PARSIPPANY — On Saturday, April 15, Kalpeshku Vyas was driving a 2014 Honda Accord east on Littleton Road. He was in front of a 2007 Ford Taurus driven by Maria Lampone.
Both vehicles were driving East on Littleton Road.

Mr. Vyas made a u-turn in both the driveway of 129 Littleton Road and Littleton Road so that he could proceed West on Littleton Road.
After completing the U-turn, Mr. Vyas’s vehicle struck the passenger side of the 2007 Ford Taurus. The impact of the crash caused Ms. Lampone to do a 180 degree turn which caused the vehicle to partially land on the sidewalk before coming to a stop. Mr. Vyas caused the motor vehicle crash due to improper turning and failure to yield right of way.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Officer Peter Kolln investigated the incident. Ms. Lampone suffered a concussion and whiplash from the accident.
Mr. Vyas was issued a summons for careless driving.
Both vehicles were towed from the scene.