PARSIPPANY — The Lake Hiawatha Seniors have existed for over 45 years! They are always open to new members. Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Senior Community Center,1130 Knoll Road. Meetings are from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Dues are $20.00 per person per year.

The main goal is to offer a place for our seniors to meet friends and enjoy some time out. The club meetings include entertainment, trivia games, bingo, and other activities. They often have speakers come in to discuss topics interesting to the group. In the past, they have had Mikie Sherrill, Mayor Barberio, representatives from the Fire and Police departments, and the Parsippany Library. They delivered information important for the seniors, such as fraud, local activities available, and town issues.

This past year, the group offered many musical entertainers, including a DJ, for a little dance party! The Parsippany Hills Choir performed a Holiday performance on Wednesday, December 21.
Throughout the year, they hold holiday luncheons. For example, at one of our November meetings, members paid $6.00 for a full Thanksgiving meal! Other luncheons they have had include St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day, and Thanksgiving.
Feel free to contact the club for any additional information at or stop by one of the meetings!