Monday, October 7, 2024
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Rainy weekend forcast for Parsippany

The rain that swept across New Jersey for much of the day Thursday is on its way out, setting up a dry Friday. Wet weather seems likely to return for at least part of the weekend, though. Today is shaping up as a nice, later summer day. Forecasters are calling for skies to gradually turn sunny…

Parsippany Middle Schools will return to old schedules

Dr. Nancy Gigante, Acting Superintendent of Schools talking to Board President Fran Orthwein during the meeting

PARSIPPANY — Parents of Central Middle School and Brooklawn Middle School students say they are relieved to hear the schools will be returning to the old way of scheduling classes.

Last week the Parsippany-Troy Hills School District tried a new schedule for students at the middle schools but it was plagued with problems from the outset.

Complications with the implementation of the program caused students to have courses missing from their schedule, classes without a teacher assigned or classes without a room. Some students were forced to sit in the gym for hours with nothing to do.

At the Board of Education meeting held on Thursday, September 10, Acting Superintendent Dr. Nancy Gigante announced that the school would go back to last year’s schedule. Over thirty parents and students addressed the Board of Education and Administration about their concerns and experiences since school opened last Thursday.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education President Fran Orthwein opened up the meeting with a statement from the board:

Good evening, This is our first meeting since beginning the 2015 – 2016 school year. There are issues that have occurred, and the Board would like to address them immediately, as best we can. There are also some items that should be addressed early on, to allow this public meeting to be useful and effective for all in attendance. During all of our meetings, we have a public comment period, and the rules for this portion of our meeting are posted on the front page of every agenda. The change we are making for this evening is to allow for two public comment portions. We will have one immediately after these opening statements lasting for 90 minutes and limited to comments on the middle school scheduling issue. We will have another comment session after our regular business meeting. Now on to the main reason we are all here: First and foremost, we are here to apologize for the situation that is before us. We have always prided ourselves on the quality of our education, and in our effort to enhance the learning experience for our middle school students we approved a middle school reorganization and the implementation failed. And, again, on behalf of the Board, we are expressing our sincere apology. Two of our members are parents of middle school children, and all members have had children go through the school district. We know first-hand how stressful and confusing this issue has been to our middle school students and their families. The Board extends its heartfelt thanks to the staff, administrators, and guidance counselors that have worked tirelessly to address the Middle School scheduling problems. We completely understand that this has been an unacceptable start to the school year for our middle school students, their families, and our staff. Starting the school year without schedules was not the intent of this Board or anyone in Administration. Once the extent of the issue was identified, every person within the Administration and staff that could have helped, did. Over the past two weeks, they have been working literally days, nights and weekends since the problem was identified. While we understand that their efforts have not completely fixed the issues, they have made significant progress. Dr. Gigante will update you on the current state of the schedules and the plan going forward when the Board statement is concluded.

The Board extends its heartfelt thanks to the staff, administrators and guidance counselors that have worked tirelessly to address the Middle School scheduling problems. As of close-of-school Thursday, September 10th, we can report that all middle school students are receiving instruction in the core subject areas of language arts, math, science and social studies, in addition to the state mandated PE requirement. We want to assure everyone in our community that the Board has 2 priorities going forward: #1. The full-time focus and attention of our district will be to continue to correct this situation. And that will be done. #2. It is our responsibility to ensure that the district administration is functioning properly based on the policies we set. We will direct that a thorough and complete investigation be conducted to get to the root causes of the failed implementation. We will do everything in our power to prevent this type of problem in the future.

Furthermore, our Superintendent, Scott Rixford, took a 30 day medical leave last week that will continue through the beginning of October. We want to assure the community that the daily business of the district will continue under the direction of Dr. Gigante, who will serve as acting Superintendent. Again, we would like to extend our gratitude to the staff and Administrators for their extraordinary efforts over the past two weeks, in helping out with the Middle School schedules. Trying times like these truly demonstrate our district employees are willing to put in the extra effort to ensure our students have a great learning environment. We are confident that the staff in our District will continue to work hard for the students, and that the entire District will move forward, regroup and be stronger than ever.

Acting Superintendent Dr. Nancy Gigante stated:

Good evening. I am grateful for this opportunity to speak at length and in detail about what has been going on in our middle schools.

When this new middle school vision was presented to the Board and the public, it came after other options were proposed by teams of administrators and subsequently rejected. Throughout the months and months of discussion and debate on the pros and cons of it, everyone involved expressed concerns about its feasibility. Over the winter, as students and teachers were making choices and recommendations about courses, restrictions began to be placed on this already highly ambitious and remarkably unique scheduling structure. Still the proposal pushed on. Unfortunately, conversations in the spring and early summer about how to address logistical problems including facility utilization and staffing did not include all interested parties. When mid-August arrived, it was clear that it would be nearly impossible to implement this scheduling structure at both of our middle schools. Alternative solutions were recommended, but still the proposal pushed on until the Friday of Labor Day weekend when I was named Acting Superintendent for the district.

After debriefing that same Friday with counselors, general education and special education supervisors, building administrators, directors, members of Senior Cabinet, academic technology staff—everyone involved in trying to fix things— I fully understood the consequences of specific directives issued to those charged with “fixing the schedules.” I needed to act swiftly in order to re-open the parent portal and have students return to as much normalcy as I could provide. To this end, later that Friday of Labor Day weekend, after the district closed early for the day, I sat with supervisors in the basement conference room of my building as the counselors and academic tech staff sat upstairs, working until about 7:00PM to convert courses that had no hope of running into study halls or physical education classes for students. The proposal had pushed on to the point that all electives became forced into the same few periods and the core classes into the same remaining periods. What resulted was that there were no teachers available to teach the courses because they were all running at the same time and where there may have been teachers there was no regular classroom space. Of course, that was no solution at all, but as other recommended solutions had been rejected prior, this was what was left with about 72 hours or so before school reopened again on September 8th.

The counselors, academic tech staff, building administrators, and supervisors spent Labor Day weekend, through all hours of the day and night, from their basements and their living rooms, on their laptops and cell phones, texting and emailing, trying to get students into courses, making the core academic subjects of language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, along with state-mandated physical education, our top priorities.

At some point over that weekend I also endeavored to clear up an unfair miscommunication that our software system, Genesis, was somehow to blame. From the beginning of our relationship with Genesis they have been nothing but knowledgeable, competent, and supportive with our district. Genesis employees were on conference calls helping those eleventh hour efforts as the proposal still pushed on. I want to take this opportunity again to reiterate that this was not the fault of Genesis and not a technology glitch.

Tuesday September 8th came and I, along with our content area supervisors, members of Senior Cabinet, and directors were in the middle schools when they opened. I witnessed firsthand the remarkable professionalism and unwavering dedication of our teachers. I cannot thank them enough for providing our students with reassuring, smiling faces in the hallways and meaningful, appropriate instruction in their classrooms. Our building administrators, too, handled this unfortunate and unbelievably trying situation with admirable grace and composed leadership. Our students were happy to be in school, they were reaching out with questions they had, and they were successfully navigating a very disappointing start to their school year. The Board of Education was supportive and appreciative of all its many employees who were rolling up their sleeves and working together to make better a situation that, for a long time coming, had presented many concerns and much consternation. Finally, I was thankful that the parents, who justifiably were experiencing the most frustration, did not bombard our schools or interfere with the procedures we had put in place to try to conduct the most productive day we could given the circumstances. And I will always be thankful to the parents who reached out to offer help and express their patience with us…patience that I know could not have been easy to grant.

We’ve now all lived five school days with this problematic schedule, although it seems much longer to many of us, and I come tonight prepared to make a recommendation for a longer term solution. What we needed to do on that Friday afternoon was never a solution. It was a temporary fix in order to return students to classes, to ensure core instruction, and to provide a safe, meaningful educational experience for our middle schoolers. I have spent time this week meeting with stakeholders in our school community in order to provide an informed recommendation to the Board of Education. Unfortunately, time between Tuesday and tonight did not permit me to meet formally with parents or students, but I hope, based on the emails both the Board and I have received, that my recommendation will meet with their approval as well. My recommendation has the support of my teachers, counselors, building administrators, Senior Cabinet members, and general and special education supervisors.

Whereas our priority should and will always be the safety of our students, followed closely by their educational, emotional, and social well-being, I think that in this situation I am equally as concerned with reducing anxiety…understandable anxiety on the part of our students, our parents, our teachers, and our administrators. I believe that after several years of change, change, change, new, new, new, it is in our district’s best interest to experience some familiarity.

I am therefore recommending a return for this school year to the 9-period, 40 minutes per period schedule that we had last school year and many before that. I am recommending a return to a five-day-a-week schedule for all classes, including reading and writing at all grade levels, physical education and health, all electives, and lunch. I am recommending that music lessons be scheduled as they always have, in a rotational basis throughout the entire school day. I am recommending that extra support in the areas of language arts and mathematics return to having individual programming provided for students who need it, rather than differentiating the type of schedules different “types” of students get or limiting what electives students in need of extra support are afforded.

Some of you, I know, will be happy with these recommendations, as were the teachers and administrators I mentioned earlier. We cannot get there overnight, however. We will need some time to accomplish it. I have the assurance from Genesis that we can do this expeditiously and I believe we now have procedures in place to ensure that. I do not feel confident enough to give an exact date of when it can be accomplished, but I can explain the steps we will take to get there.

We already have the student requests and teacher recommendations from last spring. We will use those to place our students. Whereas now students may be sitting in elective courses they did not choose, we can run the courses our students wanted, at least most of them, and adequately staff and house these classes. We can return to true teaming of students and teachers, whereas right now we do not have that at all. To that end, I am also recommending that we increase staffing, particularly at Central Middle School, to provide for a full third team at all grade levels, as the previous enrollment gap has lessened between the two middle schools, and I believe this will also help expedite the creation of a new schedule.

The creation of a new master schedule sounds daunting and it is. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as wiping out the student names from last school year and entering new ones. Students get promoted to different grade levels and therefore enrollment counts change; student needs are different from year to year; recommendations and requests are never exactly the same. But we will commit resources to getting this done. And we will involve all parties charged with making this happen in all decisions and all communications.

What will happen until it is done? We will need to stay in this schedule we currently have for a couple of reasons. For one, there is nowhere else to go. This is as good as it can get with our current staffing levels and current facility limitations. Over the past seven days, I have come to describe the situation like this. There is no light. We need to dig a new tunnel. In order to ever make what we are doing now work, we would need both double, or triple in some content areas, the number of teachers we have, but all only working part-time, coupled with a major addition of physical plant space. Secondly, I need to refocus our efforts—specifically those of my administrators, academic tech staff, and counselors—on getting a better schedule created. With all hands on deck, I am hopeful that we can have this done some time in October.

While still in this current schedule, parents can expect what they have come to expect in the normally-running courses their children are enrolled in. For some students this means a full schedules of classes, core and elective. For some it may mean core classes and two, one, or no electives. For the classes students were successfully scheduled for, teachers will be instructing and assessing students and entering information into Genesis Gradebook as usual. Parents will be able to see how their child is progressing in that course as they always have. At the end of this schedule, when we are ready to move to the new one, teachers will provide the interim comments they have always provided midway through a marking period so that parents have a more “narrative sense” of where their children are in their coursework. At that point as well, teachers will be able to articulate to one another, in the cases where a student’s teacher is switching, how the student has been progressing, sharing work folder artifacts and specific assessment data. Further, with the restitution of teacher teams in the new schedule, teachers will be able to spend time working collaboratively to ensure smooth transitions for students moving from one teacher to another.

Once we are ready to begin the new schedule, we will structure the remainder of the school year into three trimesters, each being a bit larger than a regular marking period. From a curriculum standpoint this is helpful because teachers wrote curriculum for new electives based mostly on a 3-days-a-week-for-a-semester basis, which works out to be about 54 days of instruction. That’s probably going to be close to how long a trimester will turn out to be. Student progress will not be brought into this new schedule in any formal sense; that is, a “grade” will not travel with them as they begin in a new schedule. Articulation will happen between and among teachers, but students will essentially begin the new schedule with a clean slate, earning formal grades, as we’ve come to know them, once the new schedule begins.

We will reschedule Back to School Nights to be after the new schedule is in place, so that parents can meet the teachers their students will have for the remainder of the school year. There are no plans to change parent-teacher conferences from their currently scheduled time, however. In terms of teacher evaluation, nothing will begin until the new schedule is underway. Teachers will not be evaluated in any way—through observations, lesson plans, or work folders— until we have begun the new schedule. Additionally, I have assured the teachers association leadership that we will work with them on meeting the state’s SGO requirements fairly and sensibly.

As I mentioned earlier, I know from conversations with parents, students, teachers, and administrators that many of you will be pleased to hear much of this recommendation. I will not avoid mentioning the one very substantial downside in addition to the fact that this can’t be accomplished overnight. In all courses, both core and elective, there will be the chance that in the new schedule students will not have all of the same teachers they currently do. Although no one is happy with this current schedule, I can anticipate that parents and students will be happy with their teachers, much like the teachers become connected to and happy with their students. I’m afraid there is no way I can ensure for you that students will not be assigned new teachers, as we need to, as best we can, return teachers to courses they were prepared to teach and in which they have experience teaching. In the new schedule, teachers may have classes made up of students they had been teaching all along and students who are new to them. While our teachers are very skilled at differentiating, I also know that they work collaboratively and from the same curriculum so that it is unlikely new students will be “lost” in a new class, nor will returning students feel a teacher is wasting time going over things they were already taught. I understand, however, that this is a recognizable downside of changing what we are currently doing. I feel completely certain in saying that teachers will, as mentioned before, work together to ensure that the students have smooth transitions from one to another, with continuity of instruction and a focus on everyone’s well being.

I know I have been long-winded. I told you I was welcoming this opportunity to explain things to all of you and I meant that. I am equally as honest in saying that this recommendation for the remainder of this school year is mine. I am taking full responsibility for it. I promise our Board and our entire school community that I will dig side-by-side with all of the people involved so that we can see the light at the end of this new tunnel as soon as we are humanly able. Thank you for your attention.

Although many of the parents were upset by the schedule glitches, they did praise the way teachers and staff handled the chaos at both middle schools.

Board member Timothy Berrios, who voted against the schedule changes last year, quickly made a motion to rescind all of the related resolutions approved in 2014.  The vote was unanimous.

Historic Greystone Main Building, Chapel comes crashing down

PARSIPPANY — It’s official.  The last of section of the once mighty Greystone Hospital has been reduced to rubble.  The photographer who goes by the name “GlideBy JJ” captured the inside of the famous chapel and center main building with his drone just as the wrecking ball was about to demolish the final bricks of the once stately building.

Groundbreaking scheduled for new ISKCON Temple

PARSIPPANY — The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) has scheduled a groundbreaking ceremony for it’s new temple on 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 26 at 180 Troy Road, at the corner of Troy and Baldwin Road.

This will be the first ISKCON temple in the Northeast that will be built in a traditional, Vedic architectural style and will feature elements such as shikhars (domes) and jharokhas (decorative windows) among others.

ISKCON is also celebrating its golden jubilee, 50 years since its inception in 1966 by Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, when he brought Lord Krishna’s teachings to America.

The Bhumi Puja maha-yajna will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. and will be followed by the Groundbreaking ceremony at 10:00 a.m.  The event is open to everyone.

New Zinburger Wine & Burger Bar to Host Job Fair

PARSIPPANY — Zinburger Wine & Burger Bar, the upscale burger restaurant offering gourmet burgers combined with perfectly paired wine selections, will be hosting a Job Fair until September 21 at 1900 State Route 10, Morris Plains. 

The Job Fair will be open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Nearly 150 positions are available including bartender, server, front desk host/hostess, busser, line cook, prep cook, dishwasher and meat grinder.

Interested applicants are encouraged to apply online before attending the Job Fair. 

To apply online, visit and select the Morris Plains location. Additionally, applicants should bring their resume and proper forms of identification to the Job Fair in case a position is offered.

About Zinburger:
Since opening the East Coast’s first Zinburger in Clifton, New Jersey more than four years ago to much fanfare, stellar reviews and packed crowds, Zinburger has developed an almost fanatical customer following who enjoy made-to-order gourmet burgers, hand-dipped shakes and floats, decedent pies and 23 wine varieties.

Parsippany will be Zinburger’s 11th east coast location and fourth in New Jersey.


New Fire Truck arrives in Lake Hiawatha

PARSIPPANY — Lake Hiawatha Volunteer Fire Department District #4 took delivery of their new 2015 Pierce Rescue on Tuesday, September 8.

This 2015 Pierce replaces a 1994 Marion command unit. 

2015 Pierce Rescue
The new fire engine was delivered on Tuesday, September 8

The video was produced by Lake Hiawatha Fire Department District #4.

Letter to the editor: Take responsibility for your mistakes, fix them and move on

lettersDear Editor:

This letter will be read during the Board of Education meeting on Thursday, September 10

While there are many parents here this evening addressing the epic systemic failure of our new Middle School Programing this year, I am directing my comments towards how we got to this point.

While it is true that Mr. Rixford, Dr. Gigante and other supporting Supervisors hired this year are responsible for this mess, so to is the Board of Education.

We are at a critical moment, a watershed moment, for each and every one of you sitting on the Board this evening. We didn’t get here with one or two bad decisions. We are all human and admittedly, make mistakes. BUT we should also learn from them.

This odyssey began last fall with the Board rushing to approve a Middle School Redesign that clearly wasn’t even remotely close to a sensible approach. Why did you let that happen? Didn’t enough of you have “skin in the game” with children at the middle school level with which you decidedly gambled with their academic experience?

At the same time, scores of additional administrative overhead positions were proposed. The New Cabinet was presented by our Superintendent using an extremely compact flow chart. It was difficult to decipher at best. Even more difficult to understand was how to pay for it. The Board approved these positions, time and again, with little discourse or debate. Most of these positions were paid using “borrowed time and money”. They were funded through the District’s receipt of Extraordinary Aid received from the State of NJ because of the myriad of paperwork they completed documenting their Special Education population.

Extraordinary Aid is a one-year grant, which can vary greatly from year to year. Previous Superintendents would consider this “gift” money and be careful to use it only on expenses in the district that they KNEW were NOT reoccurring. How are we going to pay for these salaries in the year’s budget?

This Superintendent spent countless hours enforcing a new dress code, sent a bus full of newly-hired “middle-management” to scour every school to enforce of hastily-rolled out policies and showed very little regard for parent volunteers and the PTA organization in our District.

But the saddest and most destructive effect of the past year, is that this redesign has abused our students and faculty. The “Back-to-School” enthusiasm was decimated by the scheduling confusion. The teachers were summarily thrown into courses at different grade levels with no regard for their professional experience. As brave a face as they put on, kids could sense the confusion . They want to be learning in school, not just sitting around playing ice-breaker games and filling out learning surveys.

My message is: fix it. Fix it now. Do what we strive to teach our children every day. Take responsibility for your mistakes, fix them and move on. Please.

Anya Shellaway Sheiffele

Letter to the editor: An Open Letter to Dr. Nancy Gigante, Acting Superintendent

lettersDear Editor:

I find it very apropos that you should be taking responsibility for the middle school scheduling failure at the Board of Education meeting this Thursday, September 10, 7:00 p.m. at Parsippany High School. I expect you will provide a substantive, yet biased report to the Board of Education and answer questions superficially as to what went wrong with the Middle School scheduling debacle.

I, having served on the Middle School Scheduling Committee, feel that there is no excuse for this disaster. I specifically recall that you and Eileen Hoehne were in a big hurry to change the middle school schedules. You simply wanted to know if our committee recommended 8 or 9 periods a day.

We, as a committee of dedicated professionals and parents had the students’ quality of education first and foremost in our minds. We brought to the table numerous concerns, then asked for another year for our committee to research solutions; followed by a realistic timeline for a small trial implementation of the proposed scheduling plan. This was denied.

When making a drastic change in middle school scheduling, if you had truly taken the time to read all of our extensive research, to heed our insight into the plethora of complicating factors that exist, and to competently and responsibly prepare a plan for this transition, based upon your and staff members’ longitudinal knowledge of how our middle school functions, I believe you would have never ended up in this situation.

You have achieved an utter fiasco: eliminating recess, reducing physical education, reading and writing, chorus, band, and significantly limiting the number of new electives that the children can actually fit in their schedules. Now instead of engaging in active learning for 8 classes 5 days a week, children have to sit 10 minutes longer in each period. They have 3 or 4 classes that only meet 3 days per week and/or numerous study halls, where there is nothing available to put in their schedules.

Do you realize how much stress your hasty, action, with lack of preparation has placed upon the students, guidance counselors, and teachers? I am not fooled by your semantic deception. Grouping children together in several classes is not defined as team. I understand the new schedules have essentially dissolved the core teaching teams that each grade had. Teachers have little to no prep time nor time to meet because there is no team in their schedules. Some are teaching three or four new, different core curriculums, to not only different teams, but also across different grade levels.

I am giving you this opportunity to prepare a detailed, objective statement on just how many children actually received full middle school schedules with the new electives that they were promised? How much extra is it costing the district to design these schedules and now have Genesis and PTHSD personnel, attempt to correct all the problems that you still have not solved? Most importantly, can you please explain how your new scheduling system has improved the teaching team model and quality of our students’ education?

Arlene M. Sklow
Concerned Parent and Educator

Become a Morris County Poll Worker

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County elections officials are looking for a few good men and women – to help in the electoral process as poll workers in all 39 Morris County towns, starting in this year’s Tuesday, November 3 general election.

New poll workers will be partnered with more seasoned poll veterans this year at some of the county 396 polling places, and could gain enough experience in elections over the next 14 months to become valued poll workers in the nation’s president election in 2016. And you could make $200.00 per day in the process.

“We are always looking for smart, interested people who have the time and desire to take part in the elections process,’’ said County Board of Elections Administrator Dale Kramer. “It’s not always an easy job, but it certainly is a key one in our democratic process.’’

How do you become a Morris County poll worker?

  • You must live in Morris County.
  • You must be a registered voter.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must be able to read and write in English.
  • You must take a two-hour mandatory training class, as required by state law.

There are a series of six training classes that will be conducted in October at the Morris County Public Safety Academy, Parsippany. You can choose the day that is most convenient for you. Once an individual has completed the training, he or she will be been assigned to work at the polls.

Election workers must report to assigned polling places at 5:15 a.m. on Election Day and prepare for voting, which starts at 6 a.m. Workers must also help close polling locations at or about 8:00 p.m.

What are poll workers required to do for $200?

  • Verify that voters are registered in the district
  • Maintain order at the polls
  • Demonstrate the voting process to voters upon request.

For more information on becoming a poll worker or signing up for poll worker classes, including online classes, click here or call (973) 285-8350.


Woman’s Club of Parsippany holds general meeting

PARSIPPANY — The first general meeting of the new 2015-2016 club year for the Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills will be held on Monday, September 28, at 7:00 p.m. at the Lake Parsippany Rescue and Recovery Building, 100 Centerton Drive.

The meeting is open to all area women interested in learning about the club and its involvement in the local community.

With arts and crafts, conservation, domestic violence awareness and fundraising for scholarships for high school seniors, the club offers something for everyone.

The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills is a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs of GFWC (NJSFWC), which is the largest volunteer women’s service organization in the state, providing opportunities for education, leadership training, and community service.

For more information, call Cathy Cerbo at (973) 984-0758, email the club at or visit their website by clicking here.

Multiple vehicles stolen; broken into on Marmora Road

PARSIPPANY — Patrol Officer J. Chmura responded to a residence on Marmora Road for a report of a stolen motor vehicle. Upon his arrival, the victim advised the Officer that unknown suspect(s) stole his 2013 Jeep Grand Cherokee from his driveway.

The victim further advised the Officer that the unknown suspect(s) also entered his 2014 Dodge 3500, where the keys to the Jeep were located.

The victim believed that the theft occurred between 11:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 28 and 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, August 29.This incident is still under investigation.

On Wednesday, August 29 at 1254 p.m., Patrol Officer J. Williams responded to a residence on Marmora Road for a report of a burglary to a motor vehicle. Upon his arrival, the victim stated an unknown suspect(s) broke into his vehicle. He further stated he came outside of his residence and found his 2010 Toyota Corolla passenger side door open along with a set of sunglasses missing. No damage was seen on the passenger side door. The victim advised the Officer that he believed the incident occurred between the evening of Tuesday, August 28 and morning of Wednesday, August 29. This incident is still under investigation.

On Wednesday, August 29 at 1:14 p.m., Patrol Officer J. Williams responded to a residence on Marmora Road for a report of a burglary to a motor vehicle. Upon his arrival the caller stated an unknown suspect(s) broke into his vehicle between the evening of Tuesday, August 28 and morning of Wednesday, August 29. The victim stated the vehicle was locked and the unknown suspect(s) stole various pieces paperwork from the vehicle. No damage was seen on the vehicle.

These incidents are under investigation and anyone with information is asked to call the Investigative Division at (973) 263-4313.

Burglary to Motor Vehicle on New Road; Suspect fled area

PARSIPPANY — Patrol Sergeant A. Keiser, Patrol Officers G. Tosh, A. Clark, L. Nicos and Z. Koch responded to the parking lot of 80 New Road for a male breaking into a vehicle on Thursday, September 3 at 4:28 a.m.

Upon arrival of the Officers, the caller informed them that he exited his apartment, notified the victim and her boyfriend in the neighboring apartment, at which time they all went outside and verbally confronted the suspect.

The suspect then dropped the items he removed from the victim’s vehicle and fled the area on foot. The Morris County Sheriff’s Department CID responded to the scene to process the vehicle, while a Morris County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Unit assisted in searching the area.

The suspect is described as a black male, approximately 5’07, and wearing grey sweatpants along with a grey shirt. This incident is still under investigation and anyone with information is asked to call the Investigative Division at (973) 263-4313.

New Officer Joins Parsippany Police Department

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Police Chief Paul Philipps held the swearing in of Patrol Officer Pasquale Parisi, on Tuesday, September 8.

Officer Parisi, 27 years old, transferred to the Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department from the Bloomfield Police Department where he served as a Police Dispatcher for five years prior to becoming a Police Officer in January 2014.

He is a 2006 graduate of the Bloomfield High School. Parisi attended Essex County College and graduated from the Bergen County Police Academy in 2014.

Officer Parisi will be assigned to the Parsippany Police Patrol Division.

Like to write? Interested in an Internship?

focuslogoPARSIPPANY — Are you a high school or college student looking for an internship experience with a news organization? Are you a parent that follows all the games and likes to write?

Do you study journalism or another writing major and are interested in learning about community news or high school events?

If so, Parsippany Focus is for you. Focus is currently in the process of interviewing and hiring interns for the fall semester.  Our interns work hand-in-hand with our editorial staff, photographers, covering news, events, sports and other local stories for an all-online newspaper.

Student-interns will gain valuable experience in the world of community news. We put candidates right into the field where they will gain first-hand knowledge on the ins-and-outs of online newspaper business.

High School interns will be covering news and sports for their own school.

Focus internships are as hands-on as you can get, where no two stories are alike. At first, interns will follow their supervisor as they cover their assigned Parsippany town meetings, events and might even write a feature story on a high-ranking official.

Focus college internships are all unpaid and students must receive academic credit.

During the semester, interns must complete a minimum amount of hours per week that correlates with the requirements of their college or university.

Any student interested in applying for one of internship opportunities should reach out to Frank Cahill, publisher Parsippany Focus,


Driver Eludes police; crashes into guard rail by Embassy Suites

PARSIPPANY — Town of Boonton Patrolman Colombo observed a red Volkswagen traveling at a high rate of speed south on Myrtle Avenue with no headlights, on Sunday, September 6 at 1:59 a.m.

Patrolman Colombo followed the vehicle onto interstate 287 south where the vehicle continued at a high rate of speed. The driver stopped and Patrolman Colombo called in the vehicle stop. Before approaching the vehicle the driver abruptly accelerated away continuing south on 287.

The driver abruptly tried to exit the highway at exit 42 for Parsippany Boulevard. The vehicle crashed into a guardrail and fence located behind Embassy Suites.

The driver was identified as Santiago Maldonado, 23, Denville.

Mr Maldonado was charged with Eluding police, Reckless Driving and Driving while intoxicated. He was transported to Morristown Memorial Hospital.

On release from the hospital he was processed and transported to Morris County Jail in default of $50,000 bail with no 10% option.

Rain in the forecast for Wednesday late night

The blazing heat across New Jersey is expected to continue for one more day, forecasters says. Much-needed rain is on the way, though. A partly sunny day with highs in the low 90s is likely to give way to rain later Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service. The chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase…

Operation Giveback Veterans Program Sign-ups at Town Hall

PARSIPPANY — The office of the Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi will be on the road making it easier for veterans, many of whom are older, to come to Parsippany Municipal Building to sign up for the program. The dates they will be in Parsippany are Thursday, September 17 and Tuesday, October 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Operation Giveback, is a program initiated by Ann Grossi, County Clerk. The program establishes discounts for participating veterans in Morris County.

To get discounts, veterans would be required to show an ID card which can be obtained by going to the Office of the County Clerk in Morristown.

As a courtesy to the courageous men and women that have served in the armed forces, the Morris County Clerk’s Office is proud to offer free ID cards to honorably discharged veterans. All that is required is one form of identification proving Morris County residency and the original or certified copy of the DD 214 discharge papers. If there has been a legal name change from the name found on the discharge document, a certified copy the legal name change document, such as a marriage certificate or final judgment from the court, will be required. If the DD 214 is already on file with our Registry Department, the original is not necessary. We will be happy to look up the record.

These cards not only provide an additional form of identification but also discounts at many businesses in Morris County. County veteran ID cards are not designed to replace the federal veteran identification needed to access government programs such as VA hospitals and clinics.

If the original discharge document has been lost or damaged and is not already on file with us, you may obtain a certified copy with a raised seal by contacting the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO, by clicking here or calling 1-866-272-6272. For discharge records prior to 1953, click here.

All original or certified copies of discharge papers that are not already on file with our Registry Department will be permanently recorded and returned to the veteran. All discharge documents filed with our office are considered confidential and can only be accessed by the veteran or a member of their family.

Visit the Morris County Department of Human Services website for more information on services and resources offered to veterans by clicking here.

Update: Driver crossed median and crashed into utility pole

PARSIPPANY — As previously reported in Parsippany Focus (click here for previous article), Mr. Mitchell Morris, 54, Parsippany, was traveling south on Littleton Road when he crossed the median, continued in the on-coming lane of traffic, and left the roadway to the left striking a utility pole and coming to a stop. Ms. Linda Carubia, 57, Basking Ridge, was traveling north and was unable to avoid striking the Morris vehicle. Mr. Morris was driving a 2015 Black Jeep Cherokee, owned by Enterprise Rent-A-Car and Ms. Carubia was driving a 2012 Volkswagen Passat.

Both vehicles were towed from the scene by C & L Towing. There were no summons issued at the scene.

The road remained closed until after Midnight while Jersey Central Power and Light were repairing the down wired and replaced the utility poles.

Jersey Central Power and Light were at the scene repairing the wires
Jersey Central Power and Light were at the scene repairing the wires until after midnight
Two car accident on Littleton Road takes down wires

Update: Express check-in? Vehicle crashed into hotel lobby windows

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department responded to the Fairfield Inn Suites, Route 46 and Cherry Hill Road on Saturday morning after a vehicle crashed into two lobby windows near the entrance to the hotel.

Mr. Michael Williams, 61, Brewster, MA was driving a 2009 Honda CRV when his foot slipped off the brake while parking. He drove over the curb and into a plate glass window causing damage to both his vehicle and the glass windows.

The accident occurred some time at 10:21 a.m. on Saturday, August 29. A Parsippany police officer responded to the scene along with a Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance squad.

A hotel employee said two window panels were damaged.  No one was injured.

Boonton carnival ends with a blast!

BOONTON — It was a busy four days over the Labor Day weekend in Boonton. Starting on Thursday and Friday, the carnival was in town at the Boonton High School.

Then on Saturday, the parade started at 1:30 p.m. (click here to read article) and then trophies were awarded at 6:00 p.m. (click here to read article), along with the carnival and the final day on Sunday, the carnival was open until midnight and there was a Pig Roast at 5:00 p.m., Fireworks at 10:00 p.m. and the Super 50/50 drawing was held at 10:30 p.m.

Each night also featured a live band.

The carnival was very busy on Sunday night.
Parsippany Volunteer Fire District 5 and Lake Hiawatha Volunteer Fire Department District 4 wetting down the roof of Boonton High School after the fireworks
The Massefski family enjoying the carnival and fireworks
Fireworks in the sky over Boonton High School
Fireworks in the sky over Boonton High School
Alyssa and Robbie Hockey enjoying the evening
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