PARSIPPANY— A Parsippany man was arrested on Monday, June 15, with 750 glassine envelopes of heroin in the Sixth Ward, Paterson, according to Passaic County Sheriff Richard Berdnik.
Ricky Moncion, 33, Parsippany, was arrested on drug charges following a surveillance operation, authorities said. Detectives observed Moncion as he exited his 2003 Lexus in the Sixth Ward, Paterson. He entered a black Range Rover occupied by Edwin Acosta, 33, Woodland Park.
Authorities said the 750 glassines valued at $3,000 was recovered from Moncion’s trunk.
Detectives located $16,530 inside a shoe box in the back seat of Acosta’s vehicle, Berdnik said.
“The large quantity of money found in the rear of Acosta’s vehicle was seized, as suspected proceeds from illegal activity and he was released pending further investigation, additional charges are possible,” Berdnik said.
Moncion was transported to the Paterson Police Department’s holding cell pending bail.Acosta was brought into headquarters for further investigation and was not charged at this time, according to the report.
Sheriff Berdnik said charges are possible against Acosta.