PARSIPPANY — Pancakes. Pancakes. Pancakes. That was the word on the street on Tuesday, February 27 when IHOP, Parsippany, participated in the 13th Annual National Pancake Day. Anyone that stopped in, received a a free short stack of pancakes.
Mo Abdelhadi, co-owner of the Parsippany IHOP said, “We gave away over 3,800 pancakes, and the best part is we were able to raise $10,210.00 which will be donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, for use of our local children.”
They gave away 1,283 short stacks, or 3,849 pancakes. But there was a purpose of National Pancake Day. IHOP’s signature philanthropic event, IHOP National Pancake Day and all related activities directly benefit charities dedicated to finding cures and eradicating life-threatening diseases that affect children and families, including Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Parsippany’s goal was to raise $10,000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

Parsippany IHOP has been very active in donating to local organizations and families.
Parsippany IHOP owners Mo and Sobhy Abdelhadi will be opening up their fourth location early Spring 2018 in Cedar Knolls at the Hanover Crossings. (click here for story) They currently have locations in Elizabeth, Ramsey and Parsippany.