PARSIPPANY — The driver, Mr. Erney Fertile, 23, Parsippany, was making a left turn from Littleton Road onto Parsippany Boulevard and crashed into a vehicle driven by Penny Edmiston, 53, Parsippany. Edmiston was traveling westbound on Littleton Road through the intersection at Parsippany Boulevard. This accident occurred on Wednesday, January 4, at approximately 3:30 p.m.
Edmiston stated she observed a green traffic signal and proceeded straight through the intersection before the crash.
Fertile stated that he observed a green signal and was stopped in traffic at the intersection, waiting to make a left turn.
Fertile stated that the signal changed to amber, then red, and then he made a left turn. Fertile said he observed Edmiston before turning but believed she had a red signal and would stop.
After the scene was cleared, Parsippany Police Officer Denis Muro, II, observed the traffic signal light sequence at the intersection of Littleton Road and Parsippany Boulevard, specifically the signals controlling traffic on Littleton Road. The officer first observed the signal for eastbound traffic on Littleton Road turn to green, simultaneously with a green left turn arrow. At this time, the signal for westbound traffic on Littleton Road was red. The Littleton Road eastbound signal green left turn arrow, then turned to amber, followed by a steady green. At this point, the signal for westbound traffic on Littleton Road turned from red to green. The signal for eastbound traffic on Littleton Road turned to amber, then red. After the eastbound signal turned red, the signal for westbound traffic remained steady green for approximately ten seconds before turning amber, then red.
Police Investigation determined that Ms. Edmiston had a green signal before the crash and that Fertile caused the crash by failing to yield and observing a red traffic signal.
Both drivers complained of minor injuries and were treated at the scene by Parsippany Emergency Medical Services.

Mr. Fertile was driving a 1986 GMC Envoy and was towed from the scene by Powder Mill Towing.
Ms. Edmiston was driving a 2017 Honda Pilot and was towed from the scene by Powder Mill Towing.
At the time of this report, there was no summons issued.