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Brooklawn Seventh graders performed at the Library

PARSIPPANY — Brooklawn Middle School’s talented young seventh graders performed a presentation of Bohemian Rhapsody to a captive audience on May 31 at the Parsippany Library.

Audrey Kuo was on flute, Anna Falcone and Sonali Shastri on clarinet.

They also spoke about their musical experiences and answered questions from the audience.

PHHS Creative Writing students wrote books and read to first graders

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Hills High School students took a field trip on Wednesday, June 6 to Lake Parsippany Elementary School. Creative Writing teacher Jessica Brosnan and A.P. Studio Art teacher Erica Pizza worked together to create this cross-curricular learning opportunity for their students.

After studying children’s literature, Mrs. Brosnan’s students wrote their own pieces of children’s literature. They then paired up with one of Mrs. Pizza’s students who served as the illustrators of these pieces.

The stories were then bound and shared with Mrs. Beth DiBello’s and Ms. Laura Duff’s first graders. After listening to these pieces, first graders worked with the high schoolers to craft opening pages and illustrations for their own stories and then shared those opening pages with their classmates.

All books crafted by PHHS students were donated to the classroom libraries at Lake Parsippany Elementary School.

Mayor Michael Soriano joined the event as a guest reader. Superintendent Dr. Barbara Sargent, Coordinating Supervisor of 6-12 Language Arts/6-12 Media Mrs. Dana Ahmuty, and Coordinating Supervisor of World Languages/K-5 Music/K-12 Art/K-12 ESL Mrs. Vicky Santana, were also in attendance.

Titles of books and author/illustrator pairings:

Title: Savannah Goes On A Camping Trip
Written by: Sherilyn Ostlin
Illustrated by: Amber Lee

Title: Blue
Written by: Anahita Sahafian
Illustrated by: Shauna Lally

Title: Leo and the Raincoat
Written by: Sara Zevallos
Illustrated by: Gabrielle La Rosa

TItle: Pirate Playground
Written by: Yacek Castillo
Illustrated by: Salvatore Rubinetti

Title: It’s A Hard Rock Life
Written by: Toan Le
Illustrated by: Gaven Martung

Title: Pip the Pumpkin
Written By: Lydia Rose Parker
Illustrated by: Alexa Ziler

Title: Picnic Party
Written by: Virginia Lanza
Illustrated by: Ching Lin

Title: Bathroom Adventure
Written by: Maggie O’Neill
Illustrated by: Heather Mann

Title: PB&J
Written by: Sheethal Ayalasomayajula
Illustrated by: Olivia Terrell

Title: Marcus the Lonely Space Rat
Written by: Sarah McKiernan
Illustrated by: Juliet Campbell

Title: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Inn
Written by: Hyun-Jung Kim
Illustrated by: June Perigo

Smith, Shaw and Krickus won Republican Nomination for Freeholder

MORRIS COUNTY — Deborah Smith, John Krickus and Stephen Shaw won Republican Nomination for Freeholder in Tuesday’s Primary Election.

Unofficial votes are:

The trio will face a November general election challenge from Tuesday’s victors in the Democratic primary: Mary Dougherty of Morristown, Richard Corcoran of Boonton, and Rupande Mehta of Denville.

Jay Webber’s victory night speech, accepting the Republican nomination for Congress

PARSIPPANY — On Tuesday night Republican New Jersey Assemblyman Jay Webber has won his party’s primary in the 11th Congressional District.

Webber is an attorney who has represented the 26th Legislative District since 2008. He won in a five-way contest, defeating Patrick Allocco, Peter De Neufville, Antony Ghee and Martin Hewitt.

Webber will try to keep the seat under Republican control in November now that incumbent Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen has announced his retirement.

Webber raised about $400,000 and had $225,000 cash on hand, more than the next closest fundraiser, De Neufville, who loaned his campaign about $200,000.

Jay Webber said “Thank you to friends, supporters, volunteers, and most of all, the Republican voters of the 11th Congressional District for the trust they have placed in all of us.  So folks, I’ve got one question for you:  how does it feel to be a winner?”

“Our team was unstoppable.  500 volunteers.  2000 lawn signs put up.  4000 door knocks.  15,000 flyers distributed.  40,000 phone calls.  All as the campaign came together in just a few short months, and all because you love this country more than you value your time and convenience.  Thank you to all of you on a job extraordinarily well done!”

Senator Joseph Pennachio and Republican County Chairman Nominee Ronald DeFillipis were in the audience when Webber made his announcement

“And I want to thank each of Martin Hewitt, Patrick Allocco, Antony Ghee, and Peter de Neufville for offering themselves, sacrificing their time, and giving their energy to our Republican Party.  It is a mark of a strong and vibrant party that attracts good people to want to run under its banner, and our party should be proud of the primary we just had.”

“I congratulate Mikie Sherrill on her victory in her primary and wish her well on the campaign trail.  By all accounts Mikie has given honorable service to our country.  For that, we’re grateful.  But let’s be very clear:  Mikie Sherrill’s vision of America is wrong for our country, and wrong for this district.”

Parsippany resident Ahmed Kandil, Freeholder Heather Darling and Former Morris County Sheriff Edward Rochford was among the crowd congratulating Webber

“So as we go into this general election tonight, let’s do so with confidence, knowing we have the message that will win in the fall.  It is a hopeful and optimistic message that prizes people over bureaucracy, and economic freedom over government interference. Remember folks, we are the ones who favor paychecks over food stamps.  We value the dignity of work rather than dependency on government.  We believe in empowerment.  Our opponents believe in entitlement.”

“And our vision for America is working.  You’ve heard the numbers.  Because we cut taxes and red tape, unemployment is down to 3.8%.  Because we have encouraged businesses to invest in America again, wages are up, bonuses are back, and consumer confidence is high. And because we know that a rising tide lifts all boats, African American and Hispanic unemployment figures are at record lows.”

The Webber children on stage congratulating their father

“Those are the numbers.  But they are so much more than that.  We know that behind every statistic is a story, a face, and a hope.  Every time we reduce the unemployment rate, more families are sending their daughters and sons to college.  Every tick up in GDP growth represents more mortgage payments made. Every small business created, or new house started, is another American dream being fulfilled.  That is why these issues are so important.”

“And that is why I have championed, and will continue to champion, the kind of tax cuts that enable those dreams to become a reality.  And know that I will work with anyone, of any party, to help overcome the barriers that stand between our nation and its promise of a better life for anyone who wants to work hard and play by the rules.”

Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco announcing that Jay won the primary and he will be on stage soon

“Yet when it comes to the economy, after all the progress we’ve made, all the opportunities we’ve created, and all the momentum we are building, why would anyone want to reverse course and actually raise our taxes?  But that’s what Mikie Sherrill promises to do. We’ve already had one New Jersey politician promise to raise our taxes, and then do it.  If you think Phil Murphy is going to rob you blind later this month, just think what Mikie Sherrill and Nancy Pelosi will do to us if they get their hands on the wheels of power.  America just can’t afford Mikie in the House of Representatives.”

“Even as good people work toward a freer and more prosperous society, we will always prioritize the value of equality, and the protection of the most vulnerable.
I am the grateful grandson of two working grandmothers, and a working mom. I am the fortunate husband of a Harvard-trained lawyer, and the proud father of four beautiful daughters. Anyone who wants to debate issues important to working women, I welcome the discussion.”

“Oh sure, they will lie, they will distort, and they will deceive to try to steal votes, but in the end the voters will know the truth.  Let’s settle these issues right now:  equal work for equal pay is and should be the law of the land. And victims of domestic violence deserve our protection and support.”

“On issues of workplace equality, of the two candidates in this campaign, only one of us has actually created jobs for working moms.  Only one of us has created a fair, flexible, and welcoming workplace for all of us to enjoy.  Only one of us has actually stood up to powerful interests on behalf of women who have been discriminated or retaliated against in the workforce.  And only one of us has worked on a bipartisan basis and won more support for victims of domestic violence.  Mikie just talks about those things; I’ve done them.”

Freeholder Director Doug Cabana, Anthony J Somma Jr. and Parsippany resident Ahmed Kandil

“And on the issue of public corruption, now, more than ever, with New Jersey suffering through the reign of Senator Bob Menendez, we need public officials who will stand up for what’s right.  You see, when I first ran for the Assembly, I was determined to do my part to restore the confidence of our constituents in their elected representatives. I wanted to show people that not every elected official was in politics to line his own pocket, or get some special benefit that isn’t available to everyone else.”

“To do that, I promised my constituents that if elected, I would not accept the gold-plated health perks available to me as a part-time legislator. I made that promise to save taxpayer money, to be sure, and to date we’ve saved almost $300,000 for the taxpayers. But I did it more because no one else I would represent had access to full-time health perks working a part-time job. My actions would speak louder than my words – I led by example in cleaning up Trenton by putting the taxpayers’ interests over mine, and those of my family.”

“Mikie Sherrill, on the other hand, has not.  She talks a great game about things like accountability, and standing up for what’s right.  But she conveniently looks the other way when her running mate, Bob Menendez, is sanctioned by the United States Senate.  Democrat and Republican Senators alike have told Senator Menendez to repay his ill-begotten gains, but Senator Menendez stubbornly refuses to do so.  And the only thing Mikie Sherrill does is give the Senator a big hug, and run under his mantle, because that’s her path to power.”

“Tonight, I call on Senator Menendez to pay back the gifts he took in violation of the rules of Congress.  And I call on Mikie Sherrill to make the same demand of the Senator. If she doesn’t, this campaign’s debate over legislative ethics will be over before it even starts.”

“I invite all citizens of the 11th Congressional District, whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, to join our movement.  If you care about making sure America remains the kind of opportunity society our mothers and fathers handed us, and the kind of place our children and grandchildren deserve to inherit, then work with us.  In the United States, there is nothing that holds us back, no limit that keeps us down, except those that we allow to be placed on us. I am committed to creating and expanding opportunities for every American, and I hope you are too.”

“This is not the end of the road for this campaign, it’s just the end of the beginning.  And as we go forward together, I’d ask for your continued help, enthusiasm, and support. We’re going to need every ounce, and then some, to win in November.  So let’s go out and win this one for our State, and for our nation,” said Webber.

Jay will now face Democratic challenger Mikie Sherrill in the General Election in November.

Johanna Webber gave the opening speech and introduced her husband, Jay. Johanna Einterz Webber is an attorney and mother of seven.

Sherill Wins Democratic Primary for 11th Congressional District

VERONA — On Tuesday night in a decisive win, Mikie Sherrill, former Navy helicopter pilot, federal prosecutor, and mother of four, became the Democratic nominee for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District. Sherrill was the top vote getter in a crowded field of exceptional Democratic candidates finishing with more than 76 percent of the vote. Mikie will now face career politician Assemblyman Jay Webber in a top targeted race.

Speaking to a packed house of supporters, volunteers, and local community leaders — Mikie Sherrill made the following statement:

“Over the last year, the residents across the 11th District have stood up, spoken out, and built a movement and I’m honored to be their nominee. I’d like to thank all of the candidates, in particular Tamara Harris, whose advocacy and commitment to the people of this district is unwavering.  The results tonight are a clear indication that our community demands new leadership in Congress that will put people over partisan politics and bring change as led by the people of New Jersey. Tonight, we took a pivotal step to make sure we are ready for the tough fight ahead.”

She went on to say, “We know our quality of life is at stake in the 11th Congressional District. Under the current leadership in Congress our families and our communities have faced rising healthcare premiums, a tax increase that singles out New Jersey’s middle-class families in particular, and unmet infrastructure needs that threaten our region’s economic future. We must send new leadership to Congress in order to find common sense solutions that put our kids and our future first.”

First Lady Tammy Murphy (far right) was at the victory celebration for Mikie Sherill

Mikie’s campaign started almost thirteen months ago around her kitchen table and from there she built an incredible coalition of grassroots activists, community leaders, Democratic elected officials and national Democratic leaders. In the last thirteen months she has been endorsed by everyone from local grassroots groups like Chatham Moms for Change to Vice President Joe Biden. Through this primary she has not only won the Democratic nomination but played a part in the retirement of 23-year incumbent and Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen. Mikie will now face Republican challenger Assemblyman Jay Webber in the General Election in November.

2018 Law Enforcement Torch Run will be in Parsippany on Friday

PARSIPPANY — The 35th 2018 Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics of New Jersey will on Friday, June 8 approximately 12:00 Noon for the Parsippany leg.

Every year Law Enforcement Officers from around New Jersey come together and carry the “Flame of Hope” on 26 separate routes throughout the state.

Parsippany Police Officers will be running a 3.5 mile leg of the Torch Run Route which begins at the Boulevard and Route 46 in Mountain Lakes and Smith Field located on Baldwin Road and Route 46.

If you would like to donate to the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics of New Jersey please click here.

PHHS Annual Senior Awards Ceremony

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Hills High School held their annual Senior Awards Ceremony on Monday, June 4.

The evening began with the Parsippany Hills High School Jazz Band performing while guests were entering the auditorium. The flag salute was conducted by Preya Patel, President, National Honor Society and the National Anthem was performed by the 2018  Chamber Choir. Mr. Michael DiSanto, Principal welcomed the audience and Dr. Barbara Sargent, Superintendent of Schools started with opening remarks, followed by Mr. Carl Ordway, School Counselor and Scholarship Coordinator.

Below you will find the name of the winner of each scholarship that was presented.

Aaron Lief/American Legion Post #249 Scholarship Steere, Emma
Abe Wolkofsky Memorial Scholarship Ponnor, Janelle
African American Cultural Club Service Award Leonard, Taylor
Andrew J, Quinn Memorial Scholarship Warner, Adam
Anthony Sun Memorial Scholarship Abad, Kaitlin
Anthony Sun Memorial Scholarship Kao, Sanjay
Asian American Club Tai, Hsin (Cindy)
Asian American Club Yang, Samuel
Band Service Awards Astor, Ryan
Band Service Awards Desai, Kavan
Band Service Awards Gaudio, Michael
Band Service Awards Gurth, Justin
Band Service Awards Juarez-Duran, Enrique
Band Service Awards Kanthadai, Rakshay
Band Service Awards Mansuria, Vishal
Band Service Awards Prajapati, Krishna
Band Service Awards Yagappan, Rishi
Band Service Awards Yang, Samuel
Bernard Packin Family Memorial Scholarship Grant, Katherine
Bernard Packin Valedictorian Scholarship Xiong, Karoline
Brian E. Mitchell Memorial Music Scholarship Pascale, Jacqueline
Carl L. Ordway Memorial Scholarship Ostlin, Sherlyn
Cedar Grove Elks Lodge #2237 Scholarship Tolosi, Megan
Coaches’ Award for Cheerleading Ostlin, Sherlyn
Coaches’ Award for Football Verducci, Nicholas
Coaches’ Award for Marching Band Yang, Samuel
Coccia Foundation Scholarship Chowatia, Ishani
Coccia Foundation Scholarship Desai, Kavan
David J. Moore Memorial Scholarship Weaver, Harrision
Dora B. Stolfi Memorial Scholarship Pascale, Jacqueline
Dorothy Davies Memorial Scholarhip Pascale, Jacqueline
Dr. Frank Calabria Memorial Scholarship McLaughlin, Lauren
Emil Johnson Vocational Award Mistry, Nirmohi
Excellence in French Chauhan, Karan
Faculty and Staff Awards Astor, Ryan
Faculty and Staff Awards McLaughlin, Lauren
Faculty and Staff Awards Sung, Kyle
Female Athlete Award Xiong, Karoline
Fine Arts Scholarship Lin, Ching Laam (Jaye)
Fine Arts Scholarship Mann, Heather
French Club Leadership Feng, Steven
French Club Leadership Bard, Francesca
Greg Puzio Memorial Scholarship Picado, Jack
Hills of Troy Neighborhood Association Scholarship – HOTNA Sanford, Michael
Indian Cultural Club Service Award Patel, Parth
Indian Cultural Club Service Award Patel, Vritti
Indian Cultural Club Service Award Shah, Yuti
Intervale Leadership for the Future Scholarship Guevara, Kristine
Jack Dolan Memorial Scholarship Tran, Crystal
Janet Palatini Friendship Scholarship daSilva, Tyler
Janet Palatini Friendship Scholarship Mitchell, Alicia
Janet Palatini Friendship Scholarship Verducci, Nicholas
Janet Palatini Friendship Scholarship Ververs, Hannah
Joe Windish Parsippany Education Foundation Scholarship Chopra, Tanvi
John Phillip Sousa Award Park, Andrew
Kanai Lal & Charu Bala Memorial Scholarship Patel, Siddhanth
Kanai Lal & Charu Bala Memorial Scholarship Ponnor, Janelle
Kanai Lal & Charu Bala Memorial Scholarship Yang, William
Kate Russell Memorial Scholarship Mitchell, Alicia
Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany Scholarship Mansuria, Vishal
Lake Parsippany School PTS Scholarship Grant, Katherine
Lew Ludwig Memorial Scholarship Shah, Saloni
Little Viking Football Award Verducci, Nicholas
Littleton School Alumni Scholarship Kwan, Matthew
Littleton School Alumni Scholarship Stearns, Kaitlyn
Love Like Ashley Memoial Scholarship Acree, Mikayla
Maria T. Santillan (’92) Memorial Scholarhip Ullman, Lawrence
Montville UNICO Italian Studies Grant Vecchia, Brittani
Morris County Administrators of Special Education Pascale, Sarah
Morris County College Fair Scholarship 2 year Cuervo, Stephanie
Morris County College Fair Scholarship 4 year Baldarrago, Emily
Morris County Professional Counselor Association  4 year Ververs, Hannah
Morristown Alumnae Chapter – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Scholarship King, Korla
Mount Tabor PTA Scholarship Ullman, Lawrence
Mt. Tabor Music Camp Outstanding Musician Award Gurth, Justin
National Merit – Commended Wang, Albert
National Merit – Commended Chen, Ellen
National Merit – Commended Kakkaramadam, Tara
National Merit – Commended Kao, Sanjay
National Merit – Commended Mukhamedjanova, Aleese
National Merit – Commended Nagendran, Arjun
National Merit – Commended Nibhanupudi, Saketh
National Merit – Commended Patel, Siddhanth
National Merit – Commended Ponnor, Janelle
National Merit – Commended Prajapati, Krishna
National Merit – Commended Shah, Priya
National Merit – Commended Sudit, David
National Merit – Commended Sung, Brandon
National Merit – Commended Sung, Kyle
National Merit – Commended Xiong, Karoline
National Merit – Commended Yadav, Yash
National Merit – Commended Yang, William
National Merit – Finalist Chauhan, Karan
National Merit – Finalist Kanthadai, Rakshay
National Merit – James E. Casey Scholarship Astor, Ryan
NJAC Outstanding Schoar Athletes McLaughlin, Lauren
NJAC Outstanding Schoar Athletes Picado, Jack
Northern NJ Chinese Association Scholarship Yang, William
Outstanding Senior in French Mukhamedjanova, Aleese
Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Davis, Corinne
Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Picado, Jack
Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Taylor, Kristen
Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Verducci, Nicholas
Par-Troy West Little League  – Tom Cook Memorial Scholarship Ververs, Hannah
Par-Hills Men’s Soccer Parents Association Scholarships Agostinho, Brian
Par-Hills Men’s Soccer Parents Association Scholarships Holmstrom, Erik
Par-Hills Men’s Soccer Parents Association Scholarships Picado, Jack
Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce Giovanelli, Adam
Parsippany Police Benevolent Association #131 Scholarship Patel, Preya
Parsippany Republican Club Scholarhsip Chopra, Tanvi
Parsippany Rotary Club Scholarship Bellardino, Taylor
Parsippany Soccer Club Scholarship Maurya, Suraj
Parsippany-Troy Hills Senior Citzen Scholarhsip Castillo, Erika
Patents’ of the Gifted and Talented Scholarship Sudit, David
Paul Piccoli Memorial Scholarship Picado, Jack
Paul Piccoli Memorial Scholarship Rodriguez, Andrea
Pearls of Wisdom Scholarship Leonard, Taylor
PHHS Boys’ Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Nagendran, Arjun
PHHS Boys’ Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Parker, Jamaal
PHHS Cheerleading Parents Association Scholarship Guevara, Kristine
PHHS Cheerleading Parents Association Scholarship Ostlin, Sherlyn
PHHS Choir Scholarships Campbell, Julia
PHHS Choir Scholarships Kelly, Nicolette
PHHS Choir Scholarships Acree, Mikayla
PHHS Choir Scholarships Borino, Alyssa
PHHS Choir Scholarships Gardner, Daniel
PHHS Choir Scholarships Lally, Shauna
PHHS Choir Scholarships Pascale, Jacqueline
PHHS Choir Scholarships Zigman, Sarah
PHHS Football Parents’ Association Scholarship Verducci, Nicholas
PHHS Girls Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Chopra, Tanvi
PHHS Girls Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Kao, Sanjay
PHHS Girls Basketball Booster Club Scholarship King, Korla
PHHS Girls Basketball Booster Club Scholarship Rogers, Jillian
PHHS Girls Lacrosse Crease Club Scholarship Award Stearns, Kaitlyn
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Maddox, Mark
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Caccavale, Nick
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Ciccarelli, Michelle
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Gaudio, Michael
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Giovanelli, Adam
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Kwan, Matthew
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Messina, Alicia
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Patel, Krutharth
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Rao, Abhigna
PHHS Swim Team Booster Association Scholarships Vojta, Sarah
PHHS Top 25 Students Feng, Steven
PHHS Top 25 Students Bard, Francesca
PHHS Top 25 Students Chauhan, Karan
PHHS Top 25 Students Chen, Ellen
PHHS Top 25 Students Kanthadai, Rakshay
PHHS Top 25 Students McLaughlin, Lauren
PHHS Top 25 Students Mukhamedjanova, Aleese
PHHS Top 25 Students Nagendran, Arjun
PHHS Top 25 Students Patel, Shivani
PHHS Top 25 Students Pingle, Arijit
PHHS Top 25 Students Ponnor, Janelle
PHHS Top 25 Students Prajapati, Krishna
PHHS Top 25 Students Shah, Priya
PHHS Top 25 Students Shah, Sneh
PHHS Top 25 Students Sudit, David
PHHS Top 25 Students Sung, Brandon
PHHS Top 25 Students Sung, Kyle
PHHS Top 25 Students Tai, Hsin (Cindy)
PHHS Top 25 Students Ullman, Lawrence
PHHS Top 25 Students Urbis, Juliana
PHHS Top 25 Students Vekaria, Ashil
PHHS Top 25 Students Xiong, Karoline
PHHS Top 25 Students Yagappan, Rishi
PHHS Top 25 Students Yang, Samuel
PHHS Top 25 Students Yang, William
PHHS Volleyball Parents Association Scholarship King, Korla
PHHS Volleyball Parents Association Scholarship Vecchia, Brittani
Princess Anne Millard  Scholarship King, Korla
PTHEA “CAP” Award – In Memory of John Capsouras Patel, Shivani
PTSA Scholarship Awards Giovanelli, Adam
PTSA Scholarship Awards Grant, Katherine
PTSA Scholarship Awards Patel, Preya
PTSA Scholarship Awards Ullman, Lawrence
PTSA Scholarship Awards Ververs, Hannah
Richard C. Davis, Jr Scholarship Fund Pascale, Jacqueline
Rocco A. Cerbo Memorial Scholarship Crellin, Gavyn
Salutatorian Award Kanthadai, Rakshay
Sons of Italy – Basil Ricci Memorial Scholarship Pascale, Stephanie
Sons of Italy – Basil Ricci Memorial Scholarship Pascale, Jacqueline
Sons of Italy – Basil Ricci Memorial Scholarship Verducci, Nicholas
Spencer Savings Bank Scholarship Ullman, Lawrence
Student Council Awards Chauhan, Karan
Student Council Awards Patel, Preya
Student Council Awards Singh, Prerana
Student Council Awards Warner, Adam
SunRise/ShopRite Continuing Education Grant Scholarship Giovanelli, Adam
The Steadfast Viking Award Hsu, Yi-Hsuan
Tom Ladas Memorial Scholarhip Pascale, Jacqueline
United States Marine Corps Awards for Scholastic Excellence Chauhan, Karan
United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athletic Award Rogers, Jillian
United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athletic Award Verducci, Nicholas
United States Marine Corps Patriotism Award Dunn, Dylan
United States Marine Corps Patriotism Award Robleza, Jeric
United States Marine Corps Patriotism Award Robleza, Joshua
United States Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Band Award Desai, Kavan
Vincent Lorenzo Male Athlete Award Gurth, Justin
Wegmans Scholarships Simpson, Jordan
Wegmans Scholarships Stearns, Kaitlyn
William Lu Class of 1977 – Claire Pompei Parker, Lydia
William Lu Class of 1977 – Edmund Heilmeier Proietto, Christina
Women’s Club of Parsippany – Troy Hills Scholarship Chopra, Tanvi
Women’s Club of Parsippany – Troy Hills Scholarship Grant, Katherine
Women’s Club of Parsippany – Troy Hills Scholarship Ververs, Hannah


University of Pennsylvania Dean’s List Announced

PARSIPPANY — A total of 1,621 students have been named to the Dean’s List at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (ESU) for the Spring 2018 semester of the 2017-2018 academic year, according to Joanne Bruno, J.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs. Students eligible for the Dean’s List are those who have attained a 3.50 quality point average or better and are enrolled full-time. The letter grade “B” earns 3 quality points per credit, and the grade “A” earns 4 quality points per credit.

Caitlyn Capurso, a Sport Management major and a 2014 graduate from Parsippany High School, was among those named to to ESU’s Spring 2018 Dean’s List and Gabriela Rachmaciej, a Comm Sciences & Disorders major, and a 2015 graduate from Parsippany High School, were among those named to to ESU’s Spring 2018 Dean’s List.

East Stroudsburg University, one of the 14 institutions in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, opened in 1893 as East Stroudsburg Normal School. Today, ESU is a comprehensive university in northeastern Pennsylvania offering 55 undergraduate programs, 22 master’s programs and one doctoral program. More than 6,800 students are enrolled for the high quality, affordable, and accessible education ESU provides. Nearly 30,000 ESU alumni live in Pennsylvania.

Redstock 2018 was a huge success

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany High School held its 8th annual Redstock on Saturday, June 2, with the public to participating in many sports activities and games behind the high school. The highlight of the festival will be the Powder Puff flag football game between the senior and junior girls.

This event focuses on bringing local families, students, school-based organizations and area businesses together for a FREE day of entertainment, music, games, food and fun! This year’s festival featured a vendor area for local businesses to meet and interact with current and potential customers giving them the opportunity to directly distribute samples, promotional items and other marketing material, as well as sell.

The event started at 12:00 Noon and ends at 3:00 p.m. offers food, live music, face painting, arts and crafts, bounce house, local businesses, games and prizes and live entertainment. The PTSA held their annual Tricky Tray and Raffle.

Later in the evening the Junior versus Senior Powderpuff game was held. The Class of 2018 won the Powderpuff (18-6) over the Juniors. Congratulations to the Offensive MVP – Faith Preziosi (143 rushing yards, 2 touchdowns) and Defensive MVP – Tia Ayton (4 stops). An outstanding job by the seniors and their coaches.

The 2018 Hawkeye Award Winners wer also announced on Saturday. Staff: Mrs. Engfer, Mrs. Muheisen & Mr. Miller Parents: Cindy LoPresti and Pete Lanigan Students: Khalid Alzubi and Sarah DiPippa.

2018 Parsippany High School Hawk Winners

Miracles USA Elite Competition Team Honored by Mayor Soriano

PARSIPPANY — Miracles USA Taekwondo’s elite competition team and its master, Master Suji Kang, were honored at a congratulatory reception at the office of Mayor Michael A. Soriano on May 29.

Five athletes were presented with the Parsippany-Troy Hills Township’s  “Outstanding Achievement Award” for their medal-winning performances at the Pennsylvania State Taekwondo Championships on April 14.  The Miracles’ team won a total of 10 medals at the tournament and is grateful for this special recognition of its dedication and hard work by Mayor Soriano.

The Miracles USA Taekwondo competition team is now training to compete at the USA Taekwondo National Championships to be held in Salt Lake City, UT, in early July.

Miracles USA Taekwondo is located at 388-B Route 46.


Parents and Caregivers Invited to Free Training to Keep Kids Safe on Mobile Devices

PARSIPPANY — NewBridge Services is hosting a free training Wednesday, June 13 at its Parsippany location to teach parents and other caregivers how to to keep children and teenagers safe when they use mobile devices.

The two-hour program, including a 30-minute Q&A session, starts at 4:30 p.m. and will address phone set-up, group chats and social media, monitoring gaming apps, predators posting pictures, and essential conversations parents need to have with their children. Marc Herzog, owner of Papa Bear Digital Protection, a consulting company specializing in mobile device and social media safety and security, will moderate. Attendees are invited to raise other topics related to safeguarding mobile devices.

“Children can be unwittingly exposed to the internet’s dangers on smartphones and tablets, so it’s important for the caregivers in their lives to take precautions,” said NewBridge Services Child and Family Services Program Director Nicole Bolognini. “This training will give caregivers the tools they need to protect their children.”

To register, contact Bolognini at or call (973) 794-6401. NewBridge’s Parsippany location is at 1259 Route 46 East, Building 2, Suite 100A.

NewBridge is committed to keeping children safe and teaching them how to be resilient. More than 4,000 schoolchildren last year learned to deal with bullies, stand up to peer pressure and recognize suicidal thought in themselves and friends through NewBridge prevention programs. NewBridge also trained more than 800 educators and parents in suicide prevention, self-care, and how to help students cope with stressors.

NewBridge Services, a 501c(3) nonprofit, is a premier provider of counseling services, housing and educational programs in northern New Jersey serving nearly 8,000 adults and seniors last year alone. NewBridge treats mental illnesses and addictions; teaches skills for coping with stress, grief and challenging relationships; builds and manages affordable housing; offers school-based programs that teach children and adolescents resiliency skills for healthy emotional development; helps young adults succeed in their education and prepare for careers; and supports seniors so they can remain independent. Throughout its more than 50-year history, NewBridge has remained true to its mission of bringing balance to people’s lives by tracking shifts in communities’ needs and providing innovative, effective programs to meet them.

Lake Parsippany Open House and Flea Market draws visitors from all over

PARSIPPANY — Rain was predicted for all day Saturday, but there was no sign of rain during the Lake Parsippany giant flea market and Open House, on Saturday, June 2.

The day was full of events including dragon boat, swimming, face painting, food, playing in the sand, live music and a flea market offering many items. Parsippany CERT, Parsippany Police Department and many organizations were present educating residents, and distributing literature.

You can join the LPPOA Ladies Club for fun and community involvement. Interested individuals should contact Diane Low at (973) 887-1268. The fishing club meets once a month and holds fishing contests during the season. Thru their Trout Stocking Program, they host a “Stocking Day” event where the lake is stocked with trout one week before the season opens. Young anglers get the opportunity to learn about our program and release trout into the lake. Interested in joining the fishing club contact Tony Suprum at

Lake Parsippany is a private lake community quietly nestled in the center of Parsippany-Troy Hills, in Morris County. This 168 acre lake and grounds is fully funded and maintained by membership fees and member volunteers. They receive no State, County or Township funding. The Community welcomes everyone to join our association, regardless of where you live and enjoy a piece of the lake.

The Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association members maintain and manage all operations of the lake throughout the year. The membership preserves this beautiful natural resource through its fees and through active volunteer participation in the community.

Membership is required to participate in its many activities that include fishing in a trout stocked lake, sailing, swimming, sunbathing, competitive sports, concerts, dances, family fun nights and much more.

Membership in the Association is not limited to Lake Parsippany Property Owners. Renters and residents from outside of the Lake Parsippany area are also welcome to join. The Association is a not for profit organization.

In addition to all of the activities available with membership, the Association also supports various Clubs and Committees.

Lake Parsippany is home of the New Jersey Dragon Boat Club. Dotting of the eye is an annual ritual of the New Jersey Dragon Boat Club during the open house day. 2018 marks the 18th year in which the NJ Dragon Boat Club has been at Lake Parsippany.

NJ’s 1st dragon boat club, started with a recreational crew, added a competitive crew and then a junior crew since their first visit to the Boat House.

Placing pink roses in Lake Parsippany in support of Woman’s Breast Cancer Awareness

This ancient Chinese Eye Dotting ceremony, “The Awakening of The Dragons,” features local and visiting dignitaries painting red dots on the eyes of the ceremonial dragon boat figure heads to officially “wake” them up.

Mayor Michael Soriano “dotting the eye of the dragon.” Dotting of the eye is an annual ritual of the New Jersey Dragon Boat Club.

Hoffman Beach opens up full time for the summer starting Friday, June 22. From now until then the beach is open Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

For more information on Lake Parsippany, click here.

Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance: Andrew Cornwallis and Chief Christopher Miller
Boy Scout Pack 142
The Garden Club
Patrolman Remo D’Alessandro and Brian Conover distributing literature from the Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department
Lake Parsippany Ladies Club
Lake Parsippany Book Club
Bach to Rock
Volunteer Firefighters Wanted!
Parsippany residents JoAnn Stankard and Tommy Stankard strolling through the flea market at Lake Parsippany Open House
Parsippany CERT
Sonia was just adopted from Wise Animal Rescue. Tyler Cloutier, Rebecca Hruby, Sonia, Lori Wink and Jennifer Quick
Lake Parsippany Fishing Club
Boats on the lake
Children playing in the sand

Parsippany Chamber awards Scholarship to Adam Giovanelli

PARSIPPANY — Adam Paul Giovanelli received the 2018 Scholarship Award from Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce during the Senior Awards Ceremony held on Monday, June 4.

Upon graduation on June 21, Adam will be attending Rutgers University majoring in Economics and Finance. Adam has an overall GPA of 4.4234.

During Adam’s high school years, he had the benefit of numerous opportunities that have led him to his ultimate success. As a student, he has shown a strong dedication to his academic career by complementing it with involvement in many co-curricular activities at Parsippany Hills High School has to offer. These opportunities have been the vehicle that has fostered Adam’s values as a student and as a person.

During his high school  years, Adam was State Vice President, Chapter President, Chapter Secretary of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). He was also State Competitor/State Delegate: First in New Jersey: Accounting and Restaurant Virtual Business Competition; State Competition; Personal Finance and Financial Consulting; second in Core BA Exam.

Adam has also taught financial literacy to elementary school students during the High School Heroes Program.

Presenting the Scholarship was Board Member and Scholarship Committee Chairman Nicolas Limanov and Executive Board Member Frank Cahill.

PACC is a service organization for businesses, merchants, residents, and volunteers that provides education, information, and networking opportunities to the Parsippany Area. Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce works with our local and county governments and stand ready to pursue any matter that can make our community a better place in which to live, conduct business, and make a living. They promote a healthy and more prosperous economic climate.



PHS holds its annual drunk driving assembly

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany High School presented the Eighth Annual anti-drunk driving assembly program to the seniors, in the school’s auditorium and outside parking lot on Thursday, May 31, warning the students about drinking and driving especially during Prom season. Six seniors were actors involved in a two car accident where seniors were drinking and driving. The actors were Kyra Reich, Olivia Leon, Tarik Ayaz and Shobin Mannapuran.

Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly
Scenes from PHS annual drunk driving assembly

Parsippany High School Hawkeye Award Winners

PARSIPPANY — The Hawk Eye Awards recognize the extraordinary efforts of the students, staff and parents of Parsippany High School that make a difference in their school and the community.

To the Native Americans, the hawk was a symbol of strength, vision, and truth. The hawk had keen eyesight which it used to open the eyes of others. The hawk was the great messenger of the skies. It soared with the power to overcome difficult situations and helped others to achieve great victory. We are looking to recognize the modern-day Redhawks with the greatest vision and strength- those parents, staff and students who, like the Native American hawks of the past, see a bigger picture and do everything in their power to make it clearer for the rest of us. These “Hawk Eyes” lift others up through their words, actions and values, and as a result, Parsippany and PHS is an even better place to live, learn and grow.

Each year, PHS will recognize students, teachers or parents for going the extra mile to make a difference in our school or community.

Parsippany High School presented the 2018 Hawkeye Award Winners on Saturday, June 2.  This years winners are:
Staff: Mrs. Engfer, Mrs. Muheisen and Mr. Miller
Parents: Cindy LoPresti and Pete Lanigan
Students: Khalid Alzubi and Sarah DiPippa.

Thanks for all you do to make Par High such an incredible place.

Missy is looking for a furever home

PARSIPPANY — Missy is a 13.5-year-old Maltipoo! Don’t let her age fool you, Missy can easily hang with the younger crowd! She is very loving and sweet. She has a laid back disposition and is happiest when cuddling with you!

She enjoys going on short walks around the neighborhood. She walks fantastic on a leash! Missy is very well behaved and eager to please! She is fully housebroken and not destructive when left alone.

Missy does wonderful with other dogs and would be fine in a home with cats! She is currently being fostered with a 7-year old dog and they play and nap together! Because Missy would prefer a home on the quieter side, it would be best she goes home with kids above the age of 13.

Missy enjoys being in people’s company and never asks for much besides one’s love and affection. She is an amazing dog who deserves nothing but the best for the remainder of her golden years!

If you are interested in adopting Missy, please fill out an application by clicking here.

Follow Wise Animal Rescue on Instagram by clicking here.
Like Wise Animal Rescue on Facebook by clicking here.

Missy is a 13.5-year-old Maltipoo! Don’t let her age fool you, Missy can easily hang with the younger crowd!

Council meeting rescheduled; Budget hearing continues

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 12 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, June 13 starting at 7:30 p.m.

In addition, the third session for Budget Hearings has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 13 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Both meetings will be held at the Parsippany-Troy Hills Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.

The public is invited to attend all meetings. A portion of each meeting will be set aside for public comment. Formal action may or may not be taken at all scheduled meetings.

Any individual who is a qualified disabled person under the American with Disabilities Act may request auxiliary aids such as a sign interpreter or a tape recorder to be used for a meeting. Auxiliary aids must be requested at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Please call (973) 263-4357 to make a request for an auxiliary aid.

Jay Webber for Congress stops in Parsippany

PARSIPPANY — Jay Webber, a candidate for Congress, made a visit to Parsippany on Saturday morning, June 2 during a “Meet and Greet” with Parsippany Republicans. Webber is running in New Jersey’s 11th district.

Jay Webber shaking hands with an area resident

Webber is running in the Tuesday, June 5 primary election against Tony Ghee; Peter De Neufville of Mendham; Patrick Allocco and Martin Hewitt.  The winner will then be on the ballot in November against a Democrat; either Mikie Sherrill and Tamara Harris, whoever wins the Democrat nomination on Tuesday.

Tony Ghee said that Peter De Neufville, one of his opponents in Tuesday’s primary, offered him an appointment to the Morris County Parks Commission in exchange for withdrawing from the race and endorsing him.

Ghee, one of five Republicans running in New Jersey’s 11th district, says he perceived the offer as a “quid pro quo” of a job in exchange for an endorsement.  Ghee sent a letter to federal and state prosecutors to ask them to investigate. (Click here to view letter)

Jay Webber discussing issues with a Parsippany resident

Book Launch event at PAL draws over 300 people

PARSIPPANY — Heartfulness Trainer and Author Joshua Pollock, was at the Parsippany PAL Youth Center, 33 Baldwin Road on Saturday, June 2 releasing his new book “The Heartfulness Way.” Over 300 people attended the release and book signing.

Joshua Pollock

The Heartfulness Way is building on ageless oral tradition, Kamlesh D. Patel – widely known as Daaji, the fourth guru in the Heartfulness tradition – traces a seeker’s journey as he examines the nature of spiritual search. Through a series of illuminating conversations between a teacher and a student, Daaji reveals the principles of the Heartfulness practice and philosophy to Joshua Pollock, a Heartfulness practitioner and trainer. “In this simple and elegant book, Daaji reveals the ancient secrets of Heartfulness mediation for a well-integrated life. A must read for anyone interested in incorporating meditation into their life style.”

Sridath Reddy, Frank Cahill, Loretta Gragnani, Jay Webber, Joshua Pollock, Louis Valori and Michael dePierro holding a copy of the new book

Kamlesh Patel is known widely as Daaji. His teachings arise from his personal experience on the path of Heartfulness, while reflecting his deep spirit of enquiry and respect for the world’s great spiritual traditions and scientific advancements. Daaji practiced pharmacy in New York City for over three decades before being named the successor in a century-old lineage of spiritual masters. Fulfilling the many duties of a modern-day guru, he travels widely, extending his support to spiritual seekers everywhere. A self-professed student of spirituality, he devotes much of his time and energy to research in the field of consciousness and spirituality, approaching the subject with scientific methodology – a practical approach that stems from his own experience and mastery in the field.

Assemblyman Jay Webber – New Jersey’s 26th District

Joshua Pollock is a Heartfulness trainer and practitioner from the United States. An accomplished Western classical violinist, he has performed and taught throughout the world, including multiple collaborations with composer A.R. Rahman. Pollock is a dedicated spiritual aspirant, and is enthusiastic about sharing his passion for meditation, frequently lecturing at private seminars, holding practical demonstrations in corporate, educational and governmental settings, and providing ongoing individual support to local seekers. Pollock holds a Bachelor of Musical Arts degree from Indiana University and two master’s degrees from Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. He currently resides in India with his wife and their two children.

“The Heartfulness Way is a work of art. Daaji beautifully captures the essence and power of spirituality. This authentic book will transform your life,” said Partha Nandi, MD FACP.

There was also a group meditation and an opportunity to purchase the book and have the author autograph it.

For additional information click here or email or

Joshua Pollock handing Michael dePierro a copy of the new book, Joshua Pollock

Candidate Tamara Harris commends Congress Members regarding Toys R Us

MORRIS COUNTY — Democratic Congressional Candidate Tamara Harris today announced her support of Senator Cory Booker, Senator Menendez, and Representative Bill Pascrell for their demand of severance pay for the discharged workers of Toys R Us, which is based in Congressional District 11, where Harris is running for election.

“Since the announcement of the closing of the Wayne-based toy manufacturer in our district I have used my voice to advocate for our elected leaders in New Jersey and in Washington to ensure that the displaced Toys R Us workers receive severance and the assistance they need at this critical time in their lives.

“I commend our state congressmen for putting people before politics by standing with those who lost their jobs and fighting for severance pay and financial regulation.

“It’s time we have members of Congress who will fight to protect workers and families, even if it means standing up to corporate campaign donors.


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