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Rainbow Lakes Community to hold Memorial Day Parade

Members of the Rainbow Lakes Fire Department

PARSIPPANY — Rainbow Lakes Community is holding their Memorial Day Parade on Saturday, May 25 starting 10:30 a.m.

The Parade starts at firehouse and ends at the ball field with a 11:00 a.m. Memorial Day Ceremony followed by 12:00 Noon open house at Rainbow Lakes Volunteer Fire Department.

CCM Holds 50th Commencement Ceremony

Class of 2019 at the County College of Morris 50th Commencement Ceremony

MORRIS COUNTY — County College of Morris (CCM) presented diplomas to the Class of 2019 on Friday, May 24, at Mennen Sports Arena during its historic 50th Commencement, with nearly 500 graduates participating in the 50th Anniversary ceremony.

The Class of 2019 includes approximately 1,400 students, many of who are transferring to top four-year institutions in New Jersey and across the nation to earn their bachelor’s degrees. The graduates received their diplomas in one of four degrees: Associate in Arts, Associate in Fine Arts, Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science. The graduates consisted of those who completed their studies between August 2018 and May 2019, and those who will complete their studies this coming August.

President of Morristown Medical Center Trish O’Keefe gives the keynote speech at the County College of Morris 50th Commencement Ceremony

Trish O’Keefe, Ph.D., RN, president of Morristown Medical Center (MMC), served as the keynote speaker. “The day I started at MMC as a bedside nurse, if someone had told me I would become president, I would not have believed it, but it only proves that hard work, committing to your goals one step at a time, dedication, and very long hours pay off,” said O’Keefe. “I know life will present each one of you with a series of opportunities – one step at a time. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself – commit to your journey.”

Also providing remarks was Douglas Cabana, director of the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders. “Today, as we look back at CCM at 50, this special day is a beginning for you of many special days as you move through life, whether you choose to continue your education, begin a career, become an entrepreneur, explore new territories, or try your hand at other new experiences,” said Cabana.

Dr. Anthony J. Iacono, CCM president, addresses the Class of 2019

During his remarks, CCM President Anthony J. Iacono spoke to the graduates about courage as he highlighted several students who completed their studies despite life’s challenges and obstacles.

Included among the students he highlighted were:

Amy Albin, of Morris Plains, who came to CCM from the Morris School District in the spring 2018 and in a year-and-a-half earned her associate degree with a perfect 4.0 GPA. A visually impaired student, she accomplished that, while “finding her way across CCM’s 220 acre campus, through more than a dozen buildings in good and bad weather.”

Paul Michael Corrente, Jr., of Roxbury, who earned his degree at the age of 15 because his mother recognized early on his advanced academic abilities and enrolled him at CCM first in the Challenger Program for high school students and then full-time as a college student.

Alejandra Linares Martinez, of Livingston, who came to CCM from Mexico on a student visa to study in the CCM’s design program. As a CCM student, she was inducted into the New Jersey All-State Academic Team for her success in the classroom and her contributions to the community.

Joaquin Mould, of Randolph, president of CMM’s chapter of the national honor society Phi Theta Kappa, who has lived and traveled around the world and “understands the meaning of courage by continuously embracing new cultures and people . . .”

“Be fearless in the pursuit of your goals and uncompromising of your values,” Iacono told the graduates. “Never stop learning and remember that success is not simply about doing things right but, more importantly, success requires the courage to do the right things. Your success is not for you alone – it is yours to help others through knowledge, skills, compassion and courage. Build a life, not a career.”

Trustee Chair Paul Licitra noted, “The awarding of your degree or certificate today is the result of your determination to live a life of meaning and contribution.”

Former Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen is presented with an honorary degree from Trustee Chair Paul Licitra (center) as President Emeritus Edward J. Yaw looks on

Now-retired Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen was presented with an honorary degree for his many years of service to the community and his support of education.

Standing with college tradition, the CCM Peace Prize was awarded at commencement. Nora Anton, of Randolph, was presented with the prize for the tile mosaic she created commemorating the “Survivor Tree” found at Ground Zero. The faculty mentor for her project was Professor Dorothy Salinas, Department of Biology and Chemistry. The creator of the winning entry each year receives a $1,000 award, provided by the CCM Foundation.

This is the 18th year the college has awarded its Peace Prize, which was administered this year by Professor Laura Driver from the Department of English and Philosophy.

Included among the colleges and universities members from the Class of 2019 will be attending next are Columbia University, Cornell University, Drew University, John J. College of Criminal Justice, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology,  Rutgers University, and other top schools across New Jersey and the nation.

Along with numerous 50th Anniversary celebrations, the Class of 2019 saw many significant accomplishments at the college during their educational journey. PayScale, three years in a row, has rated the college number one in New Jersey based on the earnings of CCM graduates. Professor Venancio “Venny” Fuentes, chair of the Department of Engineering Technologies and Engineering Science, was selected as the sole recipient of the 2018 Northeast Faculty Award from the Association of Community College Trustees. The college received a Best Practice Award from the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey and a Business Achievement Award from Randolph Township. Additionally, the New Jersey Council of County Colleges presented CCM Trustee Joseph Weisberg with its Trustee Leadership Award.

Parsippany Police Department Recognizes Stellar Speller Albin Mullan

Albin Mullan, all smiles after he embraced the winning title with the word “kaleidoscope” during Central Middle Schools Spelling Bee
Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Officer William Stone and Albin Mullan

PARSIPPANY — On Thursday, May 23 Officer William Stone visited Mrs. Hirsch’s eighth period Advanced English class at Central Middle School to honor eighth grader Albin Mullan for his stellar spelling abilities.

Albin, champion speller of the 2019 CMS Spelling Bee, is on his way to the Scripps National Spelling Bee which will be held right outside of Washington, DC.

There are 565 contestants, but Albin is only one of five from New Jersey. As he presented Albin with a check from Parsippany PBA Local 131, Officer Stone said, “Albin, we want you to know that the entire Police Department supports you and is behind you 100%. We are very proud of the fact that you are representing not only Central Middle School, but the entire school district, the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills and the State of New Jersey.”

While he was there, Officer Stone also shared with the class the trading card program whereby students can obtain trading cards simply by amiably approaching police officers in town and introducing themselves. The program is designed to foster more comfortable, congenial relations between young people and law enforcement. Prizes will be awarded to those young people who have accumulated the most cards. For more information click here.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee competition starts on Monday, May 27 and will continue through Thursday, May 30. Tuesday and Wednesday’s onstage competition will be televised on ESPN 3 and Thursday’s final round will be televised on ESPN 2. Go, Albin, Go!!

Letter to the Editor: Isabella Alfano reached a new low for Morris County Politics


Dear Editor:

My name is Ray Tahan. I have been a good friend of Heather Darling for many years and am also the President of the Rockaway Republican Club. I thought I had seen it all in politics, but the mean spirited and deeply personal attacks against Heather, by her opponent Isabella Alfano is a new low for Morris County.

I would like to set the record straight, since I was named in her attacks. Alfano’s entire campaign is nothing more than a distraction from her complete and utter lack of qualifications to be our Surrogate. From attacking Heather in a personal manner, to dragging Sheriff Rochford and myself into this, she has acted in a manner completely unbecoming of an elected official, or even a candidate worthy of consideration.

Further disqualifying her is the fact that she is also lying to the people of Morris County. She claims to have experience in Trusts and Estates by virtue of working for a specific employer when in reality she only worked in the travel department handling accounts payable. She confirmed to me she parted ways with the employer about a week before she entered the race and is currently unemployed. She has no bachelors or law degree or anything in her background that would lead a logical person to conclude that she would make a good Surrogate.

I know Heather to be a good and decent person, who is running for Surrogate to help the most vulnerable among us. She will work tirelessly and be a champion for the elderly and those with special needs and continue to be a constant presence in the community at events. I hope you will join me in voting for Heather Darling on Tuesday, June 4th.

Ray Tahan
Rockaway Township
May 24, 2019

Memorial Day Parade Route

File Photo

PARSIPPANY — On Monday, May 27, at 12:00 p.m. the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills will be holding their Memorial Day Parade on North Beverwyck Road.

At approximately 11:30 a.m., numerous roads will be blocked off to maintain a safe and secure parade route. Those roadways will be reopened by 3:00 p.m. Please see the diagram below for the parade route and road closures.

Residents of Knoll Gardens and Knoll Manor you will be able to access and leave your homes. All entry and exits from Knoll Gardens and Knoll Manor will be limited to the driveway at the very top of Van Wyk Road.

Due to the staging of the parade vehicles and marching bands along Knoll Road the very top driveway will be the only driveway which vehicles will be allowed to enter or exit from.

Please advise any guest that you may be expecting of this limited access as well.

All traffic exiting Knoll Gardens onto Knoll Road must make a left turn while the Parade vehicles/Marching Bands are staged on Knoll Road.

Additionally, there will be a police officer and barricades located at Knoll Road intersection with Lake Shore Drive/Greenbank Road. Kindly inform the officer that you are going to Knoll Gardens/Knoll Manor and not traveling through the closed parade area.

Also, advise any visitors that you may be expecting that they need to enter Knoll Gardens/Knoll Manor from Knoll Road and that they too must inform the officer stationed at Lake Shore Road/Greenbank Road that they are just visiting in Knoll Gardens/Knoll Manor.

If you are unfamiliar with the Top Exit/Entrance on Van Wyk Road, there will be signs/arrows posted to assist drivers in finding the exit.

In preparation of the Memorial Day Parade, there will be a temporary no parking restriction in place on the below roadways on Monday, May 27 between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

A) Knoll Road from Greenbank Road to North Beverwyck Road
B) North Beverwyck Road from Knoll Road to Vail Road
C) Lake Shore Drive from Madison Avenue to Dacotah Avenue
D) Katherine Drive from Knoll Road to North Beverwyck Road
E) Claudine Terrace from North Beverwyck Road to Crescent Drive
F) Crescent Drive from Claudine Terrace to Condit Avenue
G) Condit Avenue from North Beverwyck Road to Rockaway Place

Local Residents Initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi


MORRIS COUNTY — The following local residents were recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society.

Angela Barberio of Lake Hiawatha, was initiated at Kean University.

Brian Suscavage of Parsippany, was initiated at Kean University.

Patricia Kou of Parsippany, was initiated at The College of New Jersey.

These residents are among approximately 30,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year. Membership is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top 10 percent of seniors and 7.5 percent of juniors are eligible for membership. Graduate students in the top 10 percent of the number of candidates for graduate degrees may also qualify, as do faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction.

Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 under the leadership of undergraduate student Marcus L. Urann who had a desire to create a different kind of honor society: one that recognized excellence in all academic disciplines. Today, the Society has chapters on more than 300 campuses in the United States and the Philippines. Its mission is “To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others.”

Since its founding, more than 1.5 million members have been initiated into Phi Kappa Phi. Some of the organization’s notable members include former President Jimmy Carter, NASA astronaut Wendy Lawrence, novelist John Grisham and YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley. Each year, Phi Kappa Phi awards nearly $1 million to outstanding students and members through graduate and dissertation fellowships, undergraduate study abroad grants, funding for post-baccalaureate development, and grants for local, national and international literacy initiatives. For more information about Phi Kappa Phi, click here.

Boys and Girls Invited to Visit Cub Scout Camporee 


MORRIS COUNTY — Boys and girls in grades K-4, and their parents, are invited to visit a Cub Scout Camporee on Saturday, June 1, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at Mount Allamuchy Scout Reservation in Stanhope. Hundreds of Cub Scouts from all over Sussex district and Fishawack district (eastern Morris county) will be having a full weekend of outdoor fun.

Bring your son or daughter to get a tour of the camporee and to participate in archery and BB.

Pre-registration is required by May 30 by clicking here.

Please wear comfortable, sturdy shoes and dress for the weather.  Cub Scouts have fun rain or shine.

As you tour the camporee, we will introduce you to the Cub Scout pack from your town.  Cub Scouts is open to boy and girls who will be in grades K-5 in September.  Unfortunately, pre-K children are too young to do archery and BB.  Some of our packs are still boy-only but many now accept girls also.  In those packs, boys and girls are in separate dens (but do the same Cub Scout activities).

For more information, or to find the Cub Scout pack near you, contact Al Thomas, membership executive with the Patriots’ Path Council, BSA,; (973) 765-9322 ext. 229.

Hannah Shoshan Named to UVM Dean’s List

Hannah Shoshan

PARSIPPANY — Hannah Shoshan, Class of 2021, has been named to the dean’s list for the spring 2019 semester at the University of Vermont. Shoshan from Parsippany, is majoring in Community & International Development in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

She is a graduate of Parsippany High School, Class of 2017.

To be named to the dean’s list, students must have a grade-point average of 3.0 or better and rank in the top 20 percent of their class in their respective college or school.

Since 1791, the University of Vermont has worked to move humankind forward. Committed to both research and teaching, UVM professors — world-class researchers, scholars, and artists — bring their discoveries into the classroom and their students into the field.

Located in Burlington, Vermont, one of the nation’s most vibrant small cities and top college towns, UVM is a Public Ivy and top 100 national research university educating 10,513 undergraduate students, 1,542 graduate students, 826 certificate and non-degree students, and 459 M.D. students in the Larner College of Medicine.

Saint Clare’s Health Receives an ‘A’ for Patient Safety


MORRIS COUNTY — Saint Clare’s Health was awarded an ‘A’ from The Leapfrog Group’s spring 2019 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. The designation recognizes Saint Clare’s efforts in protecting patients from harm and providing safer health care. The Leapfrog Group is a national nonprofit organization committed to improving health care quality and safety for consumers and purchasers. The Safety Grade assigns an ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ or ‘F’ grade to hospitals across the country based on their performance in preventing medical errors, injuries, accidents, infections and other harms to patients in their care. We are also pleased to announce that our Prime Healthcare sister hospital St. Michael’s Medical Center in Newark also received A Safety Grade.

“It is indeed gratifying to receive such a high recognition from the Leapfrog group twice in a row ,” said Brian Finestein, CEO of Saint Clare’s Health. “It provides the public with third party recognition that your community hospital, which has a reputation for compassionate care, is also a leader in safety measures as well,” he added.

“To be recognized nationally as an ‘A’ hospital is an accomplishment the whole community should take pride in,” said Leah Binder, president and CEO of The Leapfrog Group. “Hospitals that earn an ‘A’ grade are making it a priority to protect patients from preventable medical harm and error. We congratulate hospital leaders, board members, staff, volunteers and clinicians who work so hard to earn this A.”

Developed under the guidance of a national expert panel, the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade uses 28 measures of publicly available hospital safety data to assign grades to more than 2,600 U.S. acute-care hospitals twice per year. The Hospital Safety Grade’s methodology is peer-reviewed and fully transparent, and the results are free to the public.

Letter to the editor: We see the true colors of organized labor right

parsippany focusDear Editor:
Well finally we see the true colors of organized labor right here in Parsippany.
The Memorial Day Parade is just a few short days away, and the NJEA has told the people who work with the band at Parsippany High and Parsippany Hills that they will NOT be allowed to have the two bands march in this parade dedicated to the memory of those brave Men and Women who died in Service to Our Country…  But the union does NOT care… It is NOT in the contract, therefore the teachers were forbidden to take part or face Union discipline.
Well then how about the Seniors who have spent countless hundreds of hours practicing to be an active member of the Band, or the Color Corp and for whom this would have been the finale of their years of being a Band Member, one last chance to put on the uniform, take out the instruments and march with- while playing the music they love…IT DOES NOT MATTER TO THE UNION!!  After years of job actions where we have been told by the union that it is ‘ALL FOR THE CHILDREN” that they could care less about the kids, their only concern is about them, about their pocket books and how much more they can squeeze the Board of Education to satisfy their unquenchable demands…
The teacher in Parsippany are among the highest paid in this area, and in the state of New Jersey…They always seem to forget the $25,000 a year benefit package they get, a retirement plan that no one outside of teaching will ever get, where they make almost the same amount in pension as they did actually working…
I think it is unforgivable what they are doing, stealing the last chance for Senior Band Members to have that one last memory..That one last walk down North Beverwyck Road and finally onto the next stage of their lives…I ask the Board of Education to deal harshly with the Union, to NEVER give into them, to remember what they have done by depriving the Band of the ability for one last march past their Parents, Family, Grandparents and show that all their efforts and hard work  was worth it…But it will never happen now..
All that the NJEA and Parsippany Teacher Union has done is show that the saying ‘UNION BUMS’ is alive and well in our town..
Vito Sacco

Assembly Candidates’ Clothing Drive Will Help Dozens Of Women Get Back To Work In Style


PARSIPPANY —  On Saturday, May 11, in honor of Mother’s Day, Laura Fortgang and Christine Clarke, Democratic General Assembly candidates for Legislative District 26, hosted a clothing drive for Dress for Success at the IHOP, 792 Route 46, that yielded two car loads of business clothes for women in need.

Donations of new and gently used professional clothes collected will go to help women have appropriate clothing for interviews and the workplace once hired.

Dress for Success is a group that helps low-income and economically disadvantaged women by providing professional clothing, skills development, and networking opportunities to empower women to become independent and achieve success.

“The turnout was fantastic. Some donations even had the tags still on them!” says Laura Fortgang. “This was a win-win. The community could feel good knowing what they no longer needed could be paid forward to help a woman get a fresh start as she enters the workforce.”

“It’s critical to see and uplift all members of our community. I’m proud that Laura and I are running campaigns committed to representing all of our constituents,” says Christine Clarke

The Democratic primary is Tuesday, June 4, and the general election is November 5, with polls open from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.

Parsippany Education Foundation Hosted Annual Golf Outing

Ryan Tola, Dan Henry and Dennis Cherepski

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany Education Foundation along with presenting sponsor Doyle Alliance Group Inc. hosted their annual golf outing on May 14 at the Knoll Country Club West. 55 golfers competed for prizes including a 2019 Luxury automobile sponsored by Trend Motors. Funds raised will further the mission of the PEF to enrich the opportunities and experiences of students in the Parsippany-Troy Hills School district.

“We are grateful for the support of our sponsors, volunteers and participants in making this year’s golf outing another success. The group came together, braved the elements and had a lot of fun on the course while contributing to the important mission of the Foundation” said Stella Gizas, Parsippany Education Foundation President.

The Parsippany Educational Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization established in 1996 to enrich the opportunities and experiences of students in the Parsippany-Troy Hills School District. The Foundation has contributed over $350,000 to the district raised through private donors, its annual spring golf outing and events held through the year.  Its Board of Directors consists of volunteers committed to developing a community of learners.  For more information, the Foundation may be reached by clicking here  or

Leasing pets banned under bill passed by Assembly

File Photo

MORRIS COUNTY — Leasing dogs and cats would be banned under a bill sponsored by Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney and approved today by the Assembly. The legislation (A4552/A4385) prohibits pet leasing as a violation of the consumer fraud law.

Pet stores and breeders are pressed to sell puppies while they are young and most attractive to buyers. With the skyrocketing cost of dogs, especially purebreds and designer breeds, some pet dealers have resorted to deceitful leasing contracts to place animals.

“Families looking to bring a pet into the home can easily fall in love with a dog or cat they can’t afford,” said Rooney (R-Bergen). “The breeders sign them up for a payment plan, but usually the offer is too good to be true. Buyers end up signing a lease without understanding the fine print or knowing the total cost.”

When the lease is up, typically in three years, Rooney explained there is still a final payment that must be made before ownership of the pet is transferred.

“You’re not buying a dog, you are renting it,” Rooney said. “The lease can double or triple the cost, and with some dogs going as high as $5,000, it can add up fast. Families can suffer a serious financial hit, and if they miss a payment, the family pet can be repossessed.”

Rooney’s bill establishes a penalty of $10,000 for leasing a dog or cat, and $30,000 each for additional violations.

New Jersey would be the fourth state to prohibit the predatory practice. California, Nevada and New York recently passed bans, and bills have been introduced in several other states.

Bill removing obstacles to land preservation moves to governor’s desk

File photo

MORRIS COUNTY — Legislation enabling municipalities to preserve land they acquired through tax foreclosures is on awaits Governor Phil Murphy’s review after gaining Assembly approval today.

Sponsored by Assemblymen Parker Space and Hal Wirths, the bill (S1707/A2534) exempts municipalities from community fees on land acquired for open space. It eliminates deed covenants that have blocked the state Department of Environmental Protection’s purchase of three parcels from Sandyston Township for the last four years.

“This bill accomplishes two goals,” said Wirths (R-Sussex). “It encourages land preservation where it makes sense and brings in new revenue to a municipality like Sandyston, which can use the proceeds to hold the line on property taxes. It’s a win-win.”

The township acquired eight acres on Devita Road bordering Stokes State Forest in tax foreclosures. An agreement with DEP was stalled by language in the deeds allowing property owners to form a community and asses fees to maintain its private road and lakes. There are more than a dozen residences and undeveloped lots and one road.

“Unnecessary restrictions are interfering with municipalities trying to sell unwanted parcels of land,” said Space (R-Sussex). “Property taxpayers are on the hook for these properties. This measure promotes open space while protecting the rights of landowners.”

The Senate passed a version of the bill sponsored by Senator Steve Oroho in September.


Mayor Michael Soriano Vetoed Ordinance 2019:26

Mayor Michael Soriano

PARSIPPANY — Mayor Michael Soriano’s Statement on Veto of Ordinance 2019:26:

“This afternoon, I am returning the first veto of my administration on Ordinance 2019:26.  This ordinance would eliminate checks and balances from the appointment of members of the Knoll Golf Advisory Committee (KGAC).  The passage of this ordinance was immediately preceded by a rejection of this year’s slate of KGAC appointments, and it is my belief that this ordinance was passed solely to prevent new members from serving effectively on the committee.

As a municipal utility, the Knoll Golf Course is an executive operational function, with the members of the KGAC reporting concerns directly to the administration.  For twenty-five years, twelve of the thirteen members of the committee have been appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Council; the thirteenth member is a member of the Council appointed solely by the Council.  This allows for a check-and-balance between the two branches of government on oversight of the golf utility.  This ordinance would mandate that seven (7) members would be appointed solely by the Council and six (6) members would be appointed solely by the Mayor, giving unimpeded control of the committee’s majority to the Council.

In considering appointments to the KGAC, I have made it a priority to introduce new members in order to broaden the makeup of citizen representatives in Township government.   Eliminating checks and balances from the appointment process would impede these efforts to make citizen involvement in our Township more inclusive.

The current method for appointment to the KGAC has operated without opposition for over twenty years.  I believe the sole justification for this change in appointment procedure is a short-term desire by the Council majority to keep the committee’s membership from evolving.  Membership of the KGAC must be available to new blood as well as existing members.  That is why my initial appointment list, which was rejected immediately prior to the drafting of this ordinance, included both current and new appointments.

I am open to further discussions on altering the appointment process to the KGAC, but only under conditions of good faith.  I am not open to any ordinance designed to purposefully exclude well-qualified appointees due to lack of political ties to members of Council.  Indeed, if the Council had shown the same vigor for public safety as they have for golf, they may not have cut two EMT positions from the township’s workforce.

Accordingly, I have elected to veto Ordinance 2019:26.

Mayor Michael Soriano



NOTICE OF INTRODUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the following Ordinance was submitted in writing at a Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, held on April 16, 2019 introduced and passed on first reading and the governing body will further consider the same for second reading and final passage thereof at a Meeting to be held on May 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., prevailing time, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached, at the Municipal Building in said Township at which time and place a Public Hearing will be held thereon by the governing body, and all persons and citizens in interest shall have an opportunity to be heard concerning same. A copy of this ordinance has been posted on the Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building. During the week prior to and up to and including the date of such meeting, copies of said Ordinance will be made available at the Clerk’s Office in said Municipal Building to the members of the general public who shall request the same.

Township Clerk

ORDINANCE NO. 2019:26 


WHEREAS, the Township finds that it is in the best interests of the Township to revise the appointment provisions for the Knoll Country Club Golf Advisory Committee in order to improve the functionality of the Knoll Country Club Golf Advisory Committee of the Township. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS, IN THE COUNTY OF MORRIS, NEW JERSEY AS FOLLOWS:

SECTION 1. Chapter 4, ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNMENT, §4-38, Subsection B(10), Golf Advisory Committee, of the code of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills, is hereby amended as follows (additions are underlined and in bold typeface, and deletions are crossed out): B(10). Golf Advisory Committee. There shall be a Knoll Country Club Golf Advisory Committee whose function shall be to provide independent advice to the Knoll Country Club Utility as to how to maximize the benefit of the Knoll Country Club to the citizens of the Township. The Golf Advisory Committee shall consist of 13 members who shall each serve for a term of three years without remuneration. One such member shall be a member of the Township Council and shall be appointed by the Council; of the other remaining 12 members, who shall hold no other Township office, 6 shall be appointed by the Council and 6 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council.

SECTION 2. If any section, paragraph, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof.

SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills heretofore adopted that are inconsistent with any of the terms and provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law.

Meet Lola, a seven-year old Bulldog/Beagle mix


PARSIPPANY — Meet Lola, a seven-year-old Bulldog/Beagle mix! This sweet, happy girl cannot wait to become your best friend!

Lola is a potty-trained, friendly, outgoing girl who needs a forever home! Some of her favorite activities include playing with toys, snuggling with her foster dads, and running around in the backyard. She is well-trained and will even tell you when she has to go out by tapping the door! Lola’s a smart girl!

While she is an adult dog, she still has a lot of fun left in her. Lola really loves toys but is a good mix of lazy too as she also enjoys watching a movie on the couch. Lola has not lived with a dog in the past but may be able to. A meet and greet is required.

Let Lola snort her way into your heart.

If you are interested in adopting, please fill out an application by clicking here.

Follow Wise Animal Rescue on Instagram by clicking here.
Follow Wise Animal Rescue on Facebook by 
clicking here.

Parsippany Hills High School Softball Record Set By Jaclyn Carifi

Photo by Chris Chambers

PARSIPPANY — Jaclyn Carifi of the Parsippany Hills Vikings girls softball team set the school’s varsity base hit record on Tuesday, May 21.

Carifi recorded her 150th varsity hit against Morris Catholic High School. Photo by Chris Chambers

Carifi recorded her 150th varsity hit against Morris Catholic High School with a single up the middle of the infield.

After the base hit, the softball was removed from the game and was presented to the coach. Carifi finished the season without one strikeout and had 11 Doubles, 5 Triples, 1 Home Run and 18 Stolen Bases. She finished this year with a .602 Batting average. Parsippany Hills won the game 6-0.

Carifi a senior, who will be playing softball for TCNJ next year had this to say when asked about her accomplishment.  “Setting the school record is an amazing feeling and I am so proud.  I couldn’t have done it without the support of my teammates. It all comes down to hard work and preparation in the off season and staying after practice in season. This gave me the opportunity to have a great senior season and reach this milestone”,

Ironically, Jaclyn’s brother (Justin who graduated in 2017) currently holds the school’s record in wrestling for most varsity wins (118).  Jaclyn has now left her own legacy behind with her own school record with a total of 151 hits.

PACC Member of the Month: Patricia Harrity, East Hanover Costco

Patricia Harrity, East Hanover COSTCO, Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce Member of the Month - May 2019

PARSIPPANY — Every month, the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce honors one of its own by selecting a Member of the Month. Members are selected for a variety of reasons. Some are businesses celebrating special anniversaries. Others are honored for long-time service to the community or their great charitable work. And still others are simply deserving of special recognition for being an active member of our ever-growing Chamber family. If you or someone you know is a prime candidate for Parsippany Area Chamber Member of the Month, please fill out a nomination form by clicking here, or contact Board Member Alan S. Golub, Esq. via e-mail at

PACC Member of the Month – May 2019

East Hanover COSTCO (Warehouse 244)
156 State Route 10 West
East Hanover, NJ
Chamber Contact: Patricia Harrity
(973) 560-4140

The East Hanover COSTCO Warehouse has been proudly serving our local community since its grand opening in October, 1997. And what was once primarily known as one of the first and best “bulk item” retail stores where you could find tremendous savings on household goods, foods, and electronics, has grown far beyond that into an all-purpose provider of a wide variety of goods and services, some of which may surprise you! For example, these days COSTCO houses its own pharmacy and tire service center, offers a unique haggle-free auto buying program, sponsors a dedicated COSTCO travel program that offers discounts on all phases of travel (vacation packages, cruises, rental cars, hotels), and even boasts a sophisticated COSTCO insurance program that offers life, home, and auto insurance to its members.

Even with today’s expanded services at numerous locations across the country, COSTCO remains dedicated to the folks who live and work in the local community. According to Patricia Harrity, who handles marketing and public relations for the East Hanover COSTCO, “It is so important for us to always be aware of, and supportive of, the community around us – otherwise folks see us as just another big box store, and that’s not who we are.” To that end, Patricia says that Warehouse 244 is very much involved in supporting local community events in a variety of ways – from frequent donations to the Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter, to participating in local events such as the Whippany Fire Co. 5K Run/Walk (May 5) and the Kiwanis Club of Parsippany’s Touch-A-Truck Event (June 15), COSTCO is very much involved through sponsorships, donations, and employee attendance at local events all year round.

Of course, COSTCO’s biggest community support effort is its annual fundraising drive on behalf of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Since 1988, COSTCO has raised over $345 Million on behalf of CMN Hospitals, including over $845,00 just last year alone. This year, COSTCO once again kicks off its annual fundraising drive beginning on May 1st and lasting the entire month of May. COSTCO believes in helping its favorite charity $1 at a time, which is how the bulk of its successful fundraising campaign usually works. For the entire month of May, cashiers at all COSTCO warehouses will be asking customers at checkout if they’d like to make a $1 donation to CMN Hospitals. There is no pressure to donate, only a gentle ask and a hearty thank you for every dollar given. There are also sponsorship opportunities for those interested in participating at a higher level. This year, COSTCO is offering a GIANT Balloon (47”x32”) Sponsorship – for a $250 sponsorship donation, you or your company’s name will be printed on the side of a giant balloon that will hang in the warehouse near the registers for the entire month of May! Interested parties can contact Patricia Harrity via the contact information provided above.

For its long-standing commitment to our local business and residential communities, its welcome return to our Chamber after a few years away, and to provide a friendly Chamber “bump” for its May fundraising drive, East Hanover COSTCO is our May 2019 PACC Member of the Month!

Member of the Month’s Q&A of the Month
Provided by Patricia Harrity, East Hanover COSTCO

Q: What was the greatest piece of marketing or networking advice you ever got?

A: Always stay positive and be out in the community. Face-to-face interaction is essential to building useful and meaningful business connections that really work.

Sheriff’s Officers and Explorers Post 140 Members Honor Veterans by Placing Flags on Their Graves

Officers and employees of the Morris County Sheriff’s Office Bureaus of Law Enforcement and Corrections, and Explorers and other children, placed flags on the graves of military veterans at Restland Memorial Park in East Hanover.

EAST HANOVER — Morris County Sheriff’s Officers from the Bureaus of Corrections and Law Enforcement – along with some of their children and members of Explorers Post 140 – paid their respects on May 18 to servicemen and women by placing American flags on hundreds of graves at Restland Memorial Park in East Hanover.

Paige Lohmus, Morris County Sheriff’s Office Bureau of Corrections Corporal Pete Lohmus, Sheriff’s Office K-9 Section Detective Sergeant Aaron Tomasini and Bureau of Law Enforcement Corporal Brian Ahern prepare to place flags at the graves of veterans at Restland Memorial Park in East Hanover on May 18, 2019.

The pre-Memorial Day tribute was on behalf of American Legion Post 421 in East Hanover, whose Commander, Herman Marmon, a retired Lieutenant Colonel who completed three tours in Vietnam, greeted the group and supplied the flags.

Members of Explorers Post 140 – paid their respects on May 18 to servicemen and women by placing American flags on hundreds of graves at Restland Memorial Park in East Hanover.

Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon, Bureau of Corrections Undersheriff Alan J. Robinson and Morris County Correctional Facility Warden Chris Klein were part of the group that spent hours at the sprawling cemetery where veterans of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and even the Spanish-American War, are buried.

Morris County Sheriff’s Office Explorers Post 140 Member Andrew Garcia places a flag on the grave of a veteran at Restland Memorial Park

“When you place those flags, keep in your memory those people who have gone before us and made this country the beautiful one that it is. Thank you and God bless,” Sheriff Gannon told the group before they set out across the lawn with their flags.

Morris County Correctional Facility Warden Chris Klein and his son, Chris, participated May 18, 2019, in placing flags on the graves of veterans at Restland Memorial Park in East Hanover.

Bureau of Corrections Officer Dave Wasilewski participated in placing the flags with his son Cross, a student at the Delbarton School. Officer Wasilewski said he brings his mother every Father’s Day to a cemetery in Lodi, where they place flowers on the graves of his grandfather, a World War II U.S. Army veteran, and his great-grandfather, a veteran of World War I.

Morris County Sheriff’s Office Explorers Post 140 members Jeffrey Brodhecker and Andrew Garcia, along with Andrew’s father, U.S. Navy veteran Rick Garcia, volunteered for the activity.

Between placing flags, Bureau of Corrections Lt. Michael Schweizer had the chance to visit the grave of his grandmother, who is buried near the chapel at Restland Memorial Park.

Morris County Sheriff’s Officers from the Bureaus of Corrections paid their respects on May 18 to servicemen and women by placing American flags on hundreds of graves at Restland Memorial Park in East Hanover.

Sheriff Gannon endorses Freeholders Cabana, Mastrangelo & DeFillippo

Morris County Sheriff James Gannon

MORRIS COUNTY — Republican Freeholders and proven conservatives Doug Cabana, Tom Mastrangelo and Kathy DeFillippo received the official endorsement from Morris County Sheriff James Gannon. The Sheriff joined other Republican elected officials across Morris County who announced their support of Cabana, Mastrangelo and DeFillippo. That brings the total endorsement count to over 168 Republican elected officials, county-wide including four Senators, nine Assembly members.

“Morris County needs leaders who understand the value of a dollar and what it takes to balance budgets, leaders who will bring a commonsense conservative approach to our county’s government,” said Morris County Sheriff James Gannon. “Doug, Tom and Kathy’s proven record of protecting Morris County taxpayers, by passing responsible budgets including three straight years of no tax increases and reducing debt by over $55 million, demonstrates their strong commitment to taxpayers while at the same time providing to my Office of the Sheriff the necessary funding and support to fight the war on the opioid epidemic. Doug, Tom and Kathy are great friends who are well-respected by Republicans throughout Morris County, and I am excited to run for re-election with them and look forward to supporting them on Tuesday, June 4.”

Cabana said “It’s an honor to earn the support of Sheriff Gannon, a strong and effective Morris County leader.” I truly appreciate the Sheriff’s support and look forward to campaigning with him said Kathy DeFillippo. Tom Mastrangelo said “I am humbled to have Sheriff’s Gannon’s support and endorsing our leadership and great accomplishments for the people of Morris County. Sheriff Gannon, Cabana, Mastrangelo and DeFillippo will be running together as a team including Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carrol for Surrogate, Betty Lou DeCroce for Assembly (D-26) and Anthony Bucco for Assembly (D-25).


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