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Speed Networking Returns to Parsippany

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce (PACC) will host a Speed Networking event on Wednesday, March 28, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Care One at Morris, 100 Mazdabrook Road. (Note: This event was rescheduled from March 21).

Join chamber members for food, fun and networking. Bring plenty of business cards.

The event is free for chamber members and is an opportunity to make the most of one’s membership. Non-members can also attend for $10.00.

PACC’s Speed Networking is an intensive session of two-minute mini-meetings. Looking for a web designer? Perhaps a new banker? On the lookout for a mentor? Searching for a potential business partner? The possibilities and outcomes are endless.

Imagine making more contacts in one hour than some people do in a career. Welcome to PACC’s Speed Networking, an intensive session of two-minute meetings.  This corporate take on speed dating is the perfect place to start filing your book of contacts, with people scanning a range of different sectors and industries. It’s all about maximum impact, because after your two minutes is up, the whistle blows, and you change partners!

Maybe you’re looking for a web designer? Perhaps you need a new banker? Are you on the lookout for a mentor in your chosen industry? Or are you searching for a potential business partner? The possibilities and outcomes are endless.

Can you comprehensively describe your business and intentions in just one minute? It’s harder than it sounds, which is why it must be perfect. Pitch perfect. Don’t waste anyone’s time, including your own.

Be genuine, don’t exaggerate or embellish.

Be concise, don’t digress or waffle

Know your goals, what you want to say and achieve.

Know your business, what it can offer, what it needs.

Understand and convey why your business is special.

Have confidence – you’ll be recognized as a strong source.

Bring an abundance of quality business cards, brochures or samples.

Appetizers and beverages will be served compliments of Care One at Morris.

To register for this event click here or visit or call (973) 402-6400.

If your business is a PACC member and you would like to host an event, please call Frank Cahill at (973) 402-6400.


Medical Spill in Roadway on Route 10

PARSIPPANY — Route 10 west, just prior to Route 53 there is a medial waste spilled in the roadway of approximately 1000 feet in length. Mt. Tabor Volunteer Fire Department District 1 Hazmat team and Parsippany-Troy Hills Volunteer Fire Department District 5 Hazmat team is on the scene.  Morris County Hazmat was notified.


Project Help is hosting an Open House at Allied Wealth Partners

PARSIPPANY — Project Help, is a local 501(c)(3) charity whose mission it is to help veterans and their families in times of need will host an Open House “Heroes 4 Heroes” on Thursday, March 8.  The purpose of their event is to introduce Project Help to the community in an effort to expand their reach.

The event will be held at Allied Wealth Partners, 14 Walsh Drive beginning at 6:30 p.m.  They very generously donate their community room to us quarterly to host our events.

Come early if you like, they will assign a job to you.  Dinner will be available at no cost, including dessert and coffee.   A door prize will be up for grabs and 50/50 will be held.  There is absolutely no cost to attend, but RSVP is required and that can be done online by clicking here.

Sandy Mitchell and other board members will talk about the mission of Project Help and “Heroes 4 Heroes”, what they’ve accomplished so far and their plans for 2018.  “Project Help is a dynamic, young 501c3 charity with the welfare of our veterans as our only cause”, said Sandy Mitchell, Founder and Executive Director.  You will be given the firsthand look at the “Heroes 4 Heroes” program with the ability to become a charter member if you so choose.

The purpose of the Open House in addition to community building and networking is to shed light on the issues suffered by veterans and their families.  Project Help has been addressing these issues stemming from poverty, homelessness, disabilities in many forms including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury, joblessness, underemployment, trouble navigating the Veterans Administration, legal and a host of other issues from transition to end of life.

Many of their issues are financial and this year, Project Help is in a position to help financially to a limited degree.  By year end, they hope to be fully funded.  “Each time we take money out of the Project Help Hardship Fund for a veteran, we have to go out and raise that money again”, said Mitchell.  The money given is a grant and doesn’t have to be repaid.  “Knowing what we now know, and realizing that this is just a patch, our focus in 2018 is in meaningful jobs and housing, solving those two things will solve most everything else”, she said.

To learn more about Project Help, visit the website at www.ProjectHelp.US and like the Facebook page ProjectHelpUS.  Project Help can be reached at (973) 875-2068 and by email at  We are currently interview for board and committee positions…volunteers are always need as well.


Meena Patel: Saint Michael’s Employee of the Month

PARSIPPANY — Meena Patel had been living in the United States for less than a decade when her husband died. At the time, she worried about how she would raise her two young children with no help.

“It was scary. I didn’t know what was going to happen next,” she said. “I didn’t know if I would be able to pay rent. It happened all of a sudden. I thought how many hours will I have to work to provide food and roof for my children.”

The struggles that defined her life as a young widow helped shape who she would later become in life – a caring and compassionate nurses’ assistant at Saint Michael’s Medical Center in Newark.

“Life has been a struggle, but let me tell you, every time I ever do anything from my heart, God has rewarded me,” said Patel, who is deeply religious. “I believe in Karma very strongly. You must to the right thing always.”

Patel was named the employee of the month for February at Saint Michael’s Medical Center, Newark, for doing right by patients.

Patel said she is guided by one principal: The person she is caring for could be a family member.

“Every day I come to work very happy,” Patel said. “I provide patients care with kindness, love and respect and I go home very happy that I did something good for somebody.”

Janice Learn, the nursing supervisor on A4, the unit where Patel works, said patients consistently speak glowingly of Patel.

“Meena is a hard worker who often stays if needed after her shift,” Learn said. “Her coworkers enjoy working with her and the patients can’t say enough good things about the care she provides.”

Patel’s first job was with Saint James Hospital in Newark’s Ironbound. Though she was trained as a nurse in India, she could not work immediately as a nurse in New Jersey without further schooling, testing and licensing. So she started out as a nurses’ assistant with the goal of one day becoming a nurse.

But when her husband died of a brain stem infarction in 1998, her plans changed and she focused on raising her children, who were 4 and 9 at the time.

In 2008, when Saint James was closed, Patel applied for jobs at other hospitals, including Saint Michael’s.

“When I came home and heard on the answering machine that Saint Michael’s was offering me a full-time job, it was the happiest day,” Patel said. “I was a single mom. I was raising two kids by myself without any help. It was so scary.”

At the time, Cathedral Healthcare System, which owned Saint Michael’s, Saint James and Columbus Hospital, sold the three hospitals to Catholic Health East, which closed Saint James and Columbus. Like Patel, a number of Saint James and Columbus employees found work at Saint Michael’s. Prime Healthcare purchased the hospital in May 2016.

Including her time at Saint James, Patel has 30 years of service.

At one point, Patel, who never remarried, worked as many as three jobs to save enough money to send her children to college.

Patel’s children are now grown. Her son graduated from NJIT with a degree in mechanical engineering and was recently married. Her daughter is graduating from Rutgers University with a pharmacy degree.

“I feel myself a little bit lonely,” said Patel, who will soon be an empty nester. “But I know myself. I will do more volunteer hours. Because I came from India, I always admired Mother Theresa. I can’t be Mother Theresa, but I can follow in her footsteps.”

Rocky, a two-year old male Old English Bulldog mix looking for a home

PARSIPPANY — Meet Rocky! He is a two-year old male Old English Bulldog mix weighing in at 62 pounds. He is a happy-go-lucky boy who acts very much like a puppy. He will need someone who will continue to be diligent with his training to make him even more perfect than he currently is!

He does great with other dogs and children above the age of sixteen. He loves to play with toys. Tennis balls, squeaky toys, you name it! Rocky adores people and being the center of attention! He will do anything to impress the ladies. Rocky is a goofball with so much love to give! Will you be his forever home?

If you are interested in adopting this sweet boy, please fill out an application by clicking here. Wise Animal Rescue us a volunteer-based group and want to ensure that all applicants are as serious about the adoption process as we are.

Follow Wise Animal Rescue on Instagram by clicking here.
Like Wise Animal Rescue on Facebook by clicking here.

Wise Animal Rescues (WAR) goal is to find the perfect family dynamic and place our dogs in a loving, safe and permanent home. All of our dogs available for adoption are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on shots and microchipped.

Our adoption process starts with filling an application, home visit, meet and greet and then finalizing with an adoption contract and fee.

Adoption fees range from about $300.00 to $600.00. These fees help defray costs of veterinary and foster care and are tax deductible.

Letter to the editor: Response to “A Nation with More Money than God and His Gun”

parsippany focusDear Editor:

I am responding to a letter addressed to you from Nick Homyak, entitled “A Nation with More Money than God and His Gun”.

I wholeheartedly disagree with Mr. Homyak’s bleak portrayal of the United States. Actually, I was appalled at his false accusations. First, he suggests that “we are a fallen nation.”

We are not a fallen nation. We are not a fallen people.

American exceptionalism is not a “complete hoax and fraud.” Tell the refugee who risks their life on rafts to cross vast oceans to the United States that our values are a “hoax.” Tell the immigrant or Dreamer, immigrants like my parents who settled in Parsippany over twenty years ago, who seek opportunity and hope in a faraway land that the American Dream is a “fraud.” I see American exceptionalism in exceptional Americans; from teachers and educators to law enforcement and first responders, blue-collar workers to small businessmen and women, knowledge-thirsty students to the wise elderly.

I see American exceptionalism in people like Peter Wang. Peter was 15-year-old JROTC cadet who lost his life protecting his fellow classmates in the recent Parkland High School mass shooting, holding the door for students and staff to escape as he was gunned down by the cold-blooded killer. Heroes like Peter make the United States a truly exceptional place. It does Peter and other heroes in these tragic events a disservice to call them “a violent people”, as Mr. Homyak insinuates.

In regard to the “system that benefits [you] not,” how does a system that promotes hard work, innovation, and creativity “undermine humanity’s potential?” There is irrefutable evidence that free markets have dramatically increased the standards of living for the whole world in the past two hundred years. Yes, reforms are necessary to ensure that this system is fair, and corporations must pay their share of taxes to the government, but our economy is strong because of its’ structure and stability.

Democracy relies on our free markets. Free participation in the economy requires free civic participation. If Mr. Homyak advocates for the dissolution of capitalism, he might as well advocate for the dissolution of liberal democracy in the United States.

Our love for our country drives us to fight injustice and promote the well-being of all. Mr. Homyak may have highlighted the challenges we face today, but time and time again, the American people have shown resilience and resolve. “All men are created equal” was not truly realized until 1964, and we still forge towards racial justice and equality. Students no longer feel safe in schools and social mobility is stalling at an alarming rate. Of course, this struggle is nothing new – Americans have struggled since this nations’ founding.

However, today, civic participation is on the rise, with more women, minorities, and young adults running for public office. Students and parents are advocating for sensible gun safety measures, while people of all backgrounds are protecting the rights of immigrants and Dreamers. People feel a sense of active responsibility for their country, whether in the voting booths or on the streets. Our fighting spirit leads us to real change.

In times of adversity, we cannot submit to Mr. Homyak’s pervasive pessimism. We see these problems and we fight for what is right not because America is perfect, but because America is beautiful.

Mr. Homyak suggests we “stop all this god bless America.” I suggest we say “God Bless America” loud and proud. I know I will.

We are not a fallen nation. We are a rising nation, risen by its’ exceptional people.

Czar Alexei Sepe
Lake Parsippany

Seniors celebrate Chinese New Year: Year of Dog

By Florence Kan

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, Year of the Dog, various senior citizen clubs at the Parsippany Community Center planned and participated in nine programs on Friday, February 16.

Ann Fong and Janet Chen were the emcees for the program. Opening remarks were made by Parsippany’s Mayor Michael Soriano and Health & Human Services’ Director Michele Picone.

The first program was the Tai Chi Chuan which was performed by the Tai Chi Group at the Center. Mayor Soriano was invited by the Tai Chi group to join in and give an impromptu performance. He did such a fabulous job in convincing the audience that he was no green horn in Tai Chi practice. The Parsippany Tai Chi group is led by Master Yan Feng who teaches different forms of Tai Chi such as chuan(fists), sword and fans. She has a trainer certificate from Beijing, China (Coach of martial arts – National Level II) and been a Tai Chi teacher at the Center for over six years. The group practices every Monday and Friday at the Center and has over 80 members.

Second program was a dance named Nanping Evening Bell which was performed by the Parsippany Grand Dancing group.  Grand dancing is a popular type of dance in China usually done in open spaces.  All ladies were dressed in medium long Chinese “Qipao”, one kind of formal Chinese dress. They all looked gorgeous. The Grand Dancing group is led by Nina Dai who is a frequent story writer and teaches grand dancing every Wednesday afternoon at the Center.

The third program was Tai Chi long-tasseled sword which was performed by Master Yan Feng. Her exceptional Tai Chi skill was absolutely stunning at her age of over 70.  

The fourth program was guitar playing performed by Chuck Boyajian and his bass player, Simon. Their folk music was very lively and uplifting.  Chuck and Simon belong to a band and love to entertain.

The fifth program was Mulan Double fans 54 form performed by the Tai Chi Group. The look-alike blue and white peacock fans flew over the room like a big cloud of sea.

The sixth program was a mini fashion show performed by the Grand Dancing group. All ladies dressed elegantly in long “Qipao” and the audience was amazed by their beauty, charm and graceful movements.

The seventh program was the Double fans 48 form performed by Vivian and Charlie Zhou. Their coordinated movements captured the eyes of the audience the entire time.  The eighth program consisted of Waltz and Cha Cha dances performed by the Parsippany Ballroom Dancing group and were quite entertaining. This dance group is led by Richard Wu who teaches at the Center every Thursday afternoon. The ninth program and finale was ballroom dances performed by  Lucy and Bing Chang. Both take lessons at Rogers Dance Center.  They danced International Waltz, American Foxtrot and Quickstep.  Lucy wore a beautiful pink professional gown. Together with Bing, an avid dancer, they had captured the attention of the entire audience with their impeccable dancing techniques. The Chinese New Year celebration ended with open floor free dancing.

In conclusion, over 150 seniors, friends and families had attended the program at the Center. They have expressed their thanks to Mayor Soriano, Health & Human Services’ Director Picone and her staff, the organizers, volunteers and the performing groups whose efforts had made this Chinese New Year a memorable one. Special thanks to Mayor Soriano and Director Picone for providing this wonderful facility which has so many activities for senior citizens. Their supportive efforts  are so much appreciated and have drawn so many seniors of diverse backgrounds to the Center.           


Sean Anderson attends Township Council Meeting to earn badge

PARSIPPANY —  Sean Anderson attended the Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 20 to earn his “Citizenship in the Community” merit badge for the Boy Scouts.

Citizenship in the Community merit badge

Sean is a member of Troop 72.

Part of the requirements in earning this merit badge are to attend a meeting of your city, town, or county council or school board; or attend a municipal, county, or state court session; and choose one of the issues discussed at the meeting where a difference of opinions was expressed, and explain to your counselor why you agree with one opinion more than you do another one.

Troop 72 was founded in 1954, and has been serving the boys of the Parsippany Area ever since.

Troop 72 has scouts from all parts of Parsippany, and beyond.  Going to school at Brooklawn Middle School, Central Middle School, Parsippany High School, Parsippany Hills High School, and other schools outside of the Parsippany public school system.

The Troop is sponsored by Saint Peter the Apostle Church, and meet in the cafeteria at All Saints Academy. They attend Scout Sunday at Saint Peters, and their annual food drive benefits the Saint Peters food pantry.

Troop 72 participates in community service work with multiple churches and civic organizations. We welcome any requests from the community, and are always happy to help.

For more information on Troop 72, click here.

Bucco will not run for Congress; Endorses Webber

MORRIS COUNTY — After countless discussions with family, colleagues and others over the last three weeks, Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco announced he will forego a campaign for Congress in New Jersey’s 11th District.

“I was floored by the outpouring of support from so many important leaders across Morris County, and humbled by an energy within the Republican Party that I haven’t seen in years,” said Bucco.

“After thoughtful deliberation about politics and building a winning campaign, ultimately I came to realize that at this point in my life, turning things upside-down to be in Washington was too big a price to pay for myself and my family,” added Bucco. “Additionally, my work in Trenton isn’t finished. I want to continue fighting for taxpayers and deliver a more affordable New Jersey. With the tax-and spend policies proposed by the new administration, it’s now more important now than ever. I want to thank the dozens of legislators, Mayors, Council people, party leaders and others who offered their name and support. It means so much to me and my family, and we will not forget it.”

Assemblyman Jay Webber

Bucco is endorsing Assemblyman Jay Webber in an effort to unify the Republican Party and defeat the Pelosi Democrats in Washington. “In the critical election for Congress, I’m endorsing my Assembly colleague and fellow Morris County Republican Jay Webber. Jay is a principled conservative with a strong record who will fight for taxpayers,” said Bucco.  “Jay will be an effective voice for New Jersey in Congress.”

“I’m confident that Jay can and will run the kind of campaign necessary to keep this seat in Republican hands, and ultimately, protect taxpayers from a liberal, big-government approach under Nancy Pelosi.”

Webber, who announced his candidacy in early February, is now the clear front-runner in the race for Congress.

“Tony has been a strong and consistent voice for New Jersey taxpayers and a proven leader in our Assembly Conference.  Morris County is fortunate to have him representing us,” said Webber. “His endorsement builds on the momentum we have seen over the last few weeks. I’m proud to have his support and welcome his advice as we continue to grow our winning campaign.”

Law Enforcement Night to be held at Mennen Arena

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris Area Coalition for Education and Positive Choices is rapidly becoming a household name in Morris County.  Word is spreading about the many initiatives being instituted by this unique, powerful group that provides the community with facts and information in the fight against drug and alcohol abuse. Everyone is quickly realizing the benefit to families when they sign-on. The importance of introducing kids to new activities and promoting substance-free events that keep them occupied (such as sports, exercise, career days, teen dances and activities with law enforcement) is of paramount concern when it provides ways to uphold a child’s self-esteem.  The Coalition is a pro-active team consisting of elected officials, law enforcement, educational leaders and concerned citizens who are up to date on the latest crazes and abuses that are plaguing our children. Law Enforcement Night will be held on Wednesday, March 7 starting at 7:00 p.m., at Mennen Arena, 161 East Hanover Avenue, Morristown.

Please join officers and police departments from all over the state at the Coalition’s Second Annual Law Enforcement Night.  It is at this event that youngsters get to see firsthand how law enforcement officers are positive influences in our community.  Law Enforcement Night has been known to further develop these relationships often providing career opportunities for teens who might not have ever considered such a path.

The equipment on display at this event is known to even awe adults.  Never will one see such an array of machinery like this at one location.  Kids are able to ride the horses provided by the Park Police, see the Morris County Hope Van, jump in helicopters, ambulances, emergency vehicles of every shape and size, wear riot gear, try on handcuffs and comingle with the law enforcement community in a fun atmosphere.


The important aspect to remember here is that law enforcement is trained to make these kids feel safe and important.  Confidence and self-esteem go a long way in helping a child say no to his peers when the time arises.

Parsippany Christian Middle School Girls Basketball Repeat as Champions

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Christian School’s middle school girls’ basketball team finished their season 10-0 winning their second consecutive regular season and conference tournament titles.

First-seeded Parsippany Christian girls’ team defeated second-seeded Abundant Life Academy (Nutley) on Saturday, February 17 by a wide margin to claim its third Metro Christian Athletic Association title in four years and extend its winning streak to twenty games.  The girl’s middle school basketball team has gone undefeated for the past two seasons.

Amazingly, Parsippany Christian’s high school varsity girls’ basketball and middle school girls’ teams have combined to go 24-0 in conference play this season.

This spring, Parsippany Christian School will graduate five eight grade players who contributed so much to the girls’ middle school basketball program over the past three to four years.

Five 8th grade team players will graduate this year

Mayor Soriano honors Water Department

PARSIPPANY — On February 6, Mayor Michael Soriano presented the Parsippany Water Department with a “Certificate of Appreciation.”

The certificated stated “In appreciation for their service, commitment and support to the citizens of Parsippany.”

The Water Department was dealing with an abundance of water main breaks during the cold weather in January, and Mayor Soriano wanted the workers to know that they were appreciated for their hard work, long hours and commitment to the residents of Parsippany.

Parsippany’s Nick Capone won $25,000 Scholarship from Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray is pictured during the production of “The Rachael Ray Show” in New York on Thursday, February 1, 2018. Photo by David M. Russell/Rachael Ray Show ©2018 King World Productions. All Rights Reserved.

PARSIPPANY — Rainbow Lakes resident Nick Capone won the “Cook Your Way to Culinary School Contest” sponsored by Rachael Ray.

Capone, a high school senior in the Academy for Culinary Arts at the Morris County School of Technology (MCST) in Denville, was one of four young aspiring chefs who competed to make their dreams of attending culinary school a reality in Rachael Ray’s “Cook Your Way to Culinary School” competition.

The competition aired on RACHAEL RAY Friday, February 16, with the winner, Nick Capone, being announced at the end of the show!

Nick received a $25,000 scholarship from Rachael’s “Yum-O!” organization, as well as $500 worth of Rachael’s cookware.

“Cooking has helped me deal with anxiety I faced as a child; once I got into the kitchen, I felt comfortable and found a way to be myself”, expressed Nick.

The contest, launched in October 2017, attracted hundreds of submissions from all over the United States. Entrants were required to submit a video showing them preparing an original recipe dish and explaining why they feel they deserve to win the scholarship. The four selected finalists traveled to New York City to compete in food-related challenges such as demonstrating knife skills, and preparing a dish using ingredients they shopped for within a strict budget and time constraints.

The Morris County Vocational School District provides vocational and enrichment programs that inspire and prepare students to succeed in today’s world and pursue tomorrow’s opportunities. The Academy for Culinary Arts is a four-year full-time high school program providing students with a solid foundation of culinary theory with emphasis placed on current industry cooking and baking methods and techniques. Students get extensive hands-on experience in catering and serving in a commercial kitchen and dining facility. For information about our programs, including high school Career Academies, Share Time Programs, and Adult Education programs, visit or call (973) 627-4600 ext. 277.

Rachael Ray is pictured during the production of “The Rachael Ray Show” in New York on Thursday, February 1, 2018. Photo by David M. Russell/Rachael Ray Show ©2018 King World Productions. All Rights Reserved.


Hannah Ververs Earns Scholarship to Alvernia University

PARSIPPANY — Hard work in high school has paid off for college-bound seniors. Hannah Ververs, of Mount Tabor, has been granted the Presidential Scholarship to study Occupational Therapy at Alvernia University in the fall. Ververs is currently a senior at Parsippany Hills High School.

To be awarded this $18,000 scholarship, the recipient must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and minimum SAT score* of 1130 on the old test/1200 on the new one (or 25 ACT). * “Old” SAT scores are calculated using combined Critical Reading and Math sections. “New” SAT Scores are based on the Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing sections. Students are eligible for only one merit scholarship.

ALVERNIA is a distinctive Franciscan university, grounded in the Catholic and liberal arts traditions, that combines diverse academic opportunities with personal attention and an unmatched commitment to community service. Alvernia empowers students to become “ethical leaders with moral courage.” Through real-world learning and the challenging guidance of faculty mentors, they discover their passion for life and turn what they love into lifetimes of career success and personal fulfillment. Alvernia students do well and do good.

Isaiah Lipkin to attend Northeastern University

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany resident Isaiah Lipkin has been accepted by Northeastern University.

Isaiah is a senior at Gill St. Bernards High School, Gladstone. Previously he attended Littleton Elementary School and Brooklawn Middle School.

Lipskin will be attending the Northeastern University D’Amore-McKim School of Business in the fall .

He has been very active in his community through Habitat for Humanity, running school blood drives and other community service.

The Northeastern University D’Amore-McKim School of Business was founded in 1922 and the Graduate School of Business Administration in 1952.


Burglary at residence on Celtic Way

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Officers responded to an activated burglar alarm at a residence on Celtic Way at 7:08 p.m. on Saturday, February 10.

Upon their arrival, they found the front door ajar.

It was determined that the master bedroom had been entered by the unknown suspect(s) and jewelry was removed.

Parsippany Detective Jermaine Pledger, along with the Morris County Sheriff’s Office CIS and K-9 unit responded to the scene to assist the investigation.

Parsippany Rescue and Recovery was called to the scene to secure the door.

UPS Delivers Empty Box; Apple Watch missing

PARSIPPANY  — On Friday, February 9 at 8:29 p.m. a resident of Dafrack Drive reported that he had just signed for a UPS delivery and took possession of a box which was supposed to contain his repaired Apple Watch.

Upon further inspection of the box, he saw that it was tampered with and his watch was not inside.

The watch was valued at approximately $400.00.

Letter to the editor: A Nation With More Money Than God and his gun

parsippany focusDear Editor:

When the right to own a gun like an AR 15 not a hunting rifle becomes more important than Health Care and a Sustainable and clean world then American exceptionalism stands as a complete hoax and fraud.

We are a violent people our nation is not beautiful and we must stop all this god bless america. The Republic is dead there’s no civic virtue as the trash mounts and the waters run dirty.

Political correctness will not bring remedies. We don’t see the stars of heaven, honor our god, respect the dead, ignore the trash. We are a fallen people. War is economy; violence rather than compassion and understanding rein in our system, where the rich steal from the poor. 

Why do I have to pay taxes to such a system that benefits me not, while those of corporate power and riches beyond need evade the system they benefit most from…That is the question and the answer. Nation of thieves. 

Prayers? May God be on our side, no matter the side…The will of God prevails; by simply praying for the victims? Brings to mind Abraham Lincoln’s, Meditation on the Divine Will speech September 1862 in part below:

In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong. God cannot be for and against the same thing at the same time..Abe Lincoln..

What could possibility be god’s purpose here; or the need for prayer emanating from congress? What side have they taken! The side of the gun, Not god or real human values, but the good-guy-with-the gun? where does that leave us? 

The fight against socialism is the theft of all humanity and the keeper of debt and economic slavery. What is democracy if not justice, equality, and education producing citizens of discipline ,concern and caring?

WE ARE A FALLEN NATION. The evidence is before our eyes everyday. A nation that promotes safety & security, but not Health Care, Housing, Environment, Ecology, is a failure. Capitalism and its pursuit of profit undermines humanity’s potential everyday. it has outlived its purpose. Corporations are not people because they are against humanity and democracy…how long can we ignore the evidence? Law & Order does not come from a barrel of a gun…power does. Guns are instruments of dominance over nature, and other men. Guns are the problem our way of life have made them so. We have no respect for real life, and recognize only wealth and power over others. Take a look around America is full of trash, corporate trash and people who ignore it. America is not beautiful or exceptional only blind..Waste more want more. I am not my brothers keeper,aka Christian value nation; hoax. If its not good for everyone it’s not really good at all.

Nick Homyak
Lake Hiawatha

PBA Local #298 to hold Beefsteak Dinner

PARSIPPANY — Morris County PBA Local #298 Memorial Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, April 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Parsippany PAL Youth Center, 33 Baldwin Road.

The Beefsteak Dinner will be catered by Giresi’s Caterers. Price includes dinner, Comedy Show, DJ, Fun and prizes. The cost is $55.00 per person. The Comedy Show will be performed by Johnny D.

All proceeds go toward college funds for children of fallen officers of the Morris County Sheriff’s Office, Bureau of Corrections.

There will also be a silent auction, Dollar-Mega Raffle, 50/50 and door prizes.

For tickets, mail a check payable to PBA Local 298, Post Office Box 510, Morristown, New Jersey 07960.

For additional information email or call John Granto at (973) 885-4002; Zoes Pavelis at (973) 349-7733 or Jake Beg at (917) 559-9424.


Letter to the editor: Our children deserve real action to stop gun violence

parsippany focusDear Editor:

We have had far too many moments of silence since Sandy Hook. Our children and community deserve real action to stop the epidemic of gun violence in our country. We’re not alone and we’re not helpless. There are many seemingly simple, yet powerful things we can do today!

More and more of our neighbors are uniting to bring the change we need. The phones in Congress are ringing off the hook with calls for commonsense gun reform, peaceful rallies are growing in numbers in cities across the country, and families and friends are gathering together in their own living rooms to talk about bringing violence prevention programs to their schools. The movement is growing and we must keep growing it.

There is reason to have hope that we can prevent gun violence before it happens through sensible gun safety laws and programs in our schools and communities that help us identify the signs and signals before a shooting happens and intervene.

To keep this hope alive and bring the change we need, I am asking everyone to take two simple actions today. First, call your member of Congress today and ask that he or she support gun violence prevention legislation to keep guns out of dangerous hands. Secondly, Make the Promise at and help bring Sandy Hook Promise’s no-cost, violence prevention programs to our schools and community.

Georgine La Serna – Maiella

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