Letter to the Editor: Parsippany Residents Rally Against Development Deals

Dear Editor:

On Tuesday, December 19, at the Town Council meeting Mayor Barberio and Council President Loretta Gragnani were taught a lesson by the over 200 Parsippany residents who attended the meeting. By turning out in such numbers, Parsippany residents made clear to Barberio and Gragnani, in no uncertain terms that Parsippany and its future were not up for sale to the developers who own (and through their attorney, double dipping John Inglesino)  control Barberio, Gragnani and Council members dePierro, Carifi and Neglia. Gragnani’s overtly political and stunningly incompetent stunts at attempting to reorder the timing of Council votes only underscored her willingness to bow to Barberio’s and Inglesino’s dictates.

The lesson that Parsippany residents delivered to their elected officials last evening was that Parsippany’s elected officials need to demonstrate that they have made the effort and taken the time to fully consider the pros and cons of the PILOTs and that having done so they will then act in the best interests of Parsippany. That does not seem to be an unreasonable request and yet the Mayor and the Council are determined to rush and vote and pass the remaining PILOTs by year-end while Gragnani and dePierro are still in office (and before the newly elected Council members Judy Hernandez and Matt McGrath take office on January 1, 2024). 

Without a doubt, that is why Council President Gragnani at Mayor Barberio’s direction has scheduled an emergency Council meeting for next Thursday, December 28 at 7:00 p.m. at the PAL at 33 Baldwin Road. Barberio and Gragnani know that if that meeting is held then the PILOTs will pass before year-end and Parsippany residents will suffer the consequences for the next 30 years.

However, if more than 500 residents attend the meeting at the PAL on December 28th at 7:00 p.m. the Fire Marshall can not allow the meeting to be held due to safety considerations and the Council will not be able to pass the PILOTs thereby blocking Barberio’s and Gragnani’s desperate attempts to ignore and over-ride the sane and sensible Parsippany residents’ requests for more information and more time. 

So, the fundamental question for Parsippany residents is this:

Will you take the time to join your neighbors and friends at the meeting at the PAL and tell all the Grinches (Mayor Barberio, Council President Gragnani, Councilman Carifi, Councilman Neglia, Councilman dePierro, Attorney John Inglesino, and the multi-millionaire developers) that Parsippany not for sale? After all Tis the season for giving and not for taking          

Bob Crawford

Santa Makes a Special Visit to the Parsippany Child Day Care Center

PARSIPPANY — On Saturday, December 9th, Santa Claus and members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany paid a special visit to the Parsippany Child Day Care Center. It was a heartwarming event where children and their families gathered to enjoy a delightful breakfast with Santa himself. During the event, Santa took the time to chat with the children, asking them about their Christmas wishes and whether they believed they belonged on the naughty or nice list.

Mayor James Barberio and Councilman Frank Neglia had a heartwarming moment as they joined Santa during the visit. Their smiles and laughter filled the room as they shared in the joy and festive spirit of the occasion, embodying the true essence of community and holiday cheer.

Mayor James Barberio shared his enthusiasm for the event, saying, “The Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany organized this event is what makes this season so great. Seeing how happy children were to meet and eat with Santa brought me back to when I was a child meeting Santa! The excitement and joy in the air were profound!”

Joe Jannarone skillfully took charge of flipping the pancakes, ensuring that everyone enjoyed delicious and perfectly cooked breakfast treats during the special event. His culinary expertise added to the warmth and delight of the gathering.

The breakfast, which was enjoyed by more than 180 guests, was a delightful feast. Kiwanis Club volunteers generously served a scrumptious array of dishes, including scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, pancakes, bagels, yogurt, donuts, and muffins. It was a true culinary treat that added to the festive atmosphere of the event.

Additionally, the members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany went above and beyond by not only dedicating their time but also providing thoughtful gifts for each child in attendance. This extra touch made the occasion even more memorable and filled with joy for everyone who took part in the festivities.

“We were very excited to be able to share this highly anticipated, annual event with not only our families that attend Parsippany Child Day Care Center but also with our United In Care families. It was a very successful event and the families were very grateful. Thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany for sponsoring this event,” said Linda Mlynarski, Executive Director.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany President Carol Tiesi had a meaningful conversation with Santa, enthusiastically sharing all the wonderful activities and contributions that the club had been involved in throughout the year. It was a moment to showcase the club’s commitment to community service and spreading goodwill during the holiday season.
Kathy Astorga, one of Santa’s trusted helpers, made it her mission to ensure that every child at the event received a special gift from Santa. Her dedication and commitment to spreading happiness and holiday magic among the children added to the heartwarming atmosphere of the occasion.
The bags were brimming with delightful gifts, ready to bring joy and smiles to all the children.
Gordon Meth, Linda Mlynarsk, and Angela Largacha came together to observe the children having a great time, enjoying the festivities and creating cherished memories. Their presence added to the warm and festive atmosphere of the event.
Judi Chase, Susan Slaughter, Bob Young, and Debbie Young were all invaluable kitchen helpers during the event. Their hard work and dedication ensured that the breakfast was prepared and served with care, contributing to the overall enjoyment of the gathering.

The Kiwanis Club extended its warm hospitality to both the families and children of the Parsippany Day Care Center and those affiliated with United In Care’s District 11 Child Care Alliance (UIC). The UIC network encompasses not only the Parsippany Child Day Care Center but also numerous local Home-Based Child Care Providers situated in Morris County/District 11. This initiative is part of a grant-funded pilot program administered by the United Way of Northern NJ. Its primary goal is to evaluate a novel child care delivery system aimed at enhancing access to high-quality, affordable, and flexible child care services for families throughout New Jersey. By participating in this effort, the Kiwanis Club played a crucial role in supporting this important mission.

Parsippany Roads Closed

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany roads still closed due to flooding:
-New Road between Route 46 East and Edwards Road
-The bridge into Montville from Vail Road

Parsippany No Longer Home to Sherrill’s District Office

PARSIPPANY — Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) announced her District Office will move to the Livingston Township Hall in the new year. Sherrill announced the move at a ribbon cutting for the new office with Livingston Mayor Michael Vieira, members of the Township Council, and Essex County Commissioner Pat Sebold. 

“In the new year, my district office will be heading to a new space in Livingston. I want to thank Parsippany and Morris County for being our home base for the past five years and am especially grateful to the Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor and Police Department for the support they have provided our team,” said Rep. Sherrill. “Thank you to Mayor Vieira for welcoming us to Livingston. No matter where our office is located, we will continue to serve constituents from every town in NJ-11 and look forward to another great year of casework successes.”

The Livingston office will not open officially until mid-January. Until that time constituents needing casework services should call the District Office in Parsippany at (973) 526-5668. In 2024, Sherrill’s casework team will continue to hold mobile casework hours in locations throughout the district to ensure accessibility for all residents.  

The new office location will be 357 S Livingston Avenue, Suite 201, Livingston.

The exact opening date will be announced.

Letter to the Editor: PILOT: Parsippany In Lots Of Trouble

Dear Editor:

As Chair of the Parsippany Troy-Hills Transparency Committee, it is my duty to inform the residents that on December 5, 2023, the Council voted 4-1 to agree to give a 42 million dollar tax break to subsidiaries of Avalon Bay Communities (AVB), a publicly traded company with a worth of 26 Billion dollars.

This and other proposed projects are a gross misuse of the PILOT (Payment In Lieu of Taxes) program.

They will deprive our schools and our children of hundreds of millions of tax dollars over the next 30 years. The PILOTs offered to the Avalon Bay Communities are not in the best interest of the community nor does it meet the intent or criteria for a PILOT plan to even be considered.

The information presented is available by going to the Parsippany home page and then clicking the transparency tab. 2 Other references are cited below.

I reviewed the financials reported for the 2 and 3 Campus Drive properties. They show that the developer will receive a $42 million tax break and the schools will lose $56 million in tax dollars over 30 years.

Click here to download the PDF.

1 year

30 Year

The current property pays School District 277, $130 per year and the municipal budget receives $122,771. This is currently warehouse space with NO students in the district.
If the 410-unit apartment project is built and the current tax rate is applied, the annual school budget would increase to $1,574,029 per year. The municipal budget would increase to $697,307.

This may seem like a large increase, however, according to the Tax Payers Guide to Education, Parsippany pays $18.7 K per student. The $1.3 M increase would support the cost of 69 new students.

For comparison recent similar Parsippany projects “Modera, Watersedge, and Mountain Way are 200-unit, 30-unit, and 105-unit projects, respectively, and these three developments alone bring in at least 56 children to the district.” Using this real-world example, if 380 units bring 56 students, we can mathematically extrapolate that 410 units should bring in at least 60. The expected tax gains should cover the added students.

However, as you can see in the chart since the project is built with a PILOT, the annual school budget would have a zero increase. Not one penny to support the expected additional students.

The municipal budget, however, would increase to $1,140,006 (increasing $442,699) and the remaining $42 million would go back to the developer.

30 YearSchoolMunicipalOpen SpaceDeveloperCounty
No Polit6910411630613653297863010756148

So in a few flicks of a pen, the two signatories go from sharing 27.6% of the $110 million pie to 85.9% with no other affected parties present, consulted, or even considered.
Six additional PILOTs are proposed, which would further cut the School district out of its fair share of taxes. This will devastate the school system for decades to come. Unlike the municipal budget, the school budget increases are capped at 2%. There will be no way for schools to hire more teachers, provide competitive wages, or support all of the current programs.

I was at the last School Board meeting and there have already been talks of holding classes in trailers, cutting programs, and leasing space from St. Christopher’s. Our school district has long been a draw for new residents, but the PILOT program is a poison pill that will erode what we have taken so long to build. This is without a doubt unethical, but is it right?

According to the town’s own website 4 “The redeveloper must evidence that but for the tax abatement, the project would not proceed as designed. Without the use of this tool, the project would not be economically feasible in its current form, yielding an inadequate rate of return. The redeveloper also benefits by having predictable, stable payments over a long-term period. This stability is often necessary for the redeveloper to be able to obtain bank financing for the project.”

The developers argued that inflation is up and interest and labor costs are high. Is that enough to claim that the project would not be financially feasible without the PILOT? In short, NO.

According to the SEC, Avalon Parsippany 3 Urban Renewal is one of hundreds of subsidiaries 5 across the country of AvalonBay communities.

According to the AVB 2022 financial statement 6: “At year-end 2022, these proceeds remained entirely available to us. In addition, we upsized our unsecured revolving credit facility to $2.25 billion from $1.75 billion and extended its term to 2026. At year-end, we had over $600 million in cash and cash equivalents on our balance sheet and had no amounts outstanding under our unsecured credit facility.”

The Mayor claimed that we have to give PILOTS or risk losing ratables 8 to surrounding towns the same time he is touting how we are one of the hottest housing markets in the nation 7. New developments fill quickly. With the rental prices of Avalon properties, there is no concern they will profit greatly with or without a PILOT.

He also claims we need to give PILOTS because it is a bad economy. With $600 M in cash and no outstanding debt, AVB can complete both 2 and 3 Campus Drive without even touching the $2.25 B of revolving credit already established and a hot housing market, there is no way they can pretend that the project could not proceed unless they received a tax abatement. The PILOT does impact the project in the least but does pad their sizable bottom line.

It perplexes me why the Mayor and 4 out of 5 council members, knowingly and willingly are sacrificing our children’s education over the next 30 years to line a developer’s pocket. Please shed light on this issue.

Share with your friends and family attend the upcoming Council meetings and have your voice heard.

Sincerely Nicholas Kumburis, MBA, CQA
Transparency Committee Chair, Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills

1 “Parsippany In Lots of Trouble” quoted from Casey Parikh







Two Attempted Burglaries

MORRIS COUNTY — Two attempted burglaries occurred on Tuesday, December 19 at approximately 4:30 a.m. just off Route 287. The first was on Hillcrest Road, Mountain Lakes, and the second was on Hilltop Terrace, Parsippany.

It appears that three males, one carrying a crowbar, attempted to enter two separate homes, at least one of them occupied.

Both incidents were captured on Ring cameras.

Ring Camera Captured the Tense Moments of an Attempted Break-In

Editors Note: It was previously reported that the one address was Boonton Township when it was Mountain Lakes. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Parsippany’s PILOT Protesters Shut Down Council Meeting

PARSIPPANY — More than 200 Parsippany residents shut down Tuesday night’s council meeting which was slated to take up the final vote on three PILOT agreements, also known as municipal tax abatements.

Before the meeting even started, the crowd of attendees standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the council chambers surpassed the room’s capacity limits. 

As a result, Township Clerk Khaled Madin announced the postponement of the meeting until Thursday, December 28 at the PAL building, 33 Baldwin Road, Parsippany.  

Council President Loretta Gragnani angered residents, school officials, and parents for initially setting the time of the rescheduled meeting for 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 28 —  drawing accusations that council officials tried to suppress public attendance with a mid-afternoon meeting on a weekday.

After the loud criticism and “Shame on You” chants, the time of the December 28 meeting was finally adjusted to 7:00 p.m.  

The public also expressed outrage with a procedural change made by Council President Gragnani to move the general public comment period for the Tuesday night meeting to later in the agenda after the council votes on the second reading of the proposed PILOT ordinances.

The public comment period has traditionally come before the individual resolution section of the meeting. 

Many suspect the move to delay public comments is a reaction to the unanimous pushback from residents and school board officials who vigorously protested the proposed PILOT programs at the December 5 council meeting. 

PILOT agreements are deals that enable a developer to switch their standard tax payments for a property to a fixed, yearly payment to the municipality.

Township residents and school officials warn that PILOTs will allow large developers to avoid paying their full share of property taxes while straining municipal and school district resources. 

Despite the unanimous opposition to PILOTs Council members Gragnani, Michael dePierro, Paul Carifi, Jr., and Frank Neglia have voted in favor of the PILOTs being represented by former Parsippany Township Attorney John Inglesino, who served during Mayor James Barberio’s first mayoral term from 2010 to 2017.

Dissenting Council member Justin Musella and the Township’s entire school board have repeatedly stated that the proposed PILOTs will underfund the school system as new developments undoubtedly add additional students and costs.

Municipal officials and Mayor James Barberio have stated that prolonged blight of unoccupied or demolished office buildings will greatly increase the tax burden for residents if PILOTs are not used.

Jim’s Journey: Battling Glioblastoma with Unwavering Courage

MORRIS COUNTY — On a fateful day in July 2023, the life of Jim Schicke and his family took an unexpected turn. Jim, a loving father, husband, and beloved figure in his community, had been enduring excruciating headaches, leading him to check himself into the ER. Little did he know that this visit would be the start of a challenging journey.

After undergoing numerous tests and a harrowing MRI scan, the medical team revealed devastating news – Jim had five tumors in his brain, one of them as large as a lemon. The battle was about to begin.

Just two days after the shocking diagnosis, Jim faced his first brain surgery, aimed at removing the largest tumor. The skilled surgeon managed to eliminate most of the mass, providing a glimmer of hope to Jim and his family. A sample of the remaining tumors was sent to a pathology lab, revealing a heart-wrenching truth: Jim was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, an aggressive and formidable brain cancer.

Glioblastoma, often referred to as GBM is notorious for its poor prognosis. It is a relentless adversary, testing the strength and resilience of those who confront it. Jim’s family, however, was determined to view this diagnosis as a detour, not the end of the road. They rallied behind him, standing strong in the face of adversity.

Jim, described by those who know him as funny, outgoing, caring, passionate, and honest, possesses a radiant soul that lights up every room. He is a pillar of strength for his family and a cherished friend to all. Even in this battle, Jim’s positivity, courage, and determination remained unshaken.

After his first surgery, Jim faced a new reality – the loss of his left peripheral vision and the inability to drive. For many, this would have been a major setback, but not for Jim. His unwavering spirit continued to shine brightly. Just before commencing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, his debilitating headaches returned, and he lost his ability to walk.

A second brain surgery became imperative, and on August 9th, 2023, Jim underwent another challenging operation. This time, the surgery left him with limited sensation on the left side of his body. Determined to regain his independence, Jim embarked on a journey of recovery at Kessler Rehabilitation, where he learned to perform essential daily tasks once again.

Six weeks of grueling chemotherapy and radiation followed, but through it all, Jim’s smile persisted. He was enveloped by a sea of love, support, and positivity from family and friends, providing much-needed strength.

Despite their efforts and the clinical trial, the tumors continued to grow, leading to a decline in Jim’s condition. Mobility became a challenge, and he could no longer sit up, walk, eat, or speak. In the quest for a better outcome, the family sought alternative treatments.

Currently, Jim is undergoing new treatments, Avastin and Optune, at a CareOne Rehab facility. The family maintains optimism that these treatments will offer Jim more precious time.

Jim’s family, including his wife Nancy and children Jimmy, Jake, and Jessica, has been his primary source of care and support. They are now preparing to bring Jim home, where he can be surrounded by love as he continues his battle.

Jim, a retired Police Officer with over 20 years of service, dedicated his life to helping others without seeking recognition. Now, his family is seeking help to give him the best fighting chance. The financial burdens of Jim’s treatment and at-home care are overwhelming.

They are reaching out to the community, asking for support to cover the costs of Jim’s care, therapy, and daily needs. Every contribution, no matter the size, is a significant step toward helping Jim in his fight against Glioblastoma.

This is a battle that no one should face alone. Jim’s family remains steadfast in their support, ready to face the challenges ahead with love and determination. They humbly request your assistance in this fight, knowing that together, they can make a profound difference.

As Jim’s journey continues, your positive energy, thoughts, well-wishes, and prayers are cherished and appreciated. The Schicke family is deeply grateful for the outpouring of love and support from the community.

Thank you for standing with them as they strive to bring Jim home, where they can be together as a family while he continues his courageous fight.

Click here to donate to Jim.

Letter to the Editor: Concerns Raised Over Proposed Full-Time Fire Chief and Staffing Plan in Parsippany Fire District 1

Dear Editor:

Recently I received a letter in the mail from the Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Fire Commissioners District 1 stating in the next budget year they are seeking tax-payer approval to hire a full-time fire chief and several per-diem firefighters and officers to staff the district from the hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. In this letter, they stated that they need to urgently implement this plan due to an ever-increasing call volume as well as low volunteer turnout which is increasing response time. While I understand that both manpower and response time is critical to the protection of life and property in the district, I do not believe the commissioners have done a thorough job of explaining why this is needed now, and in such haste. In their letter they have provided no evidence to back the claims made, nor have they done a satisfactory job of explaining why this is needed so urgently. This letter does not even break down the number of calls the department receives during the Monday to Friday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. window nor what the current average volunteer manpower is per call or their response time.

Also, this letter does not say anything about any of the measures that the commissioners have taken to try and avoid this outcome. The Mount Tabor Fire Department is one of six fire districts in the town of Parsippany, with each district operating independently. In the past, other districts have relied on neighboring districts to help fulfill staffing when needed. Has the district looked into having another district assist them with calls? Additionally, what has the district done to try to increase recruitment? The website tells of an incentive program but does not go into any more detail than that.

Furthermore, this letter does a terrible job of explaining how they came to the $640,000 estimate that would be required for payroll and expenses. A quick Google search shows the average pay for a firefighter in New Jersey is $30 per hour. So, for 3 firefighters at 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year would be $280,800. Nearly half of the estimated budget and you still haven’t considered the officers and chief’s salary (which would undoubtedly be higher) as well as pension, benefits, insurance, training, PPE, and any other costs associated with having a paid staff. I believe this estimate to be deceptively low. Also, the commissioners do not explain in the letter how having a paid crew in a volunteer town would work. Would a paid crew respond to an area of the town covered by volunteers? Would a neighboring volunteer chief call for District 1 more because they know of the staffing? Or what about out-of-town calls? I don’t believe that would be fair to the residents who would pay for this staffing and have them not be available because they are covering for a volunteer crew.

Another thing is I don’t believe the current residents should have to shoulder the cost of this, at least the initial implementation if it is essential. I’m sure one of the arguments for hiring a paid crew is the amount of building happening in town right now. There have been more than a few articles about how Parsippany is using the PILOT program to develop new housing projects. Have the fire commissions been in contact with the Parsippany town council about collecting some sort of payment from those developers?

However, what this letter did attempt to do in my opinion is try to scare the residents into thinking that the volunteer members of the Mount Tabor Fire Department do not adequately protect them. Per the department’s website, they have 40+ active members, yet the commissions specifically chose to bold and italic the sentence telling you how a fire doubles in size every 30 seconds. While that statement is true, it only truly pertains to a fire in perfect conditions, i.e. NOT in a home or building with the doors and windows shut. Including that line was nothing but a fear tactic. If the commissions were truly worried about the lives and property of the tax-paying residents of the district they would be explaining with supporting facts and figures about how they have tried other options and this is the only feasible solution, instead of trying to scare you.

The Board of Fire Commissioners is holding a meeting on Wednesday, December 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tarn Drive Fire House located at 909 Tabor Road. I would encourage the tax-paying residents of District 1 to attend that meeting and ask these questions of your elected officials to make sure you agree with what they plan to increase your taxes for.

Stephen Cisco
Mount Tabor

Annual Holiday Party Celebrates Morris County CrimeStoppers’ Commitment to Community Safety

MORRIS COUNTY — The annual Holiday Party for the Morris County CrimeStoppers was held on Monday, December 11 at the Birchwood Manor.

The Morris County Sheriff’s CrimeStoppers is a non-profit organization operated by a board of commissioners and funded by business and private sector contributions.

Retired Dover Police Officer Harry Ruiz, Chief Warrant Officer Morris County Sheriff Officer Jack Ambrose, and Town of Dover Police Chief Jonathan Delaney

Board members are dedicated volunteer civilians who donate their time and effort in the fight against crime and share a common goal: they want to make Morris County as safe and secure as possible.

Designed to encourage the citizens of Morris County to assist law enforcement in solving and reducing crimes in our communities, the program provides an easy and anonymous mechanism for concerned citizens to report information relating to criminal activity…and offers cash rewards as an incentive.

Parsippany Focus Publisher Frank Cahill, Suzan Lucas Santiago, and Vice Chairman Commissioner Dr. Phillip Santiago
Parsippany’s Municipal Prosecutor Monica Madin and Parsippany-Troy Hills Council President Loretta Gragnani

The board of the Morris County Crime Stoppers consist of Chairman John Sette, Undersheriff Alan Robinson, Vice Chairman Commissioner Dr. Phillip Santiago, Secretary Commissioner Jill Blake, and Commissioners Bob Ackerman, Douglas Bell, Anthony Bucco, Sal Campo, John Centanni, Robert Cuozzo, Barbara Dawson, George Dredden III, Pat Frederiks, Peter Gilpatric, Desmond Lloyd Sr., Michael Luciano, Khaled Madin, Marc Marowitz, Adam Perna, Ronald Regen, David Rubin, John Sette Jr., William Strauss, Bill Wilkins, Sidney Williams, Christopher Zipp, Bradley Zwigard, Marilyn Cioffi, and David Rubin.  

Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Chief Assistant Prosecutor Bradford Seabury, Parsippany Municipal Monica Madin, and John Paul Velez, Partner at Arbore Velez

A presentation about the CrimeStoppers program is available for the public, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Morris County Sheriff’s Office at (973) 285-6681 to arrange a presentation.

For more information visit copcall.org, or click here to submit a tip.

Retired Mountain Lakes Police Corporal Samuel Trimble and Morris County Sheriff James Gannon
Jennifer Vuotto, Esq., Lisa C. Thompson, Esq., Parsippany Focus Publisher Frank Cahill and Parsippany Municipal Prosecutor and Managing Partner in Madin and Madin Law Monica Madin