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Letter to the editor: Vote for the Future of Morris Team


Dear Editor,

On Tuesday, June 4 Republican Voters have a critical decision to make.  Do we want to continue to support the incumbents  who raise our taxes and support special interests who finance their campaigns or do we want candidates who will do what is right for the citizens of Parsippany and the County. Well I think most of us our tired of giving money to special interests which is why I am supporting The Future of Morris Team. Don Dinsmore, Will Felegi, and Cathy Winterfield for Morris County Freeholders.

The future of Morris Team will represent the people of Morris County. They will keep our taxes in line, maintain services, improve oversight which will lead to stimulating the economy. They will also do what is right for the Township of Parsippany.

For too long our Township has been ignored by the current Freeholder administration.

We provide more tax dollars to the county than any of the other municipalities and we are getting very little back in return.  Please join me on Tuesday, June 4 to support the ticket of Donald Dinsmore, Will Felegi and Cathy Winterfield.

Eric Densmore

Relay for Life of Morris County raises $70,204.32

Survivor and Caregiver Lap

PARSIPPANY — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is the world’s largest and most impactful fundraising event to end cancer. It unites communities across the globe to celebrate people who have battled all types of cancer, remember our loved ones lost, and take action to help find a cure…and these events won’t stop until we finish the fight against cancer once and for all!

The 2019 American Cancer Society Relay for Life Morris County took place on Saturday, May 18, at the Parsippany Hills High School.

At the time of this article, Saving The World One Cure At A Time was the top team raising $8,025.08; Karen DeChristopher was the top individual, raising $6,756.00 and Western Pest was the top company raising $7,981.00, raising a total of $70,204.32. Their goal is $90,000.00. It’s not too late to donate. Click here to make your donation to the Relay For Life Morris County.

Sean Ries, Hannah Cerullo, and Emma Wyman

This year’s event was dedicated to Sean Ries, Hannah Cerullo, and Emma Wyman.  All three of these superheroes have battled a form of pediatric cancer and are our inspirations for this year’s Relay For Life event!  A portion of proceeds from this year’s event is being directly fed into pediatric cancer research.

The Relay For Life is a community event where teams and individuals come together to honor, celebrate, and raise funds and awareness in an effort to free the world from the pain and suffering of cancer. There are three points to every Relay for Life Event, Celebrate, Remember, and Fight Back. The celebration portion includes a special dinner for any cancer Survivor and their Caregiver. The remembrance portion includes a moving Luminaria Ceremony in which friends and loved-ones lost to cancer are remembered.  The entire event is a way of fighting back against cancer by raising the much needed funds.  93% of the money raised will help the American Cancer Society provide free information and support for people facing the disease today, and fund continuous cancer research that will help protect future generations from all types of cancer.

The Luminaria Ceremony occurs at every Relay For Life event. As the sun sets, luminaria lining the track light up the night. A hush falls over the crowd that had been overflowing with celebration. Relay For Life participants, survivors, and caregivers then gather to remember loved ones lost to cancer and to honor those whose fight continues.

Karen DeChristopher explained “The Empty Table.”  She said “We call your attention to the small table that occupies a place of dignity and honor. It is set for one, symbolizing the fact that some of our loved ones are missing from this gathering. They have been diagnosed with cancer, and they are some of the names and faces behind luminaries.

The chair is empty. Many of those who fought the battle with cancer are no longer with us, but rather than mourning their loss, we choose to celebrate their life.

These people are unable to be with their loved ones and families now, so let us join together to recognize and honor them, and to bear witness to their struggle and their memory.

The table is small, symbolizing the frailty of a single patient, sometimes alone in the fight against his or her disease.

The tablecloth is white, symbolic of the medical profession: doctors, nurses, and researchers who help fight the battle for life.

The single rose in the vase signifies the enduring love of their families and friends and the strength of a patients’ will to fight the disease that ultimately claimed many of them.

The pink ribbon on the vase represents the ribbons worn on the lapels of millions who support a continued search for a cure not only for breast cancer, but for other cancers as well — cancers that are expected to kill over half a million people in the United States this year.

A slice of lemon on the plate reminds us of the bitter battle against a deadly disease, a battle fought by more than 1.3 million new patients each year.

The salt sprinkled on the plate reminds us of the countless tears of personal anguish shed by the patient and those shed by family members and friends who have lost a loved one.

The glass is inverted in memory of those people who are not here to join our celebration of successes.

But, the lantern represents the light of hope that lives in the hearts of all of us — hope represented by cancer survivors and the hope for a cure discovered as a result of the detailed work of the medical profession made able through funds generated through events such as Relay For Life.”

It’s not too late to donate. Click here to make your donation to the Relay For Life Central Morris team.

Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce to host “Business Networking Soiree”


PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a “Business Networking Soirée” on Wednesday, May 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Mountain Lakes Club, 16 Lake Road, Mountain Lakes.

Among the businesses featuring their products and services will be Staples, ADP, Tito’s Burritos & Wings, Kiwanis International and Mary Kay products.

The Wellness Gala will be offering complimentary “mini sessions” with experts in the fields of Health, Beauty & Wellness. Experience unlimited sessions to reduce stress, massage, reiki, executive and life coaching, Bemer, intuitive readings and more!

The event is free and open to the general public, but registration is required. Click here to register.

Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce just released it newest “Guide to Greater Parsippany Area Businesses, Residents and Visitors. Copies of the directories are available in PACC’s visitor brochure racks located at Applebee’s Grill and Bar, Parsippany; IHOP, Parsippany; IHOP, Boonton and Boonton Station 1904. Copies are also available at Parsippany Municipal Building, Parsippany Community Center, Parsippany Police Station, Parsippany Libraries and Foodtown, North Beverwyck Road. You can view a digital copy by clicking here.

PACC is a service organization for businesses, merchants, residents, and volunteers that provides education, information, and networking opportunities to the Parsippany Area. We work with our local and county governments and stand ready to pursue any matter that can make our community a better place in which to live, conduct business, and make a living. We promote a healthy and more prosperous economic climate.

For more information contact Frank Cahill, Executive Board Member, at (973) 402-6400, or visit

Girl Scouts place flags on graves in Vail Memorial Cemetery


PARSIPPANY — Ever wonder how the flags get into the cemetery just before Memorial Day? The Girl Scouts were out placing flags on graves in Vail Memorial Cemetery.

The girls even took a picture of the map of the graves in Vail Memorial Cemetery and now can find their graves of the fallen buried there on their phone.

The Vail Memorial Cemetery is located at the corner of Route 46 and Vail Road.

The Vail Memorial Cemetery at Parsippany Presbyterian Church is a historic cemetery dating nearly 300 years. Including graves of veterans from nearly every major war the United States has been a part of, Vail Cemetery has a long history of celebrating our heroes. Predating the American Revolution, the site is a favorite of genealogists and historians.

The Cemetery is currently still in active use.

Click here to view the headstones of the graves.

“Click It or Ticket” campaign in effect

Parsippany-Troy Hills Police. File Photo

PARSIPPANY — Law enforcement officers from the Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department will join with police from around the country in cracking down on unbuckled motorists and passengers as part of the national “Click it or Ticket” campaign.

Beginning Monday, May 20 and running through Sunday, June 2, the annual “Click It or Ticket” national mobilization utilizes high visibility seat belt checkpoints and saturation patrols, in combination with local and national publicity efforts, to reiterate the life-saving value of seat belts.

During the 2018 “Click it or Ticket” campaign, 357 New Jersey police agencies participated in the two-week initiative. As a result of the effort, law enforcement officers issued 19,659 seat belt citations, 4,437 speeding summonses and made 661 impaired driving arrests.

Why Buckle Up?
-Studies show seat belts do save lives and reduce injuries during crashes.
-Seat belts work with air bags to protect occupants. Air bags alone are not enough to safeguard occupants.
-In New Jersey, an average of 131 unrestrained motor vehicle drivers and passengers are killed in crashes each year.
-Seat belts saved almost 15,000 lives during 2017 in the United States.
-Seat belt use in 2017 reached 89.6 percent, a significant increase from 84 percent in 2011 in the United States.
-In 2017, 37,133 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes in the United States. Forty-seven percent were unrestrained at the time of the crash
-More than 1,500 unbuckled motor vehicle occupants died on New Jersey’s roadways in the past 10 years.
-NHTSA has estimated that child safety seats reduce the risk of fatal injury by 71 percent for infants (younger than 1 year old) and by 54 percent for toddlers (ages 1 to 4 years) in passenger cars.

Letter to editor: Response to Board of Ed Negotiations Team


parsippany focus Dear Editor,

Having just read the statement by the Board of Education Negotiations Team, I feel compelled as a parent to respond.  My letter is not to take a stance as to what the final outcome should be but rather about the tone of this statement.

To describe requests by the teachers or union as “irresponsible” and to characterize teachers’ behavior as using our children as “pawns” is not acceptable.  How does such language pave the way for smooth and civil negotiations?  This language also seems to be encouraging a rift between parents and teachers, which could only harm our children, who are in need of us building a strong school community and working alliances.

I have no doubt that Board members are losing time with family as a result of these meetings;  teachers are, too.  Nobody is winning.  Negotiations require both sides to abandon the concept of “winning”.  It’s time to model what we expect of our children via compromise and language that avoids defensiveness and further division.

I do not envy any parties involved their task of negotiating the complex issues involved in these negotiations.  I also appreciate the time and energy volunteers put into bettering our community.  I sincerely hope that the next statement we receive is one announcing successful compromise.

Christina Liparini

2017 Nissan Rogue stolen from Fairview Place

File photo

PARSIPPANY — On Friday, May 17, Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Patrol Officer D. DeMuro responded to a residence on Fairview Place for a reported motor vehicle theft. Upon his arrival, he spoke to the victim who advised him that between 3:30 a.m. and 7:51 a.m., an unknown suspect stole their 2017 Nissan Rogue.

The victim believed that the keys were left in it, along with two wallets.

This incident remains under investigation and anyone with information is asked to contact the Parsippany Police Department Investigative Division at (973) 263-4311.

Hanover Police arrest Parsippany resident on active warrant


HANOVER TOWNSHIP — Hanover Township Police Officer Josh Williams arrested Mr. Matthew Ollerenshaw, 33, Parsippany, for active warrants, on Saturday, May 11.

Mr. Ollerenshaw was originally stopped for a motor vehicle violation when the warrant was discovered.

Mr. Ollerenshaw was able to post bail and was released.

Letter to Parsippany Parents and Community Members

Dr. Frank A. Calabria Education Center

PARSIPPANY — As members of the Parsippany Board of Education’s PTHEA negotiations team, we would like to take the opportunity to tell you – we hear you.

We are neighbors, parents, and volunteers in this community. We have children and grandchildren in Parsippany elementary, middle, and high schools. Our children hear what the teachers are saying about negotiations and have been affected as much by the teachers’ job actions as your families have.

We were elected to represent all students, all staff, and all community members while also ensuring that the District is operated in a fiscally responsible manner – not just this year, not just next year, but for many years to come. As part of the negotiations team we are conducting ourselves with those obligations in mind. We listen to teachers tell us the misinformation that is being relayed to them by their negotiations team. The PTHEA team has accused the Board/Administration for months of delaying a contract. It simply isn’t true. The PTHEA’s team has come to these negotiations sessions unprepared – using incorrect information and not accepting it was incorrect until it was confirmed to them by the mediator and their NJEA representative. They’ve arrived at mediations without proposals to discuss causing the Board’s team to sit for hours while missing our children’s and grandchildren’s functions.

The PTHEA has made it clear that they expect the Board to bring their net pay back to where it was before they started contributing for their healthcare. This is fiscally impossible and an irresponsible request. While the Board has offered significant relief from Chapter 78 contributions, it cannot return to a no-cost contribution toward health insurance premiums. The Board has offered a cap on the percentage contribution which is lower than what many of our most senior staff pay. The Board cannot again cut programs, services, and staff in remedying a cost imposed by the State – not the District. Net pay is not controlled by the Board or the District; it is controlled at the individual level, and the Board proposals give each employee options that can increase their net pay. Our negotiations team has given the PTHEA proposals that would:

● Provide salary raises consistent with the County average
● Increase health insurance options – with only employee voluntary changes
● Cap teacher health insurance contribution rates lower than is currently being paid by the majority of our teaching staff

Each of these items increases the annual cost to the District, so we have proposed a $5 prescription co-pay increase to help offset some of this cost. Even that concession has been rebuffed. The PTHEA’s proposals increase District expenses well in excess of the taxes raised, which means that other district expenses, programs, and services must be cut. We are very disappointed that the teachers have chosen to use the students as pawns in negotiations. While we personally support and respect the teachers in our District, refusing to support student’s activities as a stand for a “better” contract is simply wrong. The community, parents, and students have to come to expect and should continue to expect that the excellent education our children receive is not dependent upon whether their teachers are content with the status of negotiations. Negotiations are procedurally very complex and require both parties to work towards finding common ground.

The Board will not sacrifice students’ education or the present or future fiscal security of our District. Notwithstanding any disagreement about the process, we continue to be optimistic about reaching a contract that will be fair and reasonable to all parties.

Additional details of our offer and history of the negotiations can be found on the District website, by clicking here.

Alison Cogan – Chair, George Blair, Joseph Cistaro, Susy Golderer
Board of Education Negotiation Team

Mayor Soriano’s Puddingstone Area Town Hall 

Mayor Michael Soriano

PARSIPPANY — Join Mayor Soriano as he continues his Parsippany Town Hall series for the Glenmont, Skyview, and Puddingstone neighborhoods on Monday, June 17.

Doors to the Puddingstone Community Center will open at 6:30 p.m. and the Mayor and his panel will begin at 7:00 p.m.

If you have any questions, please call the Mayor’s Action Center at (973) 263-4262.

Centenary University Celebrates 144th Commencement

Stephen M. Somers

MORRIS COUNTY — Stephen M. Somers, owner and president of Vigon International, a leading manufacturer within the flavor and fragrance industry, delivered the keynote address at Centenary University’s 144th commencement on Saturday, May 11. The ceremony was held under a large tent on Anderson Field on the University’s Hackettstown campus.

Somers, who was awarded an honorary doctor of humane letters at the event, has been recognized as the E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year in manufacturing for the greater Philadelphia area, and his firm recently earned its third consecutive spot on the “Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” list compiled by the National Association for Business Resources. A part owner of the New York Yankees Triple A team, Somers and his wife, Sharon, are the lead donors of Centenary’s new baseball complex dubbed “Our Diamond of Dreams.” He holds a master’s degree in analytical chemistry from St. John’s University and a bachelor’s degree in organic chemistry from St. Joseph’s College.

During the ceremony, 505 graduates received associate, bachelor’s and graduate degrees. A hooding ceremony for students earning graduate degrees, including the University’s first doctoral class, was held on Wednesday, May 8, in the Sitnik Theatre. The Class of 2019 included graduates from Centenary’s main campus in Hackettstown, as well as the School of Professional Studies in Parsippany and Edison.

River Vale resident Milissa Plescia was valedictorian of the Class of 2019. She is the first non-traditional, adult student to earn this distinction in University history. The business administration major this year celebrates 30 years of working at BASF, where she is currently an administrative associate to the senior vice president of human resources North America. The mother of three attended classes at Centenary’s School of Professional Studies and graduated summa cum laude.

During the ceremony, the University also recognized Caitlin C. Wigger of Clifton Park, N.Y., and Christine DeLuca of Netcong with the Welsh Prize for academic excellence. A double major in equine studies: pre-vet and biology, Wigger was recognized with the Welsh Prize for traditional students and delivered a graduate reflection on behalf of undergraduates. She is a summa cum laude graduate. DeLuca received the Welsh Prize for non-traditional students. She earned her degree in business administration summa cum laude, attending classes at Centenary’s School of Professional Studies. In addition, Melissa Coleman of Hardwick, N.J., presented a graduate reflection on behalf of master’s candidates, while Rev. Najee S. Evans of Hillside, another member of the Class of 2019, delivered the benediction.

The Centenary University Distinguished Teaching Award was presented to Kris Gunawan, Ph.D., of Hackettstown, assistant professor of psychology. Dr. Gunawan has taught at Centenary for three years, and has earned the respect of his colleagues and students at the University. He received his doctorate from the University of Nevada, master’s and undergraduate degrees from California State University, and an associate degree from Mt. San Antonio College in California.

The Joel A. Kobert Award for Teaching, which recognizes an adjunct professor for teaching excellence, was awarded to James Stone, an adjunct professor in the Centenary University Department of Business. A resident of Randolph, he is a certified public accountant who earned undergraduate degrees from Fairleigh Dickinson University and Biscayne College/St. Thomas University in Florida. He is a vice president for BASF Americas.

Founded in 1867 by the Newark Conference of the United Methodist Church, Centenary University’s academic program integrates a solid liberal arts foundation with a strong career orientation. This mix provides an educational experience that prepares students to succeed in the increasingly global and interdependent world. The University’s main campus is located in Hackettstown, with its equestrian facility in Washington Township. The Centenary University School of Professional Studies offers degree programs at two locations, Parsippany and Edison, as well as online and at corporate sites throughout New Jersey.

ICE arrests thirteen in four-day surge effort

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NORTH JERSEY — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested thirteen immigration violators in New Jersey during a four-day surge effort that targeted aliens who have been issued a final order of removal in the past five years, have failed to depart the United States, and have received criminal convictions or have pending criminal charges.


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“As this operation clearly demonstrates, ICE continues to focus its efforts first on public safety threats,” said ERO Newark Field Office Director John Tsoukaris. “The vast majority of the individuals targeted in this effort have criminal offenses in addition to their immigration violations, making them among the highest priority for enforcement.”

On Monday, May 13, ICE arrested an unlawfully present citizen of El Salvador, with prior convictions for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon/bodily injury.

On Tuesday, May 14, ICE arrested an unlawfully present citizen of Ecuador, who has a pending assault / domestic violence charge.

On Wednesday, May 15, ICE arrested an unlawfully present citizen of Jamaica, who has a prior firearms-related offense.

On Thursday, May 16, ICE arrested an unlawfully present citizen of Mexico who has a pending simple assault/domestic violence charge and two DUI convictions.

All four individuals have been ordered removed by a federal immigration judge.

Some of the individuals arrested during this operation will face federal criminal prosecution for illegal reentry after removal. The arrestees who are not being federally prosecuted will be processed administratively for removal from the United States. Those who have outstanding orders of removal, or who returned to the United States illegally after being removed, are generally subject to immediate removal from the country. The remaining individuals are in ICE custody awaiting a hearing before an immigration judge or pending travel arrangements for removal.

In FY2018, ERO arrested 158,581 aliens, 90% of whom had criminal convictions (66%), pending criminal charges (21%), or previously issued final orders of removal (3%). The overall arrest figure represents an 11% increase over FY2017. In FY2018, ERO removed 256,086 illegal aliens, reflecting an increase of 13% over FY2017. The majority of removals (57%) were convicted criminals. Additionally, 5,914 of the removed illegal aliens were classified as either known or suspected gang members or terrorists, which is a 9% increase over FY2017.

Editor’s Note: The arrest statistics provided represent preliminary data that has been manually reported by an ICE Field Office and may vary from official agency metrics contained in ICE’s system of record. Because ICE’s official metrics are reported by Area of Responsibility (AOR), they may differ in content and level of detail from data that has been manually reported by a Field Office.

Another shoplifter at Target

File Photo

PARSIPPANY — On Thursday, May 16 at 1:23 p.m., Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Officers responded to Target, 1157 Route 46, on a reported shoplifter who was stopped by store security.

Upon their arrival, they spoke with Loss Prevention personnel who advised them that they observed Ms. Jamie Delaney, 22, Sparta, place various pieces of merchandise in her purse and attempt to exit the store without paying.

Loss Prevention personnel advised Patrol Officer P. Parisi that the merchandise she attempted to shoplift is worth $139.99.

Ms. Delaney was placed under arrest and transported to Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Headquarters for processing.

While there, she was charged with Shoplifting, a Disorderly Persons Offense and one count of Fourth Degree Contempt of a Judicial Order.

During the investigation she was also found to be in Contempt of a Judicial Order.

She was transported to the Morris County Correctional Facility pending her initial court appearance.

Editor’s Note: An arrest or the signing of a criminal complaint is merely an accusation.  Despite this accusation, the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until he or she has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Parsippany resident charged with DWI

File Photo

PARSIPPANY — On Monday, May 13 at 1:17 a.m. Parsippany-Troy Hills Patrol Officer R. Taylor was patrolling Parsippany Road when he observed a 2000 Ford Ranger commit a motor vehicle violation.

He conducted a motor vehicle stop and made contact with the driver, Mr. Wilner Romero-Rodriguez, 45, Parsippany.

While speaking to Mr. Romero-Rodriguez, Officer Taylor detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from him, along with observing empty Corona beer bottles inside the vehicle.

After a brief investigation, he was placed under arrest for driving while intoxicated and transported to police headquarters for processing. While there, he was charged with Driving While Intoxicated, Driving While Suspended, Failure to Maintain Lane, Reckless Driving, Open Container of an Alcoholic Beverage in a Motor Vehicle, Failure to Provide Driver’s License and Unlicensed Driver.

He was released on his own recognizance pending his court date.

Editor’s Note: An arrest or the signing of a criminal complaint is merely an accusation.  Despite this accusation, the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until he or she has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Jewelry stolen in home burglary on Glencove Road


PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Officers responded to a residence on Glencove Road for a reported burglary.

Upon their arrival, they spoke to the caller in the driveway. After a brief investigation, it was determined that the unknown suspect(s) shattered the rear sliding glass door to gain entry into the residence. Officers found the bedroom was ransacked by the unknown suspect(s). The burglary occurred between 5:45 p.m. and 9:40 p.m. on Friday, May 10.

The victim reported that multiple pieces of jewelry were stolen.

This incident remains under investigation and anyone with information is asked to contact the Parsippany Police Department Investigative Division at (973) 263-4311.

Burglary to parked vehicle at Inn Crowd

File Photo

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Patrol Officer D. Spadavecchia responded to the Inn Crowd for a reported vehicle burglary.

Upon his arrival, the caller advised him that a 2017 Ford Escape parked on the property was burglarized. After a brief investigation, it was determined that an unknown suspect shattered the driver’s side window.

The burglary is believed to have occurred between Thursday, May 9 and Friday, May 10.

This incident remains under investigation and anyone with information is asked to contact the Parsippany Police Department Investigative Division at (973) 263-4311.

Middle School Principal Charged With Attempted Sexual Assault

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DENVILLE — Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp, Acting Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Chief of Investigations Christoph Kimker and Chief Frank Perna of the Denville Township Police Department announce that Paul Iantosca, 52, of Randolph, has been charged with one count of Luring in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:13-6(a), a crime of the second degree, one count of Attempted Sexual Assault in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:5-1(a)(1)/2C:14-2(c(3)(b), a crime of the second degree; and one count of Endangering the Welfare of a Child, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C: 24-4(a)1, a crime of the third degree. Iantosca is the Principal at Valleyview Middle School in Denville.

These charges relate to actions Mr. Iantosca is alleged to have engaged in with a 16 year old former student.  The defendant was charged and is currently lodged at the Morris County Correctional Facility in accordance with Criminal Justice Reform.  No further information will be released at this time.

Prosecutor Knapp would like to thank the Denville Township Police Department and the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Sex Crimes/Child Endangerment Unit, whose efforts contributed to the investigation of the matter.

Anyone with information relating to these or any related incident is asked to call Detective Lydia Negron at the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office at (973) 285-6213 or Det. Scot Tobin at the Denville Police Department at (973) 627-4900 ext. 9.

Editor’s Note: An arrest or the signing of a criminal complaint is merely an accusation.  Despite this accusation, the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until he or she has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Morris County Teen Arts Festival at County College of Morris

County College of Morris Dance Professor Duncan Terence teaches a dance workshop to students from various Morris County Schools at the Morris County Teen Arts Festival held at CCM. Photo by Allison Ognibene
Seventh Grade Mount Olive Middle School student Marco DeLeon playing the upright bass at the Morris County Teen Arts Festival. Photo by Allison Ognibene

MORRIS COUNTY — The arts are alive in Morris County! County College of Morris (CCM) hosted the 39th annual Morris County Teen Arts Festival on Friday, May 17.  Over  1,500 students and a staff of 40 professional artists participated in performances, critiquing seminars and workshops in every discipline.  The festival disciplines included art, dance, design, drama, graphic design, music, music recording, musical theater, photography, video and writing.

The focus of the Teen Arts Festival is not on competition but on celebration. The goals of the activities is to help students: develop perceptual, intellectual, social and technical skills; gain cultural awareness and understanding; develop personal cultural and aesthetic values; and learn self-discipline, critical thinking and problem solving through analyzing, interpreting and making assessments.

Funding of the event was made possible in part by grands from Morris Arts through the  New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Department of State, Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, a gift from the Mayo Performing Arts Center and further support was made possible due to a generous contribution from Home Depot.

Mount Olive Middle School Jazz Band perform “Topsy” and “Blues Walk” in CCM’s Dragonetti Auditorium at the Morris County Teen Arts Festival. Photo by Allison Ognibene
The Morris County Teen Arts Festival Fine Arts best in show winner is “Portrait Triptych,” acrylic on wood, by Chatham High School Senior, Madi Blanchard. Photo by Allison Ognibene
Guests viewing the Visual Arts Gallery at the Morris County Teen Arts Festival held at County College of Morris. Photo by Allison Ognibene
Dover High School Choir getting ready to perform at the Morris County Teen Arts Festival held at County College of Morris. Photo by Allison Ognibene

JCP&L conducting Annual Vegetation Management


PARSIPPANY —  Jersey Central Power and Light will be conducting their Annual Vegetation Management Aerial Patrol beginning Monday, May 20 and Tuesday, May 21, weather permitting.

The pilot will be in communication with any local airports, when in their airspace. The helicopter will be flying at a speed of about 35-40 mph above or alongside the lines and may circle around for a closer inspection.


Rep. Sherrill Votes for the Equality Act

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill

PARSIPPANY — Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) voted in favor of H.R. 5, the Equality Act, to extend the anti-discrimination protections under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to LGBTQ Americans in housing, education, employment, credit, public accommodation, federal funding, and federal jury service. Representative Sherrill is an original co-sponsor of H.R. 5.

“New Jersey recognized the gaps in current federal law and took steps to ensure equal treatment for our LGBTQ community,” said Representative Mikie Sherrill. “But in more than 30 states across the country, LGBTQ individuals can still be fired from their jobs, or evicted from their homes, because of who they are. The Equality Act brings federal law into alignment with what we’ve done in New Jersey, and is an important reflection of our American values. I am proud to see the bipartisan support for this measure in the House.”

“While LGBTQ New Jerseyans enjoy commonsense legal protections against discrimination, 44% of LGBTQ Americans still live in states where it is legal to fire, deny housing, or refuse service to someone simply because of who they are or who they love,” said Christian Fuscarino, executive director of Garden State Equality. “Today’s passage of The Equality Act in the House is a historic step forward to ensuring equality under the law truly means equality for all, and I am proud that New Jersey’s congressional delegation is leading the way in championing civil rights for LGBTQ Americans across the nation.”

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