Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Letter to the editor: Residents to foot the bill of Lake Parsippany

lettersDear Editor:

The Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association (LPPOA) is going to ask the residents of Lake Parsippany to foot more of the bill. (Click here to read related article)

The decline in people using the Lake is not the residents fault. So why should we have to pay? I have a pool in my yard for my grandchildren. They use it an enjoy it as I do.

I stopped one day with my grandson to let him see the ducks. A man came up to me and said it was private property an I would have to leave. Great Public Relations on his part.

It doesn’t cost me $460.00 a year to run my pool. This would be a very unfair tax burden on the resents of Lake Parsippany. It’s like saying you have to buy a car from us but you can’t drive it. This would be a tax but no repetitive. My spelling may not be 100% but my anger is.

Jim Festa

Another 90-degree day in the forecast for N.J.

As most wake up to a wet morning, New Jersey residents should expect the rain to clear up by midday, setting the stage for another scorcher. Highs Tuesday are expected to push into the 90s for the eighth straight day, the longest heat wave since 2013. PLUS: ‘Winter-like’ storm could break heat wave, usher in cool…

Letter to the editor: Please attend meeting on August 13 regarding Turf Fields

lettersDear Editor:

On Thursday, August 13 at 6:30 p.m., Parsippany Board of Education is holding a meeting at the Board Office, 292 Parsippany Road, to discuss how and when the newly turfed football field and track will be used once work has been completed this September. (Editors note: click here to read related article).

At that meeting the board will provide the public with the opportunity to comment and hopefully the board will take the public’s input into consideration as they decide who will use the field and when the field will be used having served on the board of education for seven years I know that if the board does not receive any feedback from the public, the board will likely conclude that it can take any action it wants to take and will then feel free to favorably consider the requests that are going to come from the many organizations that will want to use the Parsippany High School field. (Please remember that the turfed field is being lined so that football, soccer, field hockey and lacrosse teams can use it. As the board of education has the authority to allow any Parsippany based not- for-profit organization to use the field the risk that the field could be in use seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. is very real.

On numerous occasions over the past couple of years the board of education has been asked to provide families who live around and near the field information as to how the board planned to manage potential noise, parking, litter and safety issues that might arise as a result of opening up the field to teams other than those that play for the high school. Up to this point in time the Board of Education has refused to comment which is why attending the meeting on August 13 is so important. Among the questions that need to be answered:

Which organizations does the Board of Education intend to allow to use the field and what will be the ages of the athletes allowed to use the field?

What days of the week will the field be available to those organizations and what hours will the field be open? Who will enforce those hours?

What kind of noise restrictions will be in effect i.e. no public address system?

Will parking be allowed on streets surrounding the field or restricted to the high school parking lot?

Who will be responsible for ensuring that the surrounding neighborhoods are kept safe and clean when the fields are being used by non-school teams and their out of town opponents?

Bob Crawford


Letter to the editor: Parsippany Re-development Plan is Anything But

lettersDear Editor:

Last evening, Monday,  August 3, Parsippany-Troy Hills Planning Board approved the UPS Office complex, while vacant office space rules the landscapes. (Editors Note: The UPS Office complex will be located in Morris Corporate Center)

In 2014 Parsippany after 8-years of allegedly being in a regional Master Plan Conformance process suddenly decided to end the process. In eight years Parsippany improved its Master Plan not at all. They have though changed the meaning of the term “redevelopment” in favor of re-use and even that term, Re-use has lost its meaning.

One definite reason perhaps conveniently dismissed for not conforming to regional plan was Parsippany’s so-called “redevelopment” or the deal between Parsippany & UPS to construct their office complex on Block 136 Lot 43. Private property rights take preference over good land use, and the balance between large development and protection of natural resources.

From our Master Plan: To protect and conserve the water supply serving the Parsippany-Troy Hills community. To ensure that any prospective development is responsive to the Township’s environmental features, and can be accommodated while preserving these physical characteristics.

Anyone reviewing the interactive maps provided by the Highlands Council would have seen, this landscape has wellhead protection area, almost all of it is a Ground water Recharge Area, harbors a small mature forest, wetlands, borders on a Flood prone area, and could be considered a Community Environmentally Constrained Sub-zone.

The legal argument last night by UPS vs Morris Corporate was traffic and how the 1000 new employees at UPS and the upcoming removal of trees; (no mention of replacing them elsewhere) and 4200 loads of soil, should be allowed to proceed before the Interface Parkway, Upper Pond Road to Cherry Hill Roads extension are constructed. The argument quite ridiculous and ironic was that a portion of the Ordinance requires “vacant parking spaces” to be included in the formula. Instead what this should have triggered was the complete lack of need for more office space and potential vacant spaces of impervious surface.

Look-up how redevelopment is defined by the State. It is land already developed, Brown and Grey fields, not new land development. Block 136 Lot 43 has no infrastructure, sewers and needed roads and safety devices to accompany the new traffic volume. PARSIPPANY SO-CALLED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN IS A SMOKE SCREEN, NEGLECTING PROPER LANDUSE OR STEWARDSHIP IN FAVOR OF PROPERTY OWNERSHIP RIGHTS THAT DO-NOT CONSIDER CONFLICTS BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT AND PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES. The so-called redevelopment plan also provided a loophole for Parsippany to evade its own traffic ordinance.  This redevelopment scheme was “secretly’ conceived with no public encouragement; or participation.  Who would think redevelopment would be anything other than its defined meaning?

Mayor Barberio seems to think all is just a matter of opinion, to him there is no facts. The fact that the Planning Board does not themselves review landscapes using provided for “interactive maps” is telling. In fact when in my experience they are presented they are shunned. They are neutral, simply providing scientifically known land characteristics.  OUR MASTER PLAN IS NOT WORTH THE PAPER IT IS WRITTEN ON. In a County with abundant vacant office space, we make another for a tax rateable; while we erase an important remaining natural resource that will surely affect our water supply. Over 15 acres of a 20.9 acre landscape in a ground water recharge area will become an impervious surface. How long will UPS’s office complex remain is use; adding to the inventory of vacant office space.

We will find in the long-term & short that Parsippany the UPS will bring and does not promote the standard of living or health for resident s of Parsippany; only more money to spend on more needless spending for spending’s sake.

Regional Planning would have solved all these problems and UPS would still have their complex but not at the price of natural resource destruction surely to have an accumulative effect on our water and quality of life here, costly tax-payers in the future. Without the Regional Management Plan no balance can be had with corporate wants ignoring the needs of protecting our natural resources of which the future generations depend.

UPS is not an environmentally friendly corporation being selfish in their property rights ignoring the fact that they property they choose to purchase had “natural resource value” all to be erased by a NJDEP that is not doing their job, but favoring so-called short-term economic interest over long-term sustainability. Will the trees on this landscape be replaced? Most cases no tree inventory even exist despite Parsipanny’s claim to be tree conscience and caring.  Under Home Rule our Master Plan is a joke an instrument of propaganda, not in the best interest of Parsippany but the large corporate land owners that surround us. Without leadership this trend will continue.

Nick Homyak
Lake Hiawatha

Lake Parsippany Property Owners researching possible assessment

PARSIPPANY — The Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association held a meeting on Monday, August 3 to explore the feasibility of assessing all Lake Parsippany residents. Over the past five years there has been a decline in membership.

Of the 56 voting members in attendance they voted 49-7 to allocate $1,080 to hire Attorney Eileen Borne, from Dolan and Dolan to explore the feasibility of an assessment.

swimmersIt is estimated to have 443 current members, about 300 households from Lake Parsippany and another 143 from out of the borders of the lake.

The nuts and bolts have not been worked out, the overlying premise is the maintenance (water quality, tree removal, etc) would be part of the assessment, which gives you no right to the lake. To use the lake you would need to pay the annual recreation fee.

The assessment would affect approximately 2,000 plus homes within the borders of Lake Parsippany.

The basic premises is that in order to recap the benefit you need to help with the burden. The concept is often referred to as “Fair Share.”

“In a memo released by the LPPOA they stated “We know that all of us have many unanswered questions such as how much will it cost. At this time we do not know. However, as we go through this process we will keep the membership informed. Each lake that has transitioned had its own unique obstacles and as a Board we simply cannot use the other lakes as an absolute model. All of your questions will be noted; however we cannot answer any of them at this time. Should you come up with any questions, please feel free to email,” stated the Board of Directors.

Currently the membership to join the lake for a family is $460.00. Junior membership is $120.00 and a single membership is $265.00 and a senior membership is $120.00. (note: there are discounts for early bird specials).

Most recently transitioned are Lake Arrowhead and Intervale. Glacier Hills Pool is in the process now and Rainbow Lakes is beginning an investigation as well.

Correction: Previous version of this story referred to the assessment as a tax assessment, the word tax was deleted from the story.



POLITICO, Parsippany Focus, reveal even more about Parsippany Super PAC involvement

PARSIPPANY — The national political newspaper and website POLITICO recently published a scathing article which links township venders circumventing local Pay to Play laws by donating money to a Super PAC supporting a local slate of GOP Council candidates.

Confirming what was previously reported in Parsippany Focus, POLITICO reports that IRS filings reveal that the Super PAC, America’s Future First, raised almost $88,000 in 2014. Of that, about $48,000 came from Fairview Insurance, while another $32,000 came from the engineering firm Adams, Rehmann and Heggan (ARH). Earlier this year Fairview Insurance, Parsippany’s health insurance broker, was voted out by the Council to be the broker of record for 2015.

In 2014, ARH was awarded a contract with the township but neither POLITICO nor Parsippany Focus were unable to confirm whether or not any work was done for the township.  One source told Parsippany Focus that ARH has been retained by Waterview Developer Steve Kalafer, but at publication time, Parsippany Focus has been unable to confirm this.

Although IRS filings do not show Super PAC spokesman Timothy White nor his firm Beckerman Group as being paid by America’s Future First, or it’s sister Super PAC, NJ’s Future First, White does represent himself as the Super PAC’s spokesman. As previously reported in Parsippany Focus, Timothy White is no stranger to Parsippany. White, a vice president at Beckerman Group public relations firm, has previously been retained by Steve Kalafer, one of the investors of the controversial Whole Foods development plan at “Waterview”, a project, Carifi and his team opposed, and one that dePierro and his slate supported. In 2013, White, working for Waterview developer partner Kalfer, penned “letters to the editor” on behalf of various individuals in support of the project and issued press releases for the building trades unions, of which the Super PAC’s director Robert Dombroski is a member of. In one email Parsippany Focus has obtained, White wrote Kalfer and his personal assistant:

Bob Grieb from the Pipefitters was nice enough to lend his name to the quote in the press release, I thought we can follow up with a letter to the editor from Bob that we can publish in the Daily Record, The PATCH and The Star-Ledger.

Attached is a draft of a letter from Bob. Do you think we can get him to approve this letter? If so I would just need his phone number and e-mail address for verification purposes and I will submit on his behalf.

Thanks again, TW

In another email, Mr. Kalafer’s assistant asked another Waterview development partner, Joseph M Forgione, to forward a Timothy White authored press release to Parsippany Township attorney John Inglesino.

Within a week of the Waterview project being voted down in October 2013, White was also issuing press releases to the media on behalf of no one against former Councilman Jonathan Nelson who voted against the controversial project.

Super PAC sets up shop in Parsippany

As the 2015 Council primary race heated up, The Super PAC advertised on various employment websites that they would pay between $10-$20/hour for canvassers supporting the dePierro slate and rented a small storefront at 709 Lake Shore Drive, Lake Parsippany, as it’s headquarters.

Parsippany Focus inquired with the Township’s Zoning Department about the small office.  The Zoning Department had no records of any permit being filed and immediately sent a field inspector out to inspect the office.

Although the headquarters was closed at the time of inspection, the township inspector confirmed that the Super PAC was operating at the location and took photos of the operation. The day after the Township’s Zoning Department contacted the owner of the property, the Super PAC abruptly abandoned the premises.

According to state and federal laws, PACs may support issues, but may not have any contact with individual candidates.  When first made aware of the Super PAC’s presence in Parsippany, dePierro told Politickrnj that “this must have been arranged by someone who sees what they’re [Councilman Paul Carifi] doing on council and doesn’t like their conduct at council meetings. Parsippany is the largest town [in Morris County] and all these years I never felt completely in control [of what happens in campaigns].”

“I don’t know who the PAC is,” he added. “I haven’t even seen the mailer. I understand they misspelled my name. I haven’t seen this.”

While the Super PAC was operating the office in Lake Parsippany, sources have observed Councilman dePierro and his running mate Vincent Ferrera both inside and outside of the Super PAC’s headquarters.  Parsippany Focus has obtained photos which clearly confirm this accusation.


The photos of Council Candidate Vincent Ferrara and his car were taken in mid May.  His license plate is blurred to protect his privacy.  The photo of Councilman dePierro’s car was taken the following afternoon. Councilman dePierro was also observed carrying what appeared to be a “Staples” ream of paper box leaving the office carrying a large folder with a lot of paper. However, Councilman dePierro had difficulty carrying the material so the person who observed him offered to assist rather than take a photo. The address of the Super PAC HQ is 709 Lake Shore Drive.  Visiting street view in Google Maps show clearly that these photos are taken at that address.

Council Candidate Ferrara in Super PAC HQ
Council Candidate Ferrara in Super PAC HQ
Council candidate Ferrara's car parked in front of Super PAC HQ while he is inside.
Council candidate Ferrara’s car parked in front of Super PAC HQ while he is inside.
Councilman dePierro's car parked directly in front of Super PAC HQ.  Councilman dePierro returned to his car moments later carrying a box
Councilman dePierro’s car parked directly in front of Super PAC HQ. Councilman dePierro returned to his car moments later carrying a box




Ice Cream Social to be held at Goddard School

icecreamsocialPARSIPPANY — I Scream, You Scream, Please join The Goddard School for Ice Cream!

The Goddard School, the premier preschool for children from six weeks to six years, located at 311 Smith Road is hosting an Ice Cream Social Open House on Thursday, August 6 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

During this free family fun event, children of all ages will enjoy refreshments and fun activities. The evening will feature arts and crafts, games, and of course the opportunity to make your own sundae. You will also be able to visit our classrooms and meet our teachers. New families who enroll at this event will receive 50% off their first month’s tuition.

On-site owners, Ravi and Sushama Patil, along with their faculty, which includes teachers trained and experienced in early childhood development, are eager to welcome children into this nurturing environment where the curriculum encourages learning through play. The program offers parents the convenience of extended hours from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the flexibility of either half-or full-day schedules and the security of the highest corporately monitored Quality Assurance standards. For more information about their programs, click here.


Three Central Middle School students are in Principal Roles in Legally Blonde

PARSIPPANY – Parsippany Central Middle School 12-year olds Kenny Lee, Sarah Lepre, and Karmina Wall will perform in New Vision Players’ (NVP) production of Legally Blonde, Jr.

The students will take center stage in the popular musical at the end of August. This is the premiere youth production for this upcoming company, which won several NJACT Perry Awards for their acclaimed version of Les Miserables in 2013.

A fun international award-winning musical based on the popular movie, Legally Blonde, Jr. follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes, snobbery, and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. This action-packed musical explodes on stage with memorable songs and dynamic dances. Equal parts hilarious and heart-warming, this musical experience is a fun night out with the family.

Kenny Lee previously appeared in the CMS Spring musical Peter Pan, Jr. as Michael. This summer, he has the role of Emmett Forrest, the lawyer that is working hard to become a partner and befriends Elle Woods, the main character.

Sarah Lepre has been performing for five years in various community theater productions, short films, and performing arts events. This is her second NVP production, as she played Young Eponine in Les Miserables. She was also in CMS’ Peter Pan, Jr. as Tinkerbell. In Legally Blonde, Jr., Sarah will play Vivienne Kensington, the snobby rich girl who is Elle’s nemesis.

Karmina Wall is an accomplished musician and has played the violin with the New Jersey Youth Symphony Orchestra, and sang recently in Carnegie Hall with the Golden Key Festival. She also plays flute in the CMS band. Karmina will perform the role of Brooke Wyndham, the fitness instructor on trial for murder in Legally Blonde, Jr.

The friends are very excited to perform together and spend their summer singing and dancing.

The production will be held on Thursday, August 27 at  7:00.p.m.; Saturday, August 29 – 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, August 30 at 2:00 p.m.

Legally Blonde, Jr. will be performed at Temple Emeth, 1666 Windsor Road, Teaneck. Tickets are $12.00 for General Admission and $10.00 for Kids 10 and Under, Seniors 65 and older.

To purchase tickets, click here.

For more information/tickets for Legally Blonde, Jr., please visit New Vision Players’ website by clicking here or email Amanda Villafuerte, Co-President/Business Manager, New Vision Players, Inc. at



“Hotel California” performs to a large audience

PARSIPPANY — “Hotel California” performed during Parsippany’s Summertime Concert series on Wednesday, July 29, at Veterans Memorial Park, Route 46 and Vail Road.

For two decades, this act has faithfully and accurately reproduced the Grammy Award winning sounds of The Eagles. Each concert presents an exciting showcase of their hits such as “Take It Easy”, Heartache Tonight” and of course “Hotel California” Click here for more information.

PHS graduates created a clothing line

PARSIPPANY — Concussion Clothing was founded in 2015 to help others who have suffered from Traumatic Brain Injuries and to educate on the dangers of and ways to prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries.

What started out as a hobby in a local basement, Concussion Clothing has blossomed into a great opportunity to help others nationwide.

Looking for a way to give back to others, founder, Alexander Chauvette, teamed up with co-founder, Kiernan Boone, to create Concussion Clothing. Chauvette and Boone are both graduates of Parsippany High School. Kierman graduated Penn State with a degree in Business Management, and Alex is currently studying at Montclair University majoring in Art Eduction.

The owners of Concussion Clothing loves sports and has an active lifestyle. They do not want to scare people away from doing the things they love. Their vision for Concussion Clothing is to be a leader in the Traumatic Brain Injury cause and spread the word on how important it is to protect your brain.

Whether you are a football player or driving a car, anyone can get a Traumatic Brain Injury. An estimated 1.7 million people sustain a Traumatic Brain Injury each year in the United States. Today, approximately 5.3 million Americans are living with disabilities from Traumatic Brain Injuries. With the growing concern of Concussions and severe Traumatic Brain Injuries, it is important to realize how big of a problem this is for everyone.

20% of each apparel product sold will be donated to a traumatic brain injury related charity, people who have experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury, or towards a solution that helps prevent others from getting a Traumatic Brain Injury.

Their goal is to make a visible impact on the lives of those who have suffered from any type of Traumatic Brain Injury and help others prevent themselves from experiencing one.

Click here to visit their online store and to learn more about Traumatic Brain Injuries.

Greystone Hospital as seen from the inside: PHOTOS

PARSIPPANY — The following collection of photos were taken by Kathryn of Abandoned NJ in April 2012.  These unique images provide an interesting and important perspective of the former hospital and grounds.

At the time these photos were taken, it is obvious that the main Building was in a state of terrible disrepair.

To see more of Kathryn’s photo collections visit her flickr collection



Chinese Students visiting Parsippany tour Fire District 6

Members of the Parsippany-Troy Hills Volunteer Fire Department District 6 educating the visiting students from China about Fire Prevention

PARSIPPANY — Middle School and High School students from China are in Parsippany exploring American culture and education. These students entered a competition in China where after studying English, the most proficient students won a trip to the United States to take classes here.

The Parsippany-Troy Hills Fire Prevention Bureau and Parsippany-Troy Hills Volunteer Fire District #6 gave a presentation at Central Middle School to the Chinese students that have been visiting Parsippany as part of the American Education Exploration Program.

The students and teachers were so impressed that they visited the Parsippany Fire District 6 firehouse on Monday, July 27 to tour the firehouse and see other apparatus and to the learn about the operation of the fire department.

In conjunction with Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, the students are enrolled in Wide World of Summer with specific classes designed to provide education on various topics. The Township has also provided various tours of the Police Department and the Municipal Building.

During their visit at Fire District 6, the students were treated to pizza

Discussion on Turf Fields to be held

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education Meeting will be holding their next meeting on Thursday, August 13 at 6:30 p.m.

The public is invited to participate in a discussion regarding the use of the new turf fields at Parsippany High School and Parsippany Hills High School.

The meeting will be held at the Board of Education office, 292 Parsippany Road.

The turf fields were presented earlier this year after the Board of Education approved the expenditure of $2,533,000 to complete the project. A groundbreaking ceremony was held in early May, (Click to read more regarding PHHS or PHS).

Cecil The Lion’s Brother, Jericho, Shot Dead By Poachers

Cecil (right) the lion’s brother Jerciho (left) Another tragedy in Zimbabwe when Jericho was shot by poachers. Jericho was looking after Cecil’s cubs, and his death makes the family even more vulnerable. The animal was protecting his lion cubs after he was shot dead by Minnesota dentist, Walter Palmer earlier this month, sparking outrage around the…

What you need to know about police body cams and your rights

State officials announced on Tuesday a multi-million dollar effort to expand the use of police body cameras by state police and law enforcement agencies across New Jersey. The state Attorney General’s Office also released a 24-page directive for the use of the devices, known as “body worn cameras,” or BWCs. Here’s what you need to know…

Parsippany High School Cheerleaders featured in music video

Kris Alberts
Kris Alberts

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany High School cheerleaders are featured in a music video for recording artist Kris Alberts. The incredibly fun video is produced and directed by actor/director Julie Asriyan (a PHS Class of 2001 graduate herself).

Kris Alberts was herself once a little girl growing up in Parsippany. Though she did not attend PHS, having graduated from the famous Laguardia High School for the Performing arts, she did graduate Northvail Elementary School.

CHEERLEADER Remix- OMI feat. KRIS ALBERTS (Vito Fun vs Felix Jaehn ) is a girl’s response to the pop hit of the summer featuring an original verse in response to OMI’s lyrics.

CBRE Group arranges $5 Million Financing for Parsippany Building

PARSIPPANY —  CBRE Group, New Jersey’s largest commercial real estate brokerage firm, announced today that its Capital Markets Debt & Structured Finance team has arranged $5 million short-term bridge financing secured by One Gatehall Drive, a 113,220-square-foot office property in Parsippany.

The CBRE team of James Gunning, Donna Falzarano and Evan Kleppe arranged the financing with a local commercial bank on behalf of the borrower, GLB Gatehall, LLC. The entity is a partnership of Glenborough, a privately held full service real estate firm, and a large institutional real estate investor.  

The short-term floating rate financing, which was secured with a competitive interest rate, was put in place to refinance the existing mortgage on the property. The CBRE team’s marketing efforts were received favorably by a number of prominent New Jersey banks, allowing the borrower to select the most flexible and competitive deal of those offered.

GLB Gatehall, LLC acquired One Gatehall Drive in 2006 and has maintained above-average occupancy levels at the office property over the past five years. The Class A, four-story building sits on 9.7 acres in the heart of Morris County, offering immediate access to Interstates 80 and 287. The property was developed as part of a larger corporate campus, which is home to a number of Fortune 500 companies and features a full-service cafeteria, a childcare center and onsite hotels and restaurants. 

About CBRE Group, Inc.

CBRE Group, a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 company headquartered in Los Angeles, is the world’s largest commercial real estate services and investment firm (in terms of 2014 revenue).  The Company has more than 52,000 employees (excluding affiliates), and serves real estate owners, investors and occupiers through more than 370 offices (excluding affiliates) worldwide. CBRE offers strategic advice and execution for property sales and leasing; corporate services; property, facilities and project management; mortgage banking; appraisal and valuation; development services; investment management; and research and consulting. For more information, click here.

Morris County Clerk Announces Launch of “Operation Giveback’’

Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Clerk’s Office is reaching out to local businesses in Parsippany and in all 39 Morris County towns to help establish a countywide retail and service discount booklet that would provide dollar savings to all military veterans who live in Morris County.

County Clerk Ann Grossi announced the start of the program at a press conference today in her Morristown office, calling on business in all neighborhoods throughout Morris County to participate in this program as a way of saying thank you to our veterans.

“We thought it would be good to give back to the men and women who have undoubtedly given so much to us and our beloved nation,’’ said Grossi.

“Simply put, we are working to create a discount booklet that would provide a percentage off on products offered or services rendered as a way to say thank you to those who have served so selflessly to allow us to enjoy the freedoms we have today,’’ added Grossi.

There will be a “boots on the ground’’ effort by employees of the County’s Clerk’s Office over the next two months to create a maximum numbers of discounts, as they pitch the program to businesses in communities and neighborhoods in all 39 Morris County towns, from Parsippany and Riverdale, to Long Hill and Jefferson Township, and out west to Washington Township.

“These veterans deserve our appreciation for their service to our country. This is just a small way that we can help pay them back for protecting our freedoms,’’ said Sam Sapporite, an Army veteran and second vice president of the Rockaway Borough Historical Committee, and who works closely with local VFW’s and American Legions in Morris County. “We are going to work hard on Operation Give Back and, as they say in the service, we will make it happen,’’ he added.

To get the discounts, veterans would be required to show a unique Morris County veterans identification card that can easily be obtained from the County Clerk’s Office.

Sample card of the Veterans ID Card
Sample card of the Veterans ID Card

To get a veterans’ card, click here or contact Liz Sutula at (973) 285-6142 or

Current plans call for Operation Giveback to kick off in the fall, with booklets to be distributed to veterans’ groups and individuals prior to this year’s Veterans Day ceremonies through Morris County.

Businesses that participate will have their name highlighted in the booklet and on the County Clerk’s website.

To easily enroll a business in Operation Give Back, click here.

Parsippany Family Dental Launches New Patient Welcome Package

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Family Dental has launched a special new patient welcome package, which enables new patients to benefit from a comprehensive dental examination, x-rays, cleaning, polishing, screening, and gum evaluation at a special reduced price of $80. With the regular cost of these procedures standing at $230.00, new patients can benefit from savings of $150.00 with the package. They are located at 758 Route 46, in the Arlington Plaza Shopping Center.

As part of the initial exam the dental professionals will check for gum disease. While this is usually mild, if gum disease is left untreated, it can lead to a large number of issues including infection and loss of teeth. When a patient has poor periodontal health, it may also lead to diabetes, respiratory issues, strokes and heart complications. When a person has a healthy mouth, it is a great indication that they are in great overall health, as well.

Dentists will also screen patients for oral cancer, during their visit, which is now the sixth most common type of cancer in the U.S. Additionally, with a fifty percent mortality rate, catching this disease early on can literally be the difference in life or death.

An official from the clinic said: “Our special offer for new patients means that those joining our clinic can now benefit from a really thorough dental checkup to ensure that their oral health is in order. These checks are a vital part of maintaining dental health and avoiding what could become serious problems. Our welcome package makes it easier and cheaper for new patients to maintain good dental health.”

He added “Great dental hygiene and health is more than just a beautiful while smile and fresh breath. Proper oral care and hygiene, including the regular flossing, brushing and regular dental exams are important for factors including proper speech, self-esteem and chewing. When individuals do not seek routine and regular dental care their teeth may become decayed, causing nerve exposure, which may result in extreme pain. With regular dental visits this can completely eliminate any tooth decay and prevent a good amount of the pain that is associated with gum disease and cavities.”

The professionals at Parsippany Family Dental are dedicated to making each patient’s visit to the dentist stress and anxiety free. The staff understands that many people have a fear going to the dentist, and they have worked hard to make appointments as pleasurable and pain free as possible. From the offerings of a comfortable chair to options for sedation, patients are able to relax and receive the dental care that they need.

For more information regarding the routine services offered by Parsippany Family Dental, call the office today at (973) 658-4408 visit their website by clicking here.

Hot, dry weekend ahead in Parsippany

The weather New Jerseyans have experienced all week won’t change much as the weekend arrives and July concludes. Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be sunny and around 90, according to the National Weather Service. The evenings will be mostly clear and mild with temperatures falling into the low 70s. The only minor issue that could affect…

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