Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeLetters to the editorLetter to the editor: Anybody but Barberio!

Letter to the editor: Anybody but Barberio!





Dear Editor:

With the Primary election only a day away (Tuesday, June 6) the Parsippany Republicans have a choice to make. There are two candidates running for Mayor and its our duty to vote for who we feel will  best represent the taxpayers of Parsippany in November and for the next four years.

Mayor Barberio has been in office now for eight years. During this period he has created a lot of controversy within our township. Remember Waterview? The question we must answer now is can we afford another four years?

Things to consider:

1) 0% municipal property tax increase for 2017. In order for Mayor Barberio to accomplish this he used $3,800,000.00 of surplus and reserve money (2,500,000 sewer/ 700,000 water/ 600,000 township reserve). 0% increase is politics 101 during an election year. However, this could hurt us in the future the 2% saved in 2017 can be used in 2018 allowing up to 4% increase. We’ll have to wait and see.

2) Township ordinances are being ignored by Mayor Barberio (ex. Township vehicles and White Collar Salary Ranges). Township attorney John Inglesino has stated on record that “ordinances are more guidelines than laws”. I ask you, if they are just guidelines why do we pay Mr. Inglesino to prepare them? Why do they have to go before council three times be voted on and adopted

3)  Mayor Barberio has made it a habit of using surplus monies to help balance his budgets over the years. Mayor Barberio has drained more than 8 million dollars in surplus for this purpose. The water/sewer utility is being used as a piggy bank by the Mayor. The water/sewer utility is a self-sustaining facility and surplus should be used for the needs of the facility only.

4)  Job postings in town hall under Mayor Barberio’s watch have changed. Per OPRA request I was advised that the only jobs that are posted are jobs that civil service refer to as open-competitive. This is a big change from previous administrations that followed the employee handbook policy and posted job opportunities on bulletin board giving township employee’s a chance for advancement if they desired. Is it possible Mayor Barberio may be hindering the advancement of some township employee’s?

    5) Mayor Barberio hired two individuals in December 2016 for the positions of Keyboard Clerk offering them salaries that exceeded our White Collar Salary Ranges.  An emergency meeting was called by Council President Lou Valori on April 11, 2017 to have this ordinance amended to show new salary ranges. Ask yourselves:

  • Why would Mayor Barberio offer more money then ordinance allowed?
  • These positions were not posted anywhere (newspapers, town website) so how were these individuals chosen?
  • How did these individuals hear about job openings? Is it possible Mayor Barberio is hiring family and friends (daughters boyfriend, boyfriends mother, recently retired police officer)?

6) Transparency is still lacking. Only what Mayor Barberio wants residents to know.

7) Aurora Information Security is being paid a monthly fee for storage of materials related too James Carifi’s case. Is this not ridiculous? The township doesn’t have a place to store this stuff? More taxpayer dollars being wasted. As of March 1, 2017 a total of $68,820.83 has been paid. When will this end?

8)  James Carifi lawsuit – this witch hunt/vendetta that Mayor Barberio created is costing the taxpayers of Parsippany dearly. Millions have been spent (our hard earned dollars)in the last four years and we can expect millions more in the future. The only one benefiting from this is Mr. Inglesino the township attorney. I believe its time Mayor Barberio resolves this major issue the taxpayers of Parsippany can no longer afford to have this witch hunt continue.

9) Attorney fee’s- Mr. Inglesino’s 1099 for 2016 totaled $701,985.21. When does it stop?When do we say enough is enough?

Parsippany residents, we have a decision to make come Tuesday, June 6. Do we want/need another four years of Mayor Barberio or do we want a new leader to step up and make change? New leadership with fresh ideas would be a welcome relief in my eyes. So, once again I urge you to go out and vote. No matter what you think your vote does count. For new leadership vote Peluso.

Pat Petaccia


Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
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