PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Hills High School held their annual Halloween at the Hills on Friday, October 28, sponsored by the Student Council. Elementary aged students enjoyed a night of games, trick or treating through classrooms, arts and crafts and a wide variety of activities by the Student Council.
The Student Council is responsible for the organization and execution of many school-wide events that promote spirit while also raising money for the NJASC State Charity. The advisors to the Student Council are George Clark and Elizabeth Mejia.
Key Club is a community service organization recognized not only across the nation but also internationally.

The Key Club at Parsippany Hills High School works to give back to all sectors of the community from kids to senior citizens. In addition, they work with acclaimed organizations such as March of Dimes, UNICEF, and Big Brother Big Sister.
This is such a great community event and the decorations and costumes were amazing.
It was an amazing event and how PHHS students and teachers came up with such great themes for all of the rooms and dedicated so much time decorating and just making this such a special night for so many Parsippany children.
Clubs participating this year were Student Council, DECA, Drama Club, Interact, Key Club, Asian American Club, ICC, Peer Buddies, ERASE, African American Club, Sophomore Steer, FCCLA, Anime Club, French Club and HAHS.
Pizza and water was on sale in the Cafeteria and canned food was being collected by the Interact Club. The Junior Class was selling Halloween plush ghosts to raise funds.
Editors Note: A update has been made to this article, as the Student Council planned, organized and hosted this event. Previous article mentioned it was hosted by the Key Club.