Dear Editor:
On Tuesday, October 3, I attended the Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council agenda meeting.
Two things of importance came up which I would like to share with my fellow residents:
1) During the meeting Council Vice President Robert Peluso questioned the fact that something was pulled from the agenda. Township attorney John Inglesino’s response to Mr. Peluso was that it was “pulled”. When Council Vice President Peluso requested information as to what exactly was pulled Mr. Inglesino again responded in a harsher more condescending voice “it was pulled”. We as taxpayers should all be asking why didn’t Mr. Inglesino respond to Council V.P. Peluso’s question? His non response makes it look like something is not on the up and up in my opinion.
2) The second major issue is that Township attorney John Inglesino announced that the council would have to go into closed session in regards to “possible litigation from the township of Montville.” I ask, is this another lawsuit the Parsippany taxpayers will be shouldering? How much more can the taxpayers of Parsippany afford? What are Mayor Barberio and township attorney John Inglesino doing? It seems the only one making money in my opinion is Mr. Inglesino. Mr. Inglesino’s 1099 for 2016 was 701,985.21.
The fact that Mayor Barberio has no problem with this outrageous figure concerns me and I believe should concern all taxpayers of Parsippany. The litigation with Montville should be interesting. I think we have shared service agreements with Montville for water/sewer. Could this be the litigation? In my opinion Mayor Barberio has been overcharging the taxpayers of Parsippany and using monies from sewer surplus to balance his budget so it wouldn’t surprise me. We can only wait and see what the outcome will be.
Thank you
Pat Petaccia
P.S. When you visit the Township website, the video is listed. But when you click on the video to view the page says “Sorry the video does not exist.” What is the Barberio administration trying to hide? Parsippany residents want transparency. We deserve transparency.