Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting October 19, 2022

PARSIPPANY — Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting October 19, 2022 will start at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard, Parsippany.

Announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq. of the New Jersey “Open Public Meetings Act”

Click here to download the agenda.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Zoning Board of Adjustment
2022 Members and Term Dates

  • Robert Iracane    Chairman    12/31/22
  • Dave Kaplan    Vice-Chair       12/31/23
  • Bernard Berkowitz    Member      12/31/24
  • Scot Joskowitz    Member        12/31/25
  • Nancy Snyder    Member        12/31/23
  • Sridath Reddy    Member        12/31/22
  • Davey Willans    Member        12/31/24
  • Casey Parikh    Alt. No. 1        12/31/23
  • Chris Mazzarella    Alt. No. 2        12/31/23
  • John Chadwick, Planner, John T. Chadwick IV P.P.
  • Chas Holloway, Engineer, Keller & Kirkpatrick
  • Peter King, Attorney, King Moench Hirniak & Collins, LLP
  • Nora O. Jolie, Board Secretary


Parsippany-Troy Hills Planning Board Meeting – October 17, 2022

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Planning Board Meeting – October 17, 2022.

Click here to view the agenda.

The Planning Board members are:
Mayor Barberio 12/31/2025 I Mayor
Anil Dadheech* 12/31/2024 IV Regular
Michael dePierro 12/31/2022 III Council Rep.
Tom Dinsmore 12/31/2021 IV Regular
Priya Jain 12/31/2022 Alternate No. 2
Dominic Mele* 12/31/2023 IV Regular
Gordon Meth* 12/31/2025 IV Regular
Nick Napolitano 12/31/2024 IV Regular
Ted Stanziale 12/31/2023 Alternate No. 1
Jennifer Vealey* 12/31/2022 II Muni, Rep.
John Von Achen* 12/31/2023 IV Regular

Stuart Wiser Board Planner, ARH
Andrew Cangiano Board Engineer, Keller & Kirkpatrick
Joseph Garcia Board Attorney, Cleary Giacobbe Alfieri Jacobs
Nora O. Jolie Board Secretary

Par-Troy Council of PTA’s to hold “Candidates Night”

PARSIPPANY — The Par-Troy Council of PTA’s invites you to attend “Candidates Night” on Wednesday, October 19 at 7:00 p.m.

Meet the seven candidates running for the Parsippany Board of Education. This meeting will be held at Parsippany Hills High School, 20 Rita Drive, in the auditorium.

Though all are welcome, only Parsippany residents will be allowed to question our Board of Education Candidates regarding their views on the budget and our school district.

Be an informed voter, and remember to vote on Tuesday, November 8 from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Morris County School of Technology Collaborates with Morristown Museum, Macculloch Hall 

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County School of Technology History and English Departments recently collaborated with the local Morristown museum, Macculloch Hall. The interdisciplinary lesson centered around the essential question, “How does the past shape our future?” Macculloch Hall provided the teachers with copies of primary sources that are housed at the museum. Sources included an original letter written by General George Washington to Robert Morris (1777) and Thomas Nast’s cartoon, Uncle Sam’s Thanksgiving Dinner (1869).

Cynthia Winslow, Curator of Education and Community Engagement, and Dr. Patricia Pongracz, Executive Director from Macculloch Hall recently visited the school to facilitate the lesson. Winslow and Dr. Pongracz led discussions about key takeaways from each primary source. Students were able to engage deeper with the primary sources to determine how we can learn from the past to better ourselves for the future.

Macculloch Hall Historical Museum’s Executive Director, Dr. Patricia Pongracz, said, “MHHM loves being in the classroom sharing primary sources that highlight where in Morris County history happened. We hope that the students learn as much from us as we always do in conversation with them. And we love when students then bring their families to visit so we can continue the conversations at MHHM.”

Sophomore students worked in small groups to answer questions about the importance and reliability of primary sources in academia and reviewed proper ways to incorporate text evidence in their writing to support their claims.

Authentic and interdisciplinary lessons break down the walls of the classroom to allow students to engage with the real world. The experience allows students to connect with professionals and create meaningful learning connections. Lisa Adams, Supervisor of Instruction shared, “At MCST we try to connect our students with members of various professions to expose them to potential career opportunities. While most of these connections take place in their Career and Technical Education courses, our academic teachers also see the value in collaborating with others outside of our school walls.” The English and History Departments will continue to plan and facilitate interdisciplinary lessons in future classes. Students will engage in real-life projects and various guest speakers throughout the year.

Macculloch Hall is located in the heart of Morristown’s National Historic District. Macculloch Hall Historical Museum preserves and interprets its historic house and gardens, unparalleled collection of the work of political cartoonist Thomas Nast (1840-1902), fine and decorative arts collections, and Macculloch family archives, inspiring visitors to experience everyday American history where it happened. To learn more information click here.

Morris County Vocational School District offers a wide range of career and technical education programs that inspire and prepare students to succeed in today’s world and pursue tomorrow’s opportunities.  Programs range from auto service and construction trades to healthcare sciences, performing arts and cybersecurity. The high school offers full-time academies and share-time programs on its Denville campus. In addition, through collaboration with local school districts and the County College of Morris, it offers full-time academies and share-time programs established at off-site satellite locations. To learn more about full-time academies and share-time high school programs click here or call (973) 627-4600 ext. 277.

Letter to the Editor: “The Meeting is Closed”

parsippany focusDear Editor:

I am writing in response to the union agreement controversy and went to the council meeting on Tuesday. I’m a single mother renting in town and in my job I belong to a union but wanted to understand how this would affect me as a resident.

Getting out of my car I started walking my way to the council chambers and a man wearing a sweatshirt crossed his arms blocking my path saying “the meeting is closed.”

In that moment I felt extremely scared and immediately walked away.

If you do publish me please protect my identity but I do not mind my initials being used.

Name withheld as requested

Letter to the Editor: Please Persuade me with Facts and not number of Voices.

parsippany focusDear Editor:

Tuesday night I attended the Parsippany council meeting to share my thoughts on the proposed PLA ordinance.

I realize that this was not going to be a typical meeting as I had to park in the overflow parking lot by Embassy Suites.

There were crowds by all the entrances,  groups in the parking lots, and hallways.

Inside there was no seats available, only standing room.

I thought the meeting might be cancelled or postponed since capacity was overflowing.

It was a bit intimidating and I almost left,  but ended up standing to see how this was going to play out.

Because of the large crowds I contemplated leaving or not saying anything.

Most of 150 plus participants were Union members, with pre made signs, there to support this pro union ordinance.

Many gave testimonials of their work ethic, family, schools, and their pride in Parsippany. All good and right.

A few individuals, about six, did voice concerns about this ordinance and did provide their comments as to why this ordinance should be voted down.

Comments were:

Toms River, which has a similar ordinance has seen a 30% increase in projects and with delays

       *On a $5.5 mil project that is $1.65 mil more in costs.  The Parsippany budget cannot afford this extra $1.65 million on all these large projects.

       * Are these numbers are inaccurate? Parsippany should verify.

Another speaker commented that Unions were one of the largest campaign contributors to our Parsippany officials. “The mayor received over $50,000,” Mayor said there was not a conflict.

My Comments

I am not a union or nonunion construction person.

I did speak, but I edited my comments drastically and left immediately after saying my 3 minutes.

There were some technical difficulties and I had to restart a few times.

No one asked me to state or write down my name and address.

Almost all “non?” Parsippany speakers did not state or list their names or address.   This has been always required at past council meetings.

This new bidding change does not make any sense.

Where are the facts on to how this benefits Parsippany?

An open competitive bidding process should be the ideal, and don’t limit the pool of competitors.

It was stated that over 80% of firms or projects are non-union. Should their voice be eliminated?

Is this fair to the firms that  do not want to be unionized?

A free and open bidding market should be maintain and the pool of competitors should not be restricted.

Parsippany should not be picking winners and losers or setting up parameters that limit the bidding process

Has the council reviewed past bids to see how many nonunion and union companies won bids and the results on these $5.5 million dollar projects?

I was impressed by the union turnout and the articulation by its members , but they should bid in a fair and open market.

They are very talented and don’t need to be handicapped in order to win a bid.

Competition keeps us honest and brings out the best in all..

Was a financial impact study performed?

Perhaps Parsippany should perform a market / field test on this proposed change.

Please don’t obligate Parsippany before discovering all of the advantages and disadvantages of this change.

Perhaps hold this vote till next year after a better analysis is done on this multimillion dollar impact.

Has anyone reviewed the other bidding programs in successful NJ communities and other states?

Did someone speak to officials in Toms River?

Sunshine on the “PLA” and our officials

If the ordinance is approve then I suggest,  that all officials not receive, in any manner, source or form, campaign contributions from any union organization doing business with Parsippany. At the meeting it was implied that officials were not influence by campaign contributions. So this stipulation should be easy to include.

In addition any government representative, or family member, can’t work with any successful bidding entity for one year during or after termination.

Finally,  in a timely manner list all contributions (in any form) with officials within 15 days, from any unions or their affiliates to the media (interesting right?)

What we need is an open bidding process with plenty of sunshine on all contributions . Good Communication equals Good Governance. There is nothing to hide.

Please persuade me with facts and not number of voices.

Tom Williams

Knoll West Bar & Grill Opens to the Public: A New Shining Star for Parsippany

PARSIPPANY  — If you happen to be a follower of these restaurant reviews, you are aware of the wonderfully eclectic abundance of diverse eateries that fortunately call home in Morris County. In the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills a bright new go to destination has joined that elite group of culinary institutions.

The Bar & Grill offers a fine wine, cocktails, and gourmet food experience

This past September the Knoll West Bar & Grill celebrated their long-awaited grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony. Attending the Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting ceremony was Mayor James Barberio, Council President Michael dePierro, Council Vice President Loretta Gragnani, Councilman Justin Musella, Councilman Frank Neglia, Former Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce, Morris County Commissioner Thomas Mastrangelo, Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Committee Chairman Frank Cahill, members Tom Williams, Drew Blind, Raj Dichpally as well as Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce President Robert Peluso.

The Bar & Grill will now be open to the public, for the first time, as a full-time sports themed, casual, comfortable upscale restaurant, offering a fine wine, cocktails, and gourmet food experience. I thought this would be a great for a visit to this new, highly anticipated, sports bar and reportedly “upscale continental” dining experience.

Knoll West Country Club

Once you ascend the steps to the Knoll West Country Club, which its majestically perched on the top of a hill, on entry one must be impressed with the grandeur of the foyer and sitting room. The attractive, stylish, elegance you initially encounter, with a giant bouquet of flowers, beautiful paintings, decorative fireplace, and perfectly accentuated seating and classy decor immediately creates an atmosphere that tells you that this venue is something special.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Councilman Michael dePierro,, Kelli Laglia Olsen, Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor James Barberio and Knoll Country Club Manager Kevin Brancato, at the ribbon cutting ceremony
The room was filled with a contagious energy, perfect for a sports bar, with many in the room sporting their blue Giants attire

A quick left turn leads one into the newly renovated Bar & Grill where you enter a brightly lit, airy, spacious room, with high ceilings, multiple circular wood topped designed tables, thoughtfully spaced throughout the room, accompanied by beautifully matched upholstered white & brown seating, gray patterned carpeting which offset the soothing pale blue walls. Floor to ceiling windows, provide not only great lighting, but captures a picturesque panoramic view of the Knoll West course.

window seating overlooks both the 1st and 10th holes of the West course
The outdoor balcony

In fact, window seating overlooks both the 1st and 10th holes of the West course, as well as an enticing view of the perfectly manicured fairways. Along the back wall sits the lengthy marble designed bar, with ample seating to accommodate approximately fifteen or so people, and along with the usual selection of liquors, specialty cocktails, assorted wines, and nine beers on tap, including local craft beers from three different breweries, IPA’s, Strongbow Cider, Sierra Nevada Hazy, and of course your usual favorites. Four of the grill’s large screen T.V.’s provides those sitting along the bar with a clear and unencumbered view of the screens. In addition to those T.V.’s at the bar, there are an additional six T.V.’s spaced throughout the dining area, both on the back wall and decorative beams, so those visiting the restaurant can easily watch and enjoy their favorite sports team from any location. I guess I should mention that the Bar & Grill does offer the full “NFL Package.” Despite the obvious activity, the acoustics throughout are excellent and comfortable, allowing diners to easily converse without difficulty.

The attractive, stylish, elegance you initially encounter, with a giant bouquet of flowers, beautiful paintings, decorative fireplace, and perfectly accentuated seating and classy decor immediately creates an atmosphere that tells you that this venue is something special.

I returned a couple of days after my initial visit to check out the vibe during the Giants/Packers game. The dining room, which seats approximately one hundred, was packed. The room was filled with a contagious energy, perfect for a sports bar, with many in the room sporting their blue Giants attire. It should be noted that the atmosphere was clearly family friendly as well, with a mixed and happy crowd, including some young ones, totally enjoying the experience. It appears to me that this new venue will be a wonderful new addition to the Township, and appears destined to become one of Parsippany’s shining stars.

Bavarian Knot; a Jumbo Pretzel

A guest and I stopped in for lunch on a Friday afternoon, we sat by a window table overlooking the starter’s shack and enjoyed the golfers teeing off on the first hole as I enjoyed my cold draft Yuengling, and we discussed the menu items. For a starter I chose the Bavarian Knot; a Jumbo Pretzel (and I mean humongous), which came presented on a metal stand, and accompanied by Jalapeño Beer Cheese and Honey Mustard dipping sauces. I love hot pretzels, and this one was something I will certainly order over and over. The pretzel was just warm enough, had the right crispiness to the outside, and was nice and chewy inside. Delicious! This could have been my meal by itself. The dipping sauces were the perfect accompaniment, especially the Jalapeño Beer Cheese.

Classic Club
10-ounce California Burger

Then came my 10-ounce California Burger, topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado, mayo and cheese, and served on a Brioche Bun. I know it is only a burger, but it was tasty and very well done. Cooked to perfection and packed with toppings and a side of crispy French Fries. After the pretzel and burger (which even I could not finish) I surrendered. My friend chose the Classic Club; on Country White Roasted Turkey, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, and Mayo, which was also served with a choice of French Fries or Sweet Potato Fries. It too was a generously sized portion and easily satiated his appetite.

Demetri Rotsides, Joe Jannarone, Jr., Pat Minutillo and Kypros Andreou

After finishing our dinner, I had the pleasure of having Kypros Andreou, General Manager, and Demetri Rotsides, Food and Beverage Director for the Knoll Country Club and Catering join us at our table to discuss the upcoming plans for the Bar & Grill (www.KnollCatering.com)

A little history, Mr. Andreou had been the long time General Manager of Knoll C.C. Catering prior to its two years and eight month hiatus due to the pandemic, and has now, after being awarded a new contract returned to resume those duties with the municipal utility. Both gentlemen informed me that the restaurant has now acquired two highly renown Chef’s with impressive resumes, both with training at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA), and one trained at the French Culinary Institute of New York, as well as extensive culinary experience in some highly acclaimed restaurants, including such places as Ninety Acres. They were proud to note that everything in the Bar & Grill will be made from scratch, using local produce, and with a menu that will indulge your appetite.

The Bar & Grill’s new full menu will include “Brunch,” which offers such choices as Avocado Toast, The Classic Benedict, a Breakfast Burrito, as well as other great selections. “Starters,” include such tantalizing items as Crispy Firecracker Shrimp, Birria Tacos, Prince Edward Island Mussels, Jumbo Wings. “Handhelds,” offers a Duck Confit Sandwich, Short Rib Sandwich, Hole-in-One Burger, a well as many other delectable choices. The “On the Greens” section offers a choice of appetizing salads, and of course there is a lot more that is too extensive to cover in this review. You will have to check that out for yourself.

Other upcoming plans include opening the outdoor patio area, which overlooks the 18th hole. “Food and Drink Specials” will be offered throughout the season. “Game Day Specials” (buffets and reduced priced drinks), “Rotating Seasonal Menus” will be forthcoming, and after speaking with both Mr. Andreou and Mr. Rotsides I am confident the future holds many great things to come from the Knoll West Bar & Grill.

If you are a sports fan, or just looking for a new, and fun, dining adventure make sure to stop by the Knoll West Bar & Grill. I know I will be stopping in now and again to catch a game, and to try some more of those mouthwatering dishes.

The Knoll West Bar and Grill is open 7 days a week to both members and the public for brunch, lunch and dinner! Current hours are 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with hours expected to expand during the first week of November from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Knoll West Bar & Grill – Catering, 990 Greenbank Drive, Boonton, NJ 07005 (Located in Parsippany)  (973) 263-7110 www.knollcatering.com

Sheriff’s Office Charges Three Suspects with Thefts at County Parks

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon announced that two men and one woman have been arrested and charged in connection with motor vehicle burglaries.

On Monday afternoon, October 10, the Morris County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division responded to multiple motor vehicle burglaries across the Morris County Parks. At least five vehicles were burglarized.  The Patrol Division alerted surrounding agencies.  The cars were parked in various County Parks in Mendham Township, Chester Township and Washington Township.

A few hours later, at approximately 6:45 p.m., the Peapack and Gladstone Police Department, located in Somerset County, conducted a motor vehicle stop on a suspicious vehicle.  After an investigation, it was determined the occupants of the vehicle were suspects in the burglaries that occurred in the Morris County Parks.

The Morris County Sheriff’s Office Detective Squad responded to the Peapack and Gladstone Police Department and conducted a follow up investigation.  Through the investigation, it was determined the three occupants, Bennie M. Ogletree of Coral Springs, FL, Travis J. Ward of Fort Lauderdale, FL and Misty M. Stover of Philadelphia, PA were responsible for the motor vehicle burglaries that occurred within Morris County.  The actors were arrested and charged with the following crimes:

Ogletree was arrested and charged with:

  • Three counts of Burglary in violation of NJSA 2C:18-2A(1), a crime of the 3rd
  • Three counts of Theft by Unlawful Taking in violation of NJSA 2C:20-3A, a crime of the 3rd
  • Two counts of Credit Card Theft in violation of NJSA 2C:21-6C(1), a crime of the 4th
  • Three counts of Conspiracy in violation of NJSA 2C:5-2A(1)/2C:18-2A(1), a crime of the 3rd
  • Three counts of Conspiracy of Theft by Unlawful Taking in violation of NJSA 2C:5-2A(1)/2C:20-3A, a crime of the 3rd

Ward was arrested and charged with:

  • Three counts of Burglary in violation of NJSA 2C:18-2A(1), a crime of the 3rd
  • Three counts of Theft by Unlawful Taking in violation of NJSA 2C:20-3A, a crime of the 3rd
  • Two counts of Credit Card Theft in violation of NJSA 2C:21-6C(1), a crime of the 4th
  • Three counts of Conspiracy in violation of NJSA 2C:5-2A(1)/2C:18-2A(1), a crime of the 3rd
  • Three counts of Conspiracy of Theft by Unlawful Taking in violation of NJSA 2C:5-2A(1)/2C:20-3A, a crime of the 3rd

Stover was arrested and charged with:

  • One count of Possession, Use or Being Under the Influence, or Failure to Make Lawful Disposition in violation of NJSA 2C:35-10A(1), a crime of the 3rd
  • One count of Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution in violation of NJSA 2C:29-3b(4), a crime of the 4th
  • One count of Use or Possession with Intent to Use in violation of 2C:36-2A, a Disorderly Persons offense.
  • Three counts of Burglary in violation of NJSA 2C:18-2A(1), a crime of the 3rd
  • Three counts of Theft by Unlawful Taking in violation of NJSA 2C:20-3A, a crime of the 3
  • Two counts of Credit Card Theft in violation of NJSA 2C:21-6C(1), a crime of the 4th
  • Three counts of Conspiracy in violation of NJSA 2C:5-2A(1)/2C:18-2A(1), a crime of the 3rd
  • Three counts of Conspiracy of Theft by Unlawful Taking in violation of NJSA 2C:5-2A(1)/2C:20-3A, a crime of the 3rd

Sheriff Gannon commended the Patrol Division and Detective Squad for a quick investigation.  Gannon said, “The Morris County Sheriff’s Office continues to uphold the safety and the security in the Morris County Parks.  This is a great example of fast police work.  People should be able to enjoy the County Parks on a beautiful day without any worries.”

The three actors were charged on complaint warrants and lodged in the Morris County Correctional Facility.  The Morris County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Section also assisted in the investigation.

Editor’s Note: An arrest or signing a criminal complaint is merely an accusation.  Despite this accusation, the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until he or she has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Morris County Proclaims October “Arts & Humanities Month”

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Board of County Commissioners proclaimed October 2022 “Arts and Humanities Month” during a recent work session meeting in Morristown.

Director Selen presents proclamation to Tom Werder of Morris Arts

Commissioner Director Tayfun Selen read parts of the formal resolution as he presented the framed proclamation to Tom Werder, Executive Director of Morris Arts. Werder was joined by Weusi Baraka, Director of Arts in Community for Morris Arts; Dave Sipple, President, Morris Music Men, and Jenna Castano, Director of Marketing and Communications for Morris Arts.

“Tonight, Morris County will resume an annual practice that was interrupted by the pandemic.  The Board of County Commissioners will formally recognize the month of October to be Arts and Humanities Month by virtue of the proclamation I now hold,” said Director Selen.

“It says in part, that we honor arts and humanities because they have come to embody much of the accumulated wisdom, understanding and imagination amassed over the centuries by humankind and have allowed us to explore ideas, express emotions and better appreciate the diverse and many cultures around the globe,” the director added.

Many organizations, nonprofits and small businesses involved in the arts and humanities benefited from the Morris County Small Business Grant Program, which was launched on Valentine’s Day and closed to applications last month.  Designed to assist small businesses and nonprofits still impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, 723 grants had been approved as of September 30, although many applications submitted by that deadline are still under review.

Among the grants were more than 40 approved for groups such as the Growing Stage in Netcong, the Morris County Art Association, the Morris Museum, the Denville String Band, the All Children’s Art Center, The Barn Theatre, the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts, The Shakespeare Theater of New Jersey and, of course, The Morris Arts.

The Morris Arts has been actively promoting the arts in Morris County for nearly 50 years and that work is noted in the proclamation presented.

Jenna Castano, Dave Sipple, Tom Werder and  Weusi Baraka posing with proclamation in the Morris County atrium, where Morris Arts is currently sponsoring the “Through Women’s Eyes” exhibit – the works of five women artists now on display and available for viewing by the public for free


Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany Installs New Officers

PARSIPPANY — Kiwanis Division 9 Lt. Governor Frank Cahill places the official President pin on Nicolas Limanov during the Installation Dinner held at Village Restaurant on Thursday, October 13.

Limanov is the 31st President to serve Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany since it was Charted in 1991, by Kiwanis International.

Also joining Limanov at the swearing in was Gordon Meth, who will serve as Treasurer, Carol Tiesi, as President-Elect and Ilmi Bojkovic as Vice President.

Ilmi Bojkovic was installed as Vice President of Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany
Carol Tiesi was sworn in as President-Elect
Frank Cahill during the installation dinner of the new officers for Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany

Cahill said “I want to bring up something when I served my first term as President in Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany.  I was given the chore of applying for the 50/50 raffle license.  When I filled out the application, I realized that I was the youngest one on the application.  At that time, I did a survey of our members and found out we were top heavy in older members. I went out and recruited Nicolas Limanov. He was 18 or 19 at the time. He was a former Key Club member, so it was easy to bring him into our club. Nick became our youngest member.  Then Nick recruited his mom. They were the two youngest members of the club.  With the help of Nick and others we have recruited other younger members.  Today, I am proud to be swearing in Nick as President of Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany.”

Frank Cahill pins Connie Keller. Connie was the President during the 2021-22 Kiwanis Year. Connie will remain on the Board of Directors and will serve as President of Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany Foundation

Kiwanis is a worldwide service organization in over 96 nations. The major emphasis is SERVING THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany picks their own service projects that they feel need attention. They are all local people that volunteer their time and talents to make the community a better place to live. They, like you, are busy with making a living, church, family, and many other activities. However, they have found that Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany gives a chance to give back to the community in a meaningful way, but the members also enjoy the fellowship, networking, and fun aspects as well.

Kiwanis offers a great opportunity to:

  • Get involved in your community
  • Make a difference in the lives of children
  • Meet, work and socialize with other people in our community
  • Help those in need in our community.
Casey Parikh is the outgoing Treasurer

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany is part of Division 9, of New Jersey Kiwanis District. Division 9 serves Greater Parsippany, Greater Rockaway, Montville, Morristown and Chatham/Madison.

For more information on Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany contact Nicholas Limanov at (917) 499-7200 or visit the website by clicking here.