PARSIPPANY — Parsippany’s American Legion Posts 249 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10184 held their annual Veterans Day Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 11 (eleventh month, eleventh day, eleventh hour) at Veterans Memorial Park, Parsippany. Bruce Michels, Commander of Post 249, led the ceremony.

The Presentation of the Colors by the Brooklawn Middle School 8th Grade Concert Band, led by Mr. Joshua Jenkins performed “Fairest of the Fair,” during the opening of the Veterans Day ceremony held at Veterans Memorial Park, Route 46, followed by the Invocation by Rev. Msgr. Herbert K. Tillyer, from Saint Peter the Apostle Church.

The ceremony was presented by American Legion Post 249 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10184.

The National Anthem was performed by Mrs. Michelle Musolino-Roberts and the Brooklawn Middle School 8th Grade Concert Band, led by Mr. Joshua Jenkins.

The Honorable James R. Barberio, Mayor Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills welcomed the guests, said a few words to recognize the importance of this day and extended gratitude to all veterans. Honored guest was Mr. Harry Ettlinger, Educator, Advocate and Famous Monuments Men Member.

The Meaning of Veterans Day was explained by Bill DeGrosky, Past State Chaplain.

Business Administrator Ellen Sandman, CFO Ann Cucci and Jenna Collins performed an Andrew Sisters Medley.

The Veterans Day Poem, written by Cheryl Dyson was read by Eileen M. White, Daughters of American Revolution. “America” was performed by Troy Hills Elementary School third graders.

“A Patriotic Festival was performed by Brooklawn Middle School 8th Grade Concert Band, lead by Mr. Joseph Stella, Band Director. Prayer of Remembrance was by Rabbi Lubin, Congregation Shaya Ahavat Torah.

Laying of the Wreaths was by Mr. Bernard McElwee, Commander VFW Post 10184 with honored Veterans Joe Minsavage, American Legion Post 249, Gary Erdman, VFW Post 10184 and Harry L. Ettliner, Monuments Men. Taps were presented by Anthony Paterno, Brooklawn Middle School 8th Grade Student and Mr. Joseph Stella, Band Director. “God Bless The USA” was performed by Third Graders at All Saints Academy, and led by Mrs. Lisa Gomez. Michelle Musolino-Roberts sang “God Bless America.”

The Benediction was by Rev. Dr. Stacie Turk, First Baptist Community Church. Commander, American Legion Post 249 Bruce Michels concluded the service.

Even though there are special days during the year that commemorate these brave men and women, most other times people don’t give much thought to the sacrifices and dangers that are faced by our troops on a daily basis.

We, as Americans, should always remember that freedom does not come free and that when our liberty is at stake there are brave men and women at the front lines defending our inalienable rights that our forefathers fought so valiantly for.

We all need to love our country and live with pride and always remember that without our veterans our country would not be the great nation it is today. Everyday is a day of remembrance; and should you see a soldier in uniform or a veteran, take the time to tell them thanks for their service, it’s the least we can do.

Veterans Memorial Park is located at intersection of Route 46 and Vail Road.