PARSIPPANY — Sons of Italy Lodge 2561 recently donated to The Valerie Fund. Accepting a check from Sons of Italy President Joseph Jannarone, Jr. is Bella Rocco, Parsippany. The Sons of Italy has been supporting The Valerie Fund for a number of years
The Valerie Fund’s mission is to provide support for the comprehensive health care of children with cancer and blood disorders.
The Valerie Fund is a not-for-profit organization established in 1976 in memory of nine-year-old Valerie Goldstein by her parents, Ed and Sue.
Families turn to The Valerie Fund because of the unique combination of medical care, counseling, and other services it provides. The Valerie Fund Children’s Centers comprise the largest network of healthcare facilities for children with cancer and blood disorders in New Jersey, and one of the largest in the nation. They host over 25,000 patient visits each year.

The Valerie Fund Walk and JAG Physical Therapy 5K will be held on Saturday, June 9 starting at 8:00 a.m. at Verona Park, corner of Bloomfield Avenue and Lakeside Avenue, Verona.
You can join Bella Rocco at the 5K by clicking here.
2018 will mark the 10 year Anniversary of Bella’s Bunch. TEN YEARS of family, friends and our community coming together to support this amazing cause. TOGETHER Bella’s Bunch has raised over $50,000 and counting for these warrior kids that continue to fight the fight! Walk for every kid in a green shirt and every parent that is part of the club that we never signed up for. Three surgeries later Bella continues to be monitored on a regular basis never knowing what the next MRI will bring but confident that no matter what, together we will keep pushing forward to get through anything thrown her way. She has always been and always will be in my eyes a Rock Star, a shining example of perseverance, strength, and fearlessness. Walk with us! Run with us! Donate with us!
The MRIs and doctors visits continue but thank god they have remained uneventful, just the way we like it. Her support for The Valerie Fund continues and has become a welcomed tradition with many friends and families that join us year after year.
Bella has set a goal to raise $5,000 this year for The Valerie Fund.
The Valerie Fund relies on the dollars raised to help the children who live in our community. The Walk and 5K Run will support our mission to provide comprehensive health care for children with cancer and blood disorders. Every step you walk or run and every dollar you raise helps at The Valerie Fund Centers. Patients receive far more than treatment for their physical illnesses. Our philosophy is that to truly heal the children with whose care we are entrusted, we must treat them emotionally, socially, and developmentally, as well as medically.