PARSIPPANY — On Tuesday, October 18, several employees of NJ Manufacturer Insurance volunteered to teach economic principles to students from kindergarten through fifth grade at Northvail Elementary School. Each volunteer was assigned to his or her own classroom using a curriculum that was activity-based, grade-specific, using real-world perspectives within the lessons.

Junior Achievement is part of the world’s largest non profit organization dedicated to bringing curriculum lessons to classrooms that introduce financial literacy and career and economic readiness through trained volunteers. The program emphasizes social studies, reading, mathematics, and writing skills while supporting the Common Core State Standards. The program reflects a hierarchy of economic concepts, beginning with the kindergarten focus of “Ourselves,” and concluding with “Our Nation,” in fifth grade.
Principal Jeff Martens, with the cooperation of Alicia Fusco from the Junior Achievement Organization, were instrumental in bringing this worthwhile event to Northvail.