PARSIPPANY — Mr. Anthony Costa, 22, Mount Arlington, was traveling eastbound on Littleton Road through the intersection of Parsippany Road, when Ms. Aparna Balakrishnan, 26, Parsippany, traveling westbound on Littleton Road, turned left onto Parsippany Road and collided with Mr. Costa, on Saturday, July 11 at approximately 2:00 p.m.
Ms. Balakrishnan stated she was behind a third vehicle waiting to make the left turn and she did not see Mr. Costa’s vehicle enter the intersection.
Both vehicles had a solid green light. Police investigation found damage to the vehicles to be consistent with the driver and witness statements and that the collision occurred due to Ms. Balakrishnan inattention and failure to yield to the right of way of Mr. Costa.
Mr. Costa was driving a 2009 Dodge Avenger and Mr. Balakrishnan was driving a 2004 Hyundai XG250L.
Both vehicles were towed from the scene by Corigliano Towing. At the time of this article no summons were issued. There were no injuries reported.
The accident was investigated by Parsippany-Troy Hills Patrolman James Seeger.