MORRIS COUNTY — After more than two decades of service to the 11th Congressional District, Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen has announced today that he will not run for reelection this year. Congressman Frelinghuysen dedicated his life to serving his constituents and his country, and for that we should all be grateful. We thank him for his service both as a member of our military and for the many decades he spent in the state legislature and congress.
For years, he represented this district in Washington as a moderate Republican, but as the Republican party moved further to the right and as he ascended in leadership, so did he. Over the past few years, Congressman Frelinghuysen seems to have given up representing his constituents, and chosen instead to represent the far-right Republican Party, led by Speaker Paul Ryan and President Trump.
The brand of Republican politics championed by President Trump and many other leaders in the Republican party has worked to drive out moderates like Congressman Frelinghuysen, and to weaken their own party.
With Frelinghuysen out of the running, it is time for Morris County Democrats to elect a candidate who can truly represent the changing 11th District and not just the far right and President Trump.
Mikie Sherrill is proving that she is exactly what our district needs. As a former Navy pilot and federal prosecutor, Sherrill has a wealth of experience that makes her an exceptional candidate to represent our district. Since she entered the race in early 2017, she visited constituents all over the district, while Congressman Frelinghuysen hid from them. She will be a moderate voice for a moderate district, but also hold Donald Trump and the far right accountable for their actions.
Over the past three years alone, the Morris County Democratic Committee has picked up 20 municipal seats without losing any of our previously held seats. This year, the Democratic Party is stronger than ever before. We are ready to pick up even more municipal seats in 2018, and they are looking forward to picking up the 11th Congressional seat this November.