PARSIPPANY — Free blood pressure checks, advice on prevention and preparedness, low cost on-site eye exams, free chiropractic and fall risk screenings were just a few of the many offerings for Parsippany residents at the fourth annual community-wide health fair held at the Parsippany PAL Youth Center, 33 Baldwin Road, on Saturday, March 24.

Participants were offered a wide variety of free services, ranging from cancer screenings to helpful tips on fire prevention, first aid, CPR and disaster preparedness, compliments of the Parsippany-Troy Hills Education Association.
Participating exhibitors included:
–Parsippany-Troy Hills Health Department: Literature and advice about EMS, pest control, general information, questions & answers.
-St. Clare’s Hospital: Free blood pressure checks, fall risk screenings, ambulance with EMT personnel, general information, Q&A;
-Source of Health: Free chiropractic consultation and spinal pre-screening;
-American Red Cross: Information and advice about first aid, CPR and disaster preparedness;
-Garden State Chiropractic Society: Information and advice of chiropractic care. Free spinal screening.
-Parsippany Fire Prevention: Information, safety tips, literature;
-American Cancer Society: Information about cancer screenings;
-Community Blood Services: Full blood drive, blood pressure check, blood type ID.
-Optical Academy: Discounted eye exams and eyewear