PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany Troy-Hills School District opened for the first day of school on Thursday, September 3.
At least 12 of the 14 schools, students will have a normal day. Students at Central Middle School and Brooklawn started school with no schedules. No English, No Math, No Gym.
The students were advised in a letter dated September 1, signed by Superintendent Scott Rixford, “….providing on site activities that typically occur later in September for all students for the two half day sessions scheduled for this week,” referring to Thursday, September 3 and Friday, September 4.
Over the past 10 days, the School District’s computer system that creates the students schedules, Genesis, were not producing the students schedules properly.
According to the Genesis Education Services website, “Genesis is the leader in web-based student record data for New Jersey schools. Over 250 school districts rely on Genesis’ Student Information System to manage their student records. The comprehensive feature set caters to the needs of parents and students, teachers, administrators, staff and special education case managers.”
Rixford continued “While we initially attempted to make corrections and apply fixes in real-time, we could not and therefore needed to close that system. We have brought in Genesis experts for guidance and continue to rebuild student schedules for middle school students. However, with over 1600 students involved this requires significant time to remedy. It is a most intricate and detailed process.”

He continued “Both middle schools will be providing on site activities that typically occur later in September for all students for the two half day sessions scheduled for this week. A schedule of the two days will be sent out to all parents tomorrow.”
The first day of school for all students are one session days. Junior High School students begin school at 8:00 a.m. and are dismissed at 1:16 p.m.
Click here for the schedule students will follow at Central Middle School.
Click here for the schuled students will follow at Brooklawn Middle School.
A concerned parent wrote:
Dear Mr. Rixford:
As the parent of an incoming 6th grader at Brooklawn Middle School, I am deeply concerned with the ongoing scheduling issues. I have 2 high schoolers who had a great experience at BMS – with the previous scheduling system.
I am wondering why this district has felt the need to reinvent the wheel regarding the middle school curriculum. Test scores were great, kids and teachers were happy and the end result was well-prepared high school students.
Perhaps it is time to abandon this over-complicated schedule and revert back to what we all know worked and worked well.
Now my son will be losing the main reason for 6th grade orientation – which was to walk through his schedule and meet his team of teachers. And, on top of that, he will be missing out on at least two academic days because of this problem.
I certainly hope that I am not the only parent who has complained about this. Time to cut your losses and go back to what works.
Thank you
Donna Hilsinger
Rai Sant Ana wrote: “This has NOTHING to do with a computer glitch. Genesis has no issue with the high school schedules. There has never been an issue before the new schedule plan. This is all about the fact that the schedule won’t work. Go back to the 9 period day, give the students and teachers back their 40 minute lunch and make literacy mandatory at all 3 grade levels.”
Parsippany Focus asked a series of questions regarding the student schedules, but the Board of Education did not provide answers at the time this story was prepared.
The Parsippany Troy-Hills School District has 14 schools, with students in ten elementary schools, two middle schools, two high schools and an adult education center.
Will the approximate 1600 students at Brooklawn Middle School and Central Middle School receive quality classroom instruction starting Tuesday? Only Genesis will know.