PARSIPPANY — “Scariest moments of my life when our five-year old Molly started choking during dinner on Tuesday, March 13,” said Brian Wheelock.

“I didn’t even notice at first she couldn’t speak but was smart enough to get out of her seat and walk over to me. Face bright red-eyes wide and no air in or out,” he continues.
Brian has been an EMT for ten years and has taken CPR classes numerous times but never thought the first time he’d use the Heimlich Maneuver would be on his own child.
He honestly can’t remember many details except that he called 911 and his two daughters were amazing: using flashlights in the window to flag down the approaching Police and Ambulance then unlocking the door and leading them in and taking care of the dog (who was flipping out).
“We got the food to finally move (a piece of hard bread) and at first she could only exhale but soon it all cleared (I think I kept giving the Heimlich but so foggy),” he said.

Brian says he was thankful the police and ambulance were both on scene within five minutes; and so glad by then Molly was breathing and things were calming. His adrenaline was pumping so much he needed Oxygen himself; but was relieved to Jenn Lappine Sikora and fellow members the squad (Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance) walking in to calm a stressful situation (and thanks for the hug, Jenn!).
Wheelock urges everyone especially parents with young kids: Take a CPR Class (where you will also learn The Heimlich Maneuver). You may save a life (and it could be someone dear to you).
To learn more about taking a CPR class click here. You can also contact the American Red Cross by clicking here.