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Letter to the editor: Statement Review Analysis – Statement UNTRUE!

Dear Editor:

I am reporting back on my review and analysis of the statement at the March 21, 2017 Town Council meeting by Council Member Valori that “the Town had invested $4.5 million dollars in Sedgefield and Glacier Hills on infrastructure in the past year”.

That statement is False, Untrue, a Lie (more on that later).  There was no money spent on Glacier Hill’s infrastructure in the past year (data listed below).

Let us review this experiment from the beginning.  I listen to the soundtrack of the March 21, 2017 meeting and Councilman Valori makes the statement “the Town had invested $4.5 million dollars in Sedgefield and Glacier Hills on infrastructure in the past year”. I don’t think that was true and decide to check it out.  Facts are fun and one should never pass up a good experiment!

I live in Glacier Hills and I know of no infrastructure projects in the neighborhood.  OK, only a single source cannot be considered reliable, need multiple sources. I solve that by asking my neighbors if they know of any infrastructure work in Glacier Hills. The neighbors have no memory of infrastructure work.

I next decide to check Town records to see if there was truth to Councilman Valori’s statement, and we who live in Glacier Hills just did not know about it.

On March 27 I filed an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request to see Town records noting “I would like any Financial, Planning, Zoning, Building & Construction, Engineering, Sanitary Sewer, Streets & Roads, Water Utility documents listing any infrastructure investment in Glacier Hills from January 1, 2016 to the present.”  I also sent an email to the Town Council that the public utterances of the Council were under review. This was a Public Comment at a Public Meeting by a Public Official and worthy of Public Review.

I did add a 3 month cushion to Councilman Valori’s “past year” timeline to be generous.

I have received the results of my OPRA request (after two extensions – subject for later discussion).  Per the Town’s own records Councilman Lou Valori’s statement at the March 21, 2017 Town Council meeting that “the Town had invested $4.5 million dollars in Sedgefield and Glacier Hills infrastructure in the past year.” is false. There has been no infrastructure work done in Glacier Hills for years!

The Numbers as provided by the Town are as follows (they had it down to the penny!):

Sedgefield Area Streets

2008               Consultant Design               $97,357

2010-11         Sedgefield Phase I                $747,559.64

2013               Sedgefield Phase II              $855,521.29

2014               Sedgefield Phase III            $1,260,892.71

2015              Sedgefield Phase IV              $1,217,543.88

Moraine Area Streets

2015               Consultant Design              $72,000

2017               Moraine Phase I                  $1,015, 889.10 (bid awarded, not actual expenditure)

There was no money spent in Glacier Hills.  Nada, Zero, Zip!  Moraine Phase I started yesterday morning.

I would like to request that all members of the Council try to be more truthful and accurate in their public statements.  When you make statements which are untrue, we the public will be watching and holding falsehoods accountable (it is an election year).  I will now forever wonder what other untruths have been uttered and not caught. Whose word can be trusted?  That should be all except…

Except that at the March 21, 2017 Town Council meeting Council Member Valori called the President of the Sedgefield Civic Association a Liar.  He calls him a liar and put forth no evidence that it was true.  I think they call it “character assassination”, but it is also the Council has different standards for different people.

A review of the January 24, 2017 Town Council meeting shows disparity in treatment.  Some people can speak for three minutes and then are told to stand by the microphone while members of the dais try to undermine and demean the speaker on the floor.  The Council President has given specific orders for people not to speak while the dais responds.

Others are allowed to speak and ask questions and continue a dialogue with the dais while sitting in their seats.  It’s a double standard, and a standard set by the Council President and can be seen on the video.

I have no problem calling someone a liar if I have the facts to support that position (see above).  Let us now apply Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion to politics.  For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.  If it is okay for Councilman Valori to call a community leader, The SCA President, a liar without evidence – then applying the Third Law a speaker from the floor can call the Councilman a liar and it passes muster because he set the standard (and probably the First Amendment, but then John will want to consult at $150 / hour.).  And the standard does not require evidence of untruth as I have provided above.  Imagine a speaker calling Councilman Valori a liar at a public Council meeting.  There would be an uproar against the speaker.

Members of the Council act like this to deter others from speaking about things they don’t want to hear.  Not only do you have to be willing to speak up and out about what you believe, you have to be willing to endure the dismissal and derision if your ideas and issues to not meet with the approval of the powers that be.  Speaking during the public open comment session used to be five (5) minutes, but that has been cut to three (3) since the Council does not want to spend too much time listening to the grievances of the people of Parsippany.  People are to comply with the direction of the Council, not complain about the direction of the Council.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which specifically prohibits Congress from abridging “the right of the people…to petition the Government for a redress of grievances“.  In 1776, the Declaration of Independence cited King George’s perceived failure to redress the grievances listed in colonial petitions, such as the Olive Branch Petition of 1775, as a justification to declare independence:

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Speaking at a Parsippany Town Council meeting during the Public Comments period is the modern and local equivalent of the right to have one’s grievances redressed.  Some people are treated no better than the King treated early American colonists.  People need to be treated equally before Government, even if the Government does not like what it is hearing.

Earlier I noted the weakness of single source reporting.  The same is true on an experimental level – one experiment is just one experiment.  You solve that problem by running a parallel experiment.

On March 24 I wrote on email to Town Economic Development Advisory Committee and suggested we get together elect a new chair, and set an agenda and schedule.  I press the send button and the timer is running.  Dated March 27 (postmarked Mar 28) a letter from Councilman Valori was sent to the Economic Development Advisory Committee stating he would contact the Committee in mid-April and we would meet by the end of April.

It is April 25 as I write this email, there has been no contact and there has been no meeting scheduled.  This may be the second of two tries to document untruth.  It is not the end of April so the clock is still running.

There is no better summation than the woman who was the first public speaker at the April 11, 2017 Special Town Council meeting to rubber stamp the Salary Cap Ordinance change.  Speaking to the Town Council about the Town Council.  “You are a disgrace”.  She nailed it.

Thanks for your time.
Brian Tappen
Glacier Hills

Morris County Prosecutor’s Office promotes six

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Prosecutor’s Office under the direction of Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp announces the promotion of six individuals to fill currently open investigative supervisory positions.

Prosecutor Knapp said “Upon the retirement of Deputy Chief Denise Arseneault in February of this year, vacancies arose which necessitated several promotions.  I am extremely proud to announce the promotion of six outstanding members of the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office investigative staff.”

The promotions will be formally performed in ceremonies on Friday in Morristown.

Captain Stephen Wilson will be promoted to Deputy Chief.  A graduate of Rutgers University, Wilson joined the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office in 2000 as a detective and has served in all divisions of the MCPO, primarily the Major Crimes Unit.  Most recently Captain Wilson supervised the Special Operations Division.

Through his career, Wilson has received numerous commendations for his investigative work in regard to homicides,  police-involved shootings, sex crimes, violent crimes and also for his response and efforts at Ground Zero on 9/11.  Deputy Chief Wilson will command all investigative units and report directly to Chief of Investigations John R. Speirs.

Lieutenant Brian Keane will be promoted to Captain.  A graduate of Seton Hall University, Keane joined the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office in 1993 as a detective.

Through his career, Keane has conducted numerous surface and undercover narcotics operations, qualifying as a Superior Court expert in the field. He has taken part in hundreds of high-risk operations, including the seizure of 675 kilos of cocaine from a residence in Madison. Captain Keane will command the Special Operations Division, which is comprised of the Special Enforcement, Fugitive, Intelligence/Homeland Security and High Tech Crimes Units. 

Sergeant Christoph Kimker will be promoted to Lieutenant. A graduate of Seton Hall University, Kimker joined the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office in 2004 as a detective.

During his career, Kimker also has been a member of the Crisis Negotiation Team and has been a firearms instructor. Lieutenant Kimker will supervise the Professional Standards, Financial Crimes, Insurance Fraud, Bias and Arson/Environmental Crimes Units in the Specialized Crimes Division.

Detective Supervisor Anne-Marie Truppo  will be promoted to Sergeant.  Truppo, who graduated from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, began her career with the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office as a support staff member in 2003 and was promoted to detective in 2005, serving primarily in the Sex Crimes and Child Endangerment Unit.

In 2011, she received a Certificate of Recognition from the Morris County Detectives’ Association for her outstanding work in a case involving sexual assaults of multiple children by a stranger. The perpetrator was arrested and pleaded guilty. Sergeant Truppo will supervise the General Investigations Unit of the Courts and Administrative Division.

Detective Joseph Soulias will be promoted to Detective Supervisor. A former Lieutenant in the New Jersey State Police, Soulias joined the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office in 2015 after serving with the Morris County Sheriff’s Office.

A graduate of Trenton State College (now The College of New Jersey),  Soulias has worked in the Financial Crimes Unit and is a certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist. Detective Supervisor Soulias will assist in the supervision of the Financial Crimes, Insurance Fraud, Bias, Professional Standards and Arson/Environmental Crimes Units in the Specialized Crimes Division.

Detective Jazmin Munoz-Felder will be promoted to Detective Supervisor. Munoz-Felder was hired by the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office in 2013.  She previously worked for the Middlesex County College Police Department and the Rutgers University Police Department, then known as the University of Medicine and Dentistry Police Department.  Detective Supervisor Munoz-Felder has been assigned to the Sex Crimes and Child Endangerment Unit where she has been highly commended for her work.

Munoz-Felder will continue to be assigned to the Sex Crimes/Child Endangerment Unit of the Tactical Division and assist in its supervision.

Morris County OEM participates in Gotham Shield Exercise for Emergency Medical Services

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Office of Emergency Management participated in the Gotham Shield Exercise for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) which is currently on-going at the MetLife Stadium in Rutherford.

The Gotham Shield is a FEMA functional exercise involving federal, state, county and local jurisdictions including New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. The exercise that we are participating in today involved an Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) detonation which occurred in the NJ/NY metropolitan area. The purpose of the exercise was to evaluate the entire response effort for an IND attack. Our challenge today, involved arriving at MetLife Stadium where thousands of people were assembled (notional) and in need of care. Our mission was to assess, treat, and evacuate casualties to hospitals and facilities away from the impact site.

The training exercise did not involve any “real” patients. However, we were challenged to exercise our plans, procedures, and equipment to simulate our actions throughout the expanded scenario.

The Morris County Office of Emergency Management along with our partners from the Morris County Park Police, responded to the MetLife stadium complex with our Mobile Ambulance Bus (MAB) which is capable of treating/transporting large numbers of  injured individuals or serving as part of a larger triage system to assess patients prior to being prioritized for transportation by other EMS assets to an appropriate medical facility.

Today’s large scale exercise focused on multiple emergency response agencies coming together from multiple states for the purpose of drilling logistics and equipment  resources, while working with each other within the framework of a large scale mass casualty event. In Morris County, they plan for the worst and hope for the best.

The Morris County Office of Emergency Management prides themselves on the capability to respond to the worst case scenario, and today’s exercise provided a framework for dealing with the type of event they hope they never experience.

Katherine Cascioli and Denis Mulroony named YMCA Educators of the Year

PARSIPPANY — Celebrating more than 100 years in the community, the Lakeland Hills Family YMCA has announced the winners of their annual Educator of the Year Awards.

In the K through 8 division, Katherine Cascioli, a third grade teacher from Troy-Hills School in Parsippany is the winner. Dr. Denis Mulroony, the principal at Parsippany High School has been chosen as the High School Educator of the Year.

Learn more about these very special individuals as well as other community service award winners from the Y’s service area when they will be honored at the Y’s Annual Dinner at the Knoll Country Club West on Wednesday, May 17.

Tickets are $50.00 and everyone is welcome to attend. For tickets, available through May 10, call Nancy Dunham at the Y at (973) 334-2820 or email:


Ferring Pharmaceuticals Launches Two New Resources to Help Women Struggling with Infertility

PARSIPPANY — Infertility is no longer something that people feel they must discuss behind closed doors. Gone are the days of hushed voices and cover stories; now, hardly a day goes by without another celebrity couple sharing that they have frozen their eggs, are undergoing fertility treatment, or are struggling to conceive. Women who share their stories are celebrated for their openness and their bravery, and are praised for helping to raise awareness about a disease that touches so many lives each and every day. This broader awareness about infertility has in turn led to greater understanding, and shown women who are struggling to conceive that they are not struggling alone. Ferring Pharmaceuticals is located at 100 Interpace Parkway.

Despite these significant strides, the fact remains that one in eight couples still have trouble getting or staying pregnant, and many women who are facing infertility still find themselves feeling lost, overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn for help or support throughout their family building journey. The fertility journey is incredibly personal, and even with the support of family members and friends, it can be an isolating, lonely experience to endure.

Ferring has a longstanding commitment to the reproductive health community, and to providing women with the critical support and resources they need throughout their fertility journey. This National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), Ferring is proud to announce the launch of My Fertility Navigator and FertiCalm™, two new tools specifically designed to help women throughout the family building process. Whether they are just starting out, or have been actively trying, the challenges women face along the way are unique, and Ferring is committed to providing women with the resources they need every step of the way.

My Fertility Navigator is a unique, personalized tool designed to serve as a resource to individuals who are struggling to get pregnant. Through phone or email, Navigators provide guidance and support that tailors specifically to each user’s needs; providing the knowledge, resources and reassurance they need to advocate for their reproductive health. My Fertility Navigator aims to help women take charge of their fertility and be better prepared and educated about their fertility journey.

For women who have been undergoing fertility treatment and are still struggling to conceive, daily scenarios and interactions can take a toll on their emotional health. FertiCalm, a newly-released app developed by reproductive psychologists Dr. Alice Domar and Dr. Elizabeth Grill, was designed specifically to help women address the many challenging, emotional life situations that arise while struggling to conceive. Using cognitive-behavioral and relaxation techniques, FertiCalm offers users more than 500 different coping options for over 50 specific situations that have the potential to cause distress during the family building journey. From scripted dialogues for tough conversations, to relaxation techniques, FertiCalm offers users solutions to help them preserve their emotional health, and feel empowered to take control of their lives again.

“The emotional toll infertility can take on women is truly unparalleled,” said Dr. Alice Domar, reproductive psychologist and co-founder of FertiCalm. “For women who are going through fertility treatment and still not getting pregnant, everyday scenarios and interactions become exponentially difficult. We see this constantly in our patients that we treat every day, and know that women everywhere are experiencing this same emotional distress. We also know that not everyone has access to a licensed therapist or a reproductive psychologist, and even if they do, they can’t be right by their side through every single experience. That’s why we created FertiCalm – to help women in the exact moment they feel distress, whenever and wherever they are, so they can reclaim control of their lives.”

FertiCalm is completely free to users, made possible through FertiCalm’s partnership with Ferring. By making this app free for everyone, Ferring hopes to be able to help women everywhere who are experiencing these challenges in day to day situations.

“The path to fertility is long, winding, and full of challenges and obstacles you never even realized existed,” said Bobbie Thomas, author, TODAY Show Style Editor, and fertility advocate, reflecting on her own experience with infertility. “I remember feeling lost, and overwhelmingly alone. As an ambassador for Ferring Reproductive Health, I’m able to help spread the word so that other women who are experiencing those same feelings understand that the help they need is out there. It means the world to me to be able to share important resources like My Fertility Navigator and FertiCalm with women everywhere, knowing that these tools can make a world of difference for them as they navigate their own fertility journey.”

Parsippany Students Outstanding Work on Display at Rockaway Townsquare Mall

PARSIPPANY — Morris County Council of Education Associations presents “Our Pride is Showing” the Annual County-wide Mall Project. The project is a week long celebration of excellence highlighting the outstanding work of public schools in Morris County.

Parsippany Students Outstanding Work is on Display at Rockaway Townsquare Mall from now to April 30.

Visit displays of student work, listen to vocal and instrumental performances and much more. There was an Opening Ceremony held on Monday, April 24 in the lower level in front of Macy’s.

Knollwood Elementary School, Eastlake Elementary School, Intervale School, Littleton Elementary School, Lake Parsippany Elementary School, Rockaway Meadow Elementary School and Mt. Tabor Elementary School all have tables set up on the upper level of the mall near JC Penny.

Mt. Tabor eight-year old students Logan and Tyler Forgatch Logan were in front of the Mt. Tabor School display looking at all the artwork that was submitted by students from that school.

The event is coordinated by Morris County Council of Education Associations.

Kiwanis Club Trivia is a night of success

PARSIPPANY — Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany recently held another very successful Trivia Night.

It was back again, for the 14th consecutive year. The Ultimate Trivia Contest was held on Saturday, April 22 at the Parsippany PAL Youth Center. Friends, family, co-workers gathered for a night of fun.

First Place Winners in Kiwanis Club Trivia Contest wereMichele Reutty, Joanne Roukens, Arlene Sahraie, Kelsey Young, Tim Dartucci, Sara Weissman, Cristian Maiullo and Steve Vega. President Greg Elbin in the back row.

Second Place Winners: John Smith, Dave Reagan, Eric Hubner, Lou Duer, Lonne Katz, Jeff Kirk and Joe Cistaro with Kiwanis President Greg Elbin.

Third Place Winners with President Greg Elbin: Suzanne Meth, Emily Russoniello, Kyle Meth, Gordon Meth, Tim O’Sullivan, Chris Russoniello and Eileen O’Sullivan.

The event was a bring your own food and BYOB. Soda, coffee, water, plates, cups, napkins, and utensils were provided. Specialty cupcakes were available for purchase.

There are a few simple rules: The use of ANY electronic device whatsoever during competition will immediately disqualify the offending team. This includes but is not limited to I-Pad’s, PDA’s, ICBM’s, drones, etc. The use of printed material such as encyclopedias, almanacs, National Geographic, and the like, is strictly prohibited and of course no tweeting!

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany chooses their own service projects that they feel need their attention. They are all local people that volunteer our time and talents to make our community a better place to live. The members, like you, are busy with making a living, church, family, and many other activities. The members, however, have found that Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany not gives a chance to give back to the community in a meaningful way, but they enjoy the fellowship, networking, and fun aspects as well.

If you are interested in Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany, visit the group Thursday at 7:15 a.m. at Empire Diner, 1315 Route 46. You can also find more information by clicking here.

Sons of Italy donates to Valerie Fund; New members sworn in

PARSIPPANY — Sons of Italy, Lodge 2561 recently donated to The Valerie Fund. Accepting a check from Sons of Italy President Joseph Jannarone is Bella Rocco, Parsippany. The Sons of Italy has been supporting The Valerie Fund for a number of year.

The Valerie Fund’s mission is to provide support for the comprehensive health care of children with cancer and blood disorders.

The Valerie Fund is a not-for-profit organization established in 1976 in memory of nine-year-old Valerie Goldstein by her parents, Ed and Sue.

Families turn to The Valerie Fund because of the unique combination of medical care, counseling, and other services it provides. The Valerie Fund Children’s Centers comprise the largest network of healthcare facilities for children with cancer and blood disorders in New Jersey, and one of the largest in the nation. They host over 25,000 patient visits each year.

The Valerie Fund Walk and JAG Physical Therapy 5K will be held on Saturday, June 10 starting at 8:00 a.m. at Verona Park, corner of Bloomfield Avenue and Lakeside Avenue, Verona.

You can join Bella Rocco at the 5K by clicking here. Bella thankfully is doing well and has been tumor free for five years now.

The MRIs and doctors visits continue but thank god they have remained uneventful, just the way we like it. Her support for The Valerie Fund continues and has become a welcomed tradition with many friends and families that join us year after year.

2017 will be the 9th year that Bella’s Bunch attends this yearly event and hopefully, with your support, Bella’s Bunch will show up with big numbers both in people and in donations. Although the team is named after Bella, and they will never forget all she has gone through, we consider ourselves lucky that it wasn’t worse and we attend every year to pay it forward to all the kids that are currently going through pediatric cancer or a blood disorder.

The walk and run every year for every one of their parents that have had their world turned upside down, knowing that The Valerie Fund will help them with all they have to deal with. Hope you can join Bella’s Bunch on June 10 in support of the kids and families of the Valerie Fund.

Bella has set a goal to raise $7,500 this year for The Valerie Fund.

In addition, at its regular monthly meeting, three new members: Patsy F. Casamassa, lll., John Carmen Gammero, and Richard Fiorentino were sworn in by President Joseph Jannarone, Jr.

Club officers are President is Joe Jannarone Jr.; First Vice President is Louis Amato;
Second Vice President is John Lonero; Treasurer is Bob Iracane; Recording Secretary is Adam Gragnani and Sergeant at Arms is Sean Clark.

The Morris County of the Order of Sons of Italy Lodge 2561 is an affiliated member of the Order of the Sons of Italy In America Association.

The Lodge was founded as a non-profit organization which contributes thousands of dollars to worthwhile local charities and families and awards many scholarships to outstanding men and women. In addition to Valerie Fund, the group supports Parsippany Food Pantry, other local food pantries, Jersey Battered Women’s Service, day care centers and more.

State Troopers Arrest Parsippany Man for DWI and Seize 551 Bags of Heroin

PARSIPPANY — The New Jersey State Police have arrested Sean Deckert, 29, Parsippany, and Joseph Ginexi, 26, Lincoln Park, and seized $2,200 worth of heroin during a motor vehicle stop.

On Wednesday, April 5, at 7:57 p.m., Trooper Gerald Dellagicoma stopped Deckert for a traffic violation on westbound Interstate 80 at milepost 56 in Woodland Park. During the stop, Trooper Dellagicoma arrested Deckert for DWI. After further investigation, Trooper Dellagicoma discovered that Deckert and Ginexi were in possession of 551 bags of heroin, hypodermic needles, and drug paraphernalia.

Sean Deckert and Joseph Ginexi were charged with possession of heroin, possession of heroin with intent to distribute, possession of hypodermic needles, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Deckert was also charged with criminal under the influence and DWI. Both were released pending a court appearance.

Troopers are getting drugs off of our streets daily, whether it’s from long-term invests to “routine” traffic stops.

Editors Note: A criminal complaint is merely an accusation. Despite this accusation, the defendant is presumed innocent until he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Burger King to close this week

PARSIPPANY — As reported in Parsippany Focus on January 13, 2016, Burger King at 1429 Route 46, corner of Baldwin Road will be closing to make room for Starbucks. Soon you will be able to order your Iced Carmel Macchiato or Caffè Americano closer to home. (click here for article).

This will be the second Starbucks coming to Parsippany.  Parisppany Focus published news about the first Starbucks being built on Route 10, a 2,000 square foot cafe with a drive through (click here for article).

Sources at Burger King, told Parsippany Focus that Burger King will be closing by the end of this week to make room for Starbucks. When asked how long it will take to transform into Starbucks, the employee was unsure of the timeline.


Cesaro Says It’s Time For Real Bail Reform

PARSIPPANY — Morris County Deputy Freeholder Director John Cesaro, a Republican candidate for Assembly, says it’s time for real bail reform. He intends to use his experience as a freeholder, municipal prosecutor and municipal public defender to bring common sense to the issue.

“Unfortunately, Trenton sold the voters a bill of goods to get them to vote for bail reform in 2014 when they lead folks to believe the new law would be tough on crime,” John Cesaro said. “My own personal experience proves this to be untrue. Earlier this year, my parents were in a hit and run accident. The police caught the driver who was charged with two counts of assault with a vehicle resulting in bodily injury, driving while intoxicated and leaving the scene of an accident.”

“In the past this man would have been taken to the county jail and held on bail,” Cesaro explained. “Not any more, instead he never saw the inside of a jail cell, paid no bail and sat in a police station until his father picked him up, took him home and tucked him into bed while my father laid in a hospital bed for ten days.”

“More recently, in Clifton the police arrested one man four times in 30 hours.” Cesaro described, “According to published news accounts the charges included possession of marijuana in the first arrest, the second arrest was for possession of synthetic marijuana, the third was possession of synthetic cannabinoid and the final arrest in 30 hours was driving while under the influence. Every time this individual was released with a summons.”

“In that Clifton situation, common sense dictated he should have been held after the second arrest, but not under the new bail reform laws,” Cesaro said. “This man was obviously a menace to society and would not have been allowed to leave with a summons in the past. Well intentioned ‘reforms’ should never be allowed to supersede commonsense.”

“Not only does the new bail reform law endanger the public but it is an unnecessary burden to the law-abiding taxpayers,” Cesaro said. “Here in Morris County bail reform has added $750,000 to the county budget, essentially making this law an unfunded mandate that endangers the general public. I will go to Trenton and fight to bring common sense improvements to this ill-conceived bail reform law.”


Journalist Jonathan Alter to Deliver Joseph Gotthelf Holocaust Memorial Lecture

PARSIPPANY — Award winning author and political journalist Jonathan Alter will present the annual Joseph Gotthelf Holocaust Memorial Lecture at Temple Beth Am in Parsippany on Friday, May 12, at 7:30 p.m.

Jonathan Alter

The May 12 lecture, sponsored by the Joseph Gotthelf Holocaust Memorial Fund, is part of the yearly commemoration of Yom Hashoah, a day set aside to memorialize those lost in the Holocaust. In a lecture titled “The Fragility of Democracy,” Alter will speak about “the threat that present political trends pose to world peace and the future of the Jewish people.” The lecture, during Shabbat services, is free and open to the public.

Jonathan Alter is an award-winning author, reporter, columnist and television producer and analyst. He is the author of three New York Times bestsellers: “The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies”(2013), “The Promise: President Obama, Year One” (2010) and “The Defining Moment: FDR’s Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope (2006), also one of the Times’ “Notable Books” of the year. Since 1996, Alter has been an analyst and contributing correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC, appearing on-air two or three times a week. After 28 years as a columnist and senior editor at Newsweek, where he wrote more than 50 cover stories, Alter is now a twice-monthly columnist for the Daily Beast. He has also written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Monthly, Rolling Stone, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The New Republic, Esquire, Bloomberg View and other publications.

He is an executive producer of “Alpha House,” a half-hour political comedy created by Garry Trudeau and starring John Goodman that is available for viewing on He is at work on a full-length biography of former President Jimmy Carter and is producing a documentary about the lives of legendary journalists Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill.

Alter is chairman of the board of the Lukas Prize Project, which provides cash awards for non-fiction authors, and serves on the boards of  The Blue Card, a national Jewish organization assisting Holocaust survivors, DonorsChoose, which allows teachers to post online proposals for classroom materials, the Bone Marrow Foundation, the Historians Advisory Council of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial and the Montclair (NJ) Library Foundation. He is a resident of Montclair.

Celebrating their 51st year, Temple Beth Am is a Reform congregation with a diverse membership living throughout Morris County, including the towns of Parsippany, Boonton, Denville, Lake Hiawatha, Mountain Lakes, Montville, Randolph and Rockaway. We open our doors to adults and youth, singles and couples, Jews-by-birth and Jews-by-choice, and interfaith couples. Led by Rabbi Steven L. Mills and Rabbi/Cantor Inna Serebro-Litvak, Temple Beth Am is an inclusive, warm and welcoming place for personal and communal prayer, solace and comfort, joyous celebration, community service, education and sharing as a vibrant Jewish congregation.

Par-Troy Little League West Opening Day

PARSIPPANY — Par-Troy Little League West held its Opening Night on Thursday, April 20 and kicked off the season with a parade, opening ceremony and games. One of the highlights of the evening was Alicia DePasquale Bozza signing the National Athem. Among the teams this year are the dePierro Defenders, Carifi’s Crusaders, Tabor Pizzeria, Valori’s Vikings, Bagel City Grill, Quick Chek, Sizzle Tan,  Peluso Pride and Barberio’s Bombers.

One of the highlights of the evening was an award given to Tommy Catapano from Boy Scout Troop 173.  He managed a service project that he organized from start to finish. The project benefits the Par-Troy West Little League Baseball complex.

Catapano constructed tiers in the side of a small hill that teams and spectators use for seating throughout the season. By making these tiers, not only did he make the area look nicer, it will become an area that teams can meet and conduct after game meetings and that people can really enjoy. This is one of the final steps Tommy needed to complete to reach the rank of Eagle.

For more information about Par-Troy Little League West, click here.


Rockaway Township cop charged with sexually assaulting two teenage girls

ROCKAWAY TOWNSHIP  — Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp and Chief Martin McParland, Jr. of the Rockaway Township Police Department announce that Wilfredo Guzman, 44, Rockaway Township, has been charged with two counts of Sexual Assault in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:14-2(c)4, crimes of the second degree; two counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C: 24-4(a)1, crimes of the third degree, two counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C: 24-4(a)2, crimes of the third degree. 

Mr. Guzman is a police officer with the Rockaway Township Police Department.

These charges relate to actions Mr. Guzman is alleged to have engaged in with two minor females, one of whom was between the ages of 16-17 years-old, and another who was 15 years- old during the time in question. 

It is alleged that Mr. Guzman engaged in acts of sexual penetration with the two females on various dates in 2014 and 2015. It is further alleged that Mr. Guzman provided both females alcohol and prescription medication.   

Mr. Guzman was remanded to the Morris County Correctional Facility, as of Monday.

Guzman has been a Rockaway Township police officer since 2003 and has a $111,980 salary, according to public records.

Prosecutor Knapp would like to thank the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office’s Sex Crimes/Child Endangerment Unit, Professional Standards Unit, Special Enforcement Unit, High Tech Crimes Unit, and the Morris County Sheriff’s Office – Criminal Investigations Section whose efforts contributed to the investigation of the matter.  Prosecutor Knapp would also like to thank and acknowledge Chief McParland and members of the Rockaway Township Police Department for their cooperation with the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office during the pendency of this investigation.

Editors Note: A criminal complaint is merely an accusation. Despite this accusation, the defendant is presumed innocent until he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


MCYP held candidate forum for Freeholder race

MORRIS COUNTY — Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno and Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli, both are seeking the Republican nomination for governor in the primary, gave opening remarks in a crowed room at Charlie Brown’s in Denville at Morris County Young Republicans monthly meeting.

In addition 25th Legislative District representatives Senator Anthony R. Bucco, Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco, and Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll. They are not challenged in the Republican primary in June.

The four republicans are seeking the three-year seat to be vacated on January 1 by William “Hank” Lyon, Parsippany, who is running instead in the Republican primary for the two-year state Assembly seat in the 26th Legislative District that is currently occupied by BettyLou DeCroce, also of Parsippany.

Michael Crispi, is 24 years old, the same age Hank Lyons was when he first ran for Freeholder.

Crispi, a Cedar Knolls resident, believes he may be the answer to directly combat the rising issues in Morris County while persevering the aspects that make the county great.

Crispi captured the attention of his Young Republican associates Sunday night when he declared, “We have, in my mind, one of the most enviable places to live in the United States. With that being said it blows my mind that we are experiencing a rise in our median age.” “The question has been asked many times in the past few months by elected officials; how can we reverse this trend? Well the answer lies in true fiscal conservatism,” he continued.

Heather Darling, Nicolas W. Platt, Michael Crispi and David Scapicchio

Crispi believes that his youth and experience as well as his unique credentials and perspective may prove greatly beneficial for the citizens of the county. Crispi is a former collegiate athlete at Elon University and currently serves as a member of the Morris County Young Republican Executive Board while also working as the Regional Manager of Allstate Benefits. In his role at Allstate Benefits, Crispi consults with various businesses throughout the state and helps them construct the best risk management strategies in the wake of healthcare reform.

Mike Crispi during his announcement at Parsippany Sheraton Hotel

Candidate Heather Darling said “I am running for Morris County Freeholder because I care about Morris County.”

Right now there is unchecked spending, a practice of rewarding special interests and lack of sustainable ratables.

“I have lived in this county for 42 years.  I went to school in Roxbury and graduated from Roxbury High School.  I went to NYU and earned degrees in Finance and International Business and returned to the open space of Morris County.  After a few years in the financial markets, I joined my father’s business and went to Seton Hall Law.  I inherited my father’s real estate business but, I didn’t want to simply ride on his coattails so I founded my law firm in Morris County,” Darling said.

She continued “I didn’t use money from my father’s business to build my law firm because it was about the pride of doing it on my own – the hard way.  I know about building a business on a shoestring budget, building relationships with customers, dealers and suppliers, and hiring and manage employees who count on their jobs to provide food and shelter for their families. Every day I analyze information and make critical decisions which affect my business, my employees and my client’s futures.”

Heather Darling, Esq. has a law office at 15 Commerce Boulevard, Succasunna

“Large and small businesses have been leaving Morris County since the 80’s. We have become a county of residents without ratables or economic opportunities for young people. When I’m elected, I will utilize our numerous highways and railroads to attract business back to Morris County,” said Darling.

David Scapicchio, a former mayor of Mount Olive and one-term freeholder who lost his bid for re-election in 2015 but is widely endorsed for a new term by mayors around the county and most of the current Freeholders, told the crowd he helped reduce the county debt by millions when he was on the board. Known as a freeholder by the nickname “Pavin’ Dave,” Scapicchio, 62, said 30 miles of county roads were being repaved annually by the time he left office.

Nicolas W. Platt, 63, is currently the Mayor of the Township of Harding. He offered an overview of his public service as a three-term Harding committeeman who first got on the governing board to fill a vacancy. Platt said that Harding saves at least $300,000 annually through shared services that include a joint municipal court with Madison, Morris Township, Chatham and Chatham Township, and by eliminating its health office and contracting with Morris County for health department services.

Platt said he made a commitment more than four years ago to attend all Freeholder meetings, including the work sessions, and he regularly expresses his viewpoint on issues before the board. He currently is President of Hartley Dodge Foundation and Managing Partner of Hartley Farms Partners.

During Heather Darlings statements she said “While other similar facilities in the area are thriving, Morris View is not running profitably and the current Freeholder Board is looking into privatization.  This should not be an option until every effort has been made to rein in spending and maximize income. Morris County is only one of nine counties in the nation posting average annual property taxes over $10,000.  It is nonsense for us to have deteriorating infrastructure, poor road conditions, and cutbacks in human services needed by seniors and veterans.”

The deadline to change political affiliation passed on April 12 but residents have until May 16 to register to vote in this years primary. There are 137,511 registered but unaffiliated voters in the county; 122,350 Republicans, and 84,864 Democrats. The sole Democrat to file to run for freeholder is Rozella Clyde, Chatham, and is not opposed in the primary. She is part of the Morris County Democratic Committee.

Morris County Young Republicans will meet on Thursday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m. at Portofino Family Restaurant, 5139 Berksire Valley Road, Oak Ridge. The candidates from Legislative Districts 2 and 26 will be available to answer questions. This event will be sponsored by Morris Township Mayor Bruce Sisler.

In Parsippany, James R. Barberio (R),  Robert J. Peluso (R), Thomas C. Fulco, (D), and Michael Soriano (D) are seeking the office of the Mayor.  Candidates for Township Council are Christopher R. Martino (R), Casey Parikh (R), Brian Stanton (R) Louis A. Valori (R), Vincent Ferrara (R), Katherine Cassidy (D), Janice McCarthy (D), and Emily Peterson (D).


Martino holds fundraiser for Township Council

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Candidate Chris Martino recently held a fundraiser. Chris Martino is seeking a seat on the Parsippany-Troy Hills Council. Council President Louis Valori and Council Vice President Robert Peluso seats are up for grabs in the November General Election.

Council Candidate Chris Martino, Mayoral Candidate Robert Peluso and Council Candidate Casey Parikh
Councilman Paul Carifi, Jr., Council Candidate Chris Martino, Mayoral Candidate Robert Peluso and Council Candidate Casey Parikh
Council Candidate Chris Martino and his wife
Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Candidate Chris Martino and Detective Sgt. John Fox Jr. of the East Hanover Police Department

Chris Martino is a decorated law enforcement professional. When he says he has your back, he means it. His experience in policing allows him to bring a unique insight to our council regarding public safety and the security of our residents and children.

Martino was born in Brooklyn, New York where his parents lived at the time and shortly moved to West Paterson. His family moved to Bloomingdale in 1986 when he was just 14 years old. He attended Butler High School and graduated from the County College of Morris.

Shortly after graduating college Martino was accepted into the Morris County Alternate Route Police Academy Program in August, 1993. Once he graduated the Morris County Police Academy he was hired by the Hanover Township Police Department on March 1, 1994. He has been with the Hanover Township Police Department for the past 23 years. During his 23 years he has worked in all aspects of law enforcement, which requires a great deal of dedication. He has been involved with numerous investigations that require a high level of discipline and attention to detail.

Chris has resided in Parsippany for the past 14 years originally moving into the Troy Hills section of Parsippany in 2003 with his wife Shreya. He currently resides in the Powder Mill Estates section of Parsippany, since 2014. This is where his wife Shreya, seven year old twins Ella and Deven, along with their family pet, Marley call home.

The primary will be held on Tuesday, June 6. Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Pancake Fundraiser for Boy Scout Troop 72 held at Applebee’s

PARSIPPANY — Boy Scout Troop 72 held their annual Pancake Fundraiser at the Applebee’s of Parsippany on the morning of Saturday, April 22.

Money raised from this fundraiser will be used to help send scouts to leadership training programs this summer and fall.

Eric Maciag takes a break from serving and tries some of the delicious breakfast
Riley Mazur and Chris Anzalone bringing food to customers
Josh Knowle bring food to customers

For more information about Boy Scout Troop 72, chartered by Saint Peter Church in Parsippany, please visit our website by clicking here.

Eastlake School PTA holds successful Tricky Tray

PARSIPPANY — The Eastlake School PTA held a very successful Tricky Tray at the Parsippany PAL Youth Center on Friday, April 21. The room was packed with parents, teachers and local residents.

The event cost $20.00 to enter. Level 1 tickets cost $5.00 a sheet and included over 200 baskets with great prizes such as Easter Baskets, Eccola Gift Cards, Single Cup Coffee Maker with K-cups, Comedy Tickets, Powerhouse Birthday Party Certificate, Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association gift certificate, Anchor Golf Gift Cards, Applebee’s Gift Cards, Perona Farms Brunch and more.

Level 2 tickets cost $2.00 per ticket or 10 tickets for $15.00 and included around 75 gift baskets with great prizes such as One night stay at Dover Downs Hotel and Casino, Randolph Gymnastics Gift Card, One night weekend stay at Hyatt House, Mary Kay Gift set and more.

Level 3 gift baskets included two orchestra seats at the Philharmonic, Shark Vacuum, Xbox one and more. Eastlake Roulette baskets included front row seats to fifth grade graduation, gym teacher for a day with Miss Costa, lunch with Principal, Mr. Hershkowitz, Pizza Party with Mrs. Breiten and more.

Grand Prize Tricky Tray prizes included Big Screen TV, four Disney Hopper Passes, three Giants tickets with parking pass, IPad or adult one year membership to the YMCA.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany prepares dinner for Homeless Solutions

PARSIPPANY — The Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany prepares dinner at Morris County’s Homeless Solutions on the fourth Saturday of every month.  President-elect Frank Cahill started his Saturday morning by shopping for food, which is paid for by Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany.

The group of volunteers meet at Homeless Solutions to start preparing dinner for the residents in the transitional housing program.  The group prepared a fresh fruit salad, tossed salad with numerous dressings, baked ziti with meatballs and rolls and served chocolate cake for dessert. They also served iced tea and coffee. Other volunteer groups such as St. Ann’s Church prepares dinner for the shelter on other days of the month. Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany has been providing meals to Homeless Solutions for the past eleven years.

Next month, on May 27 Vice President Karen DeChristopher, Joyce Garrow, Carol Tiesi, Frank Cahill volunteered to prepare dinner at Homeless Solutions.

The mission of Homeless Solutions is to offer shelter, services, and supportive housing to homeless and low-income people. For the homeless and working poor in our community, hope begins at Homeless Solutions, Inc.  Homeless Solutions is a private, non-profit organization, helping those in need for past 30 years. Homeless Solutions provides shelter for 25 homeless men, 10 homeless women, 10 families and 20 Safe Haven guests. Our guests receive services including case management, transportation to work and necessary appointments, money management and employment assistance, housing search assistance and daily living skills training. Referral services for counseling, substance abuse intervention, and prevention are also provided.

Homeless Solutions, Inc. employs 49 staff, 36 full time and 13 part time. Homeless Solutions, Inc. is governed by a Board of Trustees and is incorporated as a non-profit organization in the State of New Jersey.

By supporting HSI through financial donations or volunteering, they are making a tangible difference in the lives of those most in need in our community. For more information on Homeless Solutions, click here.

Three Reason to Donate to Homeless Solutions:

When you donate to Homeless Solutions, you make a tangible difference in the life of someone in need in our community.  Your donations –

  • Buy milk for children living in shelter.
  • Pay for childcare so a single parent can work.
  • Pay for gas for our shelter vans that take guests to public transportation to get to work and to medical appointments.

Click here to make a donation to Homeless Solutions.

The Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany meets at Empire Diner, Route 46, Parsippany on Thursday at 7:15 a.m. For more information, click here.

Active structure fire; Heavy smoke at 222 New Road

PARSIPPANY – Approximately 11:00 a.m. Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department received a call regarding heavy smoke coming from the roof of 222 New Road. Earlier reports stated there were workers on top of the roof, but what type or work they were performing or who hired them were unknown.

Rainbow Lakes Fire Department 2, Lake Parsippany Fire District 3, Lake Hiawatha Volunteer Fire District 4, Parsippany Volunteer Fire Department 5 and Parsippany Volunteer Fire District 6, along with Boonton RIC, Montville and Cedar Knolls were on the scene shortly after 11:00 a.m.

Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Squad and Par-Troy Emergency Services were on the scene. Parsippany Rescue and Recovery is on the scene.

According to the sign posted at the building contains the companies Catbridge, Veggie Land, Inssinc and Paraflex is a 80,000 square foot industrial building. According to employees at the scene, all the employees inside the building were safe and left the building immediately.

Currently Parsippany Arson Investigation and Morris County Sheriff’s Crime Investigative Scene (CIS) were called to the scene and the Construction official and Health Department were also requested to the scene.

Parsippany Office of Emergency Management (OEM) was requested to the scene to help with traffic.

Report from the scene indicate owners or managers from Veggie Land were present. The property owner arrived at the scene approximately 1:15 p.m.

At 1:45 p.m. it was announced that the fire has been knocked down, and they were in the process of ventilating the building.

Parsippany Focus will update article as official information is released.

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