PARSIPPANY — It was a beautiful Thanksgiving morning, the sun was shining and the temperature mild, as Knoll West Country Club Manager, Kypros “Kip” Andreou, and his staff arrived very early at Parsippany’s gorgeous Knoll West County Club and Catering to begin preparations for over 200 individual Thanksgiving dinners that were to be generously donated to those in need throughout the community.

As Chef Peter Kypriamou and Jonathan Vicari began the demanding kitchen preparations for such an event, other necessary duties, such as setting up, boxing each individual meal, and making sure the delivery lists were in order fell upon volunteers, Jorge Manzo and Steve Aimutis, while General Manager Andreou coordinated the operations.

Each meal consisted of a nice-sized portion of Turkey (naturally), stuffing, mashed potatoes, cauliflower & broccoli, salad, gravy, and cranberries. A meal is sure to make the recipient’s holiday a little brighter.

The event was coordinated between Knoll West C.C. Catering, Saint Peter the Apostle Church, and the Parsippany United Methodist Church, who helped create the list of recipients. A steady stream of volunteers, those who were delivering meals throughout the community, as well as individuals picking up their own dinners, kept the Knoll staff busy. The distribution lasted between 10:00 a.m. and noon and ran like a well-oiled machine.
Mr. Andreou noted that it was with the assistance of such companies as Baldor Specialty Foods, out of the Bronx, N.Y., and M&J Frank Restaurant Supplies, located in East Hanover, for their generous donations leading to the success of this much-appreciated community event.

All involved, the Knoll Catering staff, the volunteers, and anyone who contributed in any way clearly enjoyed and took great satisfaction in being a part of a giving-back community event such as this. After all, isn’t assisting those, our neighbors and friends, who are in need of some assistance, part of what this holiday, and what our community is all about?