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DeCroce: Plastic bag tax will fail to meet environmental goals

Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce

PARSIPPANY — Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce said the new bag tax passed by the Democrat-led state legislature is just another sign that Democrats are more interested in pandering to far-left special interests than making New Jersey more affordable for working people.

The bill, now on Governor Phil Murphy’s desk, requires customers to pay 5-cents for every plastic or paper bag they use to carry their purchases.

“People still need bags to bring home their groceries,” said DeCroce.  “It will not reduce the use of plastic bags and its impact on the environment will be marginal.  It will succeed only in taking millions of dollars from consumers.”

DeCroce cited a study by Montgomery County, Md., which enacted a 5-cent tax on disposable shopping bags in 2012.  The analysis showed that the number of bags sold in the county actually went up — from 60,000 bags in 2013 to nearly 62,000 bags.

“The supporters of the plastic bag tax failed to use common sense when they created their bill and obviously do not understand how people really live,” said DeCroce.  “If a plastic bag is reused in the home as a garbage bag, doesn’t that eliminate the need for another small plastic garbage bag?”

DeCroce said the issue of plastic bag use is far larger than what people use to take home their groceries. She said consumers reuse bags for many purposes – including lining trash cans, storing food, and to clean up after their pets.

“What do the proponents of the plastic bag tax propose people do to replace the many uses of plastic bags?” asked DeCroce. “If Maryland is any example, people are going to go out and buy new plastic bags and continue to use them.”

While the plastic bag tax purports to raise money for environmental awareness, the assemblywoman predicted that most of the tax money will be eaten up by state bureaucracy.

“At the end of the day all this tax will do is take millions of dollars out of the economy  and inconvenience consumers and store owners, while failing to meet any meaningful environmental goals,” said DeCroce.

Pennacchio to Murphy: Bag the Bag Tax 


MORRIS COUNTY — Senator Joe Pennacchio called on Governor Phil Murphy to veto a grocery bag tax that was recently approved by Democrats in the New Jersey Legislature, saying he will introduce legislation to repeal the five-cent per bag tax if it is signed into law.

Senator Joe Pennacchio

“Democrats will literally nickel and dime New Jerseyans through a new five-cent tax on each grocery bag you use,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “This overtaxing of everything we do in New Jersey needs to stop. I’m calling on Governor Murphy to bag the bag tax. If he doesn’t do the right thing, I’ll fight to repeal the grocery bag tax to protect New Jersey’s overtaxed residents.”

The Democrats’ legislation, S-3267/S-2600, imposes a five-cent tax on each single-use plastic or paper bag used that is provided to customers at various retail establishments, including drug stores, supermarkets, and chain stores.

This new grocery bag tax is in addition to a separate effort by Governor Murphy to increase the New Jersey sales tax to seven percent, which would cost consumers another $600 million.

Pennacchio said the grocery bag tax is reminiscent of former Governor Jim Florio’s infamous toilet paper tax.

“Taxpayers helped to flush Florio’s toilet paper tax down the drain,” added Pennacchio. “They should call Governor Murphy and tell him the grocery bag tax deserves to go out with the trash.”

The grocery bag tax, which is pending the Governor’s approval, advanced through both houses of the Legislature on June 21st. Pennacchio’s repeal legislation is being prepared for introduction.

Two Parsippany High School sweethearts marry after 12 years


PARSIPPANY — Jay and Rasila Dhaduk and Atul and Savita Patel are proud to announce the wedding of their children, Radhika Dhaduk and Priyal Patel.

They held a pre-wedding function in the Madzabrook Community and a formal wedding celebration at “The Venetian” located in Garfield. Piyval’s younger brother, Adit, served as best man and Radhika’s younger sister, Nehal, was maid of honor.

Priyal and Radhika was married on their 10-year anniversary; a dream they’ve always had! They first met twelve years ago in Parsippany High School, right after she moved to into the area.

“It was a moment right out of the movies. He saw me walking down the hallway. He stared at me. I stared at him. The rest is history. We were best friends for a year, eventually leading us to fall in love. We officially started dating June 2, 2008 and then went off to different colleges in different states. I attended Long Island University for Pharmacy, while he attended Rutgers University for business. This is when the endless commuting began every single week for the next six years from NJ to NY and NY to NJ,” said Radhika.

The best part about our relationship is that we both live in Parsippany, five minutes from each other. This has made everything effortlessly convenient. Being the oldest children in both families, it wasn’t an easy task convincing our parents to let us date without being engaged or married. We are the first generation born in the United States, so it took some convincing.

However, the parents came around when they adopted their first puppy together, Ace. Now, both the families have such a strong relationship that they don’t deem it necessary to even invite us to their hangouts.

Priyal proposed to Radhika at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco on June 25, 2016. They were on their eighth annual anniversary trip. Priyal flew out their closest friends and family to California to surprise Radhika; then he got down on his knees and proposed. It was one of the happiest moments of her life. Priyal had the entire weekend planned, which consisted of making a trip to Napa Valley; a place she had been dying to visit! Six months later, they held an engagement party and officially became engaged through Indian rituals.

The five-day wedding festivities started with a kick off party, Sangeet night, Mehndi, Garba, Manglik Prasango and Fuleku, leading up to the wedding and reception at The Venetian. There were over 600 people in attendance, which is a norm for most Indian weddings.

Wedding planning was very time consuming even though it was done over a span of two years. However, all the amazing vendors made the entire process facile. It was the best day of our lives with all of the people we care most about right by our side. We wouldn’t mind reliving it all over again. Their yorkie Ace has witnessed the relationship from the beginning, which is why they thought it would be perfect for him to be there on their special wedding day.

He became the ring bearer for his parents. Not many can say they are marrying their high school sweetheart, but the couple takes so much pride in saying they made it.

Radhika said “I knew he was a keeper when I first laid eyes on him twelve years ago, and here we are today; happily married.”

Understanding Your Property Taxes


PARSIPPANY — Residents have been talking about tax increases. Recently Parsippany Focus posted an article regarding the proposed budget increase of 3.5% for municipal tax.

When Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council approves a budget submitted by the Township Administration, they only approve the municipal tax portion of your bill.

In 2017, 20.77% of your total tax bill was the municipal portion of the total tax bill. The chart below shows the origin of taxes, the percentage in each category and the amount of tax for the AVERAGE homeowner in Parsippany, based on a home value of $309,000.

In 2017, if you home was valued at $309,000 your tax breakdown would be as follows:

Municipal Tax 20.77% $1,839.78
Municipal Library 1.39% $120.59
Municipal Open Space .70% $61.84
Fire Districts (Average) 1.69% $179.34
Local School District 64.54% $5,720.31
County Purposes 10.54% $936.89
County Open Space .37% $34.01
Total Calendar Year 2017 100.00% $8,892.76

The Township Administration is currently proposing a 3.5% increase in municipal taxes. So based on the average home of $309,000, the increase would be approximately $64.93 per year.

The other portions of your tax bill, other than Municipal Library, has not been released at this time.

Parsippany Budget introduced at Council Meeting

Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council

PARSIPPANY — At the Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Meeting of Tuesday, June 19, the 2018 Township Budget was introduced with Councilwoman Loretta Gragnani and Councilman Michael dePierro voting against the introduction. The introduced budget shows a 3.5% increase in the municipal tax rate. For an average home valued at $309,000 the increase would be $64.93 per household. Click here to view the proposed user friendly budget.

In reviewing the introduced budget, a few items stick out

  1. Health Benefits: Increased an average of $2,000 per employee, bringing the family plan to $27,296.24 as compared to $25,393.00 in 2017. Health benefits increased over $1,000,000 compared to 2017. (Note: The medical went up $2,000 because Parsippany “self-insurance” rates are calculated by an actuary each year.) The medical includes prescription, medical, dental and vision.
  2. The total number of employees receiving health care in 2018 is 392, as compared in 2017 at 401. That is a drop of nine employees. The number of retired employees increased of ten. (2017 had 163 retired employees receiving medical benefits and 2018 has a total of 173).
  3. Included in the budget is mandatory payments of $1,093,000.
  4.  The “900,000” breaks down as follows: $520,000 for the down payment for the radio ordinance approved at the end of 2017 (Ordinance No. 2017:24) and $345,277 for the increase in Pension Police and Firemen’s Retirement System. Another increase was in debt service of $228,376. These are “uncontrollable  expenses.” When Mr. Carifi discussed the $900,000 it was an estimate but the actual is over $1,093,000. (Click here to read Ordinance No. 2017:24)
  5. $720,391 equates a tax point percentage. The $1,093,000 will increase municipal taxes by over 1.5% alone. These are “uncontrollable expenses.”
    Proposed Tax Increase 3.5%
    Less Uncontrollable Expenses 1.5%
  6. If the “uncontrollable expenses” were zero, the 2018 municipal tax increase would have been 2.0%.
    Parsippany-Troy Hills CFO Ann Cucci

    At one point in the meeting, CFO Ann Cucci pointed out that the budget needs to be introduced by June 29. She suggested the budget be introduced and Council members dePierro and Gragnani can amend the budget before the final passage on Tuesday, July 24. Final passage must be 28 days after introduction according to the statue.

    “My concern regarding this 2018 budget is the newly created or additional personnel primarily in administration. Six positions in my opinion, unnecessary or highly overpaid. Salary, pension and benefit costs for these six positions total over $500,000. Since a tax point is approximately $720,000, salary, pension and benefit costs for these six positions calculates to approximately 7/10 of a tax point, so a 3.5% increase in our budget could have been reduced to 2.8% without the additional staff. A significant difference. Because of the huge tax increase and the unnecessary expensive positions, I vote no in this budget” said Councilman Michael dePierro.

    Councilwoman Loretta Gragnani

    Councilwoman Loretta Gragnani said “During the past several weeks, the 2018 budget presentation, we have heard a lot of municipal dialogue about how the 2017 budget should never have been approved. However, despite this convenient dialogue on the part of the municipal staff, at no time during the entire 2017 budget process and in no uncertain terms did pass, Former Council Vice President Robert Peluso and myself serving on the finance committee, had heard from the BA (Business Administrator) or the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) that the 2017 fiscal plan was not a viable budget. Was I taken back? Yes, I was. The proposed 2018 mayoral budget will be a hardship to Parsippany families and seniors. A 3.5% tax on homes assessed at approximately $309,000 to $500,000, will see a total tax increase in the range of $212 to $350. Families and seniors living on fixed income, paycheck to paycheck, not receiving state or federal pensions, I believe will be overwhelmed financially. Many have received the homestead rebate relief last year, but this year, with the negotiations being conducted in Trenton, it will possibly that the rebate may be cut in half. As Councilman dePierro mentioned, unnecessary new hires created ministerial positions and additional costs incurred under this administration have impacted this budget. If the Murphy Administration in Trenton extended the 2% cap, this administration would be forced to reject this proposed budget and adhere to the cap in the interest of property owners. I vote no on this proposal.”

    Council Vice President Janice McCarthy said “I disagree with that because the real problem is there was a zero tax increase last year. Expenses do not stay stagnant. They increase, there is no way that they stayed. They stayed stagnant to compensate for what should have been done last year. So let me just say that the 0% tax increase in 2017 and years of deficit spending, and its deficit spending when you use the sore fund to compensate for municipal expenses when the property taxes can’t cover and the prior administration and council put the town in a very difficult position that will take years to resolve years to resolve now.”

    “Now you can talk about these new hires and we can make some partisan points about this. I think our obligation here is to work together and get out of this a financial difficulty and move forward. If we want to make it about the town and the town residents, Let’s do that. If we want to make it about partisan politics, you can do that,” said McCarthy.

    Parsippany-Troy Hills Council President Paul Carifi, Jr.

    Council President Paul Carifi, Jr., stated “We’ve had these budget books for two and a half months. Mr. dePierro or Mrs. Gragnani, I haven’t heard one recommendation from you in reference to cutting anything. These six positions, I don’t even know which six positions you’re referring to. I’m going to guess from what people have asked in reference to two positions. I think one of them that people keep referring to what previous meetings was filled up until recently and became vacant and then that one was filled. Another one, if I believe what I think it is, has been vacant for awhile and that one was filled. The other four positions I don’t know who they are but I’m assuming they are replacements for people that are no longer here. But that said, we have no recommendations from either one of you for any kind of cuts.”

    “I know myself and Mrs. McCarthy are on the Finance Committee. I know we met with the Mayor, Mrs. Sandman and Mrs. Cucci. We made a number of cuts to the original budget that was presented, hundreds of thousands of dollars to get it down to 3.5%. It was stated at our last meeting by our auditor, by our CFO, by our Business Administrator, I specifically asked, are we in this situation because of what the former Mayor, Mr. Barberio did with his 0% budget? They all agreed we are. It was also stated that, Mr. dePierro, you brought up the fact about the library in 2016 we had to bail out the library and that was $872,000 and that’s the reason for the 4.2% increase. It was stated at our last budget meeting that there’s $900,000 in mandatory payments. Mandatory payments that we have no choice, but we must pay the increase of $900,000, which is more than the library. The budget that year was 4.2%. This one’s coming in at 3.5%. That’s $28,000 more than what it was the additional costs for the library. So already we were $900,000 in the hole starting on the budget,” he continued.

    “I voted no because Mayor Barberio decided to take another $1.2 million of surplus last year and make it $3.2 million. I went to the Mayor at our finance committee meeting and said, you know, we’re going to start reducing that. And he agreed we’d start to reduce the surplus. So that’s down almost three, approximately $300,000 and it’s trending down. We brought that up last meeting so that we’re not using surplus money to cover what the budget is. I also asked the auditor, our CFO (Ms. Cucci) and our Business Administrator (Mrs. Sandman), the people who deal with the money on a daily basis in order to get this budget under 2%, would we have to cut services to our residents and lay off employees? And they all agreed that that would. What would we would have to do in order to do that? Now I ask people, because I did my due diligence, I contacted in the last couple of weeks a 172 people and I asked them for a 3.5% or approximately $64 for the average home in our town…Do you want your services cut? Do you want to see employees get laid off? Do you want to see possibly a reduction in your Police Department? In this budget, there’s money included for Class Threes (officers) so we can have more protection in our schools. If we have to trim the budget and we have to get rid of people. I’m not saying that it would come from the Police Department, but that could be a possibility and not one person I talked to out of 172 people wanted to see any reduction in any essential services, any reduction in police protection, any reduction in any service. It was brought up about the seniors. Out of those 172 people, a lot of those people I spoke to were senior citizens. Mr. Schindel and they also agreed after I explained to them what had happened.”

    “This has nothing to do with being Republican or Democrat, I’m trying to do the right thing for the people. And I did do my due diligence. I contacted 172 people and not one person said they wanted their services reduced at $64. Everyone says, oh, you know the, our Town, my taxes. Yeah. Am I happy about this budget? Absolutely not. Would I like to see no one’s taxes go up. Okay. But we are. It was stated we are only 22%, 23% of your budget. The school tax is the major percentage of your budget. Okay. Not Us. We only control 22, 23% of your budget. Okay. So again, doing my due diligence, I am not happy. Am I happy about a three and a half percent increase? Absolutely not, but it’s what’s needed to be done. Unless you want to cut services and lay off employees that work for this town, which I do not want to do. Therefore I vote yes,” continued Carifi.

    The motion passed with three yes votes.

    To correct another online publication that stated “The Parsippany-Troy Hills Council needs four votes to introduce this budget. Currently they have three.” That is an incorrect statement. The budget only needs three votes to be introduced and three votes for final approval.

Kiwanis Club to charter new K-Kids Club for Intervale Elementary School

Intervale School Principal Mr. Christopher Waack, Cindy Lam 2018-2019 Lieutenant Governor At-Large New Jersey District of Key Club International, Kiwanis Club President Frank Cahill and Kiwanis Club Sponsored Youth Board Member Ron Orthwein

PARSIPPANY — Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany President Frank Cahill is proud to announce the documents have been inked to charter a new K-Kids Club at Intervale Elementary School.

K-Kids, is a student-led service club for students in elementary/primary school. K-Kids was originally developed by, and is modeled after, Kiwanis International, a global network of men and women devoted to serving the children of the world. The stated purpose of K-Kids is to develop leadership through service to the school and community.

The documents were submitted to Kiwanis International Service Leadership Program Chartering in Indianapolis, Indiana.  The official charter certificate and materials will be processed during the school summer vacation, and the Intervale K-Kids will start in the 2018-2019 school year.

Cindy Lam, a Parsippany Hill High School Key Club member and 2018-2019 Lieutenant Governor At-Large, New Jersey District of Key Club International was instrumental in finalizing the arrangements with Intervale School Principal Christopher Waack.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany Sponsored Youth Board of Director Ron Orthwein said “This is the tenth K-Kids Club to be chartered by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany. We also  sponsor two Key Clubs and two Builders Clubs and we now have a club in every school in the Parsippany Troy Hills School District, 14 in all. We also recently sponsored a Circle K Club at Seton Hall University. We also continue to support the Aktion Club of Morris County.”

Intervale Elementary School was the only school in Parsippany that wasn’t involved with Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany currently supports nine K-Kids clubs: Lake Parsippany Elementary School; Eastlake Elementary School: Mt. Tabor Elementary School; Littleton Elementary School, Lake Hiawatha Elementary School, Troy Hills Elementary School, Northvail Elementary School, Knollwood School and Rockaway Meadow Elementary School, two builders clubs, Central Middle School and Brooklawn Middle School; two Key Clubs, Parsippany Hills High School and Parsippany High School and one Aktion Club.

They also raise funds and donates to the Parsippany Food Pantry, Parsippany-Troy Hills Public Library, Parsippany PAL Youth Center, Parsippany High School Scholarship Program, Parsippany Hills High School Scholarship Program, Parsippany Child Day Center, Prevent Child Abuse-New Jersey, Camp Nejeda, NJ Sharing Network, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Parsippany, Parsippany Project Graduation, Jersey Battered Women’s Services, Family Promise of Morris County, Parsippany Little League West, Parsippany Little League East to name a few.

Looking for a muralist to paint your life like Diego Rivera?


PARSIPPANY — Looking for a muralist to paint your life like Diego Rivera? I may not be him or have his talents, but I sure have his painting’s beautiful looks! I am a handsome three-year-old Chihuahua with a coat as smooth as an artist’s stroke!

I had a very rough start at life. My siblings and I came from a hoarding situation. We never were properly socialized or knew what love was until I was rescued and went into my foster home. I have been receiving more attention there than I ever have in my whole life!

I still am very shy when it comes to new people. I warm up quickly once I gain your trust. Then once we become best friends, I am quite the snuggle bug! I could sleep on my foster mom’s lap for hours on end. I love to shower her with kisses to let her know how much I appreciate her!

I am quiet and calm. I would like to keep my future home this way so it is best I go home with kids above the age of 13. I do great with cats! I will actually try to engage in play with them but most times they never play back. I don’t know why! I do well with dogs, especially when they are around the same size as me. The big guys can be intimidating sometimes. I am completely house trained and walk well on a leash! My foster mom says I do not need a crate when I am left alone since I am so well behaved! I do sleep in my crate at night and I do not mind at all.

I wish for a family that will provide me with unconditional love and continue to properly socialize me so I can reach my full potential! I am quite the work of art and my personality is, too! I just need time and lots of TLC for me to show you!

If you are interested in adopting Diego, please fill out an application by clicking here.

Follow Wise Animal Rescue on Instagram by clicking here.
Like Wise Animal Rescue on Facebook by clicking here.

W.A.R.’s goal is to find the perfect family dynamic and place our dogs in a loving, safe and permanent home. All of our dogs available for adoption are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on shots and microchipped.

Our adoption process starts with filling an application, home visit, meet and greet and then finalizing with an adoption contract and fee.

Adoption fees range from about $300.00 to $600.00. These fees help defray costs of veterinary and foster care and are tax deductible.

PAL Redhawks Cheerleader registration now open


PARSIPPANY — If you always wanted to be a Cheerleader, now is your chance. No experience needed. They will teach you everything you need to know! Everyone is placed on an age appropriate team. Cost: $200.00. Grades kindergarten to eighth grade.

Includes $50.00 refundable volunteer fee. Registration closes July 15. Practices begin July 23.

Practices will be held at the PAL on Monday evenings and one additional day per week.

The second practice day will be determined once registration closes and we know how many teams there will be. All practices will take place between 6:00 p.m. to  8:00 p.m.

Click here to register.

If interested or have questions please contact Tony at (973) 335-0555 or

273 students graduate from Parsippany Hills High School

Parsippany Hills High School Class of 2018 dismissed.

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany Hills High School Class of 2018 graduated on Thursday, June 21. 273 students received their diplomas after the Conferment of the Degrees by Principal Michael F. DiSanto. The diploma’s were presented to the Board of Education.

196 students, or 72% will be attending four year College or University, fifty students or 18% will be attending two year colleges, three students or 1.5% will be attending career education, seven students or 2% will be continuing education, eight students for 2.5% will be employed, five students or 2% will be taking a gap year and four students, or 1.5% will be joining the military.

The Class of 2018 Officers were Jacqueline Pascale, President; Maya Patel, Vice President; Yuti Shah, Secretary and Krunali Shah, Treasurer.

The 2018 Graduating Class

Kaitlin Abad
Mazen Salah Abdulla
Mikayla Marie Acree
Alexander Kyle Adams
Brian Nicholas Agostinho
Colin Georges Aguesseau
Edwin Aguirre-Rosas
Dua Ahmad
Ramzan C. Ahmad
Zyad F. Ali
Estephani Alvarado
Liam Seamus Andersen
Tara Rita Antonacci
Julio Cesar Arenas-Toro
Camilo Andres Arias
John Asian
Ryan Charles Astor*
Alexander C. Azzizzo
Emily Y. Baldarrago
Lance G. Bancairen
Francesca Marie Bard*
Gabrielle M. Barrese
Juan J. Bedoya
Padrick Aengns Beggs
Janna Kathleen Belfiore
Taylor Alexa Bellardino*
Donald John Bendzak
Vinesh Bhalara
Raj M. Bhatt
Yash K. Bhawsar
Vincent R. Bianchi
Matthew A. Borecki
Alyssa Catherine Borino*
Nicholas Caccavale
Hayden James Callan
Julia M. Campbell
Juliet Nicole Campbell
Justin Lee Carpentieri
Erika Castillo
Luis Emilio Castillo*
Miggy Yrell Celestino
Matthew Chan
Eric Johnson Chang
Karan Pratap Singh Chauhan*
Amayrani G. Chavelas
Ellen Binhong Chen
Karen Chen*
Yonghao Chen
Tia Rita Cherbaka
Tanvi Chopra
lshani Chowatia *
Michelle Gloria Ciccarelli
Stephania Clavijo *
Nicholas Robert Conti
Alyssa D. Courtney
Nicole K. Courtney
Gavyn William Crellin
Brianna Lynn Crowley *
Stephanie M. Cuervo
Brittney Diana D’Mello
Tyler V. Da Silva
Bria S. Davis
Corinne Renee Davis
Juhi R. Desai
Kavan S. Desai
Rudra Devang Desai
Eunice Dogbe
Wilson D. Done
Dylan Richard Dunn
Joshua Evans Esperanza
Steven Feng
Kelly Grace Flanagan
Jenna Nicole Gabriele
Abigal Anna Garcia
Benjamin Ryan Garcia
Daniel Peter Garcia
Daniel James Gardner
Michael D. Gaudio
Adam Paul Giovanelli*
Avani Goswami*
Shrusti Goswami*
Katherine J. Grant*
Victoria Marie Guarino*
Kristine Guevara
Justin Gurth*
Ahmed Ebrahim Habib
Maheem Hasan *
Mamdouh Aly Hassan
Samantha Hayek
Kimberly Aveana Henriquez
Aidan Elise Higginbotham
Alexis Liana Higginbotham
Erik Franklin Holmstrom
Raynard Alain Horvath
Yi-Hsuan Hsu
Alphonse Lawrence Huss
Amanda Stephanie lancu
Kaitlyn Ann Jackson
Vrinda Jain *
Jena G. Jan
Justin Anthony Jasiecki
Katherine S. Jovel
Enrique ltzam Juarez Duran
Tara Krishnadas Kakkaramadam*
Rakshay S. Kanthadai*
Sanjay J. Kao*
Hemil H. Kapadia
Balkiran Kaur*
Alison Rose Keane
Nicolette Rose Kelly
Koria Marie King*
Matthew Kwan*
Gabrielle Antonio La Rosa
Richard Kevin Laforteza*
Shauna Marie Lally
Toan Le
Amber Louise Lee
Matthew Alexander Leggett
Taylor Brianni Leonard
Ching Laam Lin
Thomas Mack
Mark Frederick Maddox
Kyla Isabel Magparangalan
Adrian Majcher
Brandon Malnarick
Heather Mann
Megha Mansuria*
Vishal Mansuria
Angelo Charles Martin
Gaven Martung
Joseph Louis Mastalia
Victoria Elizabeth Mathew
Suraj A. Maurya
Lauren Rose McLaughlin*
Alicia Ann Messina
Nirmohi H. Mistry
Alicia Marie Mitchell*
Peter S. Mitrakos
Ananta Moharana
Mireilly Fajardo Montoya
Brandon Moy
Aleese Mukhamedjanova
Aytana Muschajew
Arjun Michael Nagendran*
Sharen Nair
Elizabeth Naumov
Saketh V. Nibhanupudi
Sebastian P. Nichols
Shane P. O’Connor
Danica Shane Alvarez Olaes
Sherilyn Nicole Ostlin
Gaetano Pace
Ashley Nicole Page
Jenna M. Palatini
Swaraj Pandya
Ravi Parekh*
Sweta S. Parekh
Andrew Park
Jamaal Tyreece Parker
Lydia Rose Parker
Harsha! Parmar
Andrew Pascale
Jacqueline Marie Pascale*
Sarah Pascale
Stephanie Pamela Pascale
Jeffrey Philip Paszko
Akshay T. Patel
Anjali Patel
Deep S. Patel
Krutarth J. Patel
Kush B. Patel
Mahik Patel
Maya Kamal Patel*
Mohit D. Patel
Parth D. Patel
Preya A. Patel*
Rushil Nirav Patel
Shashvat Patel
Shivani T. Patel*
Siddhanth Y. Patel
Vritti Bhavesh Patel
Zeal Patel
Rucha Santosh Patil*
Dabasha Paul
Kevin R. Perez
June Eileen Martin Perigo
Jack Daniel Picado*
Arijit M. Pingle
Cindy Nicole Piza
Janelle Ponnor*
Jason W. Poon
Gianni Posas
Krishna J. Prajapati*
Christina Proietto
Emily Grace Ptashinski
Steven Edward Puchalski
Geet Bhavik Purohit
Oscar Andres Ramirez­-Loaiza
Zaina Rathore
Mairead Patricia Reo
Nora M. Rigolosi
Nicolas Rios
Jeric Michael Robleza
Joshua Matthew Robleza
Andrea Kayla Rodriguez
Paloma Rodriguez
Ruby D. Rodriguez
Jillian Mary Rogers*
Randall Rosado
Amanda R. Rovner
Salvatore Zeppi Rubinetti
Meliton Rulloda
Isabel Sanchez
Michael J. Sanford
Nicholas Allen Sanford
Olivia A. Santore
Joshua Santos
Zoe Saric
Krunali Sundee Shah*
Priya Saurabh Shah*
Saloni Dipak Shah Sneh Shah*
Yuti M. Shah*
Jeremy K. Silber
Jacob B. Simmons
Jordan Kennedy Simpson
Gagandeep Singh
Prerana Singh
Jarred P. Smith
Jason Smith
Sarika S. Soni
Kaitlyn Mary Stearns*
Emma Esther Steere
Jared Raymond Stock
Colleen Marie Sturges
David Samuel Sudit
Alexis J. Sundquist
Brandon Sung*
Kyle Sung*
Hsin Tai
Tammy Tang*
Kirsten Rene Taylor
Vincent Michael Thiessen
Jeremy G. Thomas*
Nyah A. Thornton
Megan Ryan Tolosi
Alan Tomy
Crystal Van Tran*
Lawrence S. Ullman, Jr.*
Juliana T. Urbis*
Diana Elizabeth Vargas
Brittani E. Vecchia*
Ashil Vekaria*
Maulik Vekaria
Keerthana Venkatesh
Nicholas Patrick Verducci*
Hannah Ververs*
Nikole Abigail Viegas
Benjamin Gannon Walek
William Harrison Waller
Justin C. Wan
Albert Wang
Adam D. Warner
Harrison Tyler Weaver
Timothy C. Weinacker
Charlene M. White
Victoria Witerska
Karoline Xiong
Yash Yadav
Rishi Yagappan
Samuel Shi Yu Yang*
William Yang*
Yuanting Yang
Ian Liu Yeh
Sarah Zigman
Alexa Jean Ziler
Eleni Zeis

Note: * denotes students are members of the National Honor Society Chapter.

Assembly passes Bucco bill increasing school bus safety

State Assemblyman Anthony Bucco

MORRIS COUNTY — After several school bus accidents across the state, the Assembly today approved legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco to advance the safe transportation of students. The bill (A2436) requires school district transportation supervisors with less than 11 years experience to complete an extensive Rutgers course on transportation rules and best practices.

“The rash of recent bus accidents, including the heart-breaking fatality involving the Paramus school district, has raised serious concerns about the supervision of the drivers we entrust with the lives of our precious children,” said Bucco (R-Morris). “Creating a culture of safety must be paramount, and it begins at the top. Supervisors will be thoroughly trained to promote safe, reliable, and responsible transportation in order to ensure their drivers and employees are dedicated to safeguarding their young passengers.”

The courses include 138 hours of instruction and are available at several locations across the state. The instruction is mandatory and is split into eight comprehensive sections.

The completion of the course is a condition of employment for newly hired school district supervisors, and those with less than eleven years’ experience.

Gourmet Cafe celebrates 11th Anniversary

Chef Matthew Pierone

PARSIPPANY — “Eleven years ago today, I took a gamble and risked my life savings and used our house as collateral to purchase the Gourmet Cafe. While there have been many challenges, it has been very rewarding, and I am so happy to continue ‘living the dream'” said Chef Matthew Pierone, yesterday at his restaurant as he celebrated the 11th Anniversary with friends, family and customers.

Matthew Pierone, Patrick Minutillo and Denise Diessner

“Many people ask about my background so I thought I would share some of my story. I began washing dishes at the Cobblestone in West Caldwell, cooked at the Huddle Inn in Fairfield, and Columbo’s in Orange. I graduated from The New York Restaurant School in Manhattan with highest honors. While attending school, I worked at Gracie Mansion. The Highlawn Pavilion in West Orange was my next stop. At the Rainbow Room in New York City, I was the Poissonnier (Fish Chef),” said Matt.

He also worked as Executive Chef at the Racquets Club of Short Hills, Chef de Cuisine at Eccola Italian Bistro, Saucier at Rod’s Steak House, Chef at the Green House & Sous Chef at the Grande Café, Morristown.

“While it was great to work at such quality establishments, perhaps more important was my upbringing. Everyone who entered our home was greeted warmly and offered food and drink. This tradition of hospitality continues…” said Matt.

Matt is proud to offer high quality food at a reasonable price in a friendly Bistro setting.

Patrick Minutillo said “I’m proud to say that I stopped in at the Gourmet Cafe the first week Matt opened ten years ago and was so impressed, I’ve been coming back as a regular ever since.”

Chef Matthew Pierone has the reputation of being both humble and kind, a beloved and attentive chef-owner. Gourmet Cafe has served creative Italian food to loyal customers since 2007. He graduated from The New York Restaurant School. “He says owning his own place has been a dream come true. The Gourmet Cafe is hidden in a strip mall. Fans love the BYOB, warm, casual atmosphere – and of course the fantastic food, served for very reasonable prices,” said Pierone. The Gourmet Cafe is touted as one of the best values in Parsippany, which is why they are almost always booked solid.

The Gourmet Cafe is located at 136 Baldwin Road. The restaurant is open Monday through Friday for Lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and for Dinner from5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday. Saturday afternoons and Sundays are available for parties.

Gourmet Cafe is a member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce. For more information click here.

Wifflemania XXXIV raised over $1,500 for local charities

Nicholas Jannarone at bat

PARSIPPANY — 22 teams and 100 fans participated in the Wifflemmania XXXIV tournament held this past Saturday, June 23 at Smith Field Park.

Mayor Michael Soriano throwing out the first ball
Wise Guy player Paterno at bat
Robert Wilhalme, Joe Jannarone, Jr., Louis Amato and Mayor Michael Soriano
The Harry Ballers player at bat
Wise Guy team player Tyler Wilhalme at bat

The weather held out, no rain and the field conditions were perfect. The competition was great during bracket play and through the final 4 (not so much during the finals).

Congratulations again to New Era’s Jeremy DeCotiis, Austin DeCotiis, Matt Ajaj and Brandon Magnotta.

The wiffle studs from Jefferson captured their 2nd Wifflemania Title living up to their guarantee to win back to back championships. Down 1-0 after 1 in finals, they went on to smash 10 HR’s en-route to a 12-1 drubbing of the Bangers to take home the cup.

New Era RF Austin DeCotiis was named the tournament’s MVP for the 1st time and HR King blasting 6 HR’s, including 5 in the finals.

New Era defeated Perforated Punishers 4-3 while Bangers defeated Wiseguys 5-4 in the final four.

Thanks to all of our reliable friends and family who helped put this event together and to those guys that umped all day.

Wifflemania XXXIV raised approximately $1,500 dollars which will be donated to: The Muscular Dystrophy Association, The Valerie Fund and The Parsippany Food Pantry.

Wifflemania XXXIV Official Records:
New Era 5-0
Bangers 4-1
Perforated Punishers 4-1
Wise Guys 3-1
The Harry Ballers 3-2
Intervale Bulldogs 3-2
Tamist, Inc. 3-2
Whiff City 3-2
Batnottas 2-2
Ballbusters 2-2
Outlaws 1-2
Wiffle Splash Bros. 1-2
Misfits 1-2
Dad Bods 1-2
Barnyard Bombers 1-2
Pink Socks 1-2
#Basic Pitches 1-2
Gardenhosers 0-2
Glass Haus Gang 0-2
Beer Nuts 0-2
Rowan Profs 0-2
Boobies Bombers 0-2

New Era defeated Perforated Punishers 4-3 while Bangers defeated Wiseguys 5-4 in the final four

Why are comments hidden on Webber’s Social Media?


parsippany focusDear Editor:

I am deeply disturbed that NJ 11th  GOP congressional candidate Jay Webber censors constituents on social media. He has blocked dozens, if not scores, of followers on Twitter and deletes or “hides” Facebook comments that are critical of him and his policies so that his followers can’t see them.

I am a constituent who has posted several respectful comments to Webber’s public Facebook page disagreeing with his positions and often linking to factual information or news stories that contradict his statements and campaign messaging.

Each time, my comments have been “hidden,’’ meaning  anyone who is Facebook Friends with me can see them but others can’t. Staffers who maintain the page selectively allow dissenting views — perhaps so it will appear that Webber encourages free speech. But negative commentary, no matter how civil, and questions about his campaign platform and voting record as an NJ 26 assemblyman, frequently disappear from public view.

Meanwhile, this comment from a Webber supporter who railed against unauthorized immigrants and mocked another follower as a “libtard” was left standing: “They’re illegals and have no rights. Send them back to Guatemala!!”

I’ve tried sending my hidden comments to Webber’s campaign email address– in addition to asking why they were censored — and received no response.

Why does Webber feel so threatened by constituents’ questions and feedback that he silences them? Why can’t he trust his social media followers to hear opposing views and draw their own conclusions? Why can’t he instruct his staff to police inappropriate remarks but otherwise let voters have their say? Is his ego so fragile that, to protect it, he must exercise this level of control?

Last month, a judge ruled that it was unconstitutional for President Trump to block critics on Twitter because social media platforms are, in effect, public forums.  Obviously, Webber doesn’t agree.

Other candidates and elected officials, including Webber’s Democratic opponent Mikie Sherrill, not only allow critical comments on their social media pages, they use them to address voters’ questions and concerns. Webber should follow their example.

NJ 11 constituents deserve a representative who doesn’t suppress our voice, who WANTS to hear from us, even when we’re angry and oppositional. We’re entitled to leaders who listen and respond wherever we reach out to them, online and in real life.

Carrie Stetler


Parsippany Police are the best: Especially Officer Ernest Ebanks

Patrolman Ernest Ebanks with Gabriella Oram, 6; Dominick Oram, 4; and Angelina Oram, 3.
Patrolman Ernest Ebanks with Gabriella Oram, 6; Dominick Oram, 4; and Angelina Oram, 3.

PARSIPPANY — Kindness alert. Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Patrolman Ernest Ebanks made the day for three young Parsippany Residents.

Four-year old Dominick Oram waved to officer Ebanks when he was passing his house in his patrol car. The officer came back. Twice.

Ebanks wanted to make sure to give all three of the kids special bags and introduce himself. Gabriella Oram, 6; Dominick Oram, 4; and Angelina Oram, 3 were very happy to meet Officer Ebanks.

Amazing man! Amazing officer!

More men and women should be like him. #wesupportpolice #thankanofficer

PHS Class of 2018 is dismissed!

The Class of 2018 is dismissed

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany High School Class of 2018 graduated on Thursday, June 21. 216 students received their diplomas after the Conferment of the Degrees by Principal Denis Mulroony. The diploma’s were presented to the Board of Education.

133 students, or 61.6% will be attending four year colleges, 61 students or 28.2% will be attending two year colleges, 12 students or 5.6% will be attending career education, 6 students for 2.8% will be employed and 4 students, or 1.8% will be joining the military.

The Class of 2018 Officers were Ethan Kaplan, President; Udhay Khullar, Vice President; Harris Ansari, Secretary and Rachel Wang, Treasurer.

The 2018 Graduating Class

Sebastian Abreu
Kensy Abdias Acosta
Matthew Eric Afonso
Mildred S. Agenor
Abdul Vasi Ahmedi
Kandarp J. Ajvalia
Khalid M. Alzubi
Hailey Rose Amato
Jay P. Amin
Alexander Angulo
Mohammad Harris Ansari
Haydar Yusuf Aran
Sarah Isabel Arias
Zabihilla Asat
Harmond Atienza
Mirzakerim Tarik Ayaz
Tia Antoinette Ayton
Srah Azizi
Arzoo Bakhtiary
Luisa Teresa Barone
Jared Robert Bazarai
Claudia Valarie Bennett
Justin Joel Bermudez
Juan Sebastian Bernal
Kate S. Bernauer
Mathew Botros
Abdoullah Bouzaitoun
Juliana Branda
Vanessa Bravo-Nieto
Gerard Joseph Burder
Cyvyl Salvanera Cabaccang
Michele Cacciapaglia
Isabella Francesca Cacciottolo
Jason Francis Calabrese
Joseph Calabrese
Nicole Marie Calabrese
Derrique M. S. Campbell
Fabio Castillo
Alex John Cavaluzzo
Savannah Madison Cerrato
Albert Ye Chen
Shyann Lynn Cheney
Sydney Lyn Clark
Edward Donald Cogan
Kelly Anne Coombs
Brenda Cordasco
Elijah X. Crawford
Juliana Rose Davanzo
Ivan Francisco DeLeon
Assunta Celeste De Martinis
Julia Del Viscio
Andrea Delgado
Gabriella Marie DeMary
Richard Anthony DeMary
Michael L. DeMonico
Cameron Antonio Dines
Sarah Elizabeth DiPippa
Thomas Diez
Joseph Romolo DiPinto
Destiny Stella Duffaut
Nicole Lynn Dugan
Amr Elsaid
Christopher Ray England-Ippolito
Ethan Daniel Fang
Ithaly Feliz
Riley Catherine Ferguson
Vincenzo Generoso Ferrara
Jason B. Finkle
Camren Anneliese Fitzsimmons
Vaishnavi Gandhi
Nicholas Peter Garafano
Justin I. Garcia
Sean Peter Gentile
Aahna Ghosh
Bryan William Gong
Ryan Thomas Goodreds
Bethany Rose Goordman
Malcolm Isiah Green
Sioux Anne Green
Madena Hamidi
Zara Hassan
Marc Hoeltge
Rachel Ann Hoffman
Kaitlyn Holler
Kevin Nathaniel Holst
Ahmed Homsi
Leslie Sofia Huatarunco
Anya Rose Hughes
Fatima Arizo Iqbal
Andrea Rose Jacoby
Aastha Jaggi
Romel Jamna
Ralph L. Jean-Francois
Angeline Sara Jiju
Anthony Wayne Johnson
Maxwell Alexander Johnson
Ramanand M. Kachhia
Ethan D. Kaplan
Ragan Grace Kelley
Udhay Khullar
Joseph M. Klein
Julia Margaret Kloss
Bon June Koo
John Mark Krevis
Patrick William LaFerrera
Michael Vincent Lai
Samantha Lin Lee
Olivia Ruth Leon
Alice Jane Limanova
Sabrina Link
Robert Burke Litz
Christopher Benito Lupo
Noah Jack Lustig
Purvang Mahadevia
Pranav Praful Makadia
Mahrukh Abdul Malik
Shobin Paul Manappuram
Maliha A. Mannan
Kaitlyn Ashlee Martinez
Anthony Karl Martucci
Aidan Rose McMaster
Alivia Marie Mercuro
Kyle Meth
Daniel V. Miller
Christian Alberto Minaya
Rahul Kiran Mody
Dunya Mohamed
Bernasia Ebony Moore
Jeremy Michael Mostillo
Sunaina Mukherjee
Hamza Abbas Naqvi
Isabella G. Nicoletti
Karissa Marie Nussbaum
Ogulcan Odabas
Jared Lucas Osgood
Shane Joseph Osgood
Ali Haydar Ozdemir
Mansi A. Parikh
Aditi Patel
Aneri Patel
Bhumiben M. Patel
Dirgh Harshadkumar Patel
Lipi Patel
Priya Minesbkumar Patel
Priyam Shailesh patel
Ria S. Patel
Sagar Patel
Sima Patel
Lauryn K. Patracuolla
Nilab Pazhmon
Kyla Samantha Penus
Kyle Edward Phillips
Nelson Yoset Pichardo
Daniel Joseph Pico
Cielito Jaecob M. Ponce De Leon
John Carlos Portillo
Faith Marie Preziosi
Vincent T. Prezioso
Anoosha Qureshi
Shakhzoda Rakhimova
Kyra Mary Reich
Moustafa Riad
Isis Carolina Rodas Prado
Malia Rodriguez
Steven Rodriguez
Daniel I. Rodriguez-Appelgren
Daniel Bennett Ruggiero
Bahaadeen Saied
Tahir Samad
Zahra Mariam Sarwari
Brenda Lynn Sauer
Skylar Madison Schey
Brandon Schweizer
Everton Fitzroy Scott
Alexander Serban
Ankit Shah
Diti J. Shah
Khushbu Shah
Neil Vipul Shah
Affan Shaikh
Adam J. Shandra
Skyler Rose Sharpell
Stephanie Shen
Abhi N. Sheth
Samantha Shimabukuro
Mario Joseph Sinatra
Kaitlyn Arlene Sklow
Kendrick C. Slaman
Lauren Emily Slevin
Christopher Francis Smith
Julia Rose Smith
Zachary Logan Snell
Maansi Solanki
Karissa Zavanna St. Jean
Kerri St. Victor
Amanda Nicole Stover
Devion Sharif Stover
Danielle Strano
Matthew J. Strumolo
Frank Anthony Sullivan
Sophia Tamayo
Alice H. Tatrous
Tatiana Isabel Tello Burlew
Justin Ryan TerWaarbeek
David Ton
Peter Hao Tran
Tiffany Lee Trifari
Gary C. Tsui
Jeet Vaishnay
Sean Patrick Van Vliet
Philip Sunny Varghese
Rachael S. Wang
Alexa Rae Weissberg
Adam Joseph Welch
Matthew Thomas Wilson
Ryan Michael Wisniewski
Brielle Elizabeth Wyka
Talia Ruth Wynzel
Ellen X. Xu
Ali Yaqoobi
Adam Ye
Christopher Michael Yi
Kevin Zhengen Zheng
Annie A. Zhong

Parsippany Hills High School Post Graduate Plans Class of 2018

The message is very clear where this student will be attending in the fall

PARSIPPANY —The Parsippany Hills High School Class of 2018 graduated on Thursday, June 21. 273 students received their diplomas after the Conferment of the Degrees by Principal Michael F. DiSanto. The diploma’s were presented to the Board of Education.

196 students, or 72% will be attending four year College or University, 50 students or 18% will be attending two year colleges, 3 students or 1.5% will be attending career education, 7 students or 2% will be continuing education, 8 students for 2.5% will be employed, 5 students or 2% will be taking a gap year and 4 students, or 1.5% will be joining the military.

The breakdown of the Class of 2018 is as follows:

Alvernia College Hannah Ververs
American College Tanvi Chopra
Arcadia University Brianna Crowley
Babson College Brandon Sung
Berkeley College William Waller
Bloomfield College Kaitlyn Jackson
Boston University David Sudit
Lawrence Ullman, Jr.
Brown University William Yang
Caldwell College Zoe Saric
Jordan Simpson
Brittani Vecchia
Cleveland State University Nyah Thornton
Connecticut College Sneh Shah
Cornell University Francesca Bard
County College of Morris Colin Aguesseau
Ramzan Ahmad
Zyad Ali
Estephani Alvarado
Julio Arenas Toro
Camilo Arias
John Asian
Juan Bedoya
Padrick Beggs
Donald Bendzak
Vincent Bianchi
Hayden Callan
Michelle Ciccarelli
Nicole Courtney
Stephanie Cuervo
Jenna Gabriele
Daniel Gardner
Mamdouh Hassan
Kimberly Henriquez
Alphonse Huss
Jena Jan
Justin Jasiecki
Gabrielle LaRosa
Toan Le
Gaven Martung
Joseph Mastalia
Nirmohi Mistry
Elizabeth Naumov
Sebastian Nichols
Danica Olaes
Gaetano Pace
Sweta Parekh
Jamaal Parker
Sarah Pascale
Jeffrey Paszko
Rushil N Patel
Dabasha Paul
Emily Ptashinski
Paloma Rodriguez
Randall Rosado
Salvatore Rubinetti
Michael Sanford
Saloni Shah
Jason Smith
Jared Stock
Vincent Thiessen
Diana Vargas
Justin Wan
Alexa Ziler
Drexel University Alexander Adams
Mark Maddox
Duke University Karoline Xiong
Elon University Katherine Grant
Fairfield University Aytana Muschajew
Fairleigh Dickinson University Taylor Bellardino
Yash Bhawsar
Alyssa Courtney
Juhi Desai
Daniel Garcia
Kristine Guevara
Maya Patel
Jack Picado
Jason Poon
Gianni Posos
Nicolas Rios
Yuti Shah
Sarika Soni
Felician University Nora Rigolosi
Georgetown University Karan Chauhan
Gustavus Adolphus College Ahmed Habib
Hult International Business School Ruby Rodriguez
Indiana University at Bloomington Prerana Singh
Iona College Liam Andersen
Jefferson University Victoria Mathew
Kean University Stephania Clavijo
King’s College Mikayla Acree
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Matthew Borecki
Lander University Jenna Palatini
Lehigh University Justin Gurth
Long Island University Vinesh Bhalara
Lycoming College Erik Holmstrom
Maryland Institute College of Art Ching Laam Lin
Marywood University Brian Agostinho
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Krutarth Patel
Mercy College Isabel Sanchez
Middlebury College Balkiran Kaur
Misericordia University Jillian Rogers
Monmouth University Juliet Campbell
Kirsten Taylor
Montclair State University Edwin Aguirre-Rosas
Lance Bancairen
Miggy Celestino
Matthew Chan
Wilson Done
Samantha Hayek
Hemil Kapadia
Thomas Mack
Sherilyn Ostlin
Lydia Parker
Akshay Patel
Stephanie Pascale
Christina Proietto
Keerthana Venkatesh
Nicholas Verducci
Maravian College Benjamin Walek
Morris County School of Technology Brandon Malnarick
Muhlenberg College Andrea Rodriguez
New Jersey Institute of Technology Rudra Desai
Yi-Hsuan Hsu
Enrique Juarez Duran
Taylor Leonard
Adrian Majcher
Sharen Nair
Kush Patel
Mohit Patel
Krunali Shah
Jeremy Silber
Hsin (Cindy) Tai
Albert Wang
New York University Erika Castillo
Jeremy Thomas
Pace University Zeal Patel
Pennsylvania State University Vishal Mansuria
Rucha Patil
Point Park University Nicolette Kelly
Purdue University Brandon Moy
Saketh Nibhanupudi
Quinnipiac University Alicia Messina
Ramapo College of New Jersey Jacqueline Pascale
Cindy Piza
Rennsselaer Polytechnic Institute Rishi Yagappan
Rice University Steven Feng
Rider University Victoria Witerska
Rowan College at Gloucester County Joshua Santos
Rowan University Eunice Dogbe
Rutgers University Dua Ahmad
Ellen Chen
Karen Chen
Brittney D’Mello
Corinne Davis
Benjamin Garcia
Adam Giovanelli
Avani Goswami
Shrusti Goswami
Maheem Hasan
Alexis Higgenbotham
Amanda Iancu
Vrinda Jain
Sanjay Kao
Rakshay Kanthadai
Koria King
Ananta Moharana
Swaraj Pandya
Andrew Park
Ravi Parekh
Harshal Parmar
Anjali Patel
Deep Patel
Mahik Patel
Parth Patel
Preya Patel
Shasvhat Patel
Krishna Prajapati
Geet Purohit
Zaina Rathore
Amanda Rovner
Meliton Rulloda
Gagandeep Singh
Juliana Urbis
Ashil Vekaria
Maulik Vekaria
Adam Warner
Charlene White
Samuel Yang
Yuanting Yang
Saint Joseph’s University Gabrielle Barrese
Salve Regina University Alyssa Borino
Savannah College of Art and Design Joshua Esperanza
Shauna Lally
School of Visual Arts Heather Mann
Seton Hall University Ishani Chowatia
Kavan Desai
Aidan Higgenbotham
Raynard Horvath
Peter Mitrakos
Shivani Patel
Vritti Patel
Stevens Institute of Technology Matthew Kwan
Megha Mansuria
Aleese Mukhamedjanova
Siddhanth Patel
Janelle Ponnor 
Stockton University Harrison Weaver
SUNY College at Geneseo Alison Keane
Syracuse University Victoria Guarino
The College of New Jersey Raj Bhatt
Richard Laforteza
Matthew Leggett
Lauren McLaughlin
Crystal Tran
Emma Steere
Yash Yadav
The George Washington University Janna Belfiore
The New School – All Divisions Amber Lee
Mairead Reo
The University of Tampa Tia Cherbaka
Megan Tolosi
Eleni Zois
Universal Technical Institute of Pennsylvania Jacob Simmons
Timothy Weinacker
University of Maryland, College Park Suraj Maurya
Tammy Tang
Ian Yeh
University of Michigan Arijit Pingle
University of New Hampshire at Durham Colleen Sturges
University of New Haven Luis Castillo
University of Pittsburgh Priya Shah
University of Rhode Island Kyla Magparangalan
Vanderbilt University Arjun Nagendran
Virginia Tech Kelly Flanagan
Kaitlyn Stearns
Wagner College Tyler daSilva
Washington and Lee University Tara Kakkaramadam
Wilkes University Michael Gaudio
William Paterson University of New Jersey Mazen Abdulla
Emily Baldarrago
Nicholas Conti
Alicia Mitchell
Steven Puchalski
Olivia Santore
Alexis Sundquist
Williams College Kyle Sung
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Ryan Astor
Continuing Education Tara Antonacci
Nicholas Caccavale
Shane O’Connor
Ashley Page
Andrew Pascale
Alan Tomy
Sarah Zigman 
Employment Julia Campbell
Justin Carpentieri
Amayrani Chavelas
Gavyn Crellin
Katherine Jovel
Kevin Perez
Nicholas Sanford
Jarred Smith
Gap Year Yonghao Chen
Angelo Martin
Mireilly Montoya
June Perigo
Nikole Viegas
Military – Army Oscar Ramirez
Military – Marinesl Dylan Dunn
Jeric Robleza
Joshua Robleza

Senate Passes Pennacchio Measure to Increase Maximum State Deduction for Property Taxes to $15,000

Senator Joe Pennacchio

PARSIPPANY — The New Jersey Senate has approved Senator Joe Pennacchio’s legislation to increase New Jersey’s maximum income tax deduction for property taxes to $15,000.

“By increasing our state income tax deduction for property taxes from $10,000 to $15,000, we’re providing real property tax relief to New Jersey residents,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “This was a bipartisan effort that I was glad to lead the charge on.”

Pennacchio proposed increasing the state’s deduction for property taxes following the passage of tax reforms in Washington that limited the federal SALT deduction for state and local taxes to $10,000.

His legislation, S-64, increases the maximum deduction that residents could claim for property taxes when they file their state income taxes to $15,000, a 50 percent increase.

“It would be hypocritical of us to criticize the federal limitation of the deduction for property taxes to $10,000 when New Jersey has long had an identical limit,” added Pennacchio. “While I had hoped to make all of our property taxes deductible, today’s Senate vote represents a good step in our efforts lower New Jersey’s crushing tax burden. I’m glad that after being the first to discuss this proposal last year, I was able to convince my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to work together to move this initiative forward for taxpayers.”

Mama Louisa owners retire; Deli under renovations

Mama Louisa's Deli

PARSIPPANY — If you drove to Mama Louisa’s Deli, in the Greenhill Shopping Center, you will notice a little white sign on the door. After three short years, Frank and Louisa decided to move on to the next chapter in their life. Retirement. From the staff at Parsippany Focus and the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce we congratulate you on your retirement and enjoy your life.

Louisa and Frank at the grand opening of at Mama Louisa’s Deli in May 2015

If you just stopped by for a quick drink, or one of their home made specialities, you were alway greeted with the cheerful Louisa at the counter.

Many times you would go in the morning and you would see a gathering of school crossing guards eating breakfast, or in the afternoon you would find some of the local residents just stopping by for their Grilled Chicken Broccoli Rabe or Baked Zucchini fresh out of the oven.

On their FaceBook page the following announced appeared: “It is with excitement and mixed emotions to announce that Mama Louisa and Frank are starting a new chapter in their lives as they head into retirement. We would like to thank our Parsippany, NJ community for your business and we will genuinely miss your camaraderie and friendship. Thanks again!” Customer Alexandra Galvin stated “Best Italian Deli in town! Excellent food and great service!” They will surely be missed.

Baked zucchini fresh out of the oven


PHS Project Graduation is a huge success

Marc Hoeltge and Albert Chen play foosball

PARSIPPANY — Project Graduation has become a proud tradition at Parsippany High School. It is an exciting all-night event that is tobacco, drug and alcohol free. PHS has continued it’s tradition with Project Graduation being held at Woodbridge Community Center and was available for all Parsippany High School graduating seniors. The seniors left Parsippany High School on Thursday, June 21 at 10:00 p.m. and arrived at Woodbridge Community Center just after 11:00 p.m. for a night of fun, food and entertainment.

The primary aims of Project Graduation activities are to increase awareness of the dangers of drinking, drugging and driving and to reduce the number of youth involved in alcohol and other drug-related highway crashes. Across the country, Project Graduation and the chemical-free celebrations it inspired are the new tradition for graduating seniors.

Parsippany High Assistant Principal Mr. Michael DiBernard roller blading at Project Graduation
Parsippany High School swimming in the pool
Basketball anyone?
Seniors enjoyed playing pool
Rachael Wang and Brielle Wyka playing table tennis
Principal Dr. Denis Mulroony playing table tennis with some seniors
Alice Limanova and Elle Xue playing foosball
Talia Wynzel getting ready to rollerblade
Fabio Castillo enjoying the food at Project Graduation
Marc Hoeltge and Albert Chen play foosball
Noah Lustig roller blading
A senior roller blading

On behalf of the students, parents, and staff members involved with Project Graduation for the Class of 2018 they would like to thank the supporters for their continued support to this activity. All contributions are used to defray the costs of supplies, rental fees, and entertainment.

It is because of your continued support that Project Graduation in Parsippany is a success. The parents, students, and staff of the Class of 2018 thank you for your continued support!

Acorn Home Improvements Inc.
Action Carpet Care and Maintenance Co.
Advocare, LLC
AF Food LLC DBA Anthony Franco
Alan Jay Rich
Anthony & Sons Bakery
B&G Foods
Baldwin Bagel
Barnes & Noble of Morris Plains
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Bedding Shoppe
BJ’s of Ledgewood
Bordeaux Estates
Brooklawn School PTA
Caggiano Orthodontics, LLC
Central Middle School PTA
Cerbo Lumber & Hardware
Cheesecake of Rockaway
Cheesecake of Wayne
Chipotle of Morris Plains
Colonial Heights, LLC
Custom Decorators Workroom
Cutting Edge Landscaping of NJ
CVS Denville
D&B Chinese Food
DePasquale the Spa
Dunkin Donuts
Election Fund of Loretta Gragnani
Fuddruckers of Parsippany
Gripp Plumbing & Heating, LLC
Habit Burger
Hills of Troy Neighborhood Association
Home Depot of Parsippany
iPlay America
Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany Foundation
Knollwood School PTA
Lakeland Hills YMCA
Wendy’s of Parsippany (Lenfam Management Company)
Littleton School PTA
MAC Alliance
Manhattan Bagel
Martha Rauch
Michael J. dePierro, Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council
Modells of Parsippany
Morris County Building trades
Morris Hills Veterinary Clinic
Mr. Church
Northvail School PTA
Palermo’s Pizza
Panera Bread of Parsippany
Paradise Total Spa and Nails
Parsippany Foot & Ankle
Parsippany-Troy Hills Elks Lodge No. 2078
Partridge Run Apartments, Inc.
Pelican Ski Shop
PHS Anonymous Teachers and Staff
Priola Funeral Service, Inc.
Prohaircutters of Morris Plains
RE/MAX First Choice Realtors
Rider Insurance
Ro-Lo Systems, Inc.
Robert J. Iracane
Saint Peter the Apostle Church
Shop Rite of Greater Morristown Thom-Mist, Inc.
Shop Rite of Parsippany
ShopRite of Parsippany Stars Program
St. Ann Church
St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church
Stop & Shop of Morris Plains
Super Foodtown of Lake Hiawatha
Susan Ling D.M.D. PC
The Michael Konner Corporation
Tilcon New York, Inc.
Troy Hills School PTA
Uptown Art of Denville
Verrille’s Bakery
Veterans of Foreign Wars-Post 10184
Visions Federal Credit Union
Watnong VFW Post #3401
Wegmans of Hanover
Woman’s Club of Parsippany Troy Hills

PHHS Graduates attend Project Graduation

Christina Proietto, Taylor Bellardino, Andrea Rodriguez and Sherilyn Ostlin enjoying Project Graduation

PARSIPPANY – Project Graduation has become a proud tradition at Parsippany Hills High School. It is an exciting all-night event that is tobacco, drug and alcohol free. This year, Project Graduation was held at iPlay America, Freehold, and was available for all Parsippany Hills High School graduating seniors. The seniors left Parsippany Hills High School on Thursday, June 21 at 10:00 p.m. and arrived at iPlay America just after 11:00 p.m. for a night of fun, food and entertainment. A total of 222 graduating students attended with 13 volunteer chaperones.

The primary aims of Project Graduation activities are to increase awareness of the dangers of drinking, drugging and driving and to reduce the number of youth involved in alcohol and other drug-related highway crashes. Across the country, Project Graduation and the chemical-free celebrations it inspired are the new tradition for graduating seniors.

This year, Project graduation was held at iPlay America, Freehold
Math Teacher Bonnie Sturm was one of the chaperones.
Andrew Pascale and Stephanie Pascale were enjoying themselves at Project Graduation
Jamal Parker having a great time
The Chaperone’s
Jackie Pascale and Tara Antonacci
Peers cheering on the Jousting competition
Jamal Parker inside a knocker ball
Girls dancing to the DJ
A good time playing roulette
Seniors in the Jousting ring
Christina Proietto, Taylor Bellardino, Andrea Rodriguez and Sherilyn Ostlin enjoying Project Graduation
Student existing the buses waiting to enter IPlayAmerica

On behalf of the students, parents, and staff members involved with Project Graduation for the Class of 2018 they would like to thank the supporters for their continued support to this activity. All contributions are used to defray the costs of supplies, rental fees, and entertainment.

It is because of your continued support that Project Graduation in Parsippany is a success. The parents, students, and staff of the Class of 2018 thank you for your continued support!

Acorn Home Improvements Inc.
Action Carpet Care and Maintenance Co.
Advocare, LLC
AF Food LLC DBA Anthony Franco
Alan Jay Rich
Anthony & Sons Bakery
B&G Foods
Baldwin Bagel
Barnes & Noble of Morris Plains
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Bedding Shoppe
BJ’s of Ledgewood
Bordeaux Estates
Brooklawn School PTA
Caggiano Orthodontics, LLC
Central Middle School PTA
Cerbo Lumber & Hardware
Cheesecake of Rockaway
Cheesecake of Wayne
Chipotle of Morris Plains
Colonial Heights, LLC
Custom Decorators Workroom
Cutting Edge Landscaping of NJ
CVS Denville
D&B Chinese Food
DePasquale the Spa
Dunkin Donuts
Election Fund of Loretta Gragnani
Fuddruckers of Parsippany
Gripp Plumbing & Heating, LLC
Habit Burger
Hills of Troy Neighborhood Association
Home Depot of Parsippany
iPlay America
Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany Foundation
Knollwood School PTA
Lakeland Hills YMCA
Wendy’s of Parsippany (Lenfam Management Company)
Littleton School PTA
MAC Alliance
Manhattan Bagel
Martha Rauch
Michael J. dePierro, Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council
Modells of Parsippany
Morris County Building Trades
Morris Hills Veterinary Clinic
Mr. Church
Northvail School PTA, Inc.
Palermo’s Pizza
Panera Bread of Parsippany
Paradise Total Spa and Nails
Parsippany Foot & Ankle
Parsippany-Troy Hills Elks Lodge No. 2078
Partridge Run Apartments
Pelican Ski Shop
PHS Anonymous Teachers and Staff
Priola Funeral Service, Inc.
Prohaircutters of Morris Plains
RE/MAX First Choice Realtors
Rider Insurance
Ro-Lo Systems, Inc.
Robert J. Iracane
Saint Peter the Apostle Church
Shop Rite of Greater Morristown Thom-Mist
Shop Rite of Parsippany
ShopRite of Parsippany Stars Program
St. Ann Church
St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church
Stop & Shop of Morris Plains
Super Foodtown of Lake Hiawatha
Susan Ling D.M.D. PC
The Michael Konner Corporation
Tilcon New York, Inc.
Troy Hills School PTA
Uptown Art of Denville
Verrille’s Bakery
Veterans of Foreign Wars-Post 10184
Visions Federal Credit Union
Watnong VFW Post #3401
Wegmans of Hanover
Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills
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