employees budgeted for that division.

For a related article, click here.

Morris County Sheriff Edward Rochford
Morris County Sheriff Edward Rochford

Sheriff Edward Rochford, in a letter dated September 25 to Mr. John Bonnani, County Adminstrator he stated “I think it is most efficient to respond to your letter dated March 13, 2105 and go over point for point as to why the contract was negotiated as such with regards to the areas of concern you noted:

ARTICLE X- Sick Leave

The sick leave was negotiated in good faith as a gesture to give something substantial back to the county by way of a huge cost savings. Simultaneously, it was providing a means to help the  agency during our short staff status by giving the officers an incentive to come to work every day.

This part of the package basically allowed the officers to cash in their unused sick time at the end of each year at $.33 on the dollar.  This would have essentially  saved the county 66% of the funds allocated to pay for the sick benefits offered by the county. We figured this number to be  well over a million dollars a year agency wide if the officers indeed took advantage of it. We did not know it was illegal as we were informed it is taught in Public Administration studies in Universities and it was believed to have been implemented in other counties in the country; perhaps not New Jersey.  Regardless, since it is illegal as you say, the union have removed it from the contract.  The intention was to offer the county a means of savings and at the same time, find a creative motivation for the officers to come to work on every possible day to lessen overtime expenses caused by sick  days.

ARTICLE XII- Hospital  and Medical/ Surgical Insurance

This has since been edited to reflect the prior contract language.

ARTICLE XVI- Personal  Leaves

Administrative days are planned and approved by their supervisor and can often be filled by rearranging shifts and not incurring overtime unlike when an officer calls in sick. The administrative days were increased one day in years two and three of the contract only, not in the first year of the contract. This coupled with the sick incentive was to keep our daily requirements of staff and cut overtime.

ARTICLE XXII- Uniform  Allowance

$100 a year is merely covering the increase in cost to maintain the uniforms properly in order to make the uniforms last longer; ultimately  saving in the long run on the uniform needs.


Although this has been portrayed  by the media as a 20+% raise, it is more accurate to figure   these contracts as essentially restoring the officers’ industry standard steps that were supposedly “temporarily frozen” in the last contract, along with a 2-3% increase.  We negotiated this as a means to only partially recover from the years they not only had their steps frozen but they also had two years of 0% increases.  So essentially, even at the 3% (1% above the proverbial  2% cap), the officers were still at a deficit of 3% from where they should be factoring in the 4% they gave up on those two years of  zeros.

The 2% cap that is so frequently referenced as the end all cap for the agency is more accurately a county-wide budget cap. This gives the counties allowance to make judgement  calls as to where  the money is to go each year. The Sheriff s Office is a Constitutional Office and my role of the Sheriff (the person who was elected by the people of this county to run this agency) is to inform you what funds I need to run this agency.   The idea is that we work together on this as we have the last 20 years of my tenure as Sheriff. I have cut and cut and cut to accommodate the governing body over the years. The last two years I have seen an egregiously costly trend that is 100% caused by the retention issue which I have brought to yours and the Freeholders’  attention  on numerous occasions. This retention issue is costing the county over  $2,000,000 a year*.

Additionally, this revolving door of new officers has gotten to a point of danger to the citizens of this county and all those who work in and visit the courthouse.  Both of these concerns have  seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. I will remind you of the statistics and reiterate that these are NOT to be made public as that would put everyone in utter danger as it will show the public and those who want to bring harm, the real vulnerabilities within the courthouse and the jail that the county has allowed to  manifest.

Industry standard is less than  15% of new officers leave within the first 5 years on the job.

Since 2012, 39% of the new hires in the jail have left within the first two years on the job. Similarly for the new hires in the Bureau of Law Enforcement. A number of officers in the courthouse have under 18 months on the job experience. These numbers are unacceptable  and are almost completely due to the grossly uncompetitive contracts, inclusive of the elimination of steps. MCSO officers are the lowest paid officers in the entire county despite their specialized  skills and multi-role  responsibilities.

The county was presented with this contract well before the governing body created and adopted a countywide budget so it was their responsibility to appropriate funds to cover the cost of this contract; the cost of running this agency. The county was also notified in writing that not only did they receive PBA 151 contract, but that all other contracts would be coming shortly and that they would closely mirror that of 151; allowing the Freeholders to factor in estimated increases for the subsequent contracts.

Additionally, throughout my 23 years as Sheriff, it has been a substantial past practice that each year the county representatives  and the Budget Committee members of the governing body,  would sit down multiple times with me and/or representatives  of this agency to discuss the areas  of concern, etc. to collectively come up with the necessary parameters. This was never done last year and I don’t know why. In fact, it has also been a 20 year past practice of the county to present me with a clearly defined budget that I am to review and physically  sign off on as my vow to stay within the budget designated. This, too, was never done this year.  So in essence, I  have never signed off on an agreement to any budget, nor would I have signed off on the proposed  budget that  showed the county arbitrarily cutting our Salary & Wages roughly $900,000 equating to an over  9% cut despite the state mandate of nine additional posts/courtrooms to be manned. Cutting our Salary & Wages when we have been mandated to  cover substantially more makes no sense. This unfunded mandate  scenario is similarly reflected in the new bail reform which has required the Prosecutors  Office to recently request an additional 11-15 employees. I was encouraged however, to see that the Prosecutor’s request was quickly granted and that a handful of costly studies were not ordered to be done on that office to determine if they could be run more efficiently.

I have shown you and the others who have the power to remedy this, the outrageous cost our retention  issue has been causing the county over the last two years and I have presented  you with  a solution to remedy it all at a fraction of the cost of this annual financial drain. I have also shown the powers at be in the county the point of danger the county is currently in as a result of  this retention issue.  I firmly believe and will state that this county is setting the stage for a tragedy to take place if this agency is not fortified with reasonable contracts that make it possible for young officers to stay with the agency. Experience is paramount in law enforcement and can only be gained by continued years on the job. Courthouses around the country have shown an  uptick in incidents hence the state mandated  additional coverage. I have plead my case to you and the governing body numerous times and will continue to do so on a broader scale. The county is handcuffing  me from doing my Constitutional duty and I don’t know why.

I am firmly stating that all the contracts have been negotiated in good faith and with a fiscally conservative mindset. These must be honored by the county even if you have to dip into the $60 million surplus that the county has garnered over the years to have for times and situations exactly like this. I would also like to add that in my tenure as Sheriff, I have saved the county over $16 million in tightening up the Bureau of Corrections’ efficiency and I have returned to the county treasury between $500,000 and $800,000 every year from the Bureau of Law Enforcement as a result of my cutting and efficient management of doing more with less. I have always worked with the numbers and cut whenever possible. It is no longer possible. Increase in security and law enforcement needs don’t follow a cost of living trend, they answer the need driven by society. It is the cost of keeping the county a safe place to live, work and play. You lose that characteristic of the county and you have lost a lot more than a few dollars.

As far as responding to “plans for a layoff ‘… I have no plans for a layoff. In my professional opinion with 50 years in law enforcement, this agency does not have the luxury of a single extra body. Even the Freeholders’ commissioned staffing study done by Concorde Group, albeit not holding any credibility in the opinion of those in law enforcement, had us as below acceptable levels when we only had 125 and suggested we add two more. Working together with the Freeholders, they have approved the Bureau of Law Enforcement for 131 employees and I have agreed to make that number work for this year. Your letter proposing a 10 person layoff, bringing the agency down to 121, is completely unfounded and accompanies no justification when we have a $60 million surplus.

In closing, I have signed a bona fide contract with my unions that fall within the parameters  of   the salary ranges set forth by the governing body for other county law enforcement agencies; namely the Prosecutor’s Office and the Park Police; still falling way below those counterparts in  the Prosecutor’s Office. I am asking that you and the others who have the power to remedy this crisis, please  do so and honor these contracts drawing from the $60 million surplus.

If you have further concerns and would like to engage in a dialogue, I would absolutely welcome that as well. I am looking forward to working with you and the governing body to fortify this area of the county.

*Officers from the Bureau of Corrections resigned and officers from the Bureau of Law Enforcement resigned within the first two years; basically just after their probationary training period. We are noticing a trend that more and more are resigning within the first year on the job; many within weeks of graduating the academy.

The county accepts a “reimbursement rate” for each poached officer of $25,000 per officer, although this is not the entire cost of training  a new officer which has been recently  calculated at $39,000 per officer.

Taking the county accepted reimbursement rate of $25,000 per officer. .. this alone equals a cost  of $1,225,000. To train and then lose the talent.

49 officers x $25,000 per officer = $1,225,000 If you take actual cost of getting an officer through the academy and on the job it would be $39,000 x 49 = $1,911,000.

This is $1,225,000 alone, not even factoring in the more costly factor of overtime which is  incurred during the void caused by the constant departure. Which we all agree has spiked in the  last two years.   (A cost we can greatly eliminate with fortified contracts)


For the Bureau of Corrections, it takes 4 to 5 months to get a candidate approved, through the academy and on the job.

For Bureau of Law Enforcement (longer academy) it takes 6 to 8 months. In both bureaus there is a possibility  for even more delay since the academy runs only twice a year.

During that void those shifts have to be covered and at one and one half times the hourly rate. (Time and a half is industry standard).

Also, they often have to be covered by a seasoned officer which is at a higher rate than a new officer.”

Prosecutor’s Office to Participate in the Break the Silence Conference on the Prevention of Domestic Violence

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp is pleased to be participating in this year’s Break the Silence Conference on Prevention of Domestic Violence Against Women on Saturday, October 17, which is being sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church in Morristown and organized by Dr. Gayle Pearson, First Presbyterian Church Program Coordinator.

October is nationally recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Recently, on October 14, 2015, the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders issued a proclamation recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness month.  The Morris County Prosecutor’s Office and Jersey Battered Women’s Service received the Proclamation from the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders.

The Break the Silence Conference will provide information to the community on how to protect victims of domestic violence and to end the silence surrounding domestic violence in our community.

Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Supervising Assistant Prosecutor Tia Manochio will be presenting information on the prosecution of domestic violence cases, the criminal sanctions facing defendants convicted of domestic violence and what protections under the law are available to victims of domestic violence.

The Keynote speaker is Reverend Bonnie M. Orth, Leader of Presbyterians Against Domestic Violence Network, who will speak on the issue of Violence Against Women Locally and Globally.

Patty Sly, Director of Jersey Battered Women’s Service, will be speaking to provide information on Perspectives on Violence Against Women and How We as Individuals Can Make a Difference.  Patty Sly will also discuss the new initiative for the Morris County Family Justice Center.

The Break the Silence Conference on Prevention of Violence Against Women will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church in Morristown, 57 East Park Place, Morristown.

The conference is free, however a RSVP is requested via telephone at (973) 538-1776 or click here.


If you need additional information regarding this event, contact the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office at (973) 285-6200 or Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Deputy Chief of Investigations Denise H. Arseneault at 973-285-6262 or

Mount Olive Man Charged with Invasion of Privacy and Endangering the Welfare of Children

MOUNT OLIVE — Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp and Chief Mark Spitzer of the Mount Olive Township Police Department announce the arrest of Phillip Johnson, 28, Mount Olive, for Invasion of Privacy, Witness Tampering, and various counts of Endangering the Welfare of Children.

On Tuesday, September 8, Johnson was charged with Invasion of Privacy, a crime of the third degree, and Witness Tampering, a crime of the third degree.  Those charges stem from allegations that Defendant filmed multiple women engaged in sexual encounters without their knowledge. That case remains under investigation, as the women are still being identified.

A month later on Tuesday, October 13, he was also charged with one count of Endangering the Welfare of Children, Permitting a Child to Engage in Child Pornography, a crime of the first degree; and one count of Endangering the Welfare of Children, Manufacturing Child Pornography, a crime of the second degree.

The Honorable Brian J. Levine, J.M.C., set bail at $25,000 with 10% cash option.  Conditions of that bail include: no contact with the victim; no contact with children under the age of 18.  The alleged victim in this matter is an 18 year old female, who reported that she had engaged in an act of sexual contact with Defendant when she was 17 years of age.

The investigation revealed that Defendant filmed the sexual encounter without her consent or knowledge.

The investigation into the allegations of Invasion of Privacy is ongoing, and law enforcement is actively seeking to identify those woman that were filmed during these sexual encounters.

Anyone with information relating to this ongoing investigation is urged to contact the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Sex Crimes/Child Endangerment Unit at (973) 285-6200 or the Detective Bureau of the Mt. Olive Police Department at (973) 691-0850.

Prosecutor Knapp would like to thank the continued efforts of the Mount Olive Township Police Department, specifically Det. Eric Krouse and Sgt. Luis Sanchez; and the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Sex Crimes/Child Endangerment Unit.

Editors Note: A complaint or a charge is merely an accusation. Despite this accusation, the defendant is presumed innocent until he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.



Leaf Bags available; Town-wide cleanup day will be held on Saturday

Leaf bags are available for purchase
Leaf bags are available for purchase

PARSIPPANY — The Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills has leaf bags available for purchase by Parsippany Residents. Leaf bags are available now through Friday, October 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Parsippany Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard. and on Saturday, October 17 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Bags can be purchased at DPW yard on Saturday, October 17 only.)

All residents must pay for the leaf bags at the Town Hall Municipal Building cashier’s window between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The cost is $15.00 per bundle of 50 bags (Cash or check only).

There is a limit of two bundles per resident, while supplies last. You will be given a receipt, which you will hand in to the employees handling out the bags at town-hall.

Town-wide cleanup day will be held on Saturday, October 17. Recycling yard will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Parsippany-Troy Hills Recycling Yard is located at One Pump House Road.

2 males arrested at UPS for Controlled Dangerous Substances

PARSIPPANY — While on patrol at 11:08 p.m. on Monday, October 12, Patrolman M. Sprung observed a 1993 Honda Accord parked in the rear parking lot of United Parcel Service, 799 Jefferson Road with its interior light on.

Patrolman M. Sprung exited his vehicle and observed the driver, later identified as Dave Lafleur, 18, East Orange, breaking up what appeared to be suspected marijuana in his lap and placing it into a cigar wrapper.

Patrolman M. Sprung instructed Mr. Lafleur to open his car’s window and turn the illegal narcotics over to him.

Once backup officers arrived, Mr. Lafleur and the passenger Merjonnie Thomas, 18, Union, were advised to exit the vehicle.

Officers observed two more cigar wrappers that were partially smoked containing suspected marijuana.

Mr. Lafleur and Mr. Thomas were placed under arrest for Possession of 50 grams or less of marijuana. Both individuals were released on their own recognizance pending their court date.

Editors Note: A complaint or a charge is merely an accusation. Despite this accusation, the defendant is presumed innocent until he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

David Byra damages parked car at Parsippany Inn

policecarPARSIPPANY — Patrolmen A. Ohlsen, D. Roman, and P. Kolln responded to the parking lot of Parsippany Inn, 2939 Route 10 for a report of a male damaging a motor vehicle at 1:29 a.m. on Sunday, October 11.

Upon arrival the victim and his girlfriend advised the Officers that they just witnessed David Byra, 35, Morris Plains, damage their vehicle, a 2002 Nissan Altima.

Officers then spoke to Mr. Byra, and after a brief investigation, issued him a summons for Criminal Mischief and released on his own recognizance pending his court date.

Two Individuals arrested for Aggravated Assault at Parsippany Inn

PARSIPPANY — Patrolmen E. Giordano, E. Ebanks, and J. Mendez responded to the Parsippany Inn, 2939 Route 10, at 1:21 a.m. on Friday, October 16 for an active fight between two individuals. Upon the arrival of Patrolman E. Giordano, he found William Cole, 47, Morris Plains, outside the building with facial injuries, and Victor Columbo, 37, Parsippany, inside the building with a stab wound to the abdominal area.

First Aid was immediately rendered to Mr. Columbo by Patrolman E. Giordano. Patrol Lieutenant D. McConnell, Patrol Sergeant R. Carrozzino, Detective M. Czajka, Patrolwoman M. Kardos, Patrolman C. Silva along with Patrol units from Denville Police Department and Morris Plains Police Department arrived on the scene to assist.

Two ambulances from the Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance squad treated Mr. Columbo and Mr. Cole.

Detective M. Czajka conducted his preliminary investigation and both individuals were placed under arrest and transported to Morristown Medical Center for treatment of their injuries.

Morris County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Section responded to the scene and assisted with processing the area. A kitchen-type knife was recovered from the scene.
Once Mr. Columbo and Mr. Cole were released from Morristown Medical Center they were transported to the Morris County Correctional Facility.

Mr. Columbo was charged with Aggravated Assault Causing Serious Bodily injury with a bail of $35,000.

Mr. Cole was charged with Aggravated Assault causing injury with a Weapon, Possession of a weapon with a purpose to use it unlawfully against the person or property of another, and Unlawful Possession of a Weapon with a bail of $50,000.

This incident remains under investigation and anyone with information is asked to call the Investigative Division at (973) 263-4313.

Editors Note: A complaint or a charge is merely an accusation. Despite this accusation, the defendant is presumed innocent until he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Correction: It was previously reported that Rockaway Neck First Aid Ambulance Squad treated Mr. Columbo and Mr. Cole when it was actually Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Squad.

New Jersey Taxpayers’ Association Announces Taxpayer Advocate Awards

Senator Joseph Pennacchio
Senator Joseph Pennacchio

MORRIS COUNTY —  The New Jersey Taxpayers’ Association announced its 2015 NJTA Taxpayer Advocate Award recipients.

Nominations were considered in four areas of focus: Shared Services / Consolidation, Open Government, School Choice and 2015 Special Achievement, all of whom contributed meaningful efforts to encourage government to find ways to reduce taxation in New Jersey.

This year’s recipient in the category of Shared Services / Consolidation is: Former Long Hill Township Mayor and current Executive Director or Courage to Connect New Jersey, Gina Genovese.

This year’s recipients in the category of Open Government are: State Senator Loretta Weinberg and State Senator Joe Pennacchio.

This year’s recipient in the category of School Choice is State Assemblyman Anthony Bucco.

This year’s recipient in the category of 2015 Special Achievement is Morris County Sherriff Ed Rochford.

The award recipients will be recognized at an upcoming NJTA General Membership Meeting at the Morris County Library, 30 East Hanover Ave, Whippany on Wednesday, October 28 at 6:00 p.m.

For more information about NJTA or the awards event, click here or contact the organization’s president, Chris Rogers at or (973) 975-8383.

DWI, Eluding Police; Ficitious plates; open container and running traffic light

PARSIPPANY — Patrolman E. Elston observed a 2005 Nissan Altima stopped within in the intersection of Route 46 East and New Road at 7:44 p.m. on October 10.

Patrolman E. Elston conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle and advised the driver to pull forward over the public address system in his vehicle.

The driver, later identified as Raul Romero, 33, Livingston, placed the vehicle in reverse and began to back up, almost striking another vehicle.

Patrolman E. Elston exited his vehicle to make contact with Mr. Romero at which time he fled eastbound down Route 46, running a red light and nearly striking a vehicle.

While fleeing eastbound on Route 46, Mr. Romero turned off his headlights and attempted to take the Chapin Road jug handle.

Mr. Romero failed to negotiate the curve in the ramp, at which time his vehicle left the roadway, struck the curb, tree stumps, and a chain link fence.

Mr. Romero continued through the Speedway Gas Station and reentered Route 46 eastbound traffic. He then pulled into the Montville Business Park where he attempted to flee on foot.

Patrolman Elston was able to prevent Mr. Romero from fleeing and place him into custody with the assistance of Patrolman A. Clark who arrived on scene.

Mr. Romero was placed under arrest. Mr. Romero was charged with Eluding, Driving while intoxicated, Reckless Driving, Open Container in a Motor Vehicle, Failure to Comply with Officers Directions, Driving while Suspended, Failure to Observe a Traffic Signal, Leaving the Scene of an Accident, Fictitious Plates, Driving an unregistered vehicle and Driving an Uninsured Motor Vehicle.

Editors Note: A complaint or a charge is merely an accusation. Despite this accusation, the defendant is presumed innocent until he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Friday, October 16 was dedicated “Emma Gold Out Day”

PARSIPPANY — Today is Emma Gold Out Day. Teachers, Administration, students have dedicated Friday, October 16 as “Emma Gold Out Day.”

The halls and classrooms blazed of color as administration, teachers and students in all 14 buildings will be wearing gold (the color associated with childhood cancer awareness), with some wearing specially created t-shirts, the proceeds of which will raise the “YouCaring” totals even more.  The date was chosen to coincide with Emma’s first birthday, Sunday, October 18, when Mrs. Forte plans to present her with her first birthday present, a sampling of the financial generosity of the Parsippany community.

Pictured are teachers, administration and staff at Parsippany High School.

To read a related article click here.

Parsippany Shabbaton to Feature Rabbi Berel Wein

PARSIPPANY — Rabbi Berel Wein, an internationally acclaimed scholar, historian and speaker will be the Scholar-in-Residence for the 6th Dr. George S. Rotter Memorial Shabbat at Congregation Shaya Ahavat Torah.

The Shabbaton will begin on Friday, October 23, with Shabbat services at 5:45 p.m., followed by a sumptuous Shabbat dinner at 6:45 p.m. Rabbi Wein will give his keynote presentation following dinner, speaking on “The Greatest Jewish Heroes Throughout History.”

The Shabbaton continues on Saturday, October 24, with services at 9:00 a.m. Rabbi Wein will again address the congregation following a deluxe kiddush lunch, speaking of “My Rabbinic Journey: A Personal Reflection.”

Rabbi Wein, known internationally, has been identified with the popularization of Jewish history through his more than 1,000 lectures on CD and now MP3 format. Rabbi Wein is the author of ten books, all of which have received popular and critical acclaim, as have his seminars, educational tours and, most recently, dramatic and documentary films. He is the founder and director of The Destiny Foundation which is dedicated, through its films and multimedia, to educate and inspire Jewish identity through Jewish history

Congregation Shaya Ahavat Torah is located at 113 Hawkins Avenue, and has recently expanded its community eruv to include the nearby Holiday Inn and the Ramada Inn.

For more information and reservations, contact Naomi Rotter by clicking here or Rabbi Shalom Lubin at (973) 896-6577.

This article was reprinted from Jewish Link NJ, with permission.

Parsippany Woman killed in car crash

SOUTHBURY, CT — The Hartford Courant is reporting that a Parsippany woman was killed when her car veered off the road and hit a tree along I-84 in Connecticut on Wednesday evening.

Kristen Ritter, 38 of Parsippany, was taken to Waterbury Hospital where she died of her injuries.  Ritter, along with her husband and neighbors were well known to many in the community as vocal opponents Parsippany’s “Field of Dreams” when attending many Board of Education and Township Council meetings on the issue.

Parsippany Focus will update as funeral arrangements are made available

Parsippany Teachers Rally to Support Local Family

Emma Wyman

PARSIPPANY — Little Emma Wyman has lots of friends that she’s never even met.  In fact this happy, beautiful one-year-old Parsippany girl has so many friends, that if she were old enough to realize it, she would be overwhelmed by the sheer number of supporters that are coming to her aid.

That’s because Emma is undergoing treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for a rare type of sarcoma.  When her mother’s friend and colleague Jacqueline Forte, also a teacher in the Parsippany schools, learned about the situation, she went right to work and set up a web page called “YouCaring” to inform the community and request donations.  (Click here). Never did she imagine that the site would already have generated more than $113,000.00.

Mrs. Forte and fellow teacher Stephanie Staples, leaders of “Emma’s Angels” as the support organizers are known, knew that once apprised of the situation, their colleagues in the Parsippany-Troy Hills schools would rally to the cause.  They have not been disappointed.  The entire 750-member Parsippany-Troy Hills Education Association (PTHEA), along with support staff and some administrators, have dedicated Friday, October 16 as “Emma Gold Out Day”.  The halls and classrooms will be a blaze of color as teachers and students in all 14 buildings will be wearing gold (the color associated with childhood cancer awareness), with some wearing specially created t-shirts, the proceeds of which will raise the “YouCaring” totals even more.  The date was chosen to coincide with Emma’s first birthday, Sunday, October 18, when Mrs. Forte plans to present her with her first birthday present, a sampling of the financial generosity of the Parsippany community.

Emma’s parents, AJ and Lindsey (Kmit) Wyman, who are lifelong residents of Parsippany, learned of Emma’s tumor in late May and have taken her to Philadelphia where she is being treated by internationally-recognized pediatric oncologists.

Unfortunately, during her first moments of chemotherapy, Emma suffered a stroke and needed to be resuscitated by nurses. While she has been responding quite well to her subsequent rounds of chemotherapy, Emma will need extensive physical and occupational therapy to regain full use of the left side of her body. In addition, there is no telling the extent of the damage that was caused to her brain from the lack of oxygen she experienced during those horrific moments of unconsciousness.

Emma’s father, AJ Wyman has begun to take time off from his job as a corrections officer, while her mother Lindsey is taking time off from teaching sixth grade social studies at Brooklawn Middle School. During this life-altering time, the family will incur costs from medical to travel expenses, while keeping up with their regular monthly bills for their cars, home, etc.

“Emma’s Angels” recognize the ongoing financial hardship and are asking the community for even the smallest donation, which they say will go a long way to aid baby Emma and her loving parents during this incredibly difficult time.

To see Emma’s story, click here.


Greystone reduced to rubble as demolition nears completion (PHOTOS)

PARSIPPANY –The morning sun shone on the dome atop of the old Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital’s Central Main building for the last time as demolition crews, photographers and spectators arrived on site just after sunrise. Soon, from behind a fence, an engine started and operating engineer Jason Simmons moved his long reach excavator into position to…

Kiwanis Club installs 2015-2016 officers

Pictured are the 2015-2015-2016 Officers — with Karen DeChristopher, Bob Keller, Steve Dickens, Joyce Garrow, Mimi Letts, Gregory Elbin, Connie Keller, Carol Tiesi, Ron Orthwein and Karen Gajewski
Pictured are the 2015-2016 Officers — Karen DeChristopher, Bob Keller, Steve Dickens, Joyce Garrow, Mimi Letts, Gregory Elbin, Connie Keller, Carol Tiesi, Ron Orthwein and Karen Gajewski

PARSIPPANY — The Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany recently installed its officers for 2015-2016 at an event held at Empire Diner, 1315 Route 46.

The new officers are President Connie Keller; President-Elect Greg Elbin; Vice President Frank Cahill; Secretary Karen Gajewski; Treasurer Steve Dickens and Immediate Past President/Foundation President Mimi Letts.

Directors include Robert Keller, Carol Tiesi, Karen DeChristopher, Joyce Garrow and Ron Orthwein.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany was formed on December 5, 1991 with a roster of 46 original charter members.  The club was chartered in February 1992. Charter members included Jayne Beline, Frank Cahill, Margaret Cerbo, Nicolas Cerbo, Karen Gajewski, Harold Gantert, Barbara Ievoli, Ronda Kron, Michael Luther, James Mechtel, Jeanne O’Donnell, Frank Priore, Philip Santiago, Dr. Joseph Weisberg among others.

The first meeting was held at Concord Place (now Fairfield Inn & Suites Parsippany) and two years later the meetings were changed to Empire Diner.

The original board consisted of F. Houston Taylor, President;  James Mechtel, President elect; Ronda Kron, Vice-President; Karen Gajewski, Secretary; Mark Wiener, Treasurer; and Directors Dr. Joseph Weisberg, Joe Linfante, James Carabello, Mary Lynn Kaprel, Kelly Stratmore, Marion Clark and Richard Epstein.

Other Presidents included Ronda Kron (1994-1995), Dr. Joseph Weisberg (1995-1996 and 2004-2005), Karen Gajewski (1997-1998), Jayne Beline (1999-2000), Michael Mulhaul (2002-2003), Robbie Furman (2003-2004), Doreen Breenan (2005-2006), Joyce Garrow (2006-2007), Gordon Meth (2008-2009), Joseph O’Neill (2009-2010), Paul Philipps (2010-2011), Robert Keller (2011-2012), Davey Willans (2012-2013), Carol Tiesi (2013-2014) and more recently Mimi Letts (2014-2015).

Some of the past and present programs and projects of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany are:

  • Sponsor the Parsippany Hills High School, Parsippany High School and Whippany Park High School Key Clubs.
  • Sponsor the Brooklawn Middle School and Central Middle School Builders Clubs.
  • Sponsor nine K-Kids Clubs in the Grammar Schools in Parsippany.
  • Co-sponsor a Division Aktion Club.
  • Donate to the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Parsippany.
  • Donate to Project Graduation.
  • Donate to the Interfaith Council of Morris County.
  • Donate to the Homeless of Morris County.
  • Cook for Homeless Solutions once a month.
  • Donate to the Parsippany Library Programs.
  • Donate to the Parsippany Food Bank.
  • Donate to Programs through grants to our Foundation, such as Craftsman Farms.
  • Sponsor the Parsippany Street Fair.
  • Donate to the Morris County Battered Women.
  • Donate to the Parsippany Day Care Center.
  • Sponsor Scholarships for Kiwanis Youth Leadership Training, Key leader Training, Hugh O’Brien Camp and Scholarships for further education.
  • Donate to Autism, Eliminate and Children’s Specialized Hospital.
  • Support Little League in Parsippany.
  • Support our local churches through an Ecumenical Breakfast for friendship, fellowship and exchange of ideas.
  • Donate to Camp Nejeda.

The Club formed a Foundation, on June 3, 2004, to handle all the Service Funds raised for our programs and projects.  It is a 501(C)3 account and only covers the Fundraisers.  The Administrative account is still handled by the Club.  These two accounts are kept separate by the Laws of Kiwanis International.  The Foundation is composed of the same Officers and Directors as the Club but with a change in position and voting power.

For more information on Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany, click here, or attend our weekly meeting held at Empire Diner, 1315 Route 46, Parsippany at 7:15 a.m. Thursday.

Parsippany offers “Trunk or Treat”

PARSIPPANY — The Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills is providing a safe and fun place for Parsippany children to “Trick or Treat,” on Friday, October 30 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The children will go trunk to trunk instead of door to door! Decorate your car and join in the fun!

You can participate by bringing Halloween treats and parking your decorated vehicle at Veterans Park. (located at the corner of Vail Road and Route 46 eastbound).

Vehicles must be in place no later than 3:45 p.m.

Please sign up in advance for a designated parking space by contacting (973) 263-4262

Furnishing Solutions Celebrates Third Anniversary

PARSIPPANY — Homeless Solutions, Inc. (HSI) is happy to announce that Furnishing Solutions, our upscale resale furnishing and clothing store, celebrated its Third Anniversary on Saturday, October 10 with a special event held at the store.  There were refreshments, a DJ, and a 20% store-wide sale – all enjoyed by the crowd of shoppers, friends and well-wishers.  As always, all proceeds from Furnishing Solutions benefit Homeless Solutions programs and services.

Future Furnishing Solutions events include Chalk Painting for Furniture workshops on October 30 and November 6, a Holiday Appetizer Chef Event on December 3, and an Antiques Road Show in January 2016.   For additional information on any of these events, please contact at (973) 998-0322 or at

Furnishing Solutions is located at 2960 Route 10 West in the Powder Mill Plaza West.

Homeless Solutions is a private, non-profit organization that has been helping the homeless and working poor in our community since 1983.  Our staff and programs give people the tools they need to rebuild their lives, and as working people move to independence, Homeless Solutions provides sustainable homes people can afford.  To learn more or volunteer, click here.

Pictured above are volunteers Jacquie, Lila and Matt Maggio (front row) join HSI CFO Laura Lannin and Furnishing Solutions Store Manager Genevieve McDermott at the store’s Three Year Anniversary celebration on October 10.

PHHS 6th Annual Induction Hall of Fame Ceremony

Scott Sheehy
Scott Sheehy

PARSIPPANY — The 6th Annual Parsippany Hills High School Hall of Fame was held on Saturday, October 10.

The Hall of Fame was established to honor graduates and faculty of Parsippany Hills High School who have made exceptional achievements in their field or unique contributions to their community.

The new inductees included Scott B. Sheehy, Craig Zagorski, Tim Baxter, Kathy Smith, Erik Sylvin, M.D., M.S., Steve Smithers and the 1987 Boys Tennis Team.

Class of 1974
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Track/Cross Country
  • Cross Country – 1972 – First Team All Area & All County
  • Fourth Place Morris County Meet
  • Fourth Place State Section 2, Group 3 Meet
  • Winter Track –880 yards – 1973 – First Place State Group IV Meet
  • 1974 – Second Place State Group III Meet
  • Fourth Place NJIAA National Meet
  • Spring Track – 880 Yards, School Record Holder 1:56
  • 1973 – First Place State Section 2, Group IV Meet
  • 1974 – First Team All Area & All County
  • First Place Morris County & Conference Meets
  • Second Place State Section 2, Group III Meet
  • Third Place State Group III Meet
Craig Zagorski
Craig Zagorski

Class of 1976
Tulane University

  • Track
  • School Record Holder
  • Long Jump – 22’ 2”
  • Triple Jump – 42’ 31/2”
  • Former Record Holder High Jump 6’ 3”
  • 1976 – First Team All Conference & All Area Long Jump
  • First Place State Section 2, Group III
  • Fourth Place State Group III Championship Meet
Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter

Class of 1979
Roger Williams University

  • Business Career
  • President & Chief Operating Officer Samsung Electronics America
  • Member Board of Trustees, Roger Williams University
  • Member Board of Directors, Consumer Electronics Association
  • Member Board of Junior Achievers USA
  • 30 years Sales & Marketing experience in the Consumer Electronics Industry
  • Business Career with AT&T & Lucent Technologies, Sony & Samsung
Kathy Smith
Kathy Smith

Class of 1979
Attended University of Maryland – Captain
University of North Carolina

  • Swimming
  • 1979 – First Place 50 & 100 Freestyle at State Meet
  • HS All-American 50, 100, 200 yd. – Freestyle
  • 1975-77 Morris County HS Swim Champion & record setter 50 & 100 Free
  • 1978-79 Iron Hills 200 & 500 yd. Free Champion – Record holder
  • 1976-79 Daily Record All-Area
  • 1977, 79 Athlete of the year
  • 1978 Herald News All-Around HS Athlete of the Year
  • 1980 Morris County Female Collegiate Athlete of the year
  • College – Qualified for AIAW & 2X  for the NCAA’s
  • Member of All-American Relay Team that still holds a University of North Carolina Record
Erik Sylvin
Erik Sylvin

Class of 1995
Brandeis University
MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine/Drexel University Medical School

  • Inducted Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
  • Baseball – Shortstop
  • 1995 – Second Team All State, First Team All Group 3
  • First Team All Area & County, All Conference
  • Held School records with 47 hits & .456 BA
  • 1994 Soccer – First Team All Conference & First Team All County
Steven Smithers
Steven Smithers

Class of 1999
Princeton University

    • Football
    • 1998 – Second Team All State
    • 1998 First Team All Area & All County
    • Held School Career Records – 4,073 passing yards & 39 touchdowns
    • Captain, First Conference Champions & State Playoff Team


    • 1987 – Record 20-4
    • Ranked Seventh in State, First in Morris County
    • 1984, 1985 & 1987 State Section 2, Group III Champions
    • 1986 & 1987 Morris County Champions
    • 1984, 1985, 1986 & 1987 Iron Hills Conference ChampionsTeam Members: Brian Uy, Owen Lipnick, Adam Lipnick, Brian Pappas, Glen Polansky, Sushil Jain M.D. and Edmond Wong M.D.
Brian Uy, Owen Lipnik, Adam Lipnik and Glen Polansky

The deadline for the Hall of Fame is January 31. Click here for application form. The completed form must be sent to Parsippany Hills High School Hall of Fame,
Susan Bonnet, Health & Physical Education Teacher, 20 Rita Drive, Parsippany, NJ 07054.

Click here for the Hall of Fame pamphlet.

First Annual Hall Of Fame 2010-11 includes George Schreiner, Class of 1971, Track; Vincent Mattaliano, Class of 1981, Wrestling; Jody Stein, Class of 1981, Basketball; JoAnn Ferrieri, Class of 1982, Softball; John Lyng, Class of 1984, Football/Wrestling; Theresa Racik O’Brien, Class of 1984, Field Hockey; Barb Lewis Courtney, Class of 1984, Field Hockey, Basketball, and Softball; Chuck Mound, Class of 1988, Track; Gregg Bailey, Class of 1989, Soccer; Glenn Sekunda, Class of 1991, Basketball; Brian Cohen, Class of 1995, Swimming; Bernie Packin Former Principal of Parsippany Hills High School, 1969-1988; Bob Caprio Former Athletic Director, 1969-95; Ken Graham Wrestling Coach, 1970-1978;

1981 Softball Team: Coach Rich Klebez, Coach Dave Zaleski, Coach Jack Pruden, Cathy Bade, JoAnn Ferrieri, Brenda Weaver,Tracy Johnson, Dawn Vohden, Lisa Bartoli, Jody Stein, Karen LaValley, Linda Lacher, Kathy Glendon, Susan Bonnet and  Jill Januszanis.

1982 Softball Team: Cathy Bade, JoAnn Ferrieri, Karen LaValley, Linda Lacher, Kathy Glendon, Susan Bonnet, Laura Schletter, Karen Bernauer, Claire Reilly, Barb Lewis, Theresa Racik, Lisa Coleman, Robyn Tutty, Chrissy Diedwardo, Cara Gottardi, Lisa Hilling, Sharron Sullivan, Tammy Kotzen and Robyn Kotzen.

Second Annual Hall Of Fame 2011-12 includes: Bruce Scherer, Class of 1972 Basketball; John Harper, Class of 1973 Journalist; Nancy Zeltsman, Class of 1976 Accomplished Musician; Michael Martino, Class of 1978 Accomplished Cameraman; Joe Orsulak, Class of 1980 Baseball/Soccer; Tom Petrosino, Class of 1982 Wrestling; Michael Baldassari, Class of 1983 Lighting Designer; Chris Singleton, Class of 1985 Football; Sharon Sullivan, Class of 1985 Softball; Angie Rosamilia, Class of 1999 Track; Rich Klebez, Softball Coach 1981-1991, Soccer Coach 1969-2008;  Dr. Frank A. Calabria dedicated service to the Parsippany Troy-Hills School District and Dr. Robert Perlett dedicated service to the Parsippany Troy-Hills School District.

Third Annual Hall of Fame 2012-13 includes:  Todd Ferris, Class of 1975 Wrestling; David M. Katz, Class of 1982 Basketball, Baseball; Tim Ross, Class of 1988 Soccer/Basketball/Baseball; Brian Tischy, Class of 1986 Accomplished Musician; Steve Bradley, dedicated service to the Parsippany Troy-Hills School District; Chuck Pollack, Teacher/Boys Tennis Coach 1970-2004 and Dr. Kathy Sleezer, Teacher/Administrator Dedicated Service to the Parsippany Troy-Hills School District.

Fourth Annual Hall of Fame 2013-14 includes: Keith Eichner, Class of 1971, Meteorologist; Roget Fleischer, Class of 1973, Wrestling and Football; Jeff Patterson, Class of 1973, Wrestling, Football, Military; Brigitte Duprez Sheehan, Class of 1978 Track; Scott Guiliana, Class of 1993 Baseball; Jenna Cohen, Class of 1992 Swimming, Soccer; Rich Fachet, Coach Boys Basketball 1979-2002 and Girls Soccer 1982-2007.

Fifth Annual Hall of Fame 2014-15 includes: Victor E. Jurusz, Jr., Class of 1971; Joel Chiappa, Class of 1978, Stephen Gunderson, Class of 1978, Suzanne Gunderson Scott, Class of 1984 and Joseph Strechay, Class of 1997.

Valley National Bank to Host Small Business Financing Seminar

PARSIPPANY —  Valley National Bank has announced that it will hold a free small business financing seminar for businesses with sales revenue up to $1 million on Tuesday, October 20 at 792 Route 46 in Parsippany from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.  For more information, please contact Ildiko Peluso, Territory Sales Manager, at (201) 280-5652 or

Valley National Bancorp is a regional bank holding company headquartered in Wayne, New Jersey with over $19 billion in assets. Its principal subsidiary, Valley National Bank, currently operates 217 branch locations serving 24 counties throughout northern and central New Jersey, the New York City boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island, and southeast and central Florida. Valley National Bank is one of the largest commercial banks headquartered in New Jersey and is committed to providing the most convenient service, the latest in product innovations and an experienced and knowledgeable staff with a high priority on friendly customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information about Valley National Bank and its products and services, please visit or call our 24/7 Customer Service Center at (800) 522-4100.

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