PARSIPPANY — Recently, Republican candidates gathered at Morris County Republican Club to start canvassing the town to get their message out to voters.

At the meeting, Parsippany-Troy Hills Council candidates included Matt McGrath, Adam Kandil, and Paul Carifi, Jr.,
As the primary election on June 6th approaches, you will likely notice increased political campaigning in Parsippany. This includes frequent candidate appearances, an uptick in political signage throughout the town, and a higher volume of campaign literature, such as mailers, distributed to residents via mail and door-to-door.

Political campaigning often involves various strategies, such as door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, social media outreach, and advertising, to persuade voters to support a particular candidate or party. Ultimately, the success of a political campaign depends on various factors, including the candidate’s platform, messaging, and the effectiveness of their campaign strategies.
It appears that several elected officials also attended the Saturday morning gathering. Assemblyman Brian Bergen, Jay Webber, Senator Joe Pennachio, and Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi. It is common for political figures to attend these types of gatherings to show support for their party and fellow candidates, as well as to engage with voters and discuss important issues in the community.
Senator Joe Pennachio will be challenged by Thomas Mastrangelo; Assemblyman Jay Webber and Brian Beregn are being challenged by Robert Peluso and BettyLou deCroce. Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi is not being challenged in the primary. Morris County Commissioner Tayfun Selen is being challenged by Paul DeGroot.
Gary Martin and Danny Desai are challenging Paul Carifi, Jr., Adam Kandil, and Matthew McGraft for Parsippany-Troy Hills Council.